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Love and passion in business

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Many of us have been in the processes of Strategic Planning and coldly we seek to place our intentions and numerical claims regarding what has been achieved so far.

However, we have never put on the table what the fundamental concept that will lead us to win in the market as a product of LOVE for what we do. “Today, LOVE is essential to unleash the passion to serve those who owe ourselves and to do what we do.

A high level of leadership is required to enable this concept to become a high perceived value for our clients. Amid the complexity and urgent need to survive in competitive markets, we have forgotten this very important concept that is undoubtedly the pillar of the organization.

Have you ever wondered if your staff truly LOVES your company?

To your vision? Her work? To his clients? If you love the Service you provide? Have you ever wondered if your leaders LOVE their staff? Do you do something about it in this regard?

A friend of mine (Carlos Monsalvo) has a statement that made me reflect on this. He says that "The value obtained is a function of the passion given." And he is right.

You can't get great things in life if you don't really love who you are, what you do, much less what you are willing to GIVE to others. In business terms, we cannot obtain the loyalty of our clients because between them and our daily work, there are countless processes or things that we do not do with true love.

Let's see it from the following point of view. You and your Executive Team wrote a mission, vision and values ​​for your company. Have you ever wondered how that same team feels about the concepts expressed in what they wrote? The answer is easy to come by:

1. Review the level of Congruence that each member of your Management Team maintains with the previous concepts and 2. Check if below them Prac @ ca to the point of obsession to SERVE your Clients at the Highest Level.

I have been saying for a long time that to Serve in a higher category, you must necessarily LOVE those who serve you, but in order to do it, you must LOVE what you do and much more those who help you make it possible.

You cannot think of large profit margins or market share, when inside the company the potential of people is not unleashed and little is invested in them.

You cannot achieve the highest standards of quality and productivity when you really don't get all the intensity and an overwhelming passion for doing more and better things every time. The reality is that its employees follow a routine and very few are seriously looking for a way to differentiate their business.

"We repeat our success models so much that now they are leading us to failure" Do not think too much and change as soon as possible: The routine is deadly! How can we unleash the strength of a Team if we don't LOVE its members?

I think this is where it all begins. If our FOCUS is The Client, we have the obligation to work at the Excellence level of our Leadership with the people who serve it. Our Employees and Collaborators must be our center of attention. In doing so, we can detonate them to follow our vision and as a consequence of the above, they fall as much in love as we do with the course we intend to take in terms of SERVICE and DIFFERENTIATION against our Competitors.

In this sense, how much do you invest in your people so that they can achieve the level of Excellence that your company needs? Of something I am sure, that the definitions of "DOING MORE WITH LESS, PRODUCING MORE AND BETTER WITH THE SAME RESOURCES, DOING IT WELL FIRST", are concepts that sound like blasphemy !, because they cannot be reached if we do not count in our have the best individuals and we cannot have them unless:

  1. Let's select the best. Let's develop them at the highest possible level so that they can unleash their potential. Let's invest in their satisfaction and movement so that they can be happy doing what they do for themselves and for others. Let's have the best plans for retention to make your stay with us possible.

Although it is true that today there are many tools that allow us to make processes more efficient (Iso, Total Quality Programs, 5's, 8D's, JIT, Kaizen, Lean, just to mention a few), I insist on that if you don't LOVE what you do you will not be able to give the Client the best of our business and of ourselves.

How can we do things at the Excellence level, if we do not love it?

To love Excellence is to seek it day by day, it is to go beyond the average of our daily performance to search with overwhelming obsession and passion to do more and better things for those to whom we owe ourselves and for those who are the ones who pay the result of our work, call it a product or service.

How to think that we will have a product or service of a high value perceived by our clients as of a differentiated quality if we do not love or live our lives inside and outside our business in terms of quality?

You cannot go thinking about continuing to live an average life if what we are looking for is to be the best on the market. We have to get out of the idea of ​​going to work day by day and change our thinking to go to CONTRIBUTE the best of ourselves day by day if we want to completely differentiate ourselves from others.

The High Performance Leaders are, because they really put everything and more into each moment of truth that is presented to them along the way. They are obsessive when it comes to changing for the better. They are firm believers that "The good is the enemy of the best" and they are eagerly seeking to seek higher challenges each time, confident in the potential they have in the people around them.

They rely on their abilities and dedicate themselves body and soul to unleashing them daily.

They are obsessive when it comes to Direct, Train and Motivate, they are generous to pay the contributions and innovation of whoever does it. “Love prompts you to GIVE everything and MORE for those you serve.

From it comes quality, efficiency and business results ”. "When it comes to LOVE, the heart is delivered."

Isn't this what your Customers want you to give them so that they can give you the confidence to repeat the purchase? Don't stop and make it happen! IN LOVE THERE ARE NO AVERAGES I do not remember saying to my children, my wife, my collaborators or even those bosses that I once had when I worked in the industry when I said goodbye to them: "Have an average day." NO!. Our wishes for those around us are always loaded with the best, with the new, right?

Well, we have to learn to live that way. If we want superior results from our people, we have to equip them with the best, motivate them with the best that we can, lead them at a higher level, respect them, listen to their ideas and opinions, satisfy their growth needs, take them to the edge of their individual capacities every day, assign new responsibilities etc., that is the best way to express our esteem. If we want to demonstrate to our Clients that we are the best, let's do everything when it is within our reach to satisfy them. Let's improve service, responsiveness, efficiency, and cost to achieve fair prices for what you pay.

Let's leave behind the idea that they continue to pay the price for our deficiencies. This will give us loyalty and it is the best way to express our LOVE to them too! We must assure with our behavior as leaders, the LOVE of our collaborators for our BRAND and for our COMPANY, only this is how they will be able to put on the shirt and they will do the impossible to defend it at any cost. The sense of belonging with our people is not gained by distributing part of the promotional material with the logo of our business that we give to the market on weekends. It is accomplished through the level of actions and consistent behavior of each leader with his people.

Always remember the good saying: "LOVE WITH LOVE IS PAID" and customers will reward you drop by drop for everything that comes from you in terms of what your organization and its people do for it. Do not hesitate! The key to offering you the best you have, and it will be with your leadership that you can achieve your loyalty and reciprocity by preferring your products and services over those of your competitors. LOVE your people, Invest in them, multiply your leadership and make it possible for the Passion for Excellence to be unleashed in every corner of the organization. Your Clients will thank you. Your obligation as a leader is to transform the lives of those around you, and this is how you can make them give their clients the best of themselves.

Final reflection

"If you do not love what you do, to those who do it with you and to whom your product or service is directed, you will not get very far." LOVE is the most important ingredient to achieve a high degree of Excellence.

Love and passion in business