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Administration and administrative theory

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Historically, the evolution of the administration shows us different approaches acquired in different times and countries, such as in Rome, Greece, Egypt and China, among others, the influence that some procedures used in these places had, such as the organization of state powers.



Humanity from its beginnings has always required a certain level of organization and likewise administration, the human being is from its beginnings a being that coexists in society, which implies bringing order within his own life, living in an organized way. All this implied that man saw the need to divide social activities and functions in order to live in an organized way. With the birth of the first human tribes it was necessary to manage themselves in time and in shape, some had to hunt, others in turn had to collect water, others build tools, with this a primitive administration of tasks is born.

We can say from the concept that the need is the mother of the administration, because in order to satisfy that need it is necessary to be able to work as a group. In this way we say that administration is a human activity which is responsible for directing and organizing individual and collective work.

In the professional perspective (Rodríguez, 2006) defines it as “the discipline that trains specialists to lead a work team in order to achieve joint objectives”.

Historically, the evolution of the administration shows us different approaches acquired in different times and countries, such as in Rome, Greece, Egypt and China, among others, the influence that some procedures used in these places had, such as the organization of state powers.

Having said this, we can establish that the administration with form has been growing and evolving humanity has been more required and necessary to be able to

establish the order that all society needs due to human needs. The man has been using administration at his convenience so that through it, he can carry out activities in the most effective way possible, administration is a very dynamic activity, which can be used in other fields to improve certain aspects.

Administration concept.

(Chiavenato, 2000) comments that the word Administration comes from the Latin Ad (direction or tendency) and minister (subordination or obedience), and means fulfillment of a function under the command of another; this is a provision of a service.

The American Management Association tells us that management is the activity by which certain results are obtained through the effort and cooperation of others.

(Galindo, 1990) Process whose object is the effective and efficient coordination of the resources of a social group to achieve its objectives with maximum productivity.

The administration has different characteristics which are the following:

a) Universality: it exists in any social group and is applicable to any type of company.

b) Flexibility: it adapts to the needs of each social group where it is applied.

c) Interdisciplinary: administration is related to all those sciences and techniques related to work efficiency.

d) Instrumental value: this seeks to obtain certain results.

e) Temporal unit: that is to say that the administration is a dynamic process in which all its parts exist simultaneously.

f) Specificity: the administration cannot be confused with other related disciplines even if it uses other sciences and techniques.

g) Extent of exercise: it is applied at all levels and subsystems of an organization.

The relationship of the administration with other disciplines.

Administration has an intimate relationship with other fields of human knowledge, one of which has been mathematics and statistics, since modern techniques are based on the application of statistics in certain areas of administrative work. Similarly, another discipline that is linked to administration is the social sciences, since knowledge of human behavior is required, whether individually, in groups, or socially.

It is related to accounting and financial theory, when you have senior management positions it is based on the results of your management and the areas it coordinates.

Its connection with computing is increasing, since with the evolution of computers, nowadays a program or software is always required to help you with the administration of a company.

In the same way, it has a very close relationship with the economy since in the current era the globalization of the markets requires that an administrator have a vision of the economic phenomenon worldwide.

Origin and background of the administration.

Administration is said to be the historical and integrated result of the accumulated contribution of numerous pioneers: philosophers, economists, statesmen, and even businessmen who over time developed and disseminated works and theories in their field of activities.

According to (Rivas) The science of administration emerged at the beginning of the 20th century, for the General Theory of Administration to emerge, many centuries of preparation and antecedents were necessary that were capable of making viable the indispensable conditions for its appearance at that time.

It was from this century when the administration began to evolve rapidly and went through moments of innovation. Developed countries have a pluralistic society of organizations where social needs are entrusted to some organizations such as companies, schools, universities, public service organizations, which are managed by their own management groups to be more effective.

During the 19th century, society operated differently since the administration was not required to be developed very thoroughly since there was a lack of large companies, instead there were only small workshops, consulting rooms, the individual work of professionals such as doctors predominated, lawyers, teachers.


Early times.

At this time, men, having food and shelter needs, began to form the tribes in which the jobs were divided to cover those needs, such as fishing, hunting, and gathering wood for fire. Said tasks were assigned based on the sexes, that is, men carried out heavy tasks and women lighter tasks according to their abilities, from these moments the primitive man began to manage the administration, the administration had been a set of necessary effort to achieve a common goal that required the participation of several individuals.

Agricultural stage.

At this stage, man ceased to be nomadic and sedentary lifestyle was established, which led to the tribes becoming civilizations as the number of people inside was increasing, fishing, hunting and gathering became secondary needs., livestock and agriculture took place as the main activities, all work was divided according to the capacities of each of the sexes. In Egypt and Mesopotamia the

state emerged and with it the establishment of social classes.

In these places, science, literature, religion, political organization, writing and urban planning also emerged. As there were hierarchs, the payment of tributes to the crowns or hierarchs began, this required advanced administration for those times, this caused large groups of people to be managed to carry out different activities, such as architectural works. The principles of administration began to be used in these places: Plan, Organize and Control.


During feudalism, a large number of serfs became independent workers, thus creating small artisan workshops and the new system of crafts in which a new administration structure was required. The owners of the workshops worked together with apprentices to whom they delegated tasks and work, who in turn learned from the same owners about how to run and manage a workshop and later establish their own. With this, commerce in the cities was developed, making it become a family economy, this in turn became the economy of the city. For the first time, the corporations or unions appeared which regulated the hours, wages and other work issues. This has been the origin of the unions.

Industrial Revolution.

As is known, at this stage of humanity, great inventions appeared, the one that comes out of all the most is the steam engine, this whole range of new inventions that revolutionized the industry, made artisan workshops gradually disappear as they hoarded all the necessary production for the city the factories of that time. These factories were usually of wealthy people who owned the production systems and the worker sold his labor effort.

In this facet, the administration still lacked scientific bases, the worker was exploited and did not have many labor rights, since they had long hours of work, unhealthy work environments and little security in it.

All this originated new theories about the administration as well as about the labor rights of the workers, it was the beginning of the investigations that would originate the scientific administration and the maturity of the administration.

This idea led to the emergence of a scientific approach to administration that replaced the dominant empiricism, which materialized in the so-called Classical Theories of Administration.

Twentieth century

It is in this stage when the administration is consolidated, at the beginning of this century the Theory of the scientific administration arises being Frederick Winslow Taylor its initiator. From this moment on, multiple names begin to emerge that are dedicated to the study of administration as a discipline. It is at these times when the administration is taken as something elementary for the management of a company since with it you can have better results, optimize resources and simplify work.

Today the administration is applied in any situation that requires organizing something, be it cultural events or presidential campaigns, the administration is a fundamental part for the proper functioning of any social organism.

Administrative theory.

Theory of scientific administration. (TAC)

This theory came up with the idea of ​​increasing productivity within companies, this was at the beginning of the 20th century (1856 - 1915). Its main contributors to this theory are Frederick Taylor, Henry Gantt, Frank and Lilian Gilbreth, who are the ones who invented the principles that are known as the theory of scientific administration, in it it is intended to determine in a scientific way, the best way to increase productivity, since in those times the workforce was scarce and the only way to do it was by reinventing administrative processes. In this theory, the human being was seen as an interested being who only saw for himself and his only satisfaction was to obtain money from his work, ignoring any other needs and motivations he might have.

Frederick Taylor stated that organizational efficiency depended on three fundamental factors:

1. «One best way» or the best way to carry out each job, at this point Taylor carried out what is known as the study of times and movements, where tasks were analyzed and deployed by movements which required a certain amount of time to complete. be carried out, thus trying to have better control of the times to perform a job, at this point the worker is seen as the culprit of laziness and waste of the company for what is sought through the study of times and movements standardize the tasks so that they are carried out in the stipulated time. This brought with it the division of labor and the specialization of the worker so that he would dedicate himself to a few tasks only and become an expert in them.

2. In order to achieve the collaboration of the worker and motivate him in some way, he established the remuneration for production, thus giving financial compensation to the workers who meet their production quota and giving even more to those who will be able to overcome their own brands. He sought to keep the worker giving him more money for his production.

3. Points out that efficiency not only depended on the work carried out by the worker or on the incentives that are given, there are also other fundamental factors to achieve it, such as working conditions, being able to help the worker with instruments and tools that they support with the tasks that they carry out, as well as reducing the distances that they travel from one machine to another.

Classic theory of administration.

This theory states that the principles of administration are intangible and affect administrative behavior. It seeks to increase the efficiency of a company by organizing it in the form of organs (departments). Classical theory views administration as a closed system.

Its main exponent, Henry Fayol, maintained that administration is a skill and that administrative principles can and should be taught to senior management. Fayol in his famous book Industrial and General Administration, published in Paris in 1926, where he structured his theory in five points, first, he presented the six basic functions of the company, second, he clarified what are administrative functions, defining the concept of administration, third, demonstrated through the proportionality of administrative functions, that the hierarchy is distributed throughout the company and that they are not exclusive to senior management, fourth, differentiated the concepts between administration and organization and fifth, established the general principles of administration.

Bureaucracy theory.

Max Weber is its main exponent and stipulates that bureaucracy is the most efficient and rational form that organizations must use to achieve a high degree of efficiency and effective control over personnel.

Emphasizes the need for a hierarchy that is strictly defined and governed by strict normal and authority guidelines, emphasizes the organizational structure.

Weber's bureaucratic model.

Theory of human relations.

Mary Parker Follet is its main exponent, she directed her administration approach towards human behavior, she raised the need for people to work in groups. She pointed out that the artificial manager-employee distinction masked the purposes, as well as the need for participatory leadership in which there is joint work in decision-making between managers and workers.

The humanistic approach focuses on two basic aspects:

1. The analysis of work and the adaptation of the worker to it.

2. The adaptation of work to the worker.

Scientific theory of behavior.

It considers that administrations must adapt to the needs of individuals, since it considers the human factor as a determinant in the company's objectives, it is also known as the theory of needs and motivations. Abraham Maslow pointed out that the needs are structured in the form of a pyramid, where the highest part represents the needs of ego and self-realization and the base or bottom part has to do with the basic needs of the human being.

Douglas Mc Gregor (1906 - 1964) identified two basic groups of assumptions which he named Theory X and Theory Y.

Theory X sees people as unfriendly to work, conceptualizes them as lazy, lacking in ambition, growth, disliking responsibility, resisting change and needing guidance, seeing work only as a necessity to meet your basic needs.

Theory Y sees people in a more positive and optimistic way, states that people see work with pleasure, that they are committed to it, that they like to acquire a certain degree of responsibility and they like to apply their imagination, that the administration Participatory is the best way to harness human potential by providing a perspective of self-improvement.

Total quality theory.

This theory arises at the end of the Second World War, it is used by the United States, it is implemented as part of the quality control of its war weapons, they carry out control points in the final part of their weapons production processes, this with the In order that defective products are not used and that only products that comply with quality control are taken to the battlefield. However this philosophy is abandoned by the United States once the war is over, on the other hand Japan adopts it once the war is over for the reconstruction of their country, with the difference that when it comes to adapting it to their processes instead of do it the way the United States had been working to put their quality control to the end,they do it in each part of the process in order that a poorly made object never reaches the final stage, this theory is carried by Edwards Deming. and in Japan this tool is called Kaizen.

Theory Z

It is a theory proposed by the American William Ouchi which is closely related to total quality, it is a conjunction of Japanese philosophies with American philosophy, in this way Theory Z arises which emphasizes human relations as a complement to administration scientific. William Ouchi proposes that organizations should take more account of their human resources and pay more attention to meeting their needs both as a group and individually. This theory states that to achieve an increase in the productivity of the company, workers must be involved in organizational processes, show confidence and have closer social relationships. In summary, the Z theory implies a series of humanized values ​​among the most important:The satisfaction of needs for self-esteem and personal self-relationship of individuals.

Organizational development theory.

According to (Macias & Vidal, 2002) It arises in the United States in 1962, part of a group of scientists who emphasize the planned development of organizations, policies and standards, and the organizational climate. The DO is based on a series of values, democratic, optimistic and humanistic about people, groups and organizations.

The DO is a cyclical, interactive process between consultant and client on whose affective relationship the successful implementation of the change strategy will depend, making a constant evaluation of the process through the collection of information and organizational diagnoses that measure how it is going. developing itself.


As we could understand, man from his origins has seen the need to form working groups and socialize in order to get ahead, initially to survive and later to have organizational growth, all this has not been possible without the help of the administration, since each time more and larger working groups were formed, a better organization and administration was necessary, this has led to the global growth of the industries today, but it should be noted that the administration for a long time was a secondary issue that was not given the necessary weight,It was not until the beginning of the 20th century with the birth of the large industries that the human being was forced to work more fully on the administration since he realized that this tool helped a lot in the way of increasing productivity and minimizing lost and make the most of resources. At a certain time, the collaborator was abused, however, the administration itself evolved in such a way that it could encompass a whole from the perspective in which both businessman and collaborator were obtaining mutual benefits derived from having a good administration that supported in every way the collaborator and the same employer will benefit from the collaborator's satisfaction.At a certain time, the collaborator was abused, however, the administration itself evolved in such a way that it could encompass a whole from the perspective in which both businessman and collaborator were obtaining mutual benefits derived from having a good administration that supported in every way the collaborator and the same employer will benefit from the collaborator's satisfaction.At a certain time, the collaborator was abused, however, the administration itself evolved in such a way that it could encompass a whole from the perspective in which both businessman and collaborator were obtaining mutual benefits derived from having a good administration that supported in every way the collaborator and the same employer will benefit from the collaborator's satisfaction.


Chiavenato, I. (2000). Human resources management. In I. Chiavenato, Human Resources Administration (p. 294). Santa Fé de Bogotá, Colombia: McGRAW-HILL.

Galindo, M. (1990). Administration. Mexico DF: Trillas.

Macias, AM, & Vidal, AA (2002). Evolution of administrative theory. A view from organizational psychology. Cuban magazine of psychology, 11.

Rivas, MJ (sf). Introduction to administration. Catia La Mar, Vargas, Venezuela.

Rodríguez, SH (2006). Introduction to administration: General administrative theory, origin, evolution and vanguard. McGraw-Hill.

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Administration and administrative theory