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Innovation and technology management

Table of contents:


This essay gives an overview of the importance of administration in Innovation and Technology, in Administration work is carried out with the aim of achieving objectives, Innovation and Technology has been constantly evolving in a very fast way that streamlines and increases productivity, which is essential in all types of organization.

Scholars of the subject of administration, illustrate how to open administrative knowledge, to carry out tasks in an organizational way regarding new technological changes as innovations that are presented day by day.

Harold Kontz Heinz Weihrich, illustrating in terms of electronic equipment, Henry Farol, a renowned engineer and administration theorist, claims that success is due not only to his personal qualities but also to the methods used by the business system. On alteration and the one exposed to the air and to the administrative process Benchmarking, commenting on the search and the practices of the administration because it is a process that should not be done once and forgotten, if not constant, precisely because of those new changes and technological.

Development of the topic


It is the set of skills that allow us to build objects and machines to adapt the environment and meet our needs.

Currently technology is very important since systems are used to streamline faster and more efficient work thanks to the invention of technology such as computers that have been modernizing the Internet, wireless networks, electronics, laptops, MATRA radios and Express government Currently the work is done in a timely manner due to the technology that has advanced, it is no longer like before when you had to drag the pencil, there were errors, you had to check from beginning to end and if the information was urgent, there was the need to keep To work outside the established hours in the workplace, due to innovation, programs have been created to speed up the work of men.

Electronic equipment is very useful as it enables fast and economical processing of huge amounts of data. Through appropriate programming, thanks to technology, the computer can process data, to produce it, classify it and put it in a form that the administrator can easily use.1

This is what strength does within an organization, whatever the line of business, be it commercial, industrial, service, private or government, it gives us motivation to know that we are advancing thanks to the innovation in technology that we are acts of. For any competence that appears to us in work activity, more than anything, the satisfaction that it gives us to know that what they request is in time and guaranteed by those responsible, we know that the effort and responsibility are worth it because we have tools quality.

For administrators, it is very important to have the technology to be updated in our work environment with the existence of computers, saving time and money, and no waste of stationery.

Technology has to satisfy human resources as a great support in question that are used as a tool for the administrative process, with the innovation of technology we save furniture for example archivists since the computer is in charge of collecting, integrating, recovering and disseminate information in a timely, effective and efficient way, which will be useful to us in the future, account for, create graphs, create triptychs, finally they do wonders with it.

Communication that is part of technology is also very necessary without this there is no productivity, I agree with the author IDALBERTO CHIAVENATO that without communication there is no knowledge of the activities carried out within a company, it is necessary to communicate in order to give information about clear and precise both externally and internally. It is very important that all companies have the innovation of technologies to improve the functions of their work, that every day they see the improvement of efficiency, quality and speed in order to achieve the desired objectives in a timely and effective way, fortunately already we have advanced technology.

Fayol always claimed that his success was due not only to his personal qualities, but also to the methods he used. Exactly like Taylor, Fayol spent his last years of life in the task of demonstrating that, with scientific provision and adequate management methods, satisfactory results were inevitable. 2 it is very important to have steps in the administrative process of fayol such as:




In order to have a good organization it is good to form teams to facilitate work efficiently, effectively and quickly, thus being able to interact knowledge having the ability to face all kinds of difficulties that arise, giving yourself the opportunity to acquire experiences to know what kind of people there are Within the company, generate new ideas to improve the organization as long as they are taken into account for its proper functioning, as well as being able to select the personnel whose act is for the position they carry out and if they are suitable for the position. It is recommended to have constant verification of the projects to identify the errors and make changes for their improvement, to be able to commercialize in external places, assimilate our errors, take advantage of the knowledge used,see a good end to our effort.


BENCHMARKING is the search for best practices, a continuous process that stimulates internal communications and problem solutions, I agree with the definition of Benchmarking that leads us to excellent performance, it is not just a process that is done once and is forgotten It is constant, so you should not stop updating every time something new comes out, of course it has some disadvantages:

  • Time implementation of the sistemaCosto and execution of the sistemaTener a high - innovation of technology, which could be important to meet the needs.

It is the most credible justification for all operations. It is a systematic and continuous process to compare our own efficiency in terms of productivity, quality with those companies and organizations that present excellence.

The system helps us to give the maximum results with the minimum resources, energy and time, as Adalberto says, efficiency is a measure of achievement.4

Innovation and Technology System its objective is the planning and integration of the SIT in the Engineering Department5 most famous because at present in any workplace they require computer knowledge as a minimum to be able to be hired.

For bechmarkin it is commonly used within large companies.

Culture and organization of innovation.

Generation of ideas.

Launch and continuous improvement.

Innovation Strategy.

Innovation cycle management

Culture and organization analyzes whether the goals and objectives that are mutually attended, according to how ideas are updated, for that reason innovation seeks to facilitate and structure the function within the organization as systematic planning of activities as it is the tool of Gantt chart, which is based on strengths, weaknesses, threats and opportunities, in forecasting new trends, in the use of statistical tools.

That within the innovation strategy, a serious strength would be to have computer equipment and not be updated with the packages would be a weakness, deleting the information for not giving it back a terrible threat, having all the information backed up by any natural accident, for example serious electrical failure An opportunity, it is necessary that all organizations manage endorsements. Innovation is based on the connection between the strategy and the product / service plans in order to achieve the objectives, it seeks to facilitate and structure the function within the organization as a design to the production and assembly of a product.

  • Failure mode analysis Launch and continuous improvement Market analysis

Innovation in business is achieved in different ways it can be through exchanges and a combination of professional experience, innovation does not need to be technological, for example when McDonalds applied the concept of production line to create a restaurant, it could use workers with little experience to manufacture large amounts of food in a standard quality. Innovation is a necessity for every modern organization and part of the company's global strategy to conceive creation and obtain a competitive advantage.

In the innovation of a product to attract the attention of a producer and thus increase sales until the image of the company as active and modern would improve, innovation is the presentation of a product, such as not being toxic that is not dangerous for children and clearer information, advantages obtained from a product such as zero components, security lock for its longest duration, highly protected.

Process innovation

The notion of innovation as a process places the accent on the way in which it is perceived and produced, in the different stages to which it gives rise (conception, creation, research, development, production and commercialization) and in the way that they are articulated ”6.

Product innovation is one of the company strategies aimed at gaining competitiveness in the market.

Reengineering: is the redesign of a process or drastic change of a process.

Radical rethinking of a process to improve it.

IV. Conclusions

The administration in Innovation and Technology is to improve all kinds of organization, with the invention of machines they have facilitated the work of man, innovation not only refers to computers, but also to products and services, for example to a new image of something already existing, where space and money would be saved as there is planning and integration so that it makes things easier with validity. Within innovation and technology, he talks about processes of some authors who inform us of their knowledge obtained.

Product innovation is one of the strategies of companies aimed at gaining competitiveness in the market, either through savings in production costs, distribution, or through commercial successes (increased sales, increased market share, etc.)

The generation of modules depends on the needs of the companies that can be generated to:

  • Administration of articles, conferences and presentations. Administration of the acquired knowledge (knowledge intelligence). In case the proposal is tested, the feedback from the users will be very important since they will be the ones who will use the system.

Bibliographic references








Commentary obtained from the Book Administration a global perspective HAROLD KOONTZ HEINZ WEIHRICH ”p618.

Introduction to the General Theory of Administration IDALBERTO CHIABENATO 3rd. Spanish Security Edition


Dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy.


Taken from the book "Technological innovation in Colombian industry" Sciences and Colombian Observatory of Science and Technology, 2003 p.41

http: /www.geocities.com/christian schnettler / articulos / reengineering.html

Innovation and technology management