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Effective administration so that the Peruvian national police fulfill its mission



Effective administration for the fulfillment of the institutional mission. The PNP case.



Lima Peru



The existence of the following bibliographic information has been determined:

1. Thesis : "Organizational strategies and the generation of own resources in the Peruvian National Police"; presented by Juan Alberto Ramírez González to choose the degree of Doctor of Administration at the Universidad Nacional Federico Villarreal. In this document, the author mentions the great institutional interest in trying to know, understand and apply the most appropriate organizational strategies so that the institution becomes a leader in obtaining and using the resources directly collected efficiently, effectively and economically.

2. Thesis: “Diversification of financial administration for the optimal management of the Peruvian National Police”, presented by Max Edinson Rojas Oblitas to choose the Master of Administration Degree. In this work the author refers to the ways how to manage the resources directly collected from the National Police of Peru, as a way to optimize institutional management.

3. Thesis: " Corporate Administration for the Optimal Management of National Universities", presented by Juan Alberto Vega Ramírez to choose the Degree of Doctor of Administration at the University of San Martín de Porres. In this work, the author describes the corporate administration process and how it can be applied to optimize the administrative and academic management of the national universities of our country.

4. Thesis: "Strategic management for the continuous improvement of the Budgetary Specifications of the Public Sector", presented by María Aguilar Luna to choose the Degree of Doctor in Administration at the University of San Martín de Porres. In the thesis, the author presents the process of strategic management, policies, strategies and tactics to efficiently and economically manage resources until reaching the goals, objectives and mission of each budget specification.

5. Thesis: "Public Sector entities and their competitiveness"; presented by Lizeth Ramos Celis to opt for the Doctor of Administration Degree at the San Martín de Porres University. In this thesis, the diagnosis of the management of public sector entities is made, they are considered a set of strategic tools to achieve competitiveness in the sector.

6. Thesis : “Strategic Management and Sanitation of Companies”; presented by Hugo Eduardo Jara Facundo to opt for the Doctor of Administration Degree at the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. In this document, the author indicates that the application of the instruments of strategic management, supported by a culture of values ​​and with effective leadership, facilitates competitiveness;

7. Thesis: “Good Government for the continuous improvement and competitiveness of State entities”, presented by Bertha Vallejos Fernández to opt for the Doctor of Accounting Degree in the mention of Management Accounting at the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. In this document, the author develops the philosophy, principles and doctrine of Good Governance and proposes them as an alternative for continuous improvement and competitiveness of State entities.

8. Thesis: “Corporate management applied to the Federal Government ”; presented by Juan Andrés García Neves to opt for the Doctor of Administration Degree at the Autonomous University of Mexico. In this thesis, the author develops the philosophy, principles, doctrine, process and other elements of corporate governance, the same one that he proposes to be applied in the Federal Government of Mexico, as a way to improve products and services for the population.

9. Thesis: "Benchmarking: Strategy for effectiveness"; presented by Roberto Fernández Rojas to opt for the Doctor of Administration Degree at the Autonomous University of Mexico. In this thesis, the author develops the philosophy, doctrine and methodology of benchmarking; It also develops the theoretical framework of the strategies and proposes benchmarking as a way to achieve effectiveness in institutional management.

10. Thesis: “ Benchmarking tool to improve and compete”, presented by Graciela Novoa Paredes to choose the Degree of Doctor of Administration at the Catholic University of Chile. In this thesis, the author develops the benchmarking process, the theory of continuous improvement and the competitive strategy of Michael Porter and then proposes benchmarking as the new tool of administration and finance to achieve business competitiveness.



The investigation work will be carried out based on the Peruvian National Police.


It is topical research. However, the management results obtained from the years 2006 to 2007 and their projection to the 2011 five-year period will be taken as a reference.


It will cover personnel who occupy management and administration positions in the Peruvian National Police.



Currently, the general population perceives a total insecurity in the avenues, streets, shreds; housing estates, neighborhoods; and, in general, everywhere in our country; all of which is contrary to the mission entrusted to the Peruvian National Police, which is to guarantee public safety and tranquility throughout the Peruvian territory allowing people to achieve their full development.

The Peruvian National Police (PNP), like many public and also private entities, has many difficulties in achieving its goals, objectives, and especially its institutional mission; This matter is complicated because the PNP has responsibility for the internal security of our country, the same that faces the worst problems today; in this way the entity is accused of not fulfilling its social role, that is, not fulfilling the mission entrusted to it in its Organic Law.

This lack of compliance with the institutional mission is due to various factors; but especially to the lack of an administration that frames all that it does to achieve this institutional mission.

The lack of effective administration is framed by deficiencies in the administration of human, financial and material resources.

Regarding human resources, society has been witnessing many cases of claims regarding salaries, health treatment, lack of consideration for pensioners and active personnel, changes in placement that have even led to the death of personnel, etc. etc. On the other hand, citizens perceive the lack of moral and professional ethics in the exercise of the police profession, due to improper charges, invention of traffic offenses and other offenses bordering on crime; All this in some way, has its origin in the lack of an administration that is capable of articulating these problems and turning them into opportunities for its personnel.

En cuanto a los recursos financieros, se tiene que los tipos de fondos que maneja la Policía Nacional del Perú son los siguientes: recursos ordinarios facilitados por el Tesoro Público, Recursos Directamente Recaudados, Cooperación Técnica Internacional y Donaciones; los cuales son administrados en forma centralizada por la Dirección de Economía, es decir mediante el sistema de Caja Única. De estos recursos los primeros ocupan un 95% de los ingresos institucionales. Como parte de la administración general, se ha determinado que la administración financiera de la Policía Nacional del Perú, es un problema, porque los ingresos ordinarios que percibe para cumplir sus metas, objetivos y misión institucional son insuficientes. Los recursos ordinarios, pese a las dificultades y formalidades que exigen, de una u otra forma llegan a la institución; pero en cambio los recursos directamente recaudados, la cooperación internacional y las donaciones de entidades privadas nacionales, no disponen de la infraestructura ni la voluntad institucional para obtenerlos en la cantidad y oportunidad que permita a la administración financiera policial cumplir su cometido.

Also the administration's problem is in the lack of rationalization and prudence to carry out institutional purchases, which causes cost overruns that affect the police entity and do not allow the mission to be carried out.

All of the aforementioned indicates that resources are not adequately rationalized, and are also not planned, organized, directed, coordinated and controlled with efficiency, economy and effectiveness, all of which has repercussions on the lack of compliance with the institutional mission.

Resources are currently managed through new tools, which are facilitators of efficiency, economy and especially effectiveness; On the other hand, in the police entity, as there are a series of norms, parameters, lack of political and institutional will, and other limitations, it faces many difficulties in specifying an administration that guarantees public safety and tranquility throughout the Peruvian territory.


What effective administration tools can facilitate the fulfillment of the mission of the Peruvian National Police?


1. What element of the strategic chain must be restructured to overcome the situation presented by the current situation of the Peruvian National Police?

2. In what way can the Peruvian National Police fulfill social responsibility and set out towards a prospect of continuous improvement and effectiveness?




1825 The National Guard is created and that same year the Police Guard, forming part of the Armed Forces.
1834 During the government of President Orbegoso the Serenos reappear.
1839 The body of Serenos and Vigilantes is reorganized.
1845 President Ramón Castilla reorganizes the National Guard.
1855 Decree is issued recasting in the Gendarmerie all the police forces of the Republic.
1873 The regular police force is divided into the Guardia Civil and Gendarmería.
1880 President Piérola establishes by decree the distribution of police stations and police forces.
1919 During the government of President Leguía, the Republican Guard was created.
1922 The Spanish Civil Guard is hired to reorganize the Peruvian Police.
1922 The School of the Civil Guard and Police of the Republic is created with the motto "Honor is your Currency".
1922 The Investigation and Surveillance Corps is created, years later it would assume the motto: «Honor and Loyalty».
1924 The Health Service is developed hand in hand with the Police, which in 1924 became part of the Security Corps, later creating the Government and Police Health Department.
1932 The Republican Guard receives its Flag of War and adopts the motto "Honor, Loyalty and Discipline"
1956 The Women's Section of the School of Watchers is created.
1957 The Investigative Police adopts its own autonomy and creates the National Police Investigation School.
1985 The Armed Forces are reorganized. made up of the Civil Guard, the Investigative Police and the Republican Guard; naming them a Single Command and creating a single Study Center.
1988 The National Police is created, whose Institutional motto is God, Country and Law
1991 The National Police adapts to its new organic structure
1999 The New Organic Law of the National Police of Peru is promulgated.
2000 The Regulation of the New Organic Law of the PNP is promulgated.


Ø Political Constitution of the State - year 1979

Ø Political Constitution of the State- Year 1973- in force.

Ø Organic Law of the National Police of Peru. Law No. 27238. Pub.21.1.1999.

Ø Supreme Decree No. 008-2000-In - Regulation of the Organic Law of the National Police. Pub. 04.10.2000


The National Police is a unique, disciplined institution, dependent on the Executive Branch whose mission is to guarantee public safety and tranquility throughout the Peruvian territory, allowing people to achieve their full development.


The PNP's vision is to be recognized as a modern, disciplined and efficient institution at the service of society, with national and international prestige:

  • For their respect and defense of human rights, the Constitution and the laws, democratic vocation and commitment to promote a culture of peace. For the vocation of service, honesty, capacity, professionalism and leadership of its members. For their approach and integration with the community it serves and its relationship and collaboration with other institutions in Peru and the world, for its flexible and versatile structure, as well as the incorporation and application of cutting-edge technology in its actions.



The State is the fundamental organization for structured social life, which materializes both order and justice in daily life, through a legal framework that regulates coexistence between members of a society.

The State creates the Police as an executing institution of the power of state coercion, according to the laws dictated based on the social interest; therefore, its activity, function and purpose must be carried out within the framework of the law, doctrine and general principles of Law and the Constitution, which is oriented towards the human person as the supreme end of the State.


According to Article 166 of the Political Constitution of Peru, the National Police has the fundamental purpose of guaranteeing, maintaining and restoring internal order. Protects and helps people and society. It guarantees compliance with the laws and the security of public and private assets. Prevent, investigate and combat crime. It watches over and controls national borders.

When "Fundamental Purpose" is indicated, it is determining that it is the motive, the motive and the purpose of an end; that it is fundamental, elemental, essential, principal and vital for the National Police to guarantee, maintain and restore internal order.

The purpose is the future forecast (teleological) of an ideal purpose that is aspired to achieve, which due to its gradual nature establishes a definition between purpose, goals, objectives and targets:

Guarantee, Maintain and Restore consists of: Guaranteeing a set of legal, jurisdictional and administrative positions and legal provisions that the State dictates and adopts through its Legislative, Judicial and Executive Powers to protect, defend and enforce the set of legal provisions., jurisdictional and administrative dictated by the State to prevent the internal order from being broken.

Maintain a permanent set of provisions and measures established and executed by the administration of a government to affirm, protect, defend, and enforce the set of legal, jurisdictional, and administrative provisions issued and adopted by the State. Reestablish a set of decisions and actions of a coercive and coercive nature that the State adopts and uses through the National Police and / or the Armed Forces to neutralize, replicate, combat and eradicate criminal and / or subversive actions that are cracking the internal order.

The internal order is the position and disposition of calm, tranquility and peace in the national territory, and it is the set of organizations and structures of the State, regulated by Public Law and in certain circumstances by the Political Power, oriented to peaceful coexistence in general, in order to keep the structure of the State, the division of Powers and the Rule of Law intact.

Public order is a situation of social balance, conditioned by respect for the legal order and accompanied by a formal will, based on the customs, convictions, traditions and feelings of a community.


The Peruvian National Police is a State institution created to guarantee internal order, the free exercise of the fundamental rights of people and the normal development of citizen activities. It is professional and hierarchical. Its members represent the law, order and security throughout the Republic and have competence to intervene in all matters related to the fulfillment of its fundamental purpose.

Fundamental purpose

The fundamental purpose of the Peruvian National Police is to guarantee, maintain and restore internal order. Provide protection and help to people and the community. It guarantees compliance with the laws and the security of public and private assets. Prevent, investigate and combat crime. Monitor and control borders.

Organic dependency

The Peruvian National Police is part of the organic structure of the Ministry of the Interior.

Symbols and badges of command and authority

The Standard, Emblem and Institutional Anthem are symbols of the Peruvian National Police.

The regulatory uniform and identity card of the Peruvian National Police are hallmarks of authority and command for the exclusive use of police personnel.

Representation before institutions and provision of services

The National Police of Peru can accredit its representation before international organizations and sign academic, scientific and technological exchange agreements for police application, as well as for the provision of services to legal entities, public and private, with the prior authorization of the Head of the Sector.


The following are the functions of the National Police of Peru:

1) Maintain public security and tranquility to allow the free exercise of the fundamental rights of the person enshrined in the Political Constitution of Peru.

2) Prevent, combat, investigate and report the crimes and offenses provided for in the Penal Code and special laws, prosecutable ex officio; as well as applying the sanctions indicated in the Administrative Code of Police Contraventions.

3) Guarantee citizen security. It trains organized neighborhood entities in this matter.

4) Provide protection to children, adolescents, the elderly and women who are at risk of their freedom and personal integrity, preventing criminal offenses and collaborating in the execution of the corresponding socio-educational measures.

5) Investigate the disappearance of natural persons.

6) Guarantee and control free vehicular and pedestrian circulation on public roads and highways, ensure automotive and rail transport, investigate and report traffic accidents, as well as keep records of the fleet for police purposes, in coordination with the competent authority.

7) Intervene in air, maritime, river and lake transport in actions within its competence.

8) Monitor and control borders, as well as ensure compliance with legal provisions on immigration control of nationals and foreigners.

9) Provide security to the President of the Republic in office or elected, to the Heads of State on an official visit to the Presidents of the Public Powers and constitutionally autonomous bodies, to the Congressmen of the Republic, Ministers of State, as well as to diplomats, dignitaries and other personalities determined by the regulations of this Law.

10) Comply with the written mandates of the Judiciary, the Constitutional Court, the National Jury of Elections, the Public Ministry and the National Office of Electoral Processes, in the exercise of their functions.

11) Participate in the security of penitentiary establishments, as well as in the transfer of the accused and sentenced in accordance with the law.

12) Participate in compliance with the provisions related to the protection and conservation of natural resources and the environment, the security of the nation's archaeological and cultural heritage.

13) Ensure the security of public goods and services, in coordination with the corresponding state entities.

14) Participate in National Defense, Civil Defense and in the economic and social development of the country.

15) Exercise the identification of people for police purposes.

16) Exercise the other functions indicated in the Constitution and the laws.


The following are the powers of the National Police of Peru:

1) Intervene in all circumstances, when the exercise of the police function so requires, as they are considered permanently in service.

2) Require the presentation of personal identity documents when the case warrants it.

3) Register and centralize the police records of the people, as well as the judicial requisitions.

4) Issue certificates of police, domiciliary, survival records and others derived from the fulfillment of their functions.

5) Carry out criminal, technical-vehicular and other expertise related to their functions.

6) Obtain, guard, secure and process evidence, evidences and evidentiary elements related to the police investigation, making them available to the competent authority in due time.

7) Coordinate and cooperate with international organizations and police institutions in the prevention and suppression of crime, in accordance with the agreements signed.

8) Exercise the other powers indicated in the Constitution and the laws.


The following are powers of the National Police of Peru:

1) Carry out registrations of people and inspections of homes, facilities and vehicles, ships, aircraft and objects, in accordance with the Constitution and the law.

2) Free admission to public shows and free passes in mass public transport vehicles, when necessary for the fulfillment of their functions.

3) Possess, carry and use firearms in accordance with the Constitution and the law.

4) Intervene, summon and arrest people in accordance with the Constitution and the law.

5) Intervene as a conciliator in cases of conflict that do not constitute crimes or misdemeanors that disturb order and public tranquility.

6) Exercise the other powers indicated in the Constitution and the laws.

Compliance with the Code of Conduct

The personnel of the National Police of Peru in the exercise of their functions will observe and be subject to the principles of the Code of Conduct for Officials in charge of enforcing the Law.

Organic Structure

The National Police of Peru has the following organic structure:

1. Management Body

• General Direction

2. Advisory Body

• General Staff

3. Control Body

• General Inspectorate

4. Advisory Bodies

• Advisory Commission

• Better advice

• Economic Council

• Rating Council

• Research Tips

5. Organ of Instruction and Doctrine

• Directorate of Police Instruction and Doctrine

6. Executing Bodies

• Specialized Directions

• Police Regions

The internal organization of the different organs that make up the structure of the Peruvian National Police will be established in the corresponding Organization and Functions Regulations that will be

approved by Ministerial Resolution.


The Anti-drug Directorate of the National Police of Peru has been developing a relentless fight against Illicit Drug Trafficking…
The Criminalistics Directorate is the governing body of the Scientific System of the PNP…
The State Security Directorate, provide personal protection to State Officials, Dignitaries, and Personalities…
The Telematics Directorate is the technical body that supports the PNP…
Police Aviation Directorate in charge of planning, organizing, directing, coordinating and controlling aviation operations.
The Welfare Directorate guarantees the necessary welfare and social security conditions within the police…
The Health Department is the governing body of the Police Health System, it is in charge of promoting healthy lifestyles…
Directorate Against Corruption, investigates crimes against public administration, as well as related crimes…
The Directorate of Criminal Investigation and Support for Justice investigates, identifies, locates, captures and denounces the people involved in the commission of crimes against: life, body and health…
The Directorate Against Terrorism is the best indication of the optimal work carried out by the Peruvian National Police in the fight against Terrorism, it constitutes…
The Tourism and Ecology Department guarantees and will ensure the Personal Safety and heritage of tourists as well as the existing Tourist Plant, maintaining…
The Family Directorate is the body in charge of organizing and training the community for citizen security, through the formation of Neighborhood Boards…
The Fiscal Police Directorate, is a line organ of the Peruvian National Police, has jurisdiction to prevent, investigate, denounce and combat at the national level, Customs Crimes…
The Department of Education and Doctrine develops a quality education model, based on values ​​that ensure…
The Public Safety Directorate; has in its organization the important contribution of the National Division of Special Operations… EFFECTIVE ADMINISTRATION

Interpreting Chiavenato (2004), the administration is defined as the process of creating, designing and maintaining an environment in which people, working or working in groups, effectively achieve their mission. The administration is applied in all types of public or private corporation; it is applicable to administrators at all levels of a corporation. Management is concerned with performance; this implies efficiency and effectiveness.

According to Steiner (1998), the current administrative conceptions are the result of a process started at the dawn of humanity and which has been evolving and acquiring its own profiles through different periods and stages. This administrative process began as an obligatory fact when two individuals had to coordinate their efforts to do something that neither of them could do on their own and evolved into a previously planned and carefully planned and rational act that allows achieving objectives with the least effort. possible and with the greatest satisfaction for individuals. The historical study of this administrative evolution shows us the approaches that this science had in Egypt, China, Greece and Rome,and the influence that certain procedures used in those places had on some current practices in the field, including the functional organization of the powers of the State. Knowledge of the organization of the Roman Catholic Apostolic Church is also very interesting to understand the importance of indoctrination in administration for the pursuit of an objective, despite the fact that the structures and procedures may not satisfy all the theoretical administrative principles. A better understanding of the transformation of management science is gained; she comes to be consolidated in the Contemporary Age with the valuable studies of Woodrow Wilson.Knowledge of the organization of the Roman Catholic Apostolic Church is also very interesting to understand the importance of indoctrination in administration for the pursuit of an objective, despite the fact that the structures and procedures may not satisfy all the theoretical administrative principles. A better understanding of the transformation of management science is gained; she comes to be consolidated in the Contemporary Age with the valuable studies of Woodrow Wilson.Knowledge of the organization of the Roman Catholic Apostolic Church is also very interesting to understand the importance of indoctrination in administration for the pursuit of an objective, despite the fact that the structures and procedures may not satisfy all the theoretical administrative principles. A better understanding of the transformation of management science is gained; she comes to be consolidated in the Contemporary Age with the valuable studies of Woodrow Wilson.A better understanding of the transformation of management science is gained; she comes to be consolidated in the Contemporary Age with the valuable studies of Woodrow Wilson.A better understanding of the transformation of management science is gained; she comes to be consolidated in the Contemporary Age with the valuable studies of Woodrow Wilson.

According to Terry (2003), the theories and experiences of Henri Fayol and Frederick Taylor marked a new stage in the evolution of that science and the Scientific Administration, which they postulated and continued their disciples, becomes one of the most effective means to a technification of nascent industries in the present century; This technification has also greatly influenced the economic development and improvement of many countries due to its application in the public sector.

Administrative theories and their approaches

Administrative theories Main approaches Emphasis
Scientific Administration Rationalization of work at the operational level On homework
Classical Theory Formal Organization In the structure
Neoclassical Theory General principles of administration, administrator functions, formal organization In the structure
Bureaucracy Theory Bureaucratic, organizational rationality In the structure
Theory of human relations Formal and informal organization, motivation, leadership, communications and group dynamics. In people
Organizational behavior theory Management styles, decision theory, integration of organizational and individual objectives. In people
Organizational development theory Planned organizational change, open system approach. In people
Structuralist theory Intraorganizational analysis and environmental analysis, open system approach. In the environment
Contingency theory Technology management In the technology

Interpreting Koontz (1999), effective administration includes the planning of activities and resources, the proper organization of the processes and procedures of institutional activities, the tactical and strategic management of resources for the proposed purposes, and the evaluation and control institutional. To the extent that this process is properly conducted, executed and evaluated, it will be oriented towards the fulfillment of the institutional mission.

The term effective administration has been made more difficult by the various definitions that exist today, which vary according to the administrative school and the author. Taking all this into account, this work provides a general definition of administration that is based on the proposals of some prestigious authors, in order to give the reader a general idea of ​​the meaning of the term administration in our day. Then, a brief explanation of this definition and an axiom to be considered are provided. Thompon (2007), indicates that according to Idalberto Chiavenato, administration is "the process of planning, organizing, directing and controlling the use of resources to achieve organizational objectives"; for Robbins and Coulter,administration is the "coordination of work activities so that they are carried out efficiently and effectively with and through others"; According to Hitt, Black, and Porter, they define management as "the process of structuring and using resource sets geared toward goal achievement, to carry out tasks in an organizational environment." According to Díez de Castro, García del Junco, Martín Jimenez and Periáñez Cristóbal, administration is “the set of basic functions or processes (planning, organizing, directing, coordinating and controlling) that, when properly carried out, have a positive impact on efficiency and efficiency of the activity carried out in the organization ”; For Koontz and Weihrich, administration is "the process of designing and maintaining an environment in which, working in groups,individuals efficiently meet specific objectives ”; Reinaldo O. Da Silva, defines the administration as "a set of activities aimed at taking advantage of resources efficiently and effectively in order to achieve one or more objectives or goals of the organization."

Taking into account the previous definitions, the following definition of administration was proposed: Administration is the process of planning, organizing, directing and controlling the use of resources and work activities in order to achieve the goals, objectives and mission of the organization efficiently and effectively.

This definition is subdivided into five fundamental parts that are explained below:

Process of planning, organizing, directing and controlling: That is, carrying out a set of activities or functions in a sequential way, which includes: Planning: It basically consists of choosing and setting the organization's missions and objectives. Then, determine the policies, projects, programs, procedures, methods, budgets, norms and strategies necessary to achieve them, also including decision-making by having to choose between various future courses of action. In short, it is deciding in advance what you want to achieve in the future and how you are going to achieve it.

Organization: It consists of determining what tasks must be done, who does them, how they are grouped together, who is accountable to whom and where decisions are made.

Direction: It is the fact of influencing the individuals so that they contribute in favor of the fulfillment of the organizational and group goals; therefore, it has to do fundamentally with the interpersonal aspect of the administration.

Control: Consists of measuring and correcting individual and organizational performance to ensure that the facts adhere to the plans. It involves the measurement of performance based on goals and plans, the detection of deviations from the norms and the contribution to the correction of these.

Use of resources: Refers to the use of the different types of resources available to the organization: human, financial, material and information.

Work activities: They are the set of operations or tasks that are carried out in the organization and that, like resources, are essential for achieving the established objectives.

Achievement of objectives or goals of the organization: The entire process of planning, organizing, directing and controlling the use of resources and the carrying out of activities are not carried out randomly, but with the purpose of achieving the objectives or goals of the organization.

Efficiency and effectiveness: In essence, effectiveness is the achievement of objectives and efficiency is the achievement of objectives with the use of the minimum amount of resources.

According to Hitt, Black and Porter, referred to by Thompson (2007), the term administration also has other meanings besides "a process" or "a set of activities". Sometimes the term is used to designate a specific area of ​​the organization: the set of individuals who take over managerial tasks. Thus, one could hear the phrase: "The administration has developed a new policy for staff." Often when the term is used in this way, it does not necessarily refer to all the members of the organization, but rather to those who occupy the positions with the greatest power and influence within that scenario (the managerial levels).

Analyzing Terry (2003), effective management is being challenged by forces that are developed by a changing environment. Important factors among these forces are the generation of enormous amounts of knowledge, the development of an almost incredible technology, the great alterations in the general environment in which management operates and the deluge of changing human values. The four stages of corporate management are: planning, organization, execution and control.

Comparing Andrade (1999) and Terry (2003), it is determined that planning is applied to clarify, expand and determine the objectives and courses of action to be taken; for forecasting; establish conditions and assumptions under which the work must be done; select and indicate the areas for achieving the objectives; establish a plan of achievement; establish achievement policies, procedures, standards and methods; anticipate possible future problems; modify plans in light of control results

According to Evans (2000) and Johnson and Scholes (1999), it can be determined that the organization is applied to distribute the work among the group and to establish and recognize the necessary relationships and authority; subdivide work into operational tasks; arrange group operational tasks in operational positions; gather operational positions between related and administrable units; define the requirements of the job; select and place the human element in a suitable position; delegate due authority to each member of corporate management; provide facilities and other resources to staff; review the organization in light of the control results.

For Steiner (1998) and Stoner (2000), the execution is carried out with the practical, active and dynamic participation of all those involved in the decision or the managerial act; lead and challenge others to do the best they can; guides subordinates to comply with operating rules; developing subordinates to perform full potentials; highlight creativity to discover new or better ways to manage and perform work; praise and repress with justice; rewarding work well done with recognition and payment; review performance in light of control results.

For Koontz & O`Donnell (1990) and Robins (2000), the control of activities, this phase is applied to compare the results with the plans in general; evaluate the results against the norms of planning and institutional execution; devise effective means for measuring operations; make the measuring means known; transfer detailed data to show comparisons and variations; suggest corrective actions, if necessary; inform the responsible members of the interpretations; adjust the plan in light of the control results.

According to Steiner (1998) and Stoner (2000), in the practice of effective administration, these stages of the process are intertwined and interrelated; the execution of a function does not stop entirely before the next one starts. The sequence must be tailored to the specific objective or the particular project. Typically a manager is committed to many goals and can meet each one at different stages of the process.

Interpreting Thompson (2007), the New Modern Administration Tools that the PNP must apply to achieve the institutional mission are the following:

  • Benchmarking

· Total quality

  • EmpowermentDownsizingCoaching

Balanced scorecard

· Intellectual capital

ABC costing

  • EntrepreneurshipE-commerceJust in timeKanbanFranchisingEmotional intelligenceKaisenCorporate image

· The seven "s" of Mckinsey

· The 5 «S» of Kaizen

  • MentoringNegotiation

· New "employability"

  • OutplacementOutsourcingReengineeringTeamworkCompetitivenessOrganizational Development

Understanding that what Robins (2000) says, it can be said that the SWOT is a modern tool for the analysis of situations that the PNP experiences. It is a tool that serves to analyze the effectiveness situation of an organization. Its main function is to detect the relationships between the most important variables in order to design adequate strategies, based on the analysis of the internal and external environment that is inherent to each organization. Within each of the environments (external and internal) the main variables that affect it are analyzed; In the external environment we find threats that are all negative variables that directly or indirectly affect the organization and also the opportunities that positive external variables indicate to our organization.Within the internal environment we find the strengths that benefit the organization and weaknesses, those factors that undermine the potential of the company. The identification of the strengths, threats, weaknesses and opportunities in a common activity of the institutions, what is often ignored, is that the combination of these factors can be the design of different strategies or strategic decisions. It is useful to consider that the starting point of this model is threats, since in many cases companies proceed to strategic planning as a result of the perception of crises, problems or threats.Weaknesses and opportunities in a common activity of the institutions, what is often ignored is that the combination of these factors may lie in the design of different strategies or strategic decisions. It is useful to consider that the starting point of this model is threats, since in many cases companies proceed to strategic planning as a result of the perception of crises, problems or threats.Weaknesses and opportunities in a common activity of the institutions, what is often ignored is that the combination of these factors may lie in the design of different strategies or strategic decisions. It is useful to consider that the starting point of this model is threats, since in many cases companies proceed to strategic planning as a result of the perception of crises, problems or threats. INSTITUTIONAL MISSION

According to Villajuana (2003), the basis for achieving the institutional mission is to achieve the strategic objectives that come to be the set of pretensions to be achieved in relation to the growth, positioning, profitability, survival or development of the organization or strategic unit, expressed qualitatively, as It is mainly the result of strategic analysis, vision of the future and creativity of strategists. Answer the question What do we want to achieve ?. For their part, meta-strategies are the tuning of the strategic objective, since it is the quantification and location in time of the strategic objectives. Answer the question How much do we want to achieve and by when?

According to Thompson (2007), taking into account that the strategic planning process begins with the clear, exact and precise determination of the mission of the company or organization, it is essential that planners (including entrepreneurs, executives and marketers)) know before, what is the definition of mission, in order that they have the basic foundation to start the elaboration of a mission that is capable of moving people to be an active part of what will be the reason for being of the company or organization. According to Jack Fleitman in his book Successful Business, referred to by Thompson (2007, "The mission is what the company intends to do and for whom it will do it. It is the reason for its existence, it gives meaning and orientation to the company's activities;it is what it is intended to do to achieve the satisfaction of potential customers, staff, competition and the community in general ". According to the American Marketing Association, in its Dictionary of Terms and referred to by Thompson (2007) the mission is the “purpose of an organization; which is a function of five elements: (1) the history of the organization; (2) the current preferences of management and / or owners; (3) environmental considerations; (4) the organization's resources; and (5) its distinctive capabilities.(1) the history of the organization; (2) the current preferences of management and / or owners; (3) environmental considerations; (4) the organization's resources; and (5) its distinctive capabilities.(1) the history of the organization; (2) the current preferences of management and / or owners; (3) environmental considerations; (4) the organization's resources; and (5) its distinctive capabilities.

Likewise, Simón Andrade, author of the book "Dictionary of Economics" and referred to by Thompson, defines the term mission as the "purpose sought by a company or definition of the role it wishes to fulfill in its environment or in the social system in which it operates, and that really or allegedly, supposes its reason for being. Equivalent to the word end ».

According to Robins (2000), the mission is “the origin, the raison d'être of the corporation; which is influenced at specific times by various elements, such as: The history of the company, the preferences of the management and the owners of the business, external factors or the environment in which it is framed, the resources available and the strong points at every moment ».

The Royal Spanish Academy, in its Dictionary of the Spanish Language referred to by Stoner (2000), mission is the "Power, faculty that is given to someone to go and carry out some task".

For Steiner (1998), the mission is the motive, purpose, purpose or raison d'être of the existence of a company or organization because it defines: 1) what it intends to accomplish in its environment or social system in which it operates, 2) what what it intends to do, and 3) who it will do it for; and it is influenced at specific times by some elements such as: the history of the organization, the preferences of management and / or owners, external or environmental factors, available resources, and its distinctive capabilities.

For the Ministry of Economy and Finance, the mission is to expressly state the reason for the existence of the budget specification, it must reflect what it is, making direct reference to the general and specific function it performs as a management body. The mission statement must answer the following questions: Who are we ?; What are we looking for?; Why do we do it ?; And, for whom do we work ?.

Chiavenato (2004), when referring to continuous improvement or continuous improvement,refers to several authors: James Harrington (1993), who indicates that it refers to improving a process, means changing it to make it more effective, efficient and adaptable, what to change and how to change depends on the specific focus of the entrepreneur and the process. Fadi Kabboul (1994), who defines Continuous Improvement as a conversion into the viable and accessible mechanism by which companies in developing countries close the technological gap they maintain with respect to the developed world. Abell, D. (1994), gives as a concept of Continuous Improvement a mere historical extension of one of the principles of scientific management, established by Frederick Taylor, who affirms that every work method is capable of being improved (taken from the Course of Continuous Improvement dictated by Fadi Kbbaul). LP Sullivan (1CC 994),defines continuous improvement as an effort to apply improvements in each area of ​​the organization to what is delivered to customers. Eduardo Deming (1996), according to this author's perspective, total quality management requires a constant process, which will be called Continuous Improvement, where perfection is never achieved but is always sought. Continuous Improvement is a process that describes very well what is the essence of quality and reflects what companies need to do if they want to be competitive over time. The importance of this managerial technique is that its application can help improve weaknesses and strengthen the strengths of the organization. Through continuous improvement it is possible to be more productive and competitive in the market to which the organization belongs,On the other hand, organizations must analyze the processes used, so that if there are any problems, they can be improved or corrected; As a result of applying this technique, organizations may grow within the market and even become leaders. Through continuous improvement, the effort is concentrated in organizational areas and specific procedures, improvements are achieved in the short term and visible results. If there is a reduction in defective products, it results in a reduction in costs, as a result of less consumption of raw materials. It increases productivity and directs the organization towards competitiveness, which is of vital importance for current organizations. Contributes to the adaptation of processes to technological advances.It allows to eliminate repetitive processes.

According to the Argentine researcher Agustín Merello, foresight (also known as futurology) is a systematic discipline that studies the future from a scientific and technological perspective with the intention of understanding it and being able to influence it. Gastón Berger one of the founders of the discipline defined it as the science that studies the future to understand it and to be able to influence it. Although sometimes reference is made to other disciplines not based on the scientific method, such as astrology or theology.

The OECD defines foresight as the set of systematic attempts to observe the future of science, technology, the economy and society in the long term in order to identify emerging technologies that are likely to produce the greatest economic or social benefits.

On the other hand, foresight is a discipline and a set of methodologies aimed at forecasting the future. Basically it is about imagining possible future scenarios, called future scenarios, and sometimes determining their probability, with the ultimate goal of planning the necessary actions to avoid or accelerate their occurrence.

Foresight is, in addition to a systematic method, a particular attitude towards the future, sometimes called a proactive attitude. From such perspective, foresight is understood as a mental systematics that, in its most important section, comes from the future to the present; first anticipating the configuration of a desirable future, then, reflecting on the present from that imagined future, to -finally- conceive action strategies aimed at reaching the objective future as desirable.



Efficiency refers to the relationship between the services provided by the Peruvian National Police and the resources used for that purpose (productivity), compared to an established performance standard. The proper use of resources available to the National Police of Peru, will be feasible to have Directly Collected Resources, which can be used to provide efficiency to the services provided by the institution and especially for the benefit of staff. Says Koontz / O'Donnell (1999), an institution is efficient if it facilitates the achievement of institutional objectives and mission with the minimum of costs or unforeseen consequences.


Analyzing the concepts of Koontz & O'Donnell (1999), when a plan for the generation of directly collected resources is complete - having made adequate assignments and understood the basic tasks - and enters the phase in which actual execution must be evaluated, the role of the Police Chief becomes one of control. But, as has been repeatedly emphasized, in practice these administrative functions are mixed into one. The change to the control function may be imperceptible. The formulation of the budget of directly collected resources consists of planning, while budget management - monitoring and evaluation of planning - is control. To achieve institutional effectiveness, even in the course of planning, some monitoring is required;heads of any level of the police organization must ensure that their subordinates formulate and integrate derived plans. Obviously, the coordination of the plans must precede their proper execution. Similarly, planning must always take contingencies into account. There is nothing more foolish than following an inoperative plan or maintaining a plan that does not reflect the variables - internal or external - of a given situation.

Interpreting Terry (2003), effectiveness refers to the degree to which the Peruvian National Police achieves its objectives and goals or other benefits that it intended to achieve, provided for in institutional legislation or set by the Ministry of the Interior and the Presidency of the Republic.


Analyzing Evans (2000), the economy is related to the terms and conditions under which the Peruvian National Police acquires resources, be they financial, human, physical or technological, obtaining the required quantity, at the reasonable level of quality, in the opportunity and appropriate place and at the lowest possible cost.

The economy in the institutional management of the National Police of Peru, will take shape to the extent that the PROVISIONS OF AUSTERITY, RATIONALITY AND BUDGETARY DISCIPLINE are complied with. The Austerity Provisions constitute rules to maintain the budget balance of the Statement of the National Police of Peru, regardless of the source of financing, which must be applied during the execution of the budget.


The Budget of the National Police of Peru is set for each fiscal year within the budget structure of the Ministry of the Interior Statement, as well as its own income and administration and deconcentration needs. The Peruvian National Police can act as a recipient of donations from natural or legal persons, national or foreign, which will be governed by the provisions of the State Budget Management and Annual Budget Laws. The Peruvian National Police, with the prior authorization of the Sector Owner, may enter into agreements for the individualized or localized provision of rented services of a particular nature. The procedures and modalities of the provision will be established in the respective regulation.The own income generated by the provision of services constitutes directly collected resources and will be assigned to the police function. They are governed and administered in accordance with the State Budget Management and Annual Budget Laws, as well as specific institutional regulations.


It is the force that must always drive the police institution to grow and develop in each of the institutional areas. Interpreting Terry's (2003) thinking, competitive advantage can be said to be at the center of an entity's performance. According to the author, entities must always be fighting for growth, taking as an alternative the diversification of financial administration, so that they do not lose sight of the possibility of having the competitive advantage, necessary to maintain trust in society.


Interpreting Steiner (1999), corporate administration is defined in multiple ways, depending on the point of view, convictions and understanding. Thus, it can be said that it is the force that directs an entity and that it is responsible for its success or failure. It can be said that it is the performance to conceive and achieve the desired results through the efforts of a group that consists of the use of human talent and resources. Arguably, it is getting things done through the dynamic participation of people. Also that it is the satisfaction of economic and social needs, being productive for the human being, for the economy and for society. That it is a resource to achieve the objectives.

Analyzing Robins (2000) and Evans (2000), corporate governance is an abstraction designed to turn disorganized resources into achieving useful, effective, and fully beneficial goals for the community. This is achieved by effectively using non-human resources, working with people and motivating them to use their full capacity.


The human resource is the most important resource that a manager has. Otherwise management is for people and through people. A manager knows that to achieve the desired goal, people need direction, they need to be persuaded, inspired, communicated, and able to perform satisfactory job tasks.

Resources, other than people, are essential to the success of the corporate manager. The manager should define the link lines to facilitate the coordination of resources and to establish adequate and updated relationships between them. Institutional objectives give purpose to the use of resources by the manager. There is a goal to achieve, a mission to accomplish. A manager is goal oriented.


According to Koontz & O´Donnell (1999), since the plans are the bases against which controls must be established, logically it follows that the first step in the process would be to establish plans. However, since these vary in level of detail and complexity, and since corporate managers do not usually observe everything, special rules are established. These standards are, by definition, simple evaluation criteria. They are the points selected in a total planning program where evaluation measures are carried out, so that they can guide managers on how things are going without them having to observe each step in the execution of the plans.

Standards can be of many kinds. Among the best are evaluable goals or objectives, whether expressed in quantitative or qualitative terms, regularly established in well-operated objective management systems.



In the Peruvian National Police, it is necessary to apply an administration oriented in all its aspects to achieving the objectives, which will be the basis for achieving the institution's mission; For this purpose, an adequate strategic chain must be available: permanent and temporary actions, specific and general objectives, strategic and tactical, political, mission and institutional vision.

All agree that effective administration is the most appropriate recipe to fulfill the institutional mission. The effective administration of resources will lead to the PNP, provide internal security to the Peruvian population.

The effective administration is the conductive tool to achieve the social responsibility that the PNP has with the society.

Effective administration has to be planned, organized, directed and controlled; so that the best results are obtained, the same ones that must lead to the achievement of the institutional mission.

The rationality of human, material and financial resources leads to efficiency, the next step is the achievement of institutional goals, objectives and mission; at this moment we are facing effective administration. METHODOLOGICAL JUSTIFICATION

The investigation starts from the existing problem in the administration of PNP resources. On this situation, theoretical approaches and experiences on the subject are presented, with the purpose of solving said problem.

This work will analyze the effective administration; Then he will explain how to fulfill the institutional mission. PRACTICAL JUSTIFICATION

The application of effective administration will allow the PNP to plan, organize, direct, integrate and control the resources, activities, processes and procedures of the police institution in an efficient and effective way.


This work may be taken as a reference to carry out the effective administration of the PNP.

It is important, because it will capture academic training and professional experience.



Identify the effective administration tools that will facilitate the fulfillment of the institutional mission.


1. Propose the restructuring of the process of the administration of the National Police of Peru; in such a way that it allows turning problems into opportunities and overcoming the deficient situation.

2. Determine the results that the Peruvian National Police needs to achieve, to fulfill social responsibility and set out towards a prospect of continuous improvement and competitiveness



If the Peruvian National Police uses modern tools of effective administration; then the fulfillment of the institutional mission will be facilitated.


1. If the Peruvian National Police carries out the restructuring of the administration process; it will be possible to turn problems into opportunities and in this way overcome the poor situation.

2. If the Peruvian National Police achieves certain results within the framework of effective administration; Then it will facilitate compliance with social responsibility and the orientation of the institution towards a prospect of continuous improvement and effectiveness.





X.1. Process

X.2. Results




Y.1. Strategic chain

Y.2. Social responsability




Y.1. Joint

Y.2. Prospective



This investigation will be of the applied type, since all aspects are theorized, although its scope will be practical to the extent that they are taken into account by the Peruvian National Police.


The research to be carried out will be of the descriptive-explanatory level, since effective administration in all its aspects will be described; and the way to fulfill the institutional mission will be explained.


The following methods will be used in this investigation:

1) Descriptive.- Because all aspects of effective administration and how to achieve the institutional mission will be described.

2) Inductive.- To infer the information of the sample in the research population.


This work includes the methodological approach and theoretical approach of the investigation. The methodological approach highlights the formulation of research problems, objectives and hypotheses. In the theoretical approach, the development of the variables and indicators of the research in relation to the problems, objectives and hypotheses formulated stands out.

At the end of the research work, first the specific objectives will be contrasted with the general objective of the research. The contrasted specific objectives will be the basis for issuing the partial conclusions of the investigation. The partial conclusions will be the basis for issuing the general conclusion of the work.

Finally, an interrelation will be established between the general objective and the general conclusion until the general hypothesis of the investigation is contrasted.


The population of the investigation is made up of all the police agencies at the national level and within them the chiefs and operational personnel.


The sample for this work will be made up of personnel from the dependencies of the National Police of Peru, located in Metropolitan Lima. To define the sample size, the probabilistic method has been used and the statistical formula for populations less than 100,000 has been applied.


n It is the size of the sample to be taken into account for the field work. It is the variable that you want to determine.
P and q They represent the probability of the population to be included or not in the sample. According to the doctrine, when this probability is not known from statistical studies, it is assumed that p and q have a value of 0.5 each.
Z Represents the standard deviation units that in the normal curve define an error probability = 0.05, which is equivalent to a 95% confidence interval in the sample estimate, therefore the Z value = 1.96
N The total population. This case 620 people considering those people who have elements to answer for the research topics to be carried out.
EE Represents the standard error of the estimate, according to the doctrine, it must be 0.09 or less. In this case 0.09 has been taken


n = (0.5 x 0.5 x (1.96) 2 x 620) / (((0.09) 2 x 619) + (0.5 x 0.5 x (1.96) 2))

n = 100


Participants Total
Administrative Dependencies fifty
Operational dependencies twenty
Support units 30


The techniques that will be used in the investigation will be the following:

1) Surveys.- It will be applied to obtain information on the research topics.

2) Documentary analysis.- It will be used to analyze the norms, bibliographic information and other aspects related to the investigation.


The instruments that will be used in the investigation are the following: questionnaire and document analysis guide. The questionnaire will be used to carry out the survey. The documentary analysis guide is applied to organize and define the theories that will be taken into account for the theoretical framework of the research.


The following techniques will be applied:

  • Documentary analysis Inquiry Data reconciliation

· Tabulation of tables with quantities and percentages

  • Graphics understanding


The following data processing techniques will be applied:

· Sorting and classification

  • Manual registration

· Computerized process with Excel

· Computerized process with SPSS


Data collection X
Formulation X
Presentation X
Approval X
Data collection X X X X
Organization of info. X X X
Information processing X X
Thesis writing X
Presentation X
Lift X
Approval X


I. ASSETS: 770.00
Goods 4 THOUSAND 25 100.00
Pencils 5 DOZENS 10 50.00
Computer ink 10 UNITS 30 300.00
Floppy 3 DOZEN twenty 60.00
CD one DOZEN 60 60.00
Other assets 200.00
II. SERVICES 4,480.00
I support statistical work 2,000.00
Secretarial support 1,000.00
Mobility 300.00
Viaticals 500.00
Telephone 200.00
Prints 180.00
Photocopies 100.00
Various 200.00
TOTAL 5,250.00
Own resources 5,250.00
Donations 0000.00
Other sources 0000.00
Total 5,250.00


1. Andrade, Simón (1999) Development planning. Lime. Editorial San Marcos

2. Chiavenato, Idalberto (2004). Introduction to the General Theory of Administration. Santa Fe de Bogotá-Colombia. Mc. Graw Hill Interamericana SA.

3. Evans, James & Lindsay, William. (2000). Administration and Quality Control. Mexico. Grupo Editorial Iberoamérica SA de CV

4. Johnson Gerry and Scholes, Kevan. (1999) Strategic Management. Madrid: Prentice May International Ltd.

5. Koontz / O'Donnell (1999) Modern Administration Course - An analysis of systems and contingencies of administrative functions. Mexico. Lithographic Ingramex SA

6. Robbins Stephen (2000) Foundations of Management. Mexico. Prentice Hall Hispanoamericana, SA.

7. Steiner George (1998) Strategic Planning. Mexico. Compañía Editorial Continental SA. From CV.

8. Stoner, Freeman Gilbert (2000) Administration. Mexico. Compañía Editorial Continental SA. From CV.

9. Terry, George R. (2003) Principles of Management. Mexico: Compañía Editorial Continental SA.

10. Thompson, Iván (2007) Strategic planning. Mexico: Compañía Editorial Continental SA.

11. Villajuana, Pedro (2003) Strategic administration. Mexico: Compañía Editorial Continental SA.

Ministry of Economy and Finance - Strategic Planning in the Public Sector - Directive for the formulation of institutional strategic plans, December 2001.


Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), is an international cooperation organization, made up of 30 States, whose objective is to coordinate their economic and social policies. It was founded in 1961 and its headquarters are in the city of Paris, France. Its predecessor was the European Organization for Economic Cooperation. Its Secretary General is the Mexican José Ángel Gurría, since June 1, 2006

Provisions of austerity, rationality and budgetary discipline, contained in the Annual Budget Law

Effective administration so that the Peruvian national police fulfill its mission