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Reverse logistics activities

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Today, logistics is a topic of great importance for all organizations, this has made it necessary for companies to create specific areas to meet the challenges related to this topic, in addition to the fact that logistics encourages organizations to be first worlds.

The old definition of logistics mentioned that organizations only had to be based on the tasks of having the right product, in the ideal place, in time and form and with the least possible cost, which is why those activities that previously They seemed so simple, they have become more robust and complicated, becoming a process today.

Modern logistics in addition to considering the aforementioned which has to do with the supply chain, has the obligation and the task of considering issues belonging to different fields such as, the policies exercised by government systems, whether they are national or local or international, these regulations may affect the ways in which organizations transport goods and equally to all areas that are involved in logistics activities.

In addition, logistics today is concerned with issues that are directly related to the management of companies, such as relationships with suppliers and customers, which would be called "external logistics" and in the same way it is concerned with aspects related to the production systems of the same organizations, which would come to be known as "internal logistics".

In the same way, it is well known that concern for the environment is increasingly growing, to which different organizations are becoming involved in taking care of it, be they politicians, the press, etc., all these organizations have been warning Throughout the time that our planet is increasingly degrading either by industrial processes or by the waste that is generated either by industries or by the general public, that is why companies have been strongly pressured by government and consumer regulations, so that the products manufactured are as environmentally friendly as possible.One way in which companies can reduce this environmental impact is through logistics and the new ways in which it is intended to recover and recycle material that is considered waste. All this problem that has to do with what is related to the environment and other aspects, is considered and called "reverse logistics", since what is sought through this concept is to create a flow that goes from the consumer to the company. This is how it is understood that reverse logistics can bring with it new problems but in the same way new challenges for organizations, but it also allows companies to focus on problems that were previously somewhat neglected.It is considered and called "reverse logistics", since what is sought through this concept is to create a flow that goes from the consumer to the company. This is how it is understood that reverse logistics can bring with it new problems but in the same way new challenges for organizations, but it also allows companies to focus on problems that were previously somewhat neglected.It is considered and called "reverse logistics", since what is sought through this concept is to create a flow that goes from the consumer to the company. This is how it is understood that reverse logistics can bring with it new problems but in the same way new challenges for organizations, but it also allows companies to focus on problems that were previously somewhat neglected.


I consider pertinent that before being able to understand what the term of the reverse logistics comprises, some definitions of key concepts should be put on the table which are mentioned below.

Firstly, we will analyze the concept of logistics, which can be interpreted in different ways depending on the appreciation given by the different authors that exist.

"Logistics is the set of means and methods that allow the organization of a company or a service. Business logistics implies a certain order in the processes that involve the production and marketing of merchandise. ” (www.definicion.de, SF)

As it could be seen in the previous definition, logistics seeks to make the manufacturing process of the merchandise marketed by a company as efficient as possible, in addition, logistics seeks in the same way that these manufactured merchandise can reach the clients' hand. the fastest and most convenient way for both parties. However, this definition is somewhat new and attached to what current organizations are.

"The term logistics was first defined in ancient Greece in 489 BC as -do something logical-, but this refers only to the meaning as a word." (Feal Vásquez, 2008)

In general terms, it can be said that the concept of logistics has evolved over the last 50 years, which is the period in which its integrating and systemic nature has been detected, this has not happened with the concept of reverse logistics, because this concept is somewhat newer than logistics encompasses, the term reverse logistics has been adopted for just over 14 years or so.

It is somewhat common to be able to appreciate in the business world how many companies have been faced with the task of recovering old products or materials that most people already consider to be waste, or companies are looking to be able to grant their customers some kind of After-sales service. This means that manufacturers have seen a smart way to design processes to recover and recycle their products. All this comes to the broad benefit of the sustainable development of the environment which, as mentioned above, is increasingly deteriorating. This is how there is a definition for what reverse logistics is attached to the environment, which says that This is:

"The set of logistical activities of collection, disassembly and processing of used products, parts of products or materials with a view to maximizing the use of its value and, in general, its sustainable use." (Angulo, 2003)


The interests of reverse logistics are relatively new, which were born in the 90s, when the process of returning products to the supply chain of different companies is sought, this they try to achieve by creating a recycling culture.

However, there are different factors which have increased the use of reverse logistics since the 90s, these factors that have driven this new culture are:

  • The growing increase in returned products Sales opportunities in secondary markets The enormous proliferation of end-of-life returns Consumer pressure on companies to hold them responsible for the disposal of products containing hazardous waste The capacity of landfills has become limited and expensive

Thus, through reverse logistics, both organizations, the community and the environment benefit, since this task is extremely important for the work of industrial organizations.

As could be seen in the factors that drive the use of reverse logistics in industries, it can be seen that some of these tasks have a connotation focused on what the environment is, since by implementing this type of logistics, It will try to benefit the environment by reducing its deterioration.

Other activities seek the benefit of the productive systems of the organizations by managing new improvements in the productive processes and making the process of supplying the markets to which the company in question is linked more efficient.

However, for these factors to be carried out, some activities that include reverse logistics must be put into practice, which are mentioned below.


Reverse logistics activities are all those actions that are used to carry out the processes of returning goods to organizations, these goods can become used, damaged, unwanted products by the market, as well as packaging.

As previously mentioned, reverse logistics seeks to make the flow of different materials and products more efficient from the point of consumption to the point of origin, so that the value they still have can be recovered. these articles and make the most of them so that there is a benefit for the organization, minimizing financial resources and for the environment, reducing ecological impacts.

Below is the process with which companies are guided in order to recover materials and products from the supply chain.

Fig. 1.1 Recovery process in the reverse supply chain (Balli Morales, SF)


Reverse logistics is generated by the occurrence of some factors, which tend to affect organizations, these factors must be taken into account to maintain market positioning, as well as customer satisfaction, since in many Sometimes the same customers serve as a means of advertising and that is why their satisfaction must be a very important point to consider by companies regardless of the line of business they are engaged in.

Likewise, not only the environmental causes that lead to recycling are the only causes present to provoke the use of reverse logistics, below are other factors that trigger the need for it:

  • Defective merchandise Return of excess inventory Customer returns Obsolete products Seasonal inventories (UNAM, SF)

In the aspect of returns, companies must know the type of return that is being treated, either because the product is in a warranty period or because the product has reached the end of its useful life, for this companies They have many ways to manage the product that has been returned so that part of its real value can be recovered. However, the options that organizations have to be able to manage the product in the correct way have to be subject to many considerations such as:

  • Technical feasibility Product quality Existence of infrastructures Complicated costs Consequences for the environment (Feal Vásquez, 2008)

The activities that can be carried out to recover the value of the product that has been returned to the organization can be:

  • Repair Product renewal Recycling Cannibalization Direct reuse Product destruction Alienation to a third party Disposal Restoration Remanufacturing


Within Mexican territory, companies that are in the task of applying the concept of reverse logistics are very few, however, the implementation of this technique within national territory could represent an opportunity for industrial organizations to reduce their costs. operation, increase the profits to be generated by up to 5%, and can also encourage the conservation and profit of customers, with which companies that achieve and adapt to what reverse logistics is will be more competitive.

However, despite the fact that there is no exact data on the companies that are implementing reverse logistics within the country, it can be said that in these times of crisis, the concern of organizations for being able to take full advantage has increased. the advantages that this can generate, but in the same way, it is seeking to make reverse logistics more profitable.

Despite all this, reverse logistics within the national territory is one of the most neglected aspects, mainly by small and medium-sized companies, which is caused by the activities that must be carried out.

Seeing the benefits that can be obtained through reverse logistics, it should be a technique that most Mexican companies, regardless of size or age, should apply, however, this process involves a large number of responsibilities and tasks so that this task can be carried out in the most efficient way possible. “The inputs to a reverse logistics process are unpredictable, inspections must be carried out on each product individually and thoroughly, the new reverse chain includes a number of non-existent processes in reverse logistics, previous studies are required for the establishing decision policies on the issue, returns in small amounts tend to represent higher costs by integrating them into the system, among others. ” (Ortiz, 2009)

As mentioned in the previous paragraph, the control of reverse logistics requires a lot of work that must be done hard and in a very careful way, also the shipments received by companies should be somewhat large so that they do not affect the Final costs, however this cannot be controlled since it will depend on the external environment from which the materials and resources come.


By preparing this article, it was possible to verify and analyze what reverse logistics means, which has a lot to do with the benefits of customer satisfaction, as well as environmental sustainability, in addition to the reverse logistics process. and the tasks that have to be carried out so that the product reaches the consumer from the company is somewhat complicated and very little controllable and that is why many companies in the Mexican Republic have not wanted to implement, however they have not considered these companies the benefits that can be obtained by implementing this technique of collecting defective or useless merchandise.


  • Angulo, JC (2003). monografias.com. Retrieved on March 8, 2016, from http://www.monografias.com/trabajos46/deterioromedioambiental/deterioro-medioambiental2.shtmlBalli Morales, B. (SF). com. Retrieved on March 8, 2016, from http://www.legiscomex.com/BancoMedios/Archivos/la%20logistica%20rever sa% 20o% 20inversa% 20basilio% 20balli.pdfFeal Vásquez, J. (2008). Reverse logistics.Ortiz, S. (May 6, 2009). com. Retrieved on March 8, 2016, from http://www.cnnexpansion.com/manufactura/2009/05/06/logistica-inversa-alreves-no-es-igual(SF). www.ingenieria.unam.mx. Retrieved on March 8, 2016, from http://www.ingenieria.unam.mx/industriales/descargas/documentos/catedra/l oginver.pdfdefinicion.de. (SF). www.definicion.de. Retrieved on March 8, 2016, from www.definicion.de/logistica
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Reverse logistics activities