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Change agents as impact leaders in organizations


The word change itself for every human being implies an action or transformation of something, which can cause some insecurity, everything depends on the way in which this change is presented and received by the person who lives the process. Changes occur at all times in everyday life, the same day to day is a process of constant transformation to which we all adapt.

In Organizations, as they grow, the need for change grows, resisting it makes companies disappear in some cases, and although it is important to recognize that in most cases change can even be painful, there is no to forget that it is the path that leads to success. That is why organizations every day need competitive leaders, prepared and capable to lead change, it takes real " Change Agents ".

Agents of change are leaders who, rather than living in the present, develop in the future, their actions are aimed at what an organization can or should be, they have a great capacity to understand their environment and impact it. They manage to transcend success or many times to failure because, as they are entities that awaken a number of emotions, they can lift, promote, develop and take to the top an organization in a variety of aspects through "Motivation". As it can also achieve a collapse of emotions if they are not managed with leadership and responsibility, which can cause "frustration".

If we delve more specifically into what an agent of change is, we will find that agent "is the one who practices action, promoter and promoter" and change "is a process of transformation or movement". Therefore, change agent is a person capable of developing actions, attitudes in a continuous way in different aspects and areas of the organization that brings improvements for it, they are leaders involved in each change process that seek to achieve transcendental results and can be internal. or external,; the interns are leaders who are within the organization, they work permanently in it, they have a lot of knowledge and experience in all the systems and processes that compose it and, therefore, they thoroughly know the problems of the organization. The external ones are hired temporarily,As is the case of consultants, their advantage is the little relationship with the problem, which allows them greater objectivity when implementing the change, which is why it is believed that the ideal in the organization is for both agents to exist because, at the combining objectivity with real information would achieve a perfect balance.

Among the characteristics of the Change Agents are that they are: visionary people, generators of elements of great value for the organization, makes informed decisions, develops the potential of each resource in the system based on its study through a direct relationship with the staff. It creates bonds of trust and affection, it takes the time to listen to needs and opinions, in addition to supporting them in solving their problems in order to lessen resistance to change and achieve secure and lasting commitments.

Change agents are empowered to diagnose future situations according to the behaviors they observe or to detect areas of opportunity. One of their fundamental characteristics is the emotional intelligence they develop and the success of their performance lies in the association they link with business productivity. He is responsible for each process and therefore for the results achieved. Therefore, they anticipate a planning of each process as well as the verification that they are applied and, as a conclusion, the evaluation of the results.

The responsibility of a Change Agent is great because it must have the necessary tact when introducing the organization to the commitment to change, since it can unleash non-positive emotions and resistance, therefore it is important to first inform employees of a personalized way either through memoranda, work meetings, management speeches etc., that your position will undergo changes and that this will affect your area, so it is also your responsibility to accompany and advise each one in the process, highlighting the beneficial results that This entails in the future, presenting clear and precise objectives until it becomes part of the organization's culture.

Resistance to change generally occurs for three reasons: Uncertainty, concern about suffering a personal loss and the belief that change does not go with the best interests of the organization, however this can be counteracted through various elements, for example the information and communication that the Change agents maintain with the organization, participation in a project before executing the change, creating a climate of support and understanding as well as negotiation and collective voting.

The powerful tool or weapon that has historically accompanied the agents of change is "motivation", if we go back to the early days, man in his early days needed to be motivated to get his food, his motivator was his need to feed himself. If we start from the great students of psychology without going too far, we will find how they give an important weight to motivation. Among those we can mention is Abraham Maslow with his theory of Human Motivations, he points out that while the most basic needs are met, people develop higher desires. Frederick Herzberg, talks about motivation - hygiene, he mentions that people's performance depends on their level of satisfaction.Mac Gregor for example emphasizes the importance of job security and we cannot fail to mention Taylor who bases his motivational approach hand in hand with productivity, motivating workers through economic rewards and making production processes efficient by study the tasks in detail.

Motivation is a means that can lead man to success or failure. The term is Latin and comes from motus "moved" and motio "movement" and it is known that it is a kind of motor of life that makes it drive a person to perform a certain action and stay in it until he achieves his goal, which is generally linked to a personal need. Charles Schwab quoted in Dale Carnegi's book "How to Win Friends and Influence People" says: "The way to get things done is by stimulating competition.I'm not talking about the sordid, monetary stimulus, but the desire to excel. I can definitely call this an effective type of motivation. It should be noted that when a goal is not achieved, motivation ends in frustration, which results in depression, anguish, anger, anxieties and a series of destructive thoughts.

A frustrated person can never be productive, so the Change Agents play a vital role in this aspect because they are responsible for detecting these emotional states in time, avoiding or counteracting them as far as possible because it is a direct blow to the stability of the organization. Management and middle managers must also be part of this culture of motivation hand in hand with good communication, for consistency. Charles Schwab quoted in Carnegi's book "How to Win Friends and Influence People" says: "The way to get things done is to stimulate competition. I'm not talking about the sordid, monetary stimulus, but the desire to excel. " Dale Carnegi in the same book mentions 9 rules to change people's attitude and behavior, which seem to me everyday but interesting aspects that are often not taken into account when making a change, and he tells us: 1) start with the praise and sincere appreciation, it refers to keep in mind the qualities or strengths of people this denotes interest;2) draw attention to others indirectly, this emphasizes that more than a wake-up call, it is to give the collaborator an overview of the aspects that he must make efficient and advise him in the learning process; 3) Talk about your own mistakes before criticizing others, that is, through the experiences of the change agent or leader, collaborators can correct their own mistakes without feeling attacked. 4) ask questions instead of giving orders, this is in relation to the saying that says in the way of asking for this the way of giving, what it refers to is that nobody likes to be sent but if they learn to reflect on their own mistakes, the response to change will be faster, it will bring personal growth, 5) allow the other person to save their own prestige,This is a gesture of great humility, which unconditionally commits the collaborator to the project or change. 6) Praise the smallest progress and also each progress. Be "warm in your approval and generous in your praise", 7) Give the other person a good reputation so that they are interested in maintaining it, when someone is indicated with a disapproving qualification, there is a kind of negativity and resistance that is why Maintaining a positive image makes each day strive to maintain and enhance it 8) Encourage the other person, make mistakes easy to correct, and finally rule 9) Make sure that the other person is satisfied with doing what you suggest.Be "warm in your approval and generous in your praise", 7) Give the other person a good reputation so that they are interested in maintaining it, when someone is indicated with a disapproving qualification, there is a kind of negativity and resistance that is why Maintaining a positive image makes each day strive to maintain and enhance it 8) Encourage the other person, make mistakes easy to correct, and finally rule 9) Make sure that the other person is satisfied with doing what you suggest.Be "warm in your approval and generous in your praise", 7) Give the other person a good reputation so that they are interested in maintaining it, when someone is indicated with a disapproving qualification, there is a kind of negativity and resistance that is why Maintaining a positive image makes each day strive to maintain and enhance it 8) Encourage the other person, make mistakes easy to correct, and finally rule 9) Make sure that the other person is satisfied with doing what you suggest.When someone is pointed out with a disapproving qualification, a kind of negativity and resistance is presented, which is why maintaining a positive image makes each day strive to maintain and exalt it 8) Encourage the other person, make mistakes easy to correct, and lastly rule 9) Make sure that the other person is satisfied with doing what you suggest.When someone is pointed out with a disapproving qualification, a kind of negativity and resistance is presented, which is why maintaining a positive image makes each day strive to maintain and exalt it 8) Encourage the other person, make mistakes easy to correct, and lastly rule 9) Make sure that the other person is satisfied with doing what you suggest.

Although it is true in an organization there are a number of aspects that can cause frustration when executing a change and we must take them into account such as: the bad relationship with the change agent, feeling unfair the rewards, unfavorable working conditions and routine, when decision-making is centralized or there is a bad work environment, etc. It is nothing new that workers expect promotions, salary increases, job security and stability from the organization, feeling valued, appropriate hours, good interpersonal relationships, etc. And the list can be broadened but the success of the change will depend on the way in which the agent sells the idea and manages situations as a leader, taking care of aspects such as seeing the worker from a human perspective with goals and dreams of life.All of us look for belonging, to feel part of something, if at the moment of facing a change the agent or leader presents the project with clarity and transparency, incentives as a motivating element and also gives it the necessary attention with good communication and monitoring and in the end, he evaluates the results and communicates them with pleasure for the success obtained, the change will be made in a positive way.

With all this it only remains to say that a Change Agent has in his hands the opportunity to change not only an organization but the entire world and that motivation is the condiment that gives light, life and belonging to change.


DALE, Carnegie. How to Win Friends and Influence People. Ed. Dbolsillo. 1st edition 2007.pag. 276, 277.


Change management.




Frustration motivation.

Change agents as impact leaders in organizations