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Time management in the 21st century

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Time management in the 21st century must be conceptualized as a way of being and a way of living.

Time is one of the most important and critical resources of people.

When you are a minor, time passes slowly, as a young person you begin to perceive that time passes a little faster, in middle age it seems that it gets out of hand and from 60 onwards it flies, but the reality is same time for everyone.

Each person manages the time according to their needs and way of being.

What is convenient for one person may not be for another.

To manage time efficiently requires changes in us, in our activities, interests, priorities and expectations.

Controlling the time helps to achieve the objectives in the estimated deadlines and avoids stress and fatigue.

Free time should be devoted to the important things that make each person happy. Promote relationships with friends, family and social. Engaging in hobbies that generate entertainment and satisfaction.

"Everyone decides how to use time and is responsible for what they do with it"

Main characteristics of the weather

  • It can be an enemy to overcome or an ally if we can organize and control it. It can be a scarce resource, if it is not controlled based on the priorities assigned to people's daily activities. It can be a friend or an enemy in the achievement of the objectives and goals that are set in a certain time. It can not be bought, caught, stopped or returned. It is the most valuable thing that people have, so it must be used with the maximum degree of effectiveness. He says that no one has enough time, yet everyone has all the time there is.

Basic principles for planning and managing time

  • A fundamental principle of time planning is that each hour spent planning different activities saves three to four hours of execution and better results are obtained. The most effective results are achieved by having planned and documented objectives and programs. Avoid carrying out or solving multiple issues at once, it is better to focus on one and resolve it and move on to the next. Setting deadlines to meet commitments made makes it easier for the working group to achieve established goals and objectives. Avoid confusing movements with achievements and activities with results.Avoid spending time on problems that tend to solve themselves. Postponing or postponing decision-making wastes time,Opportunities are lost and pressure on the established program of activities increases. The time used to respond to problems that arise must be realistic and limited to the needs of each particular situation. Routine activities of low value for achievement of the general objectives should be delegated or eliminated as far as possible. Similar activities should be grouped to eliminate repetition of actions. In order to know the efficiency and effectiveness with which time is used, it is necessary to evaluate the achievement of the objectives and verify the fulfillment of the expected results.Low value routine activities for achieving overall objectives should be delegated or eliminated as far as possible. Similar activities should be grouped to eliminate repetition of actions. To know the efficiency and effectiveness with which time is used It is required to evaluate the achievement of the objectives and verify the fulfillment of the expected results.Low value routine activities for achieving overall objectives should be delegated or eliminated as far as possible. Similar activities should be grouped to eliminate repetition of actions. To know the efficiency and effectiveness with which time is used It is required to evaluate the achievement of the objectives and verify the fulfillment of the expected results.

You have to know how to differentiate the urgent from the important

  • To manage time efficiently, you must know how to differentiate what is urgent from what is important and what you can expect. You must prioritize according to the importance and not according to the urgency. urgent.Have discipline and give priority to situations and activities that are important for achieving the objectives.It is necessary to have sensitivity not to delay what is important to solve the urgent.There are situations or activities that can wait a reasonable time but that requires solving at some point before becoming urgent. Avoid confusing priorities working on things of second or third importance, leaving the urgent for later.

It is convenient to plan and organize activities and actions so that emergencies are as few as possible and have time to attend and resolve important situations.

"If the agenda is first filled with non-important activities, there will never be time to carry out the truly necessary ones"

Characteristics of people who efficiently manage time

  • 80% of the issues that arrive on the desktop are handled immediately, they are deleted if they are not useful, they are delegated if necessary and they are taken under their control if they consider it necessary. They are clearly and precisely delegated to ensure that they are carried out. You have understood what has been assigned. They establish the short, medium and long-term objectives of the strategies and decisions that are made. They break down each objective into activities with an estimated time for each one and establish priorities. They decide on possible courses of action that will allow them to achieve objectives in the shortest time. They define alternatives for action and prevent possible positive and negative consequences. They analyze and choose what seems the best option in each case. They follow up and control the delegate, through reports on what has been done,to ensure that the planned results are being achieved. They follow up daily on the list of important to-dos. They have a daily, weekly and monthly schedule of commitments and activities. They organize activities within the time available in their schedule. They use computer programs to control Projects to control activities, actions, resources and execution times. They prepare a list of pending tasks daily. They have the gift of organization and time control. They dedicate time for them, they develop, enjoy and have quality of life.They use project control software to control activities, actions, resources and execution times. They make a daily list of pending tasks. They have the gift of organization and time control. They dedicate time to them, they develop, enjoy and have quality. of life.They use project control software to control activities, actions, resources and execution times. They make a daily list of pending tasks. They have the gift of organization and time control. They dedicate time to them, they develop, enjoy and have quality. of life.

"Senior management executives must divide their time by dedicating 80% of their time to vital tasks and 20% to functional ones."

Common problems people have to manage time

  • The time estimates you assume you will need for an activity are unrealistic and are among the most common time wasters. Time shortages generally result from poor management or poorly planned and distributed workload. of doing too much in a very short time losing quality many times. Some people do not know how to say “no” to external distractions. Daily goals are set well above the real capacity of being able to meet them due to bad planning. They do not worry about record the commitments and activities to which they commit, which prevents efficient time management. Being late for meetings and in adverse situations can produce unnecessary crises. They always work based on daily improvisation or the way things are presented,It does not allow to take advantage of or plan the use of time. The daily dynamics prevent planning the future. They disperse and leave issues unattended and unresolved. They confuse priorities. They cannot organize their workplace and have disorganized information. They do not use an agenda and they are They forget things, carry out activities and actions in the wrong order, arrive late or do not attend to their commitments, among others. They invest time in irrelevant actions to achieve the objectives. The lack of time planning, in many cases, limits the possibility of generating feasible solution alternatives and the possibility of selecting the most effective course of action.They cannot organize their workplace and have disorderly information, they do not use an agenda and they forget things, they carry out activities and actions in the wrong order, they are late or they do not attend to their commitments, among others, they invest time in irrelevant actions to the achievement of the objectives. The lack of time planning, in many cases, limits the possibility of generating feasible solution alternatives and the possibility of selecting the most effective course of action.They cannot organize their workplace and have disorderly information, they do not use an agenda and they forget things, they carry out activities and actions in the wrong order, they are late or they do not attend to their commitments, among others, they invest time in irrelevant actions to the achievement of the objectives. The lack of time planning, in many cases, limits the possibility of generating feasible solution alternatives and the possibility of selecting the most effective course of action.It limits the possibility of generating feasible solution alternatives and the possibility of selecting the most effective course of action.It limits the possibility of generating feasible solution alternatives and the possibility of selecting the most effective course of action.


  • Many people have a habit of being late for appointments and are generally listed by their friends and acquaintances as unpunctual, causing a bad image of the person to others. When someone is late for a date the person who is waiting You may be irritated or upset by excessive waiting time and change your attitude which can affect the results of an appointment or meeting. It is not the same to find a person or client relaxed and with good attitude to a person tense and upset by the lack of punctuality.

Rules for managing time in meetings

  • Coordinate with the attendees the most convenient time and place for the meeting. Request everyone to attend on time. Have an organized work agenda. Establish the opening and closing hours of the meeting. Establish 15-minute breaks when the meetings exceed 2 Hours. Avoid prolonging the meetings more than the established time, Prioritize topics and place at the top of the agenda list the first ones that should be discussed. Prepare a program so that everyone can participate and present their proposals and ideas. Participants who bring proposals to the meeting ready to present. Deliver the agenda with the points to be addressed to each attendee in good time so that they can prepare their participation. At the beginning of the meeting, ask the participants to turn off their cell phones.Assign time limits to each item on the agenda. Moderate the participations so that they do not extend from the established time. Keep everyone focused on the items to be dealt with on the agenda. Avoid interrupting and show interest and respect for what they say other people. ask attendees to only interrupt the meeting in cases of force majeure. express ideas clearly, precisely and in a timely manner. be willing to listen and transmit knowledge and experiences. determine time frames to draw up the conclusions of the meeting.Raise a minute and deliver the conclusions and commitments to the participants the next day of the meeting.Keep everyone focused on the items on the agenda. Avoid interrupting and show interest and respect for what other people say. Ask attendees to only interrupt the meeting in cases of force majeure. Express clearly, precisely and timely ideas. Be willing to listen and transmit knowledge and experiences. Determine time frames to elaborate the conclusions of the meeting. Draw up a minute and deliver the conclusions and commitments to the participants the next day of the meeting.Keep everyone focused on the items on the agenda. Avoid interrupting and show interest and respect for what other people say. Ask attendees to only interrupt the meeting in cases of force majeure. Express clearly, precisely and timely ideas. Be willing to listen and transmit knowledge and experiences. Determine time frames to elaborate the conclusions of the meeting. Draw up a minute and deliver the conclusions and commitments to the participants the next day of the meeting.Determine time frames to draw up the conclusions of the meeting. Draw up a minute and deliver the conclusions and commitments to the participants the next day of the meeting.Determine time frames to draw up the conclusions of the meeting. Draw up a minute and deliver the conclusions and commitments to the participants the next day of the meeting.

The summary of conclusions must respond to each of the topics discussed at the meeting.

It is important to keep in mind that the attention and interest capacity of people in a meeting generally decreases as time passes.

Rules for managing time at business lunches

  • Avoid business breakfasts, lunches or dinners that do not have a specific objective. Determine the topics to be discussed and their priority. Make the most of treating the topics of interest to all parties. Avoid wandering in inconsequential subjects and with subtlety channeling the Talk towards the objectives of the meeting. Choose the right time to discuss the topics of interest, avoiding making all decisions and agreements at the end of the meeting. Avoid answering the phones and sending or reading messages. Once the objectives to be discussed are proposed subtly end the meeting. Make a minute of the meeting and send it to the participants.

Rules for managing time on business trips

  • Determine, organize and analyze the documents necessary to work in the meetings that are scheduled. Have in writing a list of pending issues, new strategies and innovative projects and ideas. Document the conclusions and commitments of the meetings held during the Travel. Establish a method of monitoring the commitments made. Define and develop the topics that you want to address at the next meeting. Talk daily with those responsible for your work team to meet pending and give the necessary instructions to meet the objectives and established commitments.Optimize the agenda so that the time of the trip is not prolonged.Link activities and avoid lost times.Find time to answer emails and attend social networks.

Registration of activities in the agenda

The physical or electronic agenda is an indispensable tool that is used to efficiently plan, organize, prioritize and remember to-dos and commitments and optimize the use of time.

Tips for managing the agenda

  • Use the last 20 minutes in the office to plan and adjust the agenda for the next day. Plan how you plan to use the time in the day, the week or the month to avoid setting unrealistic goals. Have a list of the activities of a week with spaces of 15 minutes between each one, allows scheduling and effective use of time. List the goals or the most important tasks to be carried out during the day. Record each activity establishing the duration time. Determine the moment to suspend an activity and define when to start again. Register activities and not projects in the agenda. The projects are divided into activities and it is these that are programmed in the agenda. Keeping the agenda in view makes it easier to manage time correctly.Time can be better managed using an electronic calendar and its categories. Divide activities into categories such as: calls, meetings, scheduled and unplanned visits and meetings, administrative and operational work, trips, breakfasts, meals, breaks, vacations, activities family and personal.

Managing time effectively is a "gift" that can be developed by most people who propose it.

Avoid spending too much time on things that are not important. Time is too expensive and limited to waste.

The difference between people who are efficient, effective, productive and satisfied and those who are not, is the way they manage, use and enjoy their time.

"He who has no ability to manage time is unable to manage anything."

Here is a short but very interesting video that explains the science of productivity and teaches how to manage time wisely.


Jack Fleitman:

www.ciemsa.mx professional consultants


Time management in the 21st century