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Administration: from the industrial revolution to globalization. test


To address the issue, the first thing we have to look at is towards the end of the 18th century, when the famous Industrial Revolution took place, where the production of goods underwent a 180 ° turn, since until then production was based on manufacturing, that is, everything was It was done manually, but from the moment the steam engine was discovered, every change, the industry accelerated immeasurably. From England it spread to all of Europe, later to North America. This mechanization of production caused the organization to change radically, since production was no longer small units, since they were large quantities. This logically required a lot of manpower; Paradoxical but true since the capacity of the machines depended on the human factor, the worker. This created employment in the main European cities,but at the same time there was a pauperization of the condition of the worker as a human, since the pay was not very good and they submitted to strenuous working hours, it is possible to speak of up to 20 hours a day, in order to be able to anticipate the others companies that were emerging every day. This caused unions to be born later and not precisely in Europe, they were born in the United States, as such.

The above gives way for the pioneers of the administration to emerge.

Management is a recent art as such and arises in the early twentieth century with exponents such as Frederick Taylor, Henry Gantt who owes the famous Gantt bars, Frank and Lillian Gilbreth. Its premises were that of the use of science, the generation of group harmony and cooperation, obtaining maximum production.

Then Henry Fayol appeared who divided the industrial activities into: technical, commercial, financial, security, accounting and administrative. But before continuing I think it is necessary to emphasize what Henry Ford contributed to the administration. Mr. Ford, as he is known for creating the Ford car brand and something that has caught my attention is the vision of the business that he had; As has always been the custom in the countries, wages are increased every year, but Ford increased them much more than the rest of the businessmen, logically there were reactions, some in favor because they thought that this would diminish their profit capacity and that ultimately, This would give them, their competitors, advantages and it seemed good to them, while others did not like this at all because they thought that it was giving the operators a lot of power,something that would not happen because this was done by law, so today anyone can increase wages more than stipulated and nothing happens. But why did Ford do this? He did it solely and exclusively so that his workers had better purchasing power, a greater demand for diverse products such as household appliances, etc. Ford said that in this way the owners of restaurants, warehouses and the industry in general grew, which logically meant that the owners of the different companies also obtained higher profits and in this way they could thus buy their famous Ford cars. How is this called? COST STRATEGY; he paid a higher price on payroll but in return his cars sold more. While it increased by saying 5% in wages, the rate of return that was the sale of their cars represented a lot,but much more than the 5% that they gave more to their workers and thus they all came out winning, Ford, the workers and the owners of the other companies.

Then come other theorists of the administration such as Hugo Munsterberg, Walter Dell Scott, Wilfredo Paretto, distinguished Italian Economist, Elton Mayo and Roesthisberguer who are famous for their experiments, with these talented administration, Psychology, advertising, Marketing and staff was taken very seriously. All very important, much progress was made and advertising made businesses of each type manage to strategically position their companies based on this, well-done advertising, not the annoying one of some drugstores today, that if you are going to buy a vick vaporub, they begin to see defects to the client and tell you, see this is good for you. It is small, it increases your height, it is stupid, as Professor Vanegas would say, be serious,but they changed with the suggestion made by who at the moment is writing these lines, is that advertising should be pleasant, it should not be annoying, ambiguous, deceiving, distorting, because instead of managing to position a company, if anything, the strategically de-split.

Later comes Chester Barnard who focused on a comprehensive social systems approach to management.

Then comes modern administrative thought as well-known Peter Drucker, also William Ouchi famous for the Z-theory, and being one of the biggest contributors to the very booming Japanese economy, Laurence Peter, Robert Waterman, and obviously Porter.

As you can see, the Administration is an art that has many and great exponents since the dawn of the 20th century.

All this literary baggage can be merged in our days into one and the same goal, which is competitiveness with quality. Because before today there was competition but with low quality, this due to the mere fact of the law of obsolescence that made companies produce all of them with low quality materials so that the products did not last long, because if not They did to sell more if the products lasted a long time, that is, their VISION was tremendously short-term, lacking in ingenuity and creativity that made them not see beyond their noses that they did not see opportunities. They did not realize what the Germans did that their products lasted for a lifetime and thus continue and continue in the strategic competition but with the highest quality, this logically also involves moral values ​​of the highest quality.If it had not been for the first two world wars Germany and I have no doubt it would be the first world power, today it is Europe.

All of the above is aimed at offering that quality to the king of the market, of the jungle or whatever they want to call it, that king is neither more nor less than the customer, he is the one who has the last word, that's why today, It is not what it seems to us as a company, not today you have to be in the position of the client, find out what you want and more today where technology advances day by day incessantly, where needs are already created they should not be created, no, they appear due to the same globalization, it is no longer the inventors who create, the same people with all that information that comes from abroad makes people need things that neither the inventors or entrepreneurs themselves They are thinking.

Companies are currently using strategies to reach the heart of the king and for this they hire the best exponents in their various areas in order to be able to make a position, because a company that does not position itself leaves the market, we see that every day. Many tactics must be implemented to carry out their positioning strategies, among them, cost leadership, which is to obtain more with fewer resources and with maximum quality, this leads to improved productivity, here comes into play the efficiency and efficiency.

This leadership of costs, as I noted at the beginning of this essay, Ford applied to the contrary and it worked for him, this is from a great economist, Ford was not, I think they should give him that title Honoris Causa.

The strategic positioning in addition to a great vision, I say great, because if before it was only vision and only the most visionary followed, today it must be 100% improved, because the one who stumbled stayed, today you cannot afford to say wait for see what happens and we proceed, because currently due to the enormous technological advance what happens, it goes so fast that we cannot see it and when it reacts it can hardly be compared to the competition.

According to the Vision you have planning, without planning, a company cannot compete. That planning is so different in each company in each country, for example in Japan, planning benefits enormously between government and companies, in addition to that culture of morality, ethics, it is a pity to know that in universities ethics is no longer being dictated, no I know why, perhaps, it is not worth seeing what happens outside the cloisters: wholesale corruption, as Miguel Nule said, corruption is inherent in the human being. In the United States, planning is done under the premise of shareholders to show favorable financial reasons each time it is necessary to report. There it is rigid, this is very serious, it is heavily punished and it works, especially after the crisis of 1929.In Latin American countries it is done in the short term and more than anything else in the public sector, but it fails a lot in the private sector. Short-term planning is not bad, what happens is that at the same time planning must be given in the medium and long term, because if what happened to national foams does not happen, good case, simple, short but it leaves a lot of teaching. Planning offices are already being implemented in the private company in Colombia, which has usually been managed by managers and assistant managersPlanning offices are already being implemented in the private company in Colombia, which has usually been managed by managers and assistant managersPlanning offices are already being implemented in the private company in Colombia, which has usually been managed by managers and assistant managers

For a true strategic positioning to take place, the organization must be very well coupled both the physical and the human part, this is the infrastructure plays an important role, it is not the same to work in a place with clarity, with pleasant furniture with Not large spaces but functional enough for upper and middle management, as well as the manufacturing sector, must be a place with a good structure to streamline tasks, have a pleasant ambient climate, not too cold, but also not hot, after all out are the base workers the base of the structure of the company and the economy,In the series of classes that we had with Professor Vanegas, he showed us how the pyramid was inverted in light of contemporary administrative theories and it is very true when people are in a pleasant environment, obviously they tend to carry out tasks with greater efficiency, that It is the capital that the company has to take care of internally, externally the customer. The Economic systems have fallen for that reason, due to the evident contradiction regarding the economic base, an example as clear as the fall of the Roman empire leaves no doubt about it, the slave was the base of the empire, but mistreatment to which it gave eat and dress and ended up falling; What to say about ancient Greece that in times of slavery, made this territory the emporium of great scientists, doctors, economists, mathematicians, astronomers, poets, musicians,Writers and everything based on the work of the slave, Greece came to produce both in the sciences and in the arts thanks to the work of the slaves, but for the latter there is no evil that lasts 100 years or a body that resists it, another would have been the future for this great civilization if the base, instead of having it in very poor conditions, had been taken care of, I imagined that the achievements would be something that no one can imagine.I imagined that the achievements would be something that no one can imagine.I imagined that the achievements would be something that no one can imagine.

Globalization leads to non-isolation, to not being unaware that there is a world out there that struggles and works to achieve a better state of humanity, but for that we have to be in touch with reality each time advancing overwhelmingly, breaking paradigms that in the end it must favor everyone. Progress must be made, but watch out for sustainable growth, because if not, what is the use of so much administration, positioning, vision, mission, overview of the future, of competitive advantages, of process improvement, of services, if in the future we have neither water nor air. Very recently, these days I saw how, due to competitiveness in China, there are populations where you literally cannot breathe, so that this management triangle is going to destroy our natural systems.Speaking of China, it is a country in great growth, people say that it is very competitive, but in the market you only find Chinese garbage, it is that Chinese products are lousy bad and also the highly inhuman, enslaving way of working, a country with a Very serious environmental pollution, what use is that, because competitive advantages, which, as I said before, should lead to a better standard of living. For me China is an atypical economic empire, because it is growing but that growth is collapsing it, that is something new I call it in Spanish CRECRI growth with crisis, that has never been seen before so the economic indicators say otherwise.is that Chinese products are lousy bad and also highly inhumane, enslaving ways of working, a country with a very serious environmental pollution, of what use is that, because competitive advantages, which, as I said before, should lead to better standard of living. For me China is an atypical economic empire, because it is growing but that growth is collapsing it, that is something new I call it in Spanish CRECRI growth with crisis, that has never been seen before so the economic indicators say otherwise.is that Chinese products are lousy bad and also highly inhumane, enslaving ways of working, a country with a very serious environmental pollution, of what use is that, because competitive advantages, which, as I said before, should lead to better standard of living. For me China is an atypical economic empire, because it is growing but that growth is collapsing it, that is something new I call it in Spanish CRECRI growth with crisis, that has never been seen before so the economic indicators say otherwise.because it is growing but that growth is collapsing it, that is something new I call it in Spanish CRECRI growth with crisis, that has never been seen before so the economic indicators say otherwise.because it is growing but that growth is collapsing it, that is something new I call it in Spanish CRECRI growth with crisis, that has never been seen before so the economic indicators say otherwise.

For what growth if inequality and poverty persists, in Latin American countries, that does not make sense, be serious.

One last thought: you should work in a group but not when in two out of three there is mediocrity, people who do not see beyond their noses, who are offered gold and prefer manure.

Administration: from the industrial revolution to globalization. test