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Activities to carry out a process reengineering

Table of contents:


Identification and definition of the activities to be carried out to carry out a process reengineering.

1. Introduction

The objective of this document is to identify and define the main activities to be carried out to carry out the process reengineering

Description of the phases.

Description of the activities to be carried out in each of the phases. List of the products obtained at the end of each phase.

Documentation. List of all supporting documents for the Reengineering phases. These are self-explanatory example documents, in which their structure and purpose are described.

In the identification of phases and in the definition of tasks presented below, the functional unit is used as the organizational unit.

This unit does not necessarily have to correspond to an organizational unit that is identified in its structure, but can also represent a center, a work group, a grouping of areas or, in short, any unit that is intended to be analyzed.

This functional unit contains "working groups" that exchange information and carry out actions on it. Depending on the scale of the analysis, these groups may correspond to departments, centers,…, people. Logically, the use of the methodology should be adjusted with the scale factor according to the case treated, and the procedures that are identified will have, depending on the size of the unit studied, different areas of affection (corporate, departmental…, personal), at as well as the impact of its optimization or reengineering.

2. Description of planning phases of the customer information system

2.0. Global identification of needs

In this phase the priorities are identified, the main areas of analysis, the objective operating situation is determined and, in short, the potential for action on the functional unit is identified and prioritized.


Identify and prioritize, according to the objective operating model, the areas of action.


1. Operational vision

  • Identify the objective operating model of the functional unit of analysis, as well as the priorities set for its achievement. Identify the core of competencies of the flinational unit and its capabilities. Validate and agree with the appropriate levels the

    analysis carried out. Identify or confirm the defined strategies (or define them in their absence), as well as the priorities to be followed. Define / identify the objective situation and the operational vision. They are identified in this task if the so-called KM (Key

    Performance Indicators) and target values ​​(benchmarks, mean reference values, "best practices" etc). In any case, the situation to be achieved is determined based on the strategies defined for or by the Client, and the desirable evolution. Validate with the corresponding level of responsibility (Management) the operational vision and the objective situation identified,

    as well as the Priorities set for its achievement. Confirm-develop work plan for the next stage.

2. Assessment / action potential of the functional unit

Analyze the gap between the operational vision and the real situation, identifying, evaluating and prioritizing the potential for action.

  • Determine the starting situation in the terms identified in the previous step (current value of the identified indicators and

    comparison with the planned ones, improvement activities already started, etc.). Compare the objective situation with the current situation and establish the "gap".Determine opportunities for improvement based on the existing "gap", verifying the strategies and priorities established to achieve the

    identified operational vision. Collection of information to identify the potential for action. Identify the groups to be interviewed or work groups, optimizing

    their size. Convene and carry out these meetings, determining in a first approach (high level) information inputs and outputs, performance of each work group on information, work flow, added value of each group on the information

    processed, execution deadlines, etc. Action potential on the functional unit. At the end of all the meetings with the working groups , the existing procedures must be broadly determined: Existing main procedures and efforts associated with their process (qualitative or quantitative approximation of their associated costs), inputs, outputs and fundamental functions. Needs / functions covered and, if they exist, not covered by the existing procedures. At the end of the task of Potential for action on the functional unit. A list of all the procedures to be studied must be obtained,


    • The minimum specifications of the procedure The strategic importance and the expected benefits. Approximation of costs and benefits. Fitting the procedure into the strategies and priorities identified to achieve the identified operational vision. Analysis of risk and resistance to change (Organizational, Cultural, etc.). Determine the short plan and the action program:
      • Action program: Identify the procedures to be analyzed (existing or new) and their priority depending on their criticality and attending

        to the operational vision identified and the expected benefits (preliminary cost / benefit analysis, scope and potential users,

        criticality and impact of the procedures, etc.) Plan and carry out the implementation of actions and improvements that have been identified in the preliminary analysis, and that do not require further development or analysis, Quick Hit Initiatives (Short Action Plan).


  1. Objective operating situation of the area. Action potential. Short plan and action program. Identification of the gap. Identification of risks and control measures.

Analysis of the starting situation

In this phase the list of the procedures detected in the previous phase is analyzed, knowing in maximum detail the starting situation of the procedure to be adjusted, identifying the existing needs and opportunities for improvement.

Subsequently, the current procedure will be compared with the proposed one, and its economic viability will be evaluated.


Decide on the feasibility and opportunity of reengineering the selected procedure.


  • Analysis of the starting situation. Locate the procedure within the working environment. Relations of the procedure to be developed with the rest of the procedures (

    internal and external relations). Determine the flow of the existing procedure Identify possible improvements to be made to the current procedure. Analyze the waypoints without added value, existing in the

    current procedure. Analyze insufficiencies. Identify opportunities for improvement. Determine the reference framework or specific "Benchmark" (specific KPI's). Determine the flow of the proposed procedure, determining all the inputs and outputs. Statistics of the proposed procedure. Determine number of documents, people involved,… Cost / Benefit Analysis. First estimate to be made where we determine an approximation of the implementation costs and

    the expected benefits. Preliminary analysis of technical feasibility. This task will provide us with an understanding of the minimum

    infrastructure needs. Decision on the feasibility of proceeding with the renewal of the procedure.


  1. Report on the current status of the procedure. Flow chart of the current procedure. Flow chart of the proposed procedure. Feasibility analysis (cost / benefit approach) Short plan and action program.

Solution provision

Solution definition

In this phase the requirements of the proposed procedure are identified, the solution proposal is made and the action plan is determined.


Determine the proposed solution for the new procedure and define the work plan.


  • Identify the necessary application requirements together with the client. At the end of this task we must determine a

    diagram specifying the functions to be covered. Determine the most important objectives of the new model / operating scheme. Evaluate opportunities for improvement. Assessment of the different alternatives. We will carry out the evaluation from two points of view. From a technical point of view, we will carry out an evaluation of the possible solutions (architecture available or that can be requested and

    the levels of service required). From an economic point of view, carry out an evaluation of each of the alternatives in terms of costs and benefits.

    Redesign of new procedures and possible implications with the rest. Identification of alternatives. Determine differences between the original procedure and the new design. Economic impact. Elaboration of the solution proposal. Cost / Benefit Analysis. More precise study of the analysis Cost 1 Benefit carried out in the previous phase. This task details: Implementation costs. Analysis and

    development costs, conversion costs and acquisition costs of additional material resources necessary (hardware, software, communications, etc.) are considered Quantitative benefits. Qualitative benefits Maintenance costs of the new procedure Planning of the implementation stages. In the event that said implementation results in an action on

    information, the client-oriented design and the construction, the construction itself, the client tests and the implementation itself would be planned. In another case, the corresponding tasks will be defined and planned to carry out the

    implementation (organizational, procedural, regulatory, etc. actions), drawing up a detailed work plan for the implementation of the proposed solution, where the key dates of the tasks and the approximate allocation of resources. Determination of the level of service to be achieved.


  1. Solution proposal, Detailed list of the necessary requirements of the application, Report of differences between procedures, Cost / Benefit report, Work plan.

Support for operational solutions

Review of the solution after its implementation

In this phase, an analysis of the fulfillment of the initial requirements of the Client will be carried out. Lastly, a final situation report will be generated detailing the situation reached.


Determine the degree of compliance with the initial requirements in the implanted solution.


  • Review the initial requirements. Document and prioritize the improvements detected in the construction process that have not been implemented. Evaluate the degree of compliance with the initial objectives. Service level achieved (contrast of service levels). Analyze the degree of satisfaction of the Client, the level of quality and service. Review of the cost / benefit analysis carried out. Contrast of the indicators obtained with the initials and forecast of evolution (KPls). Identify new opportunities for improvement.


1 - Report, final situation.

Operation: Continual improvement process

In this phase, the new procedure is operated with a focus on continuous improvement, planning specific tasks whose realization is aimed at such improvement. This may come from the procedure itself, from organizational or regulatory adjustments, from improvements in the means used to carry out the procedure, etc.


Operate with the new procedure, measure the benefits obtained and continue to advance in achieving the objectives set by implementing continuous improvements.


  • Measure costs, times and quality of the procedure in operation (collect, analyze and document information).
    • Compare with objectives: Compare results with the initially planned objectives (operational vision).Monitor the results and update the cost / benefit analysis and the payback analysis Identify objectives not covered, as well as areas with opportunities for improvement.
    Make the identified improvements. These can be classified in advance depending on their scope (immediate implementation, requires minor change, requires significant implementation effort). The prioritization of the improvements will be made based on their scope, customer need, cost-benefit analysis and availability of the required resources. Establish new objectives (ratios) or optimize those initially set, after their achievement. Periodically communicate the progress achieved and the results of the reviews to the customer and to those responsible for operations.


  1. Inventory of proposed changes Cost - Benefit Report Recognition of proposed change Proposed change Software Modifications.
Activities to carry out a process reengineering