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Social administration from the perspective of rationalism


Critical rationalism is the main basis of Karl Popper's philosophy, it consists in criticizing theories established by science and is expressly opposed to logical positivism. It also shows Popper's opposition to empiricism based on that of nature and the experience of the senses.


Scientific research uses the method of trial and error elimination and testing hypotheses. Every essay, even with intuition, has the nature of a conjecture or a hypothesis; at the scientific level, discoveries are revolutionary, creative, and should be objects open to investigation, consequently to science; scientific progress or discovery depends on the instruction and selection of a conservative or historical element, and on the revolutionary use of essay and the elimination of error through criticism seeking to refute theories. Objectivity rests on criticism, critical discussion, and critical examination of experiments.

The main obstacles in the progress of science are social in nature and are divided into economic and ideological ones, but the greatest danger in scientific theory is that it can become an intellectual fad.

For Popper Bacon's observationism, of referring to nature as the beginning and end of things, of the deduction method as pure observation, free from bad theories and error, the idea of ​​purifying the mind of prejudices is a naive idea and wrong, of a pure but empty mind, for critical rationalism scientific knowledge consists in learning from and examining our mistakes.

Science could be said to begin with theories, prejudices, superstitions, and myths, or rather, it begins when myth is challenged.

His thesis maintains that it does not start with observations, but always with problems or with a theory that has gone through serious difficulties, that is, a theory that has created and disappointed certain expectations.

Since science is discussed, the moral responsibility of the scientist becomes a fundamental part, it refers indirectly to the problem of biological and world war. In applied science, moral responsibility is an old problem and this moral that must be had, we can associate it with the Hippocratic oath, this oath committed the apprentice to continue with the traditions of his art and help those who suffered, as well as to obey the rules. It was a code of behavior.

According to morality, an exchange of the order of this oath is proposed and three parts are exposed. To start, there is a moral responsibility that must be carried out with the development of knowledge, although mistakes may be made, the objective is to prolong the development of knowledge. In second place is the student who owes total respect to all his teachers who have supported the search for truth and have shared all his knowledge and to finish we have loyalty above all the most important thing with humanity, the student must take into account Count all the results that your research can give and use them for good.

So morality must be taken seriously and applied as it should be. Here public policy becomes part of morality, it should find ways and means of avoiding suffering, this contrasting with utilitarianism that considers utility as a principle of morality, since utilitarians are supposed to maximize happiness but what they really do is minimize misery.

The biggest problem of public policy is to avoid war, which in the end is a degradation of morals that is also linked to the violence that has been induced in different ways, we can say that this is also due to the delusions of greatness of many and also when the war broke out, scientists intervene at this point or rather they are involved since when their country is threatened, a situation arises that involves morality. So, the moral obligations of the social scientist is that if he discovers instruments of power, especially instruments that may endanger freedom, he must warn people and seek an effective solution to the problem that may arise.

Regarding history, theists get involved because they believe in a personal God, but then the naturalist revolution changed the name of God for History according to Hegel and Marx, in the end Karl Popper calls it Historicism. Despite this, he makes harsh criticisms of historicism as David Miller puts it about his writings of Popper.

In the plot of history, man is an important element since he creates artifacts or products that intervene in our development and human activity. A product of man is human knowledge, which is given every day and is taken by new generations, producing different theories. Likewise, in addition to being producers, we are consumers of theories.

This is presented in order to produce new theories and continue the advancement of others, since the development of knowledge could be the heart of history along with the history of science, without forgetting that science is linked to the religion that is shared by many people.

But what a scientist does is find an important problem which has been based on previous theories. With the aforementioned, it can be explained that the development of knowledge always consists of correcting previous knowledge, for this reason it is said that there is no beginning, one simply begins something when life begins.

Also keep in mind that when a problem develops one must first understand it, which means that there is an attempt to solve it and can result in failure; therefore, there is a particular difficulty in not being able to solve such a problem.

To continue we must take into account the most important thing: Critical discussion, which is a learning mechanism from mistakes, is an attempt to find and eliminate a mistake.

A clear example of this is when a person in everyday life encounters a simple problem which, and of course, he wants to solve, what must be done is based on explaining and understanding events in terms of human actions and social situations.

For this reason it is necessary to act appropriately to a situation; what is known as the principle of rationality. Although we know and know that not all people act as they should be.


It can be said that scientific knowledge does not start from the direct observation of the problem but the problem initially given by a theory, which this theory manages to explain, the problems that arise are the product of difficulties discovered by the refutation of said theories.

In public administrations the decision-making process is governed by rationality. The limitation to individual rationality is made up of all the factors and the decision-maker's concept of the purpose of the decision, which may be different from that of the organization, its values ​​and its degree of information.

One of the most important tasks for scientists is to do a good job in their particular fields and to be interested in other fields so as not to be excluded from participation in the self-liberation of knowledge and helping others to understand scientists is a constant competition between each other since communication is not expressed clearly and simply, for Karl Popper this is perhaps the greatest and most urgent responsibility among them since it is linked to the survival of an open and democratic society and could not flourish if it becomes an exclusive possession of a closed group of specialists.

All this if we approach it from the social sphere helps us to analyze from a social management perspective that helps the human to understand the phenomena that are associated with the administrative function that institutions perform within society and the State, that is why that the social administration brings success to any social organism since they depend directly or indirectly on it, because they need to properly administer human and material resources.


Popper, Karl. The Common Framework Myth "In defense and science and rationality". PAIDOS Editorial, 1st edition, 1997.

Miller, David. Popper Select Writings. México, DF: Fondo de Cultura Económica, 1995.

Social administration from the perspective of rationalism