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Strategic alliances with agro-export companies. option for Peru's foreign trade


The Concept of SMEs in the agro-export sector is linked to the formation and economic growth of small family organizations that seek to consolidate a productive structure. SMEs are the fundamental axis to diversify and expand the exportable offer in the food sector, which is why it is necessary to establish stimulation mechanisms for small and medium-sized companies that allow feeding the productive capacity of exporting companies, also in the medium term SMEs are responsible for offering employment to people of medium and low qualification level. However, they suffer from structural problems determined by the low qualification of human resources, technological limitations and access to capital goods, limited access to financial resources,low management quality and reduced market insertion.

Despite the great variety of agricultural resources that our country possesses and the possibility of transformation derived from these, the opportunities of SMEs in the current economic context are not the best, although it is true that small and medium-sized companies dedicated to Food production and commercialization have managed to take possession in the national market, the greatest challenge is in international markets where its presence is still limited.

How can SMEs in the food sector successfully access international markets?

A country that has great geographic, economic, social and cultural diversity; and in this context, it is necessary to recognize great competitive advantages offered by their regions, under this scheme, the possibility of marketing is great, but the lack of knowledge, technology and capital make it difficult for products to reach other countries.

A mechanism that is not new and that many companies have developed is strategic alliances. Alliances take very different forms, creating alliances is not a natural process for managers of small and medium-sized companies, there is an isolated and self-sufficient company concept, in addition to the fear of undertaking new business challenges. The implementation of strategic alliances is a process that begins within the SME itself and whose fundamental basis is the knowledge of its own organization of its objectives, capacities, strengths, weaknesses and an environment of trust between the people and groups that are expected to contribute. with knowledge and support for the implementation of the alliance.

Conditions to carry out successful alliances

Managers who are considering establishing an alliance between SMEs or between an SME and a large company should have a clear and strategic vision of the current capabilities of their respective companies.

Managers must consider a wide range of possible alliances and to do this, be clear about which activities will be carried out in cooperation with the other company and in what way they will develop.

Before embarking on the SME in an alliance, the degree of commitment and capacity of future partners must be well analyzed and studied.

Likewise, excessive dependence on alliances should be avoided. SMEs can reduce their dependency by being cautious when it comes to alliances with competitors or those related to their capabilities.

Bases of the alliance

The launch of an alliance is more convenient when the two parties have complementary skills, for example when a fruit pulp producer wants to find a new partner to bring his product to a new market abroad, usually a local partner is sought. who knows how to do business in that market and provides access. The local partner generally provides those elements that are required for the alliance to be successful in the short term, such as distribution channels, contacts, etc., the international partner contributes elements in the long term, such as global brands, research and sales in international markets. SME managers must strengthen their bargaining power and take care of the alliance as a structure in order to protect their interests in the long term.

Benefits of strategic alliances

Costs reduction; migrating or channeling activities typical of the exercise of opening new markets, towards companies that have greater specialization or experience reduces costs.

Risk reduction; It is logical that the longer the process of selling a product abroad the more risks they present, the less activities with the aim of specializing, making the production process more effective and safer.

Increase in the export of products; An alliance can increase the distribution network of the product to new markets when an SME is dedicated to carrying out its own activity and allied with other companies that are in charge of distribution and marketing abroad, it can increase its production. Alliances are not only given to distribute export functions, two SMEs can also be associated to exchange knowledge, distribution channels, share markets, etc.

Many world-class companies have alliances and the main trend of chocolate companies (for example) have alliances with the sugar sector to achieve better prices for export products, which gives them greater competitiveness in addition to giving added value to sugar.

Alliances are an indisputable part of a new way of opening markets, they are being used by large companies in the world that want to strengthen their economic power and by small companies looking for opportunities outside their own markets, alliances are a real possibility that they have SMEs, their preparation to face them depends on the success of their objectives. The task of penetrating new markets with agro-export products is not easy, even more so when they do not have a high added value, so it is important to find a mechanism that reduces costs and increases the possibility of exporting, strategic alliances offer this possibility.

In the new century, especially small and medium-sized organizations must consider strategic alliances as a very viable option for their growth.

Strategic Alliances are cooperative agreements in which two or more companies come together to achieve Competitive Advantages that they would not achieve on their own in the short term without great effort. Being competitive advantages, the production capacity, quality, credit, price, service, design, image and information.


Synergies by combining the best of the parts

Faster operations

Take advantage of greater opportunities by consolidating offer and sharing risks

Technology Transfer to improve competitive advantages

Tie competitors in their markets

Sales, access to new markets and distribution channels.

More direct contact with customers

Capital contributions for market and / or technology development

Possibility of maintaining the individual capital of the partners in the company, by creating new companies where appropriate.

The expected benefits are

Large exporting companies.- having more suppliers, increasing quality levels, having supplies and parts at competitive prices, optimizing working capital requirements.

Suppliers.- Access to financing, use of installed capacity, technical assistance, integration into the export chain, sales through firm orders or contracts.

Export.- Increase in exports, increase in the competitiveness of exporters, strengthening of the export-oriented production chain.

Strategic alliances with agro-export companies. option for Peru's foreign trade