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Time management


Time management should be conceptualized as a way of being and a way of living.

Today, time can be considered as one of the most important and critical resources for executives.

Some of the characteristics of time are:

  • It can be an enemy to overcome or an ally if we manage to organize it. It can be a scarce resource, if it is not controlled according to the priorities assigned to the daily activities of executives. It can be a friend or an enemy in the achievement of the objectives and goals that are set.It cannot be bought.It cannot be caught, stopped or returned.It is the most valuable thing that individuals have, so it must be used with the maximum degree of effectiveness.It is said that nobody He has enough time, yet everyone has all the time there is. This is the great paradox of time.

The most common problems that most executives have to manage time are:

  • The time estimates they assume will be needed for an activity, to transport, to solve situations or to make decisions, are unrealistic and are part of the most common time wasters. The shortage of time generally results from mismanagement or a burden of Poorly planned and distributed work. Often it is about doing too much in a very short time. It also happens that some executives do not know how to say “no” to external distractions. They confuse priorities working on things of second or third importance leaving the urgent to Afterwards, daily goals are set well above the ability to meet them.They leave the log entries of how the time will be used for the end of the day or when there is an opportune moment, which is not functional or realistic, since the memory may fail,with the amount of commitments and information that executives handle. They do not worry about recording commitments and activities, which prevents efficient time management. They are usually late to meetings and in adverse situations can produce unnecessary crises. Lack of time planning, in many cases, limits the possibility of generating feasible solution alternatives and the possibility of selecting the most effective route of action. Some executives oppose to the registration and control of time, since they consider it as a threat or feel insecure because they have never tried it.They are usually late to meetings and in adverse situations can produce unnecessary crises. Lack of time planning, in many cases, limits the possibility of generating feasible solution alternatives and the possibility of selecting the most effective route of action. Some executives oppose to the registration and control of time, since they consider it as a threat or feel insecure because they have never tried it.They are usually late to meetings and in adverse situations can produce unnecessary crises. Lack of time planning, in many cases, limits the possibility of generating feasible solution alternatives and the possibility of selecting the most effective route of action. Some executives oppose to the registration and control of time, since they consider it as a threat or feel insecure because they have never tried it.

In the daily time record, the following aspects must be taken into account:

  • List the daily goals or the most important tasks to carry out that day. Record each activity in established periods of time. Define the relative priority and objective of each activity. Determine the moment to suspend the activity and establish when it will be carried out again.

Basic principles to efficiently manage time:

  • A list of activities for a full week, taken in increments of 15 minutes each, facilitates the effective use of time. It is proven and is a fundamental principle of time planning that every hour spent planning effectively saves three to Four hours of execution and produces better results. A recommended technique to better manage time is to use the last 20 minutes of work, in planning the next day. Executive time is rarely used exactly as planned. But, as far as possible, efforts must be made to respect the activities and commitments established. The most effective results are achieved by having planned objectives and programs, rather than by chance. The available time must be assigned to tasks in order of priority,In other words, the executives must use their time in relation to the importance of their activities. Establishing a certain time or deadlines to fulfill the executives' commitments helps the rest of the work group to overcome indecision and delay.. Avoid losing sight of the objectives or expected results and concentrate efforts on each activity. Do not confuse movements with achievements and activities or actions with results. The time used to respond to problems that arise must be realistic and limited to the needs of each situation in particular, ignoring those problems that tend to solve themselves which can save a lot of time. Postponing or postponing decision-making can become a time-consuming habit,Opportunities are missed and pressure on deadlines increases. Low-value routine activities for achieving overall goals should be delegated or eliminated to the extent possible. Similar activities should be grouped together to eliminate repetition of actions. and reduce interruptions to a minimum such as answering or making phone calls. Keeping the day's agenda in view makes it easier to manage time correctly. Recording how you plan to use time in the day, week or month it should be detailed, as omitting details is as detrimental to time-recording goals as relying on memory or setting unrealistic goals.Low value routine activities for achieving overall goals should be delegated or eliminated to the extent possible. Similar activities should be grouped together to eliminate repetition of actions and reduce interruptions to a minimum such as answering or making phone calls. Keeping the day's agenda in view makes it easier to manage time correctly. The record of how you plan to use the time in the day, the week or the month must be detailed, since omitting details is so detrimental to the objectives. of time recording, like trusting memory or setting unrealistic goals.Low value routine activities for achieving overall goals should be delegated or eliminated to the extent possible. Similar activities should be grouped together to eliminate repetition of actions and reduce interruptions to a minimum such as answering or making phone calls. Keeping the day's agenda in view makes it easier to manage time correctly. The record of how you plan to use the time in the day, the week or the month must be detailed, since omitting details is so detrimental to the objectives. of time recording, like trusting memory or setting unrealistic goals.Keeping the day's agenda in view makes it easier to manage time correctly. The record of how you plan to use the time in the day, the week or the month must be detailed, since omitting details is so detrimental to the objectives. of time recording, like trusting memory or setting unrealistic goals.Keeping the day's agenda in view makes it easier to manage time correctly. The record of how you plan to use the time in the day, the week or the month must be detailed, since omitting details is so detrimental to the objectives. of time recording, like trusting memory or setting unrealistic goals.

Characteristics of the executives who efficiently manage time:

  • 80% of the issues that reach the desktop are handled immediately, they are deleted if they are not useful, they are delegated if necessary and they are taken under their control if they consider it necessary. They collect all the existing information on the subject in issue, and invite those involved and experts in the field of the company to a working table. They delegate clearly and precisely to ensure that what has been assigned has been understood. They establish the objectives of the decisions taken. They establish the possible courses of action that allows achieving the objectives in the shortest time… They define action alternatives and prevent possible positive and negative consequences. They analyze and choose the one that seems the best option in each case. They keep track of what is delegated, through reports on what has been done,to make sure that the planned results are being achieved. They keep track of the important to-do list daily.

It is important to remember that time management is essentially a group effort that requires coordination of activities, helping each other, joint synchronization of efforts to ensure the expected results.

Managing time effectively is a "gift" that can be developed by most people who propose it.


Jack Fleitman:

www.ciemsa.mx professional consultants


Time management