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Administration of a socialist company in Cuba. Ramiro Laundress Cruz Cigar Company

Table of contents:


Administration can be conceived as a science and / or art, this is a set of ordered and systematized knowledge of universal value, which studies companies and organizations for descriptive purposes, to understand their operation, evolution, growth and behavior.

What should be highlighted is the importance of addressing administrative problems methodologically, since this will establish an objective role to inform decision-making and implement the appropriate administrative measures.

In the coming decades, the administrative task will be uncertain and exciting, since it will have to face changes and transformations full of ambiguity and uncertainty.

The Cigar Company ¨ Ramiro Lavandero Cruz ¨ is directly subordinated to the Cuban Tobacco Business Group (TABACUBA), the latter belonging to the Ministry of Agriculture (MINAGRI). It is located on ¨ Camilo Cienfuegos ¨ No. 32 avenue between Coronel Acebo and Panchito Gómez, Ranchuelo municipality, Villa Clara Province, and its corporate purpose is the production of black tobacco cigarettes for national consumption.

Taking into account the analysis carried out in said company based on the investigations carried out, we determined a group of weaknesses, threats, strengths and opportunities that helped us to carry out this work. It is necessary to improve the work related to management methods and styles, to clarify all those issues related to internal control, to improve the information subsystem, and to broaden the application of informatics in the sphere of management.


Administration is the process of planning, organizing, leading and controlling the work of the members of the organization and of using all the available resources of the company to achieve established organizational objectives. To manage is to achieve the objectives of the company, through the correct use of people, goods and materials, to analyze using the administrative process as follows:

Set goals, this is to determine in advance what you want to achieve, specifying a period of time Plan, establishing sequential stages of tasks determining the available, responsible resources, as well as determining how controls will be carried out, etc.

Distribute the work dividing the tasks into subtasks that can be assigned to specific people, delegating responsibilities indicating what is expected as a result, if necessary, people should be trained and the limits of their responsibility should be indicated and to whom they should be directed. to account. Control the management process, establishing methods and policies for evaluating administrative, production, and commercial processes, etc. in order to guarantee the products and services that are being delivered to the client. Direct and correct the action if necessary, so we must ensure that things are done well,by whom it may correspond to do things and have sufficient self-criticism to recognize procedural errors and make the necessary arrangements not to repeat the errors.

The scientific method is a basic tool of the administrator, since through it he learns to handle the variables that determine the results of the printed matter. It should be noted that our interest does not lie in elucidating whether administration is science or not, something that has been widely discussed. What should be highlighted is the importance of addressing administrative problems methodologically, since this will establish an objective role to inform decision-making and implement the appropriate administrative measures.

Science is. "Set of principles of universal value in time and space".

"A class of human activity oriented towards the systematic formulation of the possibilities of repetition, hypothetical and real of certain phenomena that for their purposes are considered identical."

Principle and law: «Laws and scientific principles are fundamental truths that are considered as such at a given moment; they explain the relationship between two or more variable sets ».

You can never have a thing as true without evidently stating what it is. Divide each of the difficulties under consideration into as many parts as possible. Bring order to your own thoughts starting with the simplest and easiest objects to know, to go up little by little and Make simple divisions so general that you are sure not to miss anything.

"What distinguishes science from empirical knowledge is the method." Francis Bacon

Method: "Sequence of systematic specific actions ordered to reach a goal."

The Experimental Scientific Method: Consists of determining certain facts or results by observing the phenomena (not only in the sense of seeing carefully, but systematically recording the facts), in verification based on continuous observation. Once the facts are analyzed and classified, science searches for causal relationships to explain them. These generalizations are called hypotheses, preliminary explanations with a degree of scientific credibility that are subject to testing through experimentation.

The technique, according to the dictionary is. "(From Techne: manual art) set of procedures on which an art or a science is based".

From this definition it can be deduced that science and technique are not exclusive, they are complementary. Knowledge of the causes of phenomena does not imply their manipulation, so a practical procedure must be developed to achieve this (technical task).

Technology: Set of scientific knowledge (know why) and practical methods (know how or know how) of a branch of knowledge.

Art: «Do things well with creativity and sensitivity».

The daily activity of the administrator requires him to make decisions in which he applies his criteria, that is, to measure circumstances to apply the organization's rules, policies and procedures. His job is not that of a simple technocrat or that of a professional politician, with intelligence he must constantly seek balance between both extremes.

Management can be conceived as a science, this is a set of ordered and systematized knowledge of universal value, which studies companies and organizations for descriptive purposes, to understand their operation, evolution, growth and behavior. This activity takes place in the universities. Administration is science and technique. It is a tactical science, whose real object is organizations

Art is done individually, subjective and experiential. It is the development that the object can motivate in the human being. In this regard, although not entirely, "it is impossible to consider the administration as an art, given that it does not fit the experiences or subjective interpretations of reality."

Administration is a discipline that aims to give an explanation about the behavior of organizations, in addition to referring to the process of conducting them. It is an accumulated body of knowledge that includes principles, theories, concepts, etc.

Administration characteristics

  1. Universality. The administrative phenomenon occurs wherever a social organism exists, because there must always be systematic coordination of means. The administration occurs for the same in the state, in the army, in the company, in educational institutions, in a religious society, etc. And the essential elements in all those kinds of administration will be the same, although logically there are accidental variants. It can be said that Administration is universal because it can be applied in all types of social organism and in all existing political systems. Specificity. Although the administration is always accompanied by other phenomena of a different nature, the administrative phenomenon is specific and different from those that it accompanies. You can be a great production engineer and a lousy administrator.Administration has specific characteristics that do not allow us to confuse it with another science or technique. The administration uses other sciences and techniques, it has its own characteristics that give it its specific character. that is, it cannot be confused with other disciplines. Temporal unit. Although stages, phases and elements of the administrative phenomenon are distinguished, it is unique and, therefore, at any time in the life of a company, all or most of the administrative elements are occurring, to a greater or lesser degree. Thus, when making plans, this does not mean that they stop commanding, controlling, organizing, etc. Hierarchical unit. All those who have the character of heads in a social organism, participate in different degrees and modalities of the same administration. So,in a company they form a single administrative body, from the general manager to the last butler. Instrumental value. The administration is a means to achieve an end, that is, it is used in social organizations to efficiently achieve the established objectives. It is applied at all levels of a formal body, for example, presidents, managers, supervisors, housewife etc. Interdisciplinarity. Management makes use of the principles, processes, procedures, and methods of other sciences that are related to work efficiency. It is related to mathematics, statistics, law, economics, accounting, marketing, sociology, psychology, philosophy, anthropology, etc. Flexibility.Administrative principles and techniques can be adapted to the different needs of the company or social group.

The fact that the Administration requires, in order to function better, to develop in an organized and conscious way means that it must work as a system basing its action on a theoretical body supported by immutable themes, which understood as essential starting points, facilitate the conception of regularities that guide the administrative process. For the above, beyond administrative fashions and semantic mutations that enrich the language of the Administration, it is convenient to look for true principles that govern the behavior of organizations. It should be noted that if something is proliferating, the administration is in the establishment of principles, but it should be noted that in general they are technical - organizational principles and not theoretical - general principles.Many of them have transcended from one school to another, a fact that allows some of these ideas to be generalized as fundamental pillars for the administrative process to develop on solid foundations.

System of theoretical-conceptual principles of administration.

Autonomy: The administration must have, in order to make decisions in favor of its organization, a full correspondence between responsibility and authority.

Human Competence: Good administration depends on the effective and efficient management of the organization's Human Resources.

Objectivity: Only with a deep knowledge of the laws that govern the performance of the organization will it be possible to act objectively in favor of its improvement.

Orientation to systemic quality: The objective of the organization defines the purpose for which the media and their relationships have been ordered.

Improvement: The maximum power of an organization is achieved when it is continuously in the process of improvement.

Limit situation: Organizations constantly face Limit Situations that oppose their improvement.

Contingency: The administration is the consequence of the analysis of the concrete conditions of the organization in question, to derive from there the way of acting in a practical way in each case.

Restriction: Every organization is slowed down by the increasing trend of its performance by some limitation introduced in its operation that define the boundary of the system and make it possible to explain the conditions under which it operates.

Interchangeability: The goal of the organization may change according to the stage of development through which it transits.

Sufficiency: The key is to possess and control the resources and core competencies that constitute the essence of the organization.

Connectivity: Every organization is formed solely as a result of the reciprocal action of the parts that comprise it.

Administration and information unit: Administration is materialized in decision-making, but you can only decide on what is known, and this requires a certain amount and quality of information.

Measurement: If something cannot be measured, it cannot be managed either and therefore little can be done to improve it.

Business Administration consists of the process of directing and conducting all or part of an organization, through the use of resources (human, financial, physical, etc.), aimed at achieving a series of objectives.

It should be noted that within the concept of management are the concepts of strategy, learning and change.

Administration Objectives

1. Achieve in an efficient and effective way the objectives of a social organism.


Efficiency. When you achieve your goals with the minimum of your resources

It is the ability to minimize the amount of resources used to achieve the objectives or purposes of the organization, that is, to do things correctly. It is a concept that refers to »input-products».

Efficiency can be increased when:

-We managed to increase the amount of product obtained by keeping the volume of resources used constant.

-We keep constant the amount of products obtained by decreasing the amount of resource used

Although efficiency in administration and administrators is a priority characteristic, it is not a sufficient quality. The administration and administrators must not only seek efficiency in their actions, but they must also achieve the proposed objectives, that is, they must be effective.


Effectiveness. When the company reaches its goals.

It is the ability to determine the appropriate objectives, that is, when the defined goals are achieved.

These two concepts are highly interrelated (efficiency and effectiveness) since the effectiveness of a model, of an administrator, etc., will be closely linked to the need to be or not efficient. The ideal of this performance should focus on being effective in the most efficient way possible.

We were wondering if we could be efficient without being effective. The answer is yes, you can be efficient without being effective. You can use resources well without achieving the proposed objectives, and this happens when you are efficient with wrong goals

2. It is allowing the company to have a broader perspective of the environment in which it develops

3. Ensure that the company produces or provides its services.

The administration is a social body specifically in charge of making resources productive, it reflects the essential spirit of the modern era, it is indispensable and this explains why once created it grew so quickly and with so little opposition.

The administration seeks the achievement of objectives through people, through techniques within an organization. She is the key subsystem within an organizational system. It comprises every organization and is a vital force that links all the other subsystems.

Within the administration we find:

  • Coordination of human, material and financial resources for the effective and efficient achievement of organizational objectives. Relationship of the organization with its external environment and responses to the needs of society. Performance of certain specific functions such as determining objectives, planning, allocating resources, implement, etc. Performance of various interpersonal, information and decision roles.

No organization can be successful without a competent administration; it enables the goals of the organizations to be achieved, be they economic, political or social, channeling for them human skills and energies towards effective action. The exercise of administration influences all of society, with its main roles as stabilizer of facilities, collaboration in social fields, instrument of well-being and servant of politics.

The administrative process is the core of business administration as a study discipline, it is present in many of the definitions that we can find about it.

The process consists of four or more steps (according to the author), which in their most basic and accepted form are:

  • Plan or Planning Organize or Organization Direct or Direction Control or Control

Other versions or authors:

- They put together the steps Organize and Direct (execute) under the name of Manage.

- Add Integrate after Direct and before Control

The process is also a continuous cycle, since after the last step, Control starts with Planning again.

The detailed functions or processes are not independent, but are completely interrelated. When an organization develops a plan, it must organize its structure to make its execution possible. After the execution (or perhaps simultaneously) it is controlled that the reality of the company does not stray from the planning, or in case of doing so, it is sought to understand the causes of said departure. Finally, from the control carried out, a correction in the planning may arise, which feeds back the process.


It is essential for organizations to achieve optimal levels of performance, being directly related to it, the ability of a company to adapt to change. Planning includes choosing and setting the organization's missions and objectives. Then, determine the policies, projects, programs, procedures, methods, budgets, norms and strategies necessary to achieve them, also including decision-making by having to choose between various future courses of action.

In the organization, planning is the process of setting goals and choosing the means to achieve those goals. Without plans, managers or administrators cannot know how to organize their personnel or resources properly. They may not even have a clear idea of ​​what to organize, without a plan they cannot confidently lead or expect others to follow. Without a plan, managers and their followers have little chance of achieving their goals or knowing when or where they stray from the path. Control becomes a futile exercise. Very often efficient plans affect the future of the entire organization.

Planning is essential, since it:

  1. It allows the company to be future-oriented. It facilitates the coordination of decisions. It highlights the organizational objectives. It determines in advance what resources will be needed for the company to operate efficiently. It allows the design of operating methods and procedures. It avoids useless operations and they are achieved better work systems. Planning is the basic stage of the administrative process: it precedes organization, direction and control, and is its foundation. It establishes a rational system for decision-making, avoiding hunches or empiricism. measure the efficiency of the company.

Planning reduces the impact of change, minimizes waste and redundancy, and sets standards to facilitate control.

Planning establishes a coordinated effort. It gives direction to both administrators and non-administrators. When all stakeholders know where the organization is going and what they should contribute to achieve the objective, they can begin to coordinate their activities, cooperate with each other, and work as a team. Lack of planning can lead to a zigzag and thus prevent an organization from moving efficiently towards its objectives.

Planning reduces uncertainty. It also clarifies the consequence of actions that managers could take in response to the change. Planning also reduces overlap and waste of activities. Coordination before the fact is likely to discover waste and redundancy. Also when the means and ends are clear, inefficiencies are obvious.

In summary the purposes are:

  1. Reduce the risk of failure. Avoid mistakes and ensure company success. Efficiently manage company resources. Ensuring future success

Principles of planning.

Accuracy: "The plans should not be made with vague and generic statements, but as precisely as possible, because they will govern specific actions."

Flexibility: Every plan must leave room for the changes that arise in this, and for good reason in the unforeseeable part, and the circumstances that have changed after the review.

Management unit: The plans must be of such a nature that it can be said that there is only one for each function, and all those applied in the company must be in such a coordinated and integrated way that in fact it can be said that there is only one plan general.

Consistency: All plans must be perfectly integrated with the rest of the plans, so that they all interact together, thus achieving coordination between resources, functions and activities, in order to efficiently achieve the objectives.

Profitability: Every plan must achieve a favorable ratio of the benefits it expects to the costs it requires, previously defining the latter and the value of the results that will be obtained in the most quantitative way possible. The plan must state that the results must be greater than the inputs or expenses.

Participation: Every plan should try to get the participation of the people who will have to structure it, or who are related in some way to its operation.

Administrators essentially follow all the steps in any type of planning.

  1. Detection of opportunities, although it precedes actual planning and, therefore, is not strictly part of the planning process, detection of opportunities both in the external environment and within the organization, is the true starting point of planning. Preliminary possible future opportunities and see it clearly and in a complex way, know where the weak and strong points are, understand what problem you want to solve and why, as well as know what to expect to win. The plantation requires a realistic diagnosis of the determination of opportunities. Establishment of objectives. The second step in planning is to set goals for the entire company and then for each subordinate unit of work, which should be done for both the short and long term.The objectives specify the expected results and indicate the end points of what should be done, what should be given priority and what should be achieved with the network of strategies, policies, procedures, rules, budgets and programs.


It is about finishing what resource and what activities are required to achieve the objectives of the organization. Then you must design the way to combine it into an operational group, that is, create the departmental structure of the company. From the established structure, the assignment of responsibilities and the formal authority assigned to each position are necessary. We can say that the result obtained with this function is the establishment of an organizational structure.

When we speak of organizational structure we are referring to the structure of the formal organization and not the informal one.

The organizational structure is usually presented in organizational charts. A well-defined organizational structure is important because it assigns authority and performance responsibilities in a systematic way.

Organizational purposes:

  • Allow the achievement of the main objectives of the company as efficiently and with a minimum effort. Eliminate duplication of work. Establish communication channels. Represent the official structure of the company.

Types of organizations.

Formal organization: It is the intentional structure of roles in a formally organized company. When an organization is said to be formal, there is nothing inherently inflexible or overly limiting about it. For the manager to organize well, the structure must provide an environment in which individual performance, both present and future, contributes more efficiently to the group's goals.

The formal organization must be flexible. Discretion should be allowed to harness creative talents, and for the recognition of individual tastes and abilities in the most formal of organizations. However, individual effort in a group situation should be channeled towards goals of the group and the organization.

Informal Organization: Informal organization is any joint personal activity without a joint conscious purpose, even when it contributes to joint results. The example of an informal organization is people who play chess.

As conclusions we can say that although the science of organization has not yet been developed to a point where the principles are infallible laws, there is a great consensus among administration scholars regarding a certain number of them. These principles are truths of general application, although their applicability is not so rigorous as to give them the exact character of laws of pure science. Rather, they are essential criteria for effective organization.

Organizational principles.

Unity of command: A subordinate should only receive orders from a single boss, when this principle is not respected, responsibility leaks are generated, confusion occurs and a series of conflicts between people occurs.

Specialization: Consists of grouping the activities according to their nature, so that specialization can be created in their execution.

Parity of authority and responsibility: Authority is delegated and responsibility is shared and therefore a balance must be maintained between authority and responsibility.

Management-Control Balance: It consists of designing a structure in such a way that it allows us to coordinate actions and at the same time evaluate its results.

Definition of positions: The content of the positions must be clearly defined in relation to their objectives.

Basic steps to organize

1 / Divide the entire workload into tasks that can be carried out logically and comfortably by individuals or groups. This is known as the division of labor.

2 / Combining tasks logically and efficiently, the grouping of employees and tasks is usually known as the mentalization department.

3 / Specify who depends on who in the organization, this linking of the departments produces a hierarchy of the organization.

4 / Establish mechanisms to integrate the activities of the departments into a consistent whole and to monitor the effectiveness of such integration. This process is known as coordination.

Division of labor: refers to breaking down a complex task into its components, such that people are responsible for a limited series of activities, rather than tasks in general.

All tasks in the organization from production to administration can be subdivided. The division of labor creates simplified tasks that can be learned to perform with relative speed, therefore comments on specialization, as each person becomes an expert in a certain job. Furthermore, as it creates a series of jobs, people can choose positions, or can be assigned to those, that are limited to their talents and interests.

Departmentalization: refers to grouping into work departments those work activities that are similar or have a logical relationship, for which purpose an organizational chart is worked out where tables represent the different departments that make up the organization. For example, teachers can be grouped into chemistry departments, English department, etc.

Departmentalization is the result of decisions made by managers regarding work activities. Once the tasks have been divided, they can be related to "similar" groups, as may be assumed there are many varieties of jobs and departments in organizations and jobs. and departments of one organization will be different from those of others.

Hierarchy: From the earliest days of industrialization, managers have been concerned with the number of people and departments they could effectively manage, this question belongs to the administrative control section (often called the control section or administrative section) when the job, created departments and chosen the section of control managers can select a chain of command; that is, a plan that specifies who depends on whom. These lines of dependency are fundamental characteristics of any organization chart to represent the hierarchy that is a plan that specifies who controls who in an organization.

Coordination: consists of integrating the activities of interdependent departments in order to pursue the goals of the organization efficiently, without coordination the members of the organization would lose sight of their roles within it and would face the temptation to pursue the interests of the departments, to thickens the organization's goals. An important degree of organization in all likelihood will benefit a job that is neither routine nor predictable, a job in which environmental factors are changing and there is much interdependence.

Factors influencing the organizational structure

There are internal factors and external factors that influence the organizational structure.

Internal factors

1 / Conceptual approach adopted - centralized decision-making versus decentralized decision-making, with greater delegation of authority.

2 / Control space (the number of employees reporting to a supervisor).

3 / Diversity of products and type of operation.

4 / Size of the organization.

5 / Characteristics of employees (professionals, office workers, workers)

External factors

1 / Technology (how inputs are transferred to production outlets).

2 / Market characteristics (stability, extension, types of clients).

3 / Dependence on the environment (competition, legal restrictions, regulations, suppliers and effects from abroad)

The organizational structure is essential for profit planning and control because both planning and control are directly related to the distribution of authority and responsibility within the entire company. Distribution is commonly formalized in the organization structure.


It is the ability to influence people to contribute to the goals of the organization and the group. It involves commanding, influencing, and motivating employees to perform essential tasks. Relationships and time are fundamental to the task of management, in fact, management gets to the bottom of managers' relationships with each of the people who work with them. Managers lead by trying to convince others to join them in achieving the future that emerges from the steps of planning and organization, managers by setting the right environment, help their employees to do their best. Management includes motivation, leadership focus, teams and teamwork, and communication.

Motivation: It is a characteristic of human psychology that contributes to the degree of commitment of the person. It includes factors that cause channel and sustain human behavior in a particular or committed sense. The goals of the organization are unattainable unless there is the permanent commitment of the members of the organization.

Motivation was one of the first concepts managers and administrators faced. The so-called traditional model is usually linked to Taylor and scientific administration. managers determined which were the most efficient way to execute repetitive tasks and then motivated workers through a salary incentive the more workers produced the more they earned the basic assumption was that managers understood the job better than the workers who, in essence, were lazy and they could only be motivated by money. The bottom line is that managers can motivate employees by recognizing social needs and making them feel useful and important, so that they feel part of the organization.

Leadership: In a managerial way it is the process of directing the work activities of the members of a group and influencing them, leadership involves other people, employees or followers, if there were no one to send the qualities of the manager's leadership they would be irrelevant; It also involves an inequality of power between the leaders and the members of the group which is used in different ways to influence the behavior of the followers in different ways.

Communication: Communication is the vital fluid of an organization, communication errors in more than one organization have caused very severe damage, therefore effective communication is very important for managers since it represents the common thread for administrative functions. Managers prepare plans by talking to other people, to find the best way to distribute authority and distribute work. In the same way, motivational policies, leadership, and groups and teams are activated due to the regular exchange of information. Communications, as any intellectual activity can be perfected facing the challenges they represent, organizations can be an ideal place to learn this lesson..

Teams and Teamwork: A team is defined as two or more people who interact and influence each other, in order to achieve a common goal. In organizations, there have always been two types of teams: formal and informal. Formal teams are created by managers for the purpose of entrusting them with specific tasks, the prevailing type of formal group is the command team, another type of formal team is the committee, which by formal rule lasts a long time and deals with problems and decisions that are repeated.

Informal teams are social in nature these groups are natural formations that appear in the work environment in response to the need for social contact. These teams tend to form around friendships and common interests.

Management principles

Coordination of interests: The achievement of the common goal will become easier the better it is to coordinate the interests of the group and even the individuals of those who participate in the search for it.

Impersonality of command: Authority in a company must be exercised more as a product of a need of the entire social body than as the exclusive result of the will of the boss.

Conflict resolution: It should be ensured that the conflicts that appear are resolved as soon as possible and so that, without injuring the discipline, they produce the least displeasure to the parties.

Taking advantage of conflicts: Efforts must still be made to take advantage of the conflict to force the finding of solutions. Mary Parker Follet affirms that all conflict, like all reasoning in the physical world, is in itself an obstacle to coordination, but also friction can be exploited.

Hierarchical way: When transmitting an order, the previously established channels must be followed, and never omit them without reason or constantly.


It is the administrative function that consists of measuring and correcting individual and organizational performance to ensure that the facts conform to the plans and objectives of the companies. It involves measuring performance against goals and plans, shows where there are deviations from the standards, and helps correct them. Control facilitates the achievement of plans, although planning must precede control. The plans are not achieved on their own, they guide managers in the use of resources to meet specific goals, then the activities are verified to determine if they comply with the plans.

Purpose and function of control:

The purpose and nature of control is primarily to ensure that plans succeed in detecting deviations from plans by providing a basis for taking action to correct actual or potential undesired deviations.

The monitoring function provides the manager with adequate means to check that the plans drawn up are implemented correctly.

The control function consists of four basic steps:

  • Indicate average levels of compliance; Establish acceptable levels of employee production, such as monthly sales quotas for vendors. Check performance at regular intervals (hourly, day, week, month, year.) Determine if there is any variation from average levels. some variation, take action, or further instruction, such as retraining or further instruction. If there is no change, continue the activity.

The essence of administrative control

Control is the fourth and last function in the administrative process. Like planning, control is continually exercised. Therefore, there are control processes that must always be working in a company.

Control is exercised through personal evaluation, periodic performance reports (or actual results, as they are also called) and special reports. Under another approach, the types of control are identified as follows:

1. Preliminary check (through feed forward)

It is exercised prior to action to ensure that the necessary resources and personnel are prepared and ready to start activities.

2. Coincident control (generally through periodic performance reports)

Monitor (through personal observation and reporting) current activities to ensure that policies and procedures are followed on the go.

3. Feedback control

Ex-post action (replanning), focusing attention on past results to control future activities.

A current control process, the purpose of which is to help monitor the periodic activities of a business and each center of responsibility, consists of the following phases:

  1. Compare performance (actual results) against planned goals and standards. Prepare a performance report showing actual results, planned results and any differences between them. Analyze variations and related operations to determine the underlying causes of the variations. Develop optional courses of action to correct any deficiencies and learn from successes. Make a selection (corrective action) from the menu of alternatives and put it into practice. Follow up as necessary to assess the effectiveness of the correction; continue forward feeding for replanning purposes.

Effective control requires advanced feeding. In other words, the objectives, plans, policies, and standards are assumed to have been developed and communicated to those managers who have corresponding performance responsibilities. Therefore, control must necessarily be based on the concept of feedback, which requires performance measurements and triggers the planned corrective action to ensure the achievement of the objectives. When plans become operational, control must be exercised to measure progress. In some cases, control also results in modification of previous plans and goals or formulation of new plans, changes in operation, and reassignment of people.Control methods must be developed for the particular characteristics of the operation and the organizational structure.

An important aspect of control that is often overlooked is its relationship to the moment of action. The control cannot be a posteriori; for example, a disbursement already made or an inefficiency already committed cannot be undone. Therefore, effective control should be applied at the time of action or when commitment is made. This concept suggests that the manager responsible for certain actions must engage in some form of prior control (a priori); In order to do so, the objectives, plans, policies, and standards must have been communicated to the manager and fully understood by the manager in advance.

Comparison of actual results with planned goals and standards is a measure of control effectiveness over a specified past period, which is the basis for effective feedback. The facts shown in a performance report can no longer be changed; however, historical measurement may lead to improved control in the future. The important concept here is that objectives, policies, and standards meet two basic needs in the overall control process, namely:

(A) Advance feeding - which forms a basis for control at the time of action.

(B) Feedback - representing a basis for measuring post-action control effectiveness. In addition, the feedback is used for replanning.

Control as a feedback system

Administrative control is essentially the same basic process found in physical, biological, and social systems. Many systems control themselves through feedback of information, which shows deviations from the standards and gives rise to changes, in other words, the systems use part of their energy to feed back information comparing performance with a standard and initiate corrective action.

Administrative control is generally considered to be a feedback system similar to that operating on the common thermostat in a home. This aspect can be clearly seen when observing the feedback process in the administrative control in the figure. This system presents control in a more complex and realistic way than if it is considered only as a matter of standard setting, performance measurement and correction of deviations. Administrators measure actual performance, compare this measurement to standards, and identify deviations; But then, to make the necessary corrections, they must develop a corrective action program and put it into practice in order to achieve the desired performance.

Advantages of the Administrative Process

  • It offers a conceptual framework. It provides foundations for the study of administration promoting an understanding of what administration is. They are feasible from the contributions of other administrative schools as the best of contemporary administrative thinking can be used. Flexibility is obtained, While applicable to a variety of situations, the user is given the leeway to adapt to a particular set of situations. Flexibility and art of management are recognized and best practice in a practical manner is encouraged. Genuine help to management practitioners. The process pattern makes the manager analyze and understand the problem and lead him to determine the objectives and the means to achieve them. The principles of management are derived,refined and applied and serve as necessary guidelines for a useful administrative investigation. The development of a certain philosophy of administration is encouraged, each of the phases of its application requires the use of values, convictions of the manager and the understanding of the objectives, resources around which it operates.

Future prospects for management

In the coming decades, the administrative task will be uncertain and exciting, since it will have to face changes and transformations full of ambiguity and uncertainty. The administrator must face increasingly diverse and more complex problems than the previous ones, and his attention will be directed to events and groups located inside or outside the company, which will provide contradictory information that will make it difficult to diagnose and understand the problems that they must resolve or the situations they must face: demands of society, of customers, of suppliers; challenges from competitors; expectations of senior management, subordinates, shareholders, etc. However, these demands, challenges and expectations undergo profound changes that exceed the administrator's ability to closely accompany and understand them appropriately.These changes tend to increase due to the inclusion of other new variables as the process develops and creates a turbulence that disturbs and complicates the administrative task of planning, organizing, directing and controlling an efficient and effective company. The future seems to complicate reality, since innumerable factors will have profound impacts on companies. The coming decades will be characterized by the challenges and turbulence that the administration will have to face:The coming decades will be characterized by the challenges and turbulence that the administration will have to face:The coming decades will be characterized by the challenges and turbulence that the administration will have to face:

* Companies are in continuous adaptation to their environments. This continual adaptation can lead to growth, temporary stability, or company downsizing. Growth occurs when the company meets its environmental demands and the environment requires a greater volume of company outputs and results.

* There is a trend of continuing high inflation rates. Energy, raw materials, and labor costs are rising sharply. Inflation will demand ever more efficient business administration to obtain better results with the available resources and programs to reduce operational costs.

* Competition is getting sharper. As markets and businesses grow, so do risks in business.

* There is a trend towards increasing sophistication of technology. The new processes and instruments introduced by technology in companies cause impacts on the organizational structure.

* The internalization of the business world, called globalization, is the most important factor in the development of companies. Thanks to the communication, computer and transportation process, companies are internationalizing their activities and operations.

* Greater presence of companies. As they grow or shrink, companies become more competitive, technologically sophisticated, internationalize more, and thereby increase their environmental influence. Consequently, companies attract more attention from the environment and the public, they are more visible, and public perception perceives them better.

Companies must face all these challenges, pressures and threats (there will be many more in the future) that fall on them, and the only weapon they have will be only smart and well-trained administrators, who must know how to adapt and adapt the main variables business with each other (tasks, technologies, organizational structure, people and external environment).


The Cigar Company ¨ Ramiro Lavandero Cruz ¨ is directly subordinated to the Cuban Tobacco Business Group (TABACUBA), the latter belonging to the Ministry of Agriculture (MINAGRI). It is located on ¨ Camilo Cienfuegos ¨ No. 32 avenue between Coronel Acebo and Panchito Gómez, Ranchuelo municipality, Villa Clara Province, and its corporate purpose is the production of black tobacco cigarettes for national consumption.

The factory began operating in May 1920, its organizers and owners were the Trinidad brothers, in addition to cigar production, they were great tobacco dealers and street vendors of tobacco and cigars. In 1960 the intervention and nationalization of the industry took place and it passed into the hands of the people and there was a name change to Ramiro Lavandero Cruz, martyr of the revolution and employee of this factory who was assassinated in Havana for participation in the clandestine struggle.

The fundamental mission is the production of Popular brand Short Black Cigarettes (additional), Titans for the Basic quota, Special Production of Filter Stamp Royalties, Royalties of the Short Stamp and Visant Cigar of wide national consumption with the established quality of the product to the consumers.

The Vision of our autonomous Company, solidly owned, unique in the production of Black Cigarettes and Special Production with great acceptance in consumption and wide demand in the National Market, with renewed and modified technology especially of competitive quality in the Market, with economic contributions considerable and an adequate infrastructure, with a productive tradition for more than 80 years, ready to satisfy the increasingly combined needs and demands.

It has the different areas of Key Results

  • Strand Production Department. Cigarette Production Department. Wrapping Department. Cellophane Department. Quality Department. Self-consumption farms. Machining and Foundry Workshop. Transportation Workshop.

The Company has three subdirections:

  • ExecutiveEconomicHuman Resources

In addition to owning 4 Organizational Economic Units:

- Assurance: It is in charge of the Supply of the Main Materials for the production process, the transportation of the Finished Production, as well as the Sale of the Finished Production with the following warehouses.

  • Finished Products Direct Materials Useful Supplies Tobacco

- Agricultural and Services: It is in charge of Agricultural Production, for the supply of the Workers' Dining Hall, and the sale of its surplus to the workers, as well as the General Services.

- Production: It has 4 key areas:

  • Made Wrapping Strand Cellophane, where the production of Cigars is made and finished.

- Maintenance: It is responsible for the manufacture and recovery of spare parts for the continuity of the production process as well as providing services to workers in the Carpentry, Shoe Store and Machining.

The organization has (717) workers of various categories and is specialized in the popular and Titan black short cigarette. The fundamental raw material is raw tobacco that comes from the Pinar del Río, Central and Eastern regions of the Country; The purchase process is through intermediaries that belong to the same business group (TABACUBA), through a formal contract for the varieties to be processed monthly. As mentioned before, the Company has a well-defined market that it serves with its product, according to a national balance of cigarettes that the Group develops, and from there the directive figures are lowered to prepare the annual production plan., then disaggregated by months. That is, the scope and scope are limited,as well as the characteristics of the productive or business relationships, with the socio-economic environment in which it operates, in this case the group's ATM distributor, which is in charge of trading the production with the Wholesale Trade network.

Taking into account the analysis carried out in said company from the classes received, we determined a group of weaknesses, threats, strengths and opportunities that helped us to carry out this work.

Based on the strengths of the Company, such as the work culture of cigar production that dates back to 1920 to the present, it allows us to successfully secure a new industrial investment in the territory, as it is guaranteeing the trained personnel for the management and production with a new technology that even if it is not similar to what is installed in Holguín can be quickly assimilated by the staff, this leads to increasing the quality parameters of the final product, increasing the prestige of the brand and remaining a leader in the national market, being able to face the competition that today faces this cutting-edge industry, and even being able to reach the market in cuc with this production.

The industry has been increasing its productions to a capacity level of 28,300 wheels per day, representing 13.6 million cigarettes per day, for a real 679,200 wheels per month and an average of 684 workers, currently it is dedicated to producing and marketing in a wholesale way, in national currency, cigarettes destined for consumption by the population, such as: Popular Cigar, Titans, Regalia el Cuño Corto, Largo and Visant.

The “Ramiro Lavandero Cruz” Cigar Company is in a process of resizing where the use of the Study of Methods and Work Measurement plays an important role for the investigation and improvement of operations in the productive subdivisions, focusing on the recalculation of Performance Standards, Use of the Labor Day and Balance of the Production Flow. It is therefore necessary to anticipate in advance the internal changes that must be made to adapt to a constantly changing competitive environment, all with a view to achieving improvement in work processes and situations, which will result in increased productivity. That is, taking as a reference the studies carried out to be able to better use the machinery during the work day,eliminating possible bottlenecks in the flow and carrying out the Load Balance - Capacity to adjust the production plans with the productive possibilities of the entity under study. Then we talk about the Technical-Organizational study of the methods followed in the process.

SWOT matrix


  • Not all reserves are ready to take office. Not all cadres have two reserves. We do not have the necessary bibliography for training. Theft of essential materials for the illegal production of cigarettes. Machinery with more than 70 years of operation. Low quality parameters in a high percentage of production (Popular)


  • The Lázaro Peña Cigar Factory, in Holguín. The clandestine factories, which have contributed to the unpopularity of the People. Lack of autonomy for the commercialization of production, limiting itself to the ATM Company. Internal and external dependence on the supply of main materials for the production process. Existence in the municipality of other more attractive sources of income.


  • High cultural level of the cadres. Experienced management board. Automated and Certified Accounting. High Financial liquidity. Having two generators. Analysis of economic results by area of ​​responsibility. Having self-consumption capable of supplying the dining room and meeting the demands of the workers (placita).Receive decentralized financing to acquire food reinforcement.Have health services for workers (stomatology and consulting room).Existence of five harrows in the equipment park for the transportation of finished production, which ensures the increase in sales. Strong innovative movement. High cigar tradition. Geographical situation favorable for the development of marketing. Leader in the acceptance of the cigar in the country.


  • Possibility of training through the Delegation of Agriculture and the TABACUBA Group. The Business Improvement process. Manufacture of the ¨Criollo¨ brand. Modification of the machinery for the production of the Titanes cigar. Approval of the investment of the new factory for the year 2007.

The aspects related to the behavior of the entity were analyzed, the mission, main products and / or services, indicators, company size, organization chart, etc. are specified, and it should be noted that they do not constitute a rigid pattern, but according to the objectives pursued should analyze other characteristics or exclude some of those mentioned.

Among the main problems that threaten an efficient and effective administration in the organization:

Define and select effectively the critical control points in the effective fulfillment of the outlined plans and promote the development of this ability.

Recognize and stimulate subordinates in achieving goals.

Strengthen the organizational process, especially with regard to the delegation of tasks to subordinates, specifically in refraining from making decisions when tasks have been delegated.

Have an efficient information system for the development of work.

In Human Resources Management, undergo a process of recruitment and selection of personnel to respond to the requirements of the position they occupy.

Recognize and determine the limiting factors for decision-making and problem solutions in the performance of your leadership duties.

Possess a stimulus system that is capable of encouraging their subordinates.

Achieve a level of help and cooperation for the definition of objectives between boss and subordinates.

Achieve the motivation of subordinates, so that effective performance in the workplace is demonstrated.

Periodically check work plans to determine if they correspond to the organization's current expectations.

Not taking into account the dynamic nature of stimulation, as a socialist tool to increase the stimulus to production.

The determination of the resources necessary to execute the production plans are made schematically and without any adequate technical principle.

The success of any company will be largely guaranteed by the way the manager manages the resources, workforce and materials. To carry out this management effectively within the primary tasks, a diagnosis must be carried out, which constitutes the first stage of work in a reorganization process of an entity, since it allows determining through an investigation what the current situation of the system is and its state., revealing the insufficiencies and causes that originate it, which allows determining the forms and routes indicated for its eradication.


It is evident in this work that in any organization (including the company under study), conceiving, creating and developing human resources as one of the internal strengths to face the demands of the business environment constitutes one of its main and vital work strategies, giving it special emphasis on the role of motivation and job satisfaction among workers, where wage stimulation plays an important role.

Through the interest in production, it is about making reference to the type and quality of decisions related to the production process. Regarding the interest in the human factor, it can be translated in various ways: ensuring that people carry out their work correctly; in working conditions; levels of participation; forms of reward, etc. Depending on how this interest is manifested, the subordinates' attitude can fluctuate from enthusiasm, creativity and participation, to apathy, passivity and resistance.

The sense of belonging should characterize the workers and bosses in the business improvement, also the discussion of the concerns that result from the improvement process, develop the initiative, creativity and tenacity necessary to achieve the changes with the magnitude and speed that are requires.

Motivated workers are needed, highly committed to the results of their work, well informed of the change process and capable of acting at all times to achieve the objectives drawn from the base.

This process must be led by proactive leaders, people capable of moving others and finding solutions to problems and having vision to create the future in their area of ​​responsibility.

The success of a Cuban Socialist Company is expressed through the transition from bosses to leaders.

It is necessary to improve the work related to management methods and styles, to clarify all those issues related to internal control, to improve the information subsystem, and to broaden the application of informatics in the sphere of management.


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Administration of a socialist company in Cuba. Ramiro Laundress Cruz Cigar Company