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Plant distribution analysis for a paint company

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This essay has the purpose of providing all the theoretical information necessary for the design and implementation for the manufacture of Mx paints. It is worth mentioning that it is a compilation of the concepts of various authors specialized in the subject of quality, production and design in an industry, and based on them a contribution from the aforementioned researchers.

Throughout history, man has designed countless buildings and facilities and carry out endless activities necessary for industries. Humanity has been given the task of developing various concepts and philosophies that serve to optimize processes, which are always focused on facilitating all the activities that lead to the planning, design and execution of a facility optimization project.

Plant layout is a concept that relates to the layout of machines, departments, workstations, storage areas, hallways, and common spaces within a proposed or existing production facility.

The fundamental purpose of plant distribution is to organize these elements in a way that ensures the fluidity of the flow of work, materials, people and information through the production system.

Likewise, plant distribution decisions can significantly affect the efficiency with which operators perform their tasks, the speed at which products can be manufactured, the difficulty of automating the system, and the responsiveness of the production system to changes in the design of products, in the range of products produced or in the volume of demand.

When the term plant layout is used, it refers to the existing physical layout, other times to a projected layout.

In this way, in order to put into practice all the knowledge acquired, the basic concepts of a good distribution for the realization of design for the manufacture of Mx paints were taken as an object of study and implementation, taking into account an analysis of said factory.


The objective that will be had throughout the stay will be to support and contribute ideas for the design of the silver distribution that allows optimizing all the areas of the Mx factory including machines, human resources and materials in such a way that the value created by the implemented design raise efficiency levels.

For this it is important to know various concepts that will help to understand the importance of a plant distribution taking into account the quality specifications.

Definitions of quality have evolved in the last 40 years as a consequence of the needs of the productive and business systems in order to compete, grow, adapt and satisfy their clients. Quality is like exercising to be in good physical condition and productivity is a consequence of quality. The purpose is to do what must be done, to do it well and better and better.

Authors such as Deming (1989) and Crosby (1987) have been considered by many authors as the great theorists of quality. Their definitions and points of view have been the starting point for many investigations.

The main idea that Crosby provides is that quality does not cost, what costs are things that do not have quality. Crosby defines quality as conformance to specifications or meeting requirements and understands that the company's primary motivation is to achieve the zero defect figure. His motto is "Do it right the first time and get zero defects." (Miranda Gonzalez, 2007)

According to (Deming, 1989) quality is "a predictable degree of uniformity and reliability at low cost, appropriate to the needs of the market". The author indicates that the main objective of the company should be to remain in the market, protect investment, earn dividends and secure jobs. To achieve this goal, the way forward is quality. The way to achieve higher quality is by improving the product and the adaptation of the service to the specifications to reduce the variability in the design of the production processes.

One cannot speak of quality without taking into account total quality control, since it is an indispensable tool for the design and planning of an organization's facilities.

Total quality is a concept, a philosophy, a strategy, not only refers to the product or service itself, but is the permanent improvement of the organizational, managerial aspect; taking a company as a gigantic machine, where each worker, from the manager, to the lowest level official, are committed to business objectives. (Rivero Dinayka, 2007)

For total quality to be achieved within a strategic plan for the design of facilities, location, safety, resources, ergonomics, supply, optimal distribution of machinery, equipment and human resources must be taken into account.

This ensures that production has the highest quality standards and that the process is productive.

For (Martinez de Ita, 2007) productivity is an indicator that reflects how well the resources of an economy are being used in the production of goods and services; translated into a relationship between resources used and products obtained, also denoting the efficiency with which resources - human, capital, knowledge, energy, etc. they are used to produce goods and services in the market.

Therefore, productivity can be considered as a measure of how well resources have been combined and used to meet the specific results achieved.

Within productivity two very important concepts are effectiveness and efficiency.

Efficiency is the ability of a system to obtain results, without worrying about the resources that must be invested for it. Efficiency is the relationship between the results it achieves and the cost of the necessary resources.

The concepts and tools already mentioned perform extremely important tasks for the layout of an organization.

The term layout comes from English, which in our language means design, plan, layout. In the field of design, the word layout is used, which corresponds to a sketch, scheme, or sketch of the distribution of the pieces or elements found within a particular design, in order to present said scheme to a client to sell the idea, and after reaching an agreement and accepting the idea, to be able to carry out the final work based on this outline.

Example of Layout in a factory.

Image 1. Layout example in a factory.

Bernard Lewis defines facility planning or layout as the process of determining the characteristics and costs of land and physical facilities that best satisfy the user's operational and functional requirements. He comments that facility planning provides an objective analysis of the equipment, land and buildings necessary to carry out specific activities.

On the other hand, Tomkins defines in a few words that the planning of facilities determines how to organize the fixed assets of a tangible activity so that they better fulfill the objective of the activity in question. He considers that the planning of facilities is divided into two fundamental parts: Location and Design of the facilities. While the location seeks to facilitate the transport of material and minimize costs. The design seeks to meet the goals of efficient materials and warehouse management, minimization of investment, maintenance, effective use of space, personnel and equipment, and to provide a safe place to work with satisfied employees.


For a plant design to be successful it is important to consider quality control in the processes, the adequate distribution of both material and human resources. There must be a strategic plan based on the layout and thus ensure the safety of personnel and the reduction of accidents, distances, effective use of available space, reduction of manufacturing time, improvement of working conditions and adequate circulation for personnel., mobile equipment, materials and products under development.


  • Deming, EW (1989). quality, productivity and competitiveness. Mc Graw Hill, Martinez de Ita, ME (2007). infocalser. Retrieved on June 24, 2015, from http://infocalser.blogspot.mx/2008/07/la-productividad-concepción-y-factores.html Miranda Gonzalez, F. (2007). introduction to quality management. Delta.Rivero Dinayka, P. (July 5, 2007). Quality and productivity. Retrieved on June 24, 2015, from
Plant distribution analysis for a paint company