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Analysis of management, administration and management of a company. dinar airlines sa


Dinar Lineas Aereas began to operate in 1992 with the service of exclusive Charter flights with new destinations for a wide sector of the population of the interior of the country. Thus, different regions of the country had direct access to tourist locations such as Mar del Plata, Florianópolis, Varadero, Cancún and Iquique for the first time.

The success of this venture allowed Dinar to expand its proposal for passenger, cargo and mail transportation services using aircraft with no bearing limit. His next objective was the transformation into a regular airline, knowing that he was in an air market in which 98% of the offer was managed by a single economic group, a reality that could hardly be maintained.


In 1994 Dinar, always ready to compete in the broadest sense of the word, became a regular line, achieving the fulfillment of all the requirements demanded by law, granting the following routes: Jujuy, Salta, Tucumán, Iguazú, Posadas, San Juan, Mendoza, Córdoba, Rosario, Neuquén, Bariloche, Bahía Blanca, Comodoro Rivadavia, Río Gallegos, Villa Gesell and Mar del Plata based in Buenos Aires. The cabotage routes currently operating to and from Buenos Aires are: Salta, Tucumán, Jujuy, Santiago del Estero, Neuquen, San Carlos de Bariloche, Mendoza, Puerto Madryn, Córdoba and Comodoro Rivadavia. The Charter Division transports 5,000 passengers a month to Florianópolis, Maceió, Rio de Janeiro, Salvador de Bahía, San Pablo, Puerto Seguro, Cancún, Saint Marteen, Aruba, Punta Cana, Margarita,Havana and Varadero from Buenos Aires and some cities in the interior of the country.

Dinar Lineas Aereas focuses its strategy towards quality in the service it provides and takes care of every detail to comply with its philosophy based on excellent service. Among the benefits currently offered by the Company, we can mention:

  • ¨Dinar Catering¨, a service to satisfy your customers. In all

Dinar flights can be enjoyed on board the exclusive food service supervised and endorsed by Gato Dumas. Dinar Lineas Aereas has its own Catering plant, which contributes to one of the company's objectives, which is passenger satisfaction through excellence in on-board meal service. This service requires us to maintain the strictest hygiene and quality controls in our processes, achieved through the awareness and care of all the personnel involved.

This result is supported by periodic inspections of our suppliers in their manufacturing plants, which guarantees us obtaining excellence in quality and flavor.

Dinar Catering is a highly dynamic department: through permanent surveys we obtain suggestions from our passengers, as well as the observations provided by the Official Internal Catering Tasting Commission (COC), which are evaluated and allow us to adjust the different menus according to the preferences of our clients.

And as a distinctive ingredient of excellent service, we incorporate the exclusive à la carte Menu on our regular and charter flights.

  • ¨Dinar On Line¨, Dinar Lineas Aereas has the system of

SABER reserves on all scales. Its flights are available at 1,300 travel agencies in Argentina and internationally through distribution systems: Saber, Galileo and Amadeus, systems that allow connections to be made with other airlines and internationally. It is also adhered to the BSP (Bank Settlement Plan) system, an automatic billing and settlement plan that allows operational streamlining with travel agencies that are members of IATA.

The new Dinar On Line Call Center provides, 24 hours a day, the most practical way to obtain reports, make reservations or buy tickets by phone to pick them up directly at the airport.

(011) 5371 1111, a direct line between the passenger and us.

Dinar Swissair Technics, Dinar Lineas Aereas has entered into a significant contract with Swissair, a company that internationally is synonymous with leadership, precision and reliability. Through this agreement, Swissair Technics, leader in engine and aircraft maintenance, will provide this service and the most comprehensive spare parts assistance for Dinar aircraft. In addition, the agreement contemplates the hiring of Argentine pilots for a joint operation of Dinar Lineas Aereas and Crossair, a member company of Swissair. The selected pilots will be trained and trained in Switzerland to fly aircraft both in Argentina and in Europe.

  • Dinar Diligens, Dinar Executive Services, is a new system

that offers the possibility of solving business stays in a comprehensive and efficient way, you can access this benefit by purchasing a class D round trip ticket, directly at Dinar Lineas Aereas branches, through its central reservations online or through any authorized travel agency. Some of the benefits included free of charge: stay in 3, 4 or 5 star hotels, American breakfasts, luggage transfer to the hotel, etc.

  • Dinar Lineas Aereas chosen by IATA, Dinar Lineas Aereas has been

appointed member of the IATA (International Air Transport Association) Safety Committee. This committee is made up of 30 airlines from all over the world, of which 11 represent Europe, 6 Asia Pacific, 4 Africa and the Middle East, 7 North America and only 2 airlines represent South and Central America.

This important nomination implies the active participation in working groups to develop different topics and issue resolutions that will then be applied throughout the IATA scope of action, which includes almost all of the aero-commercial companies worldwide, in the analysis and distribution security reports, crime prevention against the aviation industry and investigation to fight acts of interference, among other topics.

  • Dinar PREVAC Accident Prevention, a department created with

the primary objective of contributing to Comprehensive Accident Prevention in all areas of our Company; to achieve an activity with zero accidents. With the general objective that all staff become aware of the value of an accident-free activity, mobilizing it to help prevent them. Since it is a condition that will directly influence the quality of the service.

  • Dinar Ticket Express, buying your ticket by phone, the customer

You can receive it at the address you indicate, within 48 hours.

Our passengers can benefit from this new service without any additional charge, and start enjoying their trips from the purchase of the ticket.

  • Dinar Business Pack, Ideal for frequent travelers, this practice

modality allows our users to buy their tickets in advance obtaining interesting benefits: pre-allocation of seats, identification of luggage with a special label, two sections free of charge, freezing of fares. When acquiring Dinar Business Pack, the passenger receives a voucher that they can use whenever they need to travel, avoiding making paperwork at every opportunity.

  • ¨Dinar Passenger Protected, Paramedic, Dinar thinks about its passengers and

even on land he wants to protect them, that's why they have this unique service in the country and at no charge. Paramedic Protected Passenger is a health care and transfer coverage that operates in case of a medical emergency, coverage is 72 hours at destination, either for passengers with round-trip or one-way Dinar tickets.

  • Dinar Mastercard, card issued by the Nazionale del Lavoro bank,

you will add points to earn tickets to the different destinations of Dinar Lineas Aereas, in addition to enjoying exclusive advantages: no cost of issuance or renewal for life, triple scoring system, Dinares program, BNL Bonus, Mastermiles, network of affiliated businesses that They will offer you significant discounts, Master Assist at no charge to the holder, up to 9 additional cards at no charge, access account and savings account in U $ S at no charge.

  • Dinar Loads, one more service for users, with three practices

modalities so that you can choose the most convenient: Dinar Cargo: common cargo, delivery from origin airport to destination airport, Dinar Pack, priority in the warehouse, collection and home delivery, within a radius or area established by our company, Dinar Classic Pack, home delivery within 12 business hours of arrival of the flight, Dinar Pack Expresso, home delivery within 4 business hours of arrival of the flight, Bolsin, priority of boarding before any cargo, monthly payment, frequency of transfer, collection and home delivery agreed with the client.

  • Blue Magazine, is the magazine on board Dinar Lineas AereasFly and Drive, is a new and exclusive service for the passenger of

Dinar Lineas Aereas, through which travelers can access a 15% discount for the rental of a Hertz-Annie Millet Rent a Car vehicle, without formalities or greater demands, simply present the boarding pass of the day of flight at the Hertz-Annie Millet Rent a Car counters at the main airports of the country, In addition, the service includes an automatic extension of the check-out in case the flight departure time is modified.

  • EMA, Specific Treatment of Fears and Anxieties, 36% of people who must board a plane suffer from fear of flying, Dinar Lineas Aereas has developed a program so that you can overcome this phobia and enjoy our flights to the fullest..
  • dinar.com.ar, Dinar Lineas Aereas website. Frequent Passenger, in Dinar Lineas Aereas frequent passengers have discounts in restaurants, hotels, theaters as well as free tickets.


During 1997 Dinar transported 400,000 passengers on its routes

cabotage, a 69% increase compared to 1996 sales. Dinar operates with MD-81 equipment with 147 seats, DC9-41 with 124 seats, DC9-34 with 105 seats, these aircraft are of the latest generation and low noise density Therefore, they are enabled to operate at the Buenos Aires Airport in night hours.

Dinar Lineas Aereas has established an expansion philosophy and policy since 1998. In search of new frontiers, it has set itself the same for art and culture, opening up new horizons such as sports, plastic exhibitions and activities for children.

In the cultural field, an agreement was signed with the Ministry of Culture of the Presidency of the Nation, by which both parties joined efforts to carry out a National Tour of the National Symphony Orchestra to celebrate its 50th anniversary. The Tour included, in addition to the members of the National Symphony Orchestra, the members of the National Polyphonic Choir, totaling 180 people, was held in the cities of Salta, Tucumán, Santiago del Estero, Córdoba and Mendoza. This show took place outdoors for free, inviting the entire community.

Dinar Líneas Aéreas not only signed the agreement for the Tour of the National Symphony Orchestra but also the Cultural Cooperation.

With the Colón Theater, cultural dissemination activities have been agreed primarily for audiences in the interior of the country, such as Orchestra, Choir, Ballet and Operas.

Several Sports Tournaments are being held ¨Cup Dinar Lineas Aéreas¨ in the different activities, Golf, Rugby, Polo and Tennis with their respective clinics. These tournaments are held in each of the provinces with a closure in the city of Buenos Aires.

Fundamental bases


Achieve the economic and financial stabilization of the Company, for which it requires, in addition to the contributions that the partners may make, direct and immediate actions and in particular in the following points:

  • The increase in income that should be generated by the concurrence of the largest offer of frequencies; the best load factor that will naturally arise as a consequence of greater regularity and reliability of services and actions on the market. Cost reduction through the application of revision plans and rationalization of expenses, in all its forms.

The second:

That it must be simultaneous in time with the first one, implies in practice, a re-foundation of the company, both in terms of its Internal Culture, as well as its Operational organization, thus obliging us to rethink these aspects in all and each the areas that compose them.

The first step in this direction, has been taken by the Board of Directors, when determining the vision and mission of the company, which must be accompanied by a definition of the values ​​and management style, which will be the guiding principles of conduct. and attitudes of each one of the members of the company, whatever their function or hierarchical level.


It is an ideal expressed in words, the statement that describes the type of organization you want to be. The basis of the company culture. The definition that allows the organization's efforts to be oriented towards activities that enable the achievement of its objectives. Establish management characteristics necessary to produce change in the current company, the desired model.

It is in synthesis, as they imagine that the company should be !!

The vision of Dinar Lineas Aereas SA is, Be above the standards of the competitors.

The vision of the company explained in the previous sentence, implies a challenge to its own capabilities and assumes a strong commitment to the future, since it is a dynamic approach that requires permanent improvement.

Being above the standards of our competitors means accepting the challenge of constant improvement, since it is reasonable to suppose that the competitors will also seek to improve, therefore the objective will always be one step ahead.

This definition should then be understood not as an advertising slogan or a simple declaration of intention, but on the contrary, as the business model to which they aspire and which must be built from the present.

Mission is the purpose or raison d'être of the organization and that justifies the continued existence of the company.

A dynamic, reliable and innovative passenger and cargo air services company that must direct its efforts to make the transfer process of our clients safer, more efficient and more pleasant.

This definition contains not only the commitment assumed in the vision, but also clear definitions of style, image and culture of the desired company. Indeed:


Because it must be in permanent growth, not only quantitative, but mainly qualitative. It must review itself permanently and generate internal actions for constant improvement on processes and services.


Because its image must convey, both to the internal and external client, the security that Dinar gives it what it promises, be it in terms of services, as well as commitments assumed.


Because it must be attentive to the requirements of the market and its own structure and anticipate them and the competition in the creation of new services and in meeting needs, promoting and stimulating the creativity of its members.

Effort oriented to:

Achieve in the shortest possible time, targets of an airline of excellence. Providing a degree of personal satisfaction, capable of loyalty to both external and internal customers.

Values ​​are the fundamental norms and expectations on how the members of the organization should behave and on which the relationships of its members should be based. In short, they are the set of guiding principles, accepted and respected by all on which the culture of the Organization is built.

From the concepts and objectives contained in the definitions of vision and mission, they believe the following values ​​to be essential:

Sense of belonging:

Be aware of the importance as people, for the organization and feel their own positive and negative aspects, understanding that overcoming the latter begins with our own overcoming.


Being able to firmly assume the share of responsibility that corresponds to us for the achievement of the objectives and for the maintenance of the culture and values ​​of the company.

Self-critical ability:

Have the capacity to confront error or conflict, to first evaluate management itself, honestly recognize errors and take necessary corrective actions.

Service attitude:

Being ours, a service company, the willingness to serve the internal or external client must be a constant that improves the quality of personal and business relationships.


Be willing to undertake great changes even in difficult conditions. Being able to decide in ambiguous situations and to defend one's convictions with reason. Be persistent in the purposes, even in the face of adverse contingencies.

Criterion breadth:

Know how to listen and understand. To be able to deal with dissent respecting the opinion of others and enforcing their own. Being able to negotiate adequate solutions to each problem, with practical and objective sense.


Convey to each person security in the certainty of our words. Be consistent in saying and doing. Be consistent in the approaches.


Permanently questioning work routines. Imagine new and better ways of doing each task. Enrich everyday life with new ideas. Be permanent innovators.

Valuing time:

Permanently consider the value of own and others' time. Be specific in the approaches and actions. It is not more productive who works more hours but who works better.


Communication is the most valuable tool available to transmit and receive essential information to the environment and is the resource available to properly coordinate actions aimed at the same objective. Communication to be efficient must be precise and timely. Each person must clearly know what is expected of him and must know what is expected of them.


Communication is the tool, information is its application, it must be clear, precise and timely and it must always reach those who need it for the development of their tasks or for decision-making. There are no isolated actions in the organization. Every action or decision has an effect on other areas. For the purposes of proper coordination, it is essential to inform the people involved in a timely manner.

Orientation to the result:

Evaluate each action and each task based on the results to be obtained. Promote only those that add practical, measurable and positive value, ruling out repetitive, formal or bureaucratic ones that add nothing to the result. The self-control of our management is the appropriate method to measure the results obtained.

Dinar Lineas Aereas proposes that to carry out the proposals defined as the company's vision, mission and values, it is also required to define a management style, common to all members of the organization and applicable in all areas and hierarchical levels.

The proposed management style is based on leadership, that is, on drivers capable of enhancing the capacities of their peers and their dependents, based on personal knowledge, motivation and commitment to goals.

They believe that the appearance of these leaders should be encouraged, identifying their essential characteristics:


He is able to stimulate the participation of his staff in the contribution of new ideas, proposals and initiatives, even when they are carried out with a critical sense. It requires your dependents to contribute to the positive solution of problems. He is the leader of a work team, respected earlier for his personal values ​​than for his hierarchy.

Form work teams as an ideal resource for achieving better results and stimulates creativity and a sense of belonging.


transmits, in addition to technical knowledge, the reasons why they must do certain things. Explain enough why and what for each task. Not only knows how to transmit, but also listen.


It proposes each task, no matter how small, as an objective that we must successfully achieve. Recognize and make recognize the importance of person and each task. It stimulates the personal development of each member of your team.

Accept the risk of your own and others' error naturally and learn from it.

Point out mistakes clearly and firmly. It timely recognizes the success, initiative and positive attitudes of its collaborators. It applies an adequate system of rewards and punishments, encompassing concepts much broader than the economic aspect.


It keeps your team permanently informed, not only about the specific things in your area, but also about the projects, objectives and plans of the company.

Committed: assumes the fulfillment of the objectives as a personal challenge, transmitting the same feeling to its collaborators.

He is sympathetic to error, but firm in correction. Accept dissent when it is constructive and based on respect and broad judgment. Does not accept indifference.


Know in depth what to do and how you should do it. It monitors the tasks in progress and the evaluation of those completed by means of adequate management control. It is capable of delegating, understanding that the action is delegable, the responsibility is not.


He is able to distribute his time appropriately, allocating only what is strictly necessary to the objective analysis and evaluation of each situation and immediately implementing the corresponding actions.

Results oriented:

Every action you take has a clear and predetermined goal. He knows what results he hopes to achieve and measures his achievement through adequate management control. It does not take actions or decisions that do not add value to the company or its members.

In short, to participate in thought:

We intend to form a company that is respected and admired and that the human group that forms it is the protagonist of success, feeling true pride in belonging to it.

The customer-oriented company

At the company level:

Recognize that the customer is the axis of the business: without customers the company does not exist.

Worry about knowing the customer's needs and expectations.

Implement actions that lead to the satisfaction of the needs detected in the client (shortage of time, need for comfort, desire for personalization, less customer loyalty, less perception of differences between products, sensitivity to prices, increasing expectations of quality and service).

The attention provided by contact personnel.

The quality of service.

Periodic evaluation of the level of satisfaction of my clients and continuous improvement.

Ensure that management methods motivate and enhance interest in service and customer among employees.

Ensure fluid communication with employees that provides them with continuous and updated information.

Introduce employees to new products and services, as well as advertising campaigns and marketing activities before they are released to the market.

Personal level:

Always keep in mind that the customer is the reason why we are.

Develop ability to observe and listen to the client detecting their needs.

Always maintain a positive attitude that helps provide the customer with a high quality service in personal treatment.

Reliability implies consistency and reliability in performance.

Responsiveness refers to the willingness or skill of employees to provide the service.

Professionalism means possessing the necessary skills and knowledge.

Accessibility implies closeness and ease of contact.

Courtesy, which encompasses education and respect.

Communication that means keeping customers informed in language they can understand.

The knowledge of the client that implies an effort to understand his needs.

Ancient pyramid concept

As you can see, the client represents the vertex of the Company, everything must be focused on the company's assets.

A loyal customer is an asset to the company, and it is an asset that also produces. Recommends the cheapest and most effective advertising.

The base of the pyramid is held at a point that has to be in balance. So the function of the managers is to sustain the Company so that it does not falter, but those who maintain the company are the clients.

Accompanied by the approach of inverting the pyramid is added the concept that speaks of flattening. This refers to the distance that must exist between the hierarchies and the customer.

Seeing the company as an integrating focus, we can define the service triangle.

Customer relationship

Face to face:

  • Sales Traffic office Flight attendants Suitcases Corporate Accounts Personal Accounts Promoters Staff in Travel Agencies Care Marketing Advertising Quality Control Baggage claims

Telephone contact:

  • Booking staff Administrative staff Reporting staff Telephone sales Reception

Final result of the work:

  • Administrative Personnel Operational Personnel Provisioning Personnel Maintenance Personnel.

The four Dinar rules of priority airlines in passenger service

The following are the four priority rules for passenger care that are respected in the company. They are used as a means of delegation of authority and also as tools to measure the level of quality of service.

Without prejudice to the relationship order, in case of conflict, the rules enjoy the same value, so although courtesy is in last place, this does not mean under any circumstances that the company dismisses it, on the contrary they know that courtesy the identifies and is present at all times and places, despite the need to give an order of preponderance.

These standards empower staff to think for themselves and make decisions when faced with situations that were not addressed in operating procedures manuals, which will allow, for example, not neglecting the service because they are friendly. Courtesy is very important, but even more important is to safeguard security.


The passenger trusts Dinar, one of the reasons for attraction is the quality of the fleet, which suggests a high standard of security, in turn he hopes that they provide him with a safe environment at all times, since he associates that reliable image with all areas of the company.

It is the task of each person to guarantee security in the work they carry out, security will never be put at risk to comply with the service or the efficiency to be polite with the passenger.

Security includes not only the necessary precautions taken into account for the effectiveness of each procedure, but the image of security that is reflected in each member of the organization who exactly understands their role, limits and responsibilities, that security that transcends is the that the passenger captures, just a posture, a word, a gesture, is enough to light that the person is safe in his workplace or not.

The safety of passengers and staff is a priority.


The service is the product that is marketed, it does not only include the transfer of the passenger from one point to another, but it is a value package that the client acquires.

The service must be optimal every time. Neatness in appearance is an important part, as is presence, which is why smoking, drinking, eating or chewing in front of passengers is not allowed.

While they are in service, the positive attitude is the image of quality that they offer to our passengers.


Efficiency is doing the job correctly in a timely manner. If the work is carried out correctly but without respecting the time assigned for its execution, it is a work carried out in an inefficient manner. Efficiency is more than correction, it implies a higher and more perfect step.

One of the factors that make the service is punctuality. Punctuality integrates a value in itself, it is an expression of the projected order, it satisfies the client's expectations; It means they value their time as much or more than he does. The service that is provided correctly but out of time is not efficient.

Teamwork is required for the service to be good and effective. The centralization of tasks in the hands of a single person can take the work inefficiently, since the margin of error is subject to the correction of a single person, in addition to which it can be dilated.


All passengers must receive VIP treatment

They accept people as they are, placing themselves in the passenger's situation, to reach their maximum understanding, avoiding to contradict their will, when possible, otherwise it is tried with the utmost courtesy to understand the reasons for the obligatory nature of the different procedures and rules.

Conduct that identifies our company:

The growth and development of the company are directly related to the growth and development of human resources. For those who are outside the company, Dinar must be a quality service, for those who are within the company, Dinar is quality personnel: talented individuals who work as a team.

The activity is focused on the passenger, and therefore must exceed their expectations and needs.

All efforts are focused on increasing passenger satisfaction and loyalty, the company is passenger-driven, passenger-sensitive and passenger-focused.

Loyalty is built at every moment, this loyalty consists of:

Let them experience your services.

Let them fly through Dinar again.

Let them tell everyone about the good things about the service.

The Dinar passenger not only buys a ticket that allows to move from one point to another, but also buys a value package.

All the moments in which the client makes contact with some aspect of the organization will get an impression of the quality of the service, these moments are unique, that is why they are aware of their importance, they are the so-called moments of truth, through which to generate experiences to its passengers that can be unforgettable thanks to the details that reflect quality. Quality is in the details that differentiate them and make them special within the market, which is why they are proud to be able to provide an experience that is a pleasant memory for the passenger.


The aspect of the facilities, equipment and personnel in contact with it public and communication materials.


The ability to produce the service reliably and accurately.

Answer's capacity:

The ability and willingness to serve the customer quickly and efficiently.


The impression of competence and courtesy of the staff in contact with the public, which inspires confidence in customers.


The demonstration of willingness to understand and satisfy the specific needs of the client, sensitive and personalized treatment.

We may not be the company that transports the most passengers, but we must be the one that does it best.


Dinar Lineas Aéreas without hesitation has decided to implement a zero tolerance program for all those acts that may endanger or endanger the safety of the aircraft or the persons or property therein or that endanger good order and discipline. board.

This program is based on the unconditional application of the national laws and regulations in force in aeronautical matters, of the international agreements to which our passage was signatory in this sense and of the particular regulations adopted by Dinar Lineas Aereas to preserve aviation safety.

For this purpose, the Manual has been provided for training passengers with behaviors detrimental to air activity, in addition to training for personnel dedicated to direct passenger care, on the ground and in flight.

The training is delivered through face-to-face courses and distance education.

Some of the fundamental topics covered are:

Policy of Dinar Lineas Aereas of zero tolerance.

Treatment of passengers with detrimental or potentially detrimental behaviors for the air operation.

Interpretation and application of the Aeronautical Code, Penal Code, Convention on Violations and certain other acts committed on board aircraft, Tokyo 1963, Decree Law No. 18730; Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful Seizure of Aircraft, The Hague, 1970, Law 19793; Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts against the Safety of Civil Aviation, Montreal, 1971, Law 20411.

Procedures abroad, Powers of the Aircraft Commander.

Techniques for conflict resolution in acts of violence with passengers.

Organizational culture

It provides its members with identification elements. They feel part of the same value system.

Because an organizational culture that has high regard for the human factor of the company, allows creating an internal climate that facilitates efficiency, productivity and quality of service.

Because it allows the public to differentiate a company from its competition and favor it in its choice.

Values ​​…

The communication

Any relationship between the service provider and the client constitutes a communication process.

The service provider should be concerned with becoming:

  • A good sender of messages A suitable receiver of customer messages

Effective communication

  • Have an interest in communicating, using an understandable code. Keep the recipient in mind, emphasizing the essentials of the message. Repeat what is necessary, looking for feedback.

Nonverbal communication

Non-verbal communication is made up of those messages that are transmitted parallel or independently to the use of the word.

The company personnel, even without speaking, communicate with the passengers, from their clothing, their behavior, their gestures, the time they dedicate to the attention of the passengers, the kindness, the smile, which are as important as words.

These attitudes are frequently captured by our passengers, sometimes they convey more meaning than words.

The organization

Tour of some positions in our company, which maintain a direct relationship with the client.

Call center

In this sector of the company, the telephone is the main means of communication with the client.

The telephone allows them to provide a quality service with a minimum of inconvenience for the passenger.

The person who contacts the company by phone waits and wants to receive personalized attention. The phone itself is an impersonal element.

Some skills are required, such as good pronunciation and diction, using a warm and pleasant tone of voice, listening and interpreting customer needs, taking nothing for granted, projecting kindness, confidence and interest through the voice.


Although the attitude of sales is important in all the personnel of the company, in the group that works in the ticket office, it is an essential tool.

Some steps are a deep knowledge of the service offered, its advantages and benefits.

Interpret customer needs.

Offer services that meet the detected needs, motivating you to make a purchase decision.

Traffic dispatch

It is a position that requires in addition to the specific and technical knowledge of the functions, a series of specific conditions and skills.

Take care of the personal presentation, since it is the image of the company.

Receive the passenger with cordiality.

Demonstrate and exercise initiative for the benefit of the client

Take an interest in solving passenger problems and concerns by providing clear and accurate information.

Interpret what the passenger wants and needs

Serving the passenger individually, as each has its own characteristics.


It is the link between the different sectors of the company and the caller, be it a customer, user or supplier.

The telephone operator is the voice of the company.

Branch office

Represents the company in the community where it is located.

In branches there is a greater possibility of meeting each client and individualizing them.

The reaction is therefore more personalized.

Different functions are performed at the branch:

  • ComercialesInformación traffic, tarifasComunicacionesEmisión passages and other documentosVentas and promociónCuentas corrientesCuentas corporativasMarketing and PublicidadAtención to the ClienteAtención to agencies viajesOperativasChequeo of aeronaveLimpieza of OperativoControl mismaDespacho of cargasAprovisionamientoRelación with pilots and tripulaciónEmbarque of pasajerosContactos with aeropuertoAlternativasAdministrativaRecaudación of fondosPago of gastosElaboración statistics and informesAdministración of personalMantenimiento of facilities and equipment accounting

In general, the staff of a branch performs multifunctions in the same

Córdoba branch

The Córdoba branch has two important facilities, the commercial office located at Av. Colon 556, a two-storey store modernly installed with state-of-the-art technology and a strong image presence, where commercial and administrative activity takes place and at the Córdoba airport where there are six offices, sales and reservations, aircraft operational dispatch, traffic, loads, ramp and maintenance, also clearly identified.

The management is made up of a person who performs the functions of administering the branch, answering as Base Chief to the authorities and is the benchmark for Córdoba in Buenos Aires where the Dinar Lineas Aéreas headquarters is located.

The marketing department is responsible for customer service, telephone assistance for information or reservations, direct sales, checking accounts, business events, marketing and advertising, promotion and travel agencies. Eight people operate in this department who carry out the newly defined functions with tools such as Internet, telephone, reservation systems, among others.

The administration department has three people and they are responsible for billing, savings accounts, audits, stock control, budgets, purchases, suppliers, deposits, costs and finances.

The Córdoba airport department is in charge of all the operations related to the dispatch of the equipment (plane), passenger check-in, last-minute sales, weather information, flight delays and arrivals, baggage claim, catering on board, cleaning of aircraft, ramp service such as luggage, signalmen, transportation of passengers to the airport terminal, differential services for passengers with mobility problems, valuation of fees, statistics, among other tasks.

Fifteen people work in this department, divided into morning shift and afternoon shift with rotating weekends.

In the maintenance area there are three aeronautical engineers and mechanics who ensure the safety of the aircraft.

The staff of this branch staff is the lawyer.

As a branch, apart from reporting to the general manager, each department has its boss at the Headquarters, in Buenos Aires where the Human Resources, Marketing, Purchasing, Finance, Planning, Sales, Product, Directory, President, Crew, Airport Services, Maintenance departments are located., Call Center, Quality, Customer Service, Flown, Branches among others.


With almost a million companies in Argentina, family businesses represent more than 30% of the national gross product and 76% of the number of economic units, whether productive or commercial.

Family businesses as an organization have a defined identity that is materialized through a structure. This structure is defined by the resources it has and by the uses it makes of them, by the relationships between its members and with the environment. In addition, as organizations have major problems, it is typical of a conservative culture and little updated of the prevailing attitude to fight at all costs even if the business had lost competitiveness. In other words, the emotional ties with the company are confused with those of the family. It costs a lot to accept that at a given moment the rational thing would be to adopt painful exits, perhaps, but that can save at least part of the patrimony, instead of fighting for the continuity of a company that is putting capital or patrimony at risk,In family businesses, more human problems appear than in non-family ones.

Family businesses are often associated with small, unprofessional companies, but in reality what defines them is not their size or management capacity, but the simple fact that ownership and management are in the hands of one or more members of one or more families.

Depending on the culture of the family, it communicates in a certain way, they delegate and solve problems with specific guidelines. The Family business has the idiosyncrasy of this family applied to the company.

Acquire the professionalism that the strategy and structure need for the continuity of the company.

Exercise power based on authority born out of professional competence to conduct the general management process well and by virtue of being the owner.

Main virtues

Push. The family business is the fulfillment of the dream of its founder, who is able to visualize the needs and expectations of his family group and puts in the satisfaction of them all his creative and realizing drive that is shared by the rest of its members, achieving in this way, a high degree of commitment, loyalty and dedication, which, combined with talent and a sense of belonging, lead to high productivity. Likewise, the opportunity to innovate, create and obtain personal satisfaction is the engine of this impulse.

Quality in products and services. They are the result of the quality of the work carried out in a company by its managers and workers.

Response agility. It is because the attention is personalized and the family work climate, so the client is considered within this environment.

A more informal workplace, allowing for more flexible organization and quick response generation.

Dinar is a young, dynamic company with a disposition for new ventures.

As a consequence of the adverse and in many cases unforeseeable circumstances that its members had to face, it has developed a great capacity for improvisation and an instinct for survival.

Its managers are willing to make the necessary changes in the organization, training, professionalizing and promoting the development potential of its people.

There is a willingness to make the necessary investments in technology and human and material resources, to make processes more efficient and effective

Main weaknesses

It is essentially paternalistic in nature. The older brother is the Director and is the one who makes the decisions based on the experience acquired in his career.

It has a weak organizational structure, often based on a family hierarchy of friend rather than professional. Their condition is rather conservative, which means that their directors, managers and administrators remain in their positions for many years and have little capacity to delegate responsibilities.

There is a tendency to confuse assets and use business funds to cover family expenses.

Difficulty establishing clear rules, mainly regarding decision-making, they must be assigned according to characteristics and capabilities.

Low percentage of professionalized owners. Property is often confused with driving ability.

No goals are set in terms of quantity, quality and time.

In general, there is a focused perception of the company, limited to the work area, without measuring the impact of its own actions on the rest.

The concept of Internal client is not individually assumed as a value of the organization, therefore it does not measure or project the consequences of the actions, on the rest.

In general, there is ignorance of why and what each task is done for. This results in a routine and formal way of working, without control or analysis of the results obtained.

There is a lack of clearer definitions of the general objectives of the company and the specific ones of each area.

The level of training is insufficient for current demands.

Responsibilities are not assumed in depth. The tasks are started but there is no adequate monitoring or management control.

It is also not very participative, it lacks permanent stimuli to undertake new actions in the daily task.

There is no clear reward and punishment policy.

The functions and hierarchies are not clearly stated.

There is no equitably defined salary structure.

Management is not perceived as a conceptual unit, visualizing the existence of..company within the company…

We can say then that this Company, its Culture is similar to the CULTURE OF THE TASK, improve efficiency and get the individual to identify with the objective of the Organization.

4. Changes - Structural

Information Matrix

Area Management info Operational information Support

Sales office Sales manager Sellers Transport service


To plan



In order to provide the consumer with the best possible service and achieve maximum benefit for the company


Sellers' willingness can be improved by clearly delimiting the task

A clear remuneration system

Availability of seminars

Sales days

Promotion to higher positions

Business Cards

Sales incentives

Travel for product knowledge

Birthday gift

Christmas gift

Sales contests

Specialization courses

Service vocation

Compliance with instructions given

Be aware of the fact that the image of Dinar Lineas Aereas is outlined thanks to the way they carry out their work

Search and keep clients

Support the development of new products

Promote operational efficiency

Telephone sale

Post sale

Constant update of the register of clients and addresses

Weekly reports

Issuance of tickets

Flight reservations

Notice of delays to passengers and family

Control of service or tasks in the sales office:

Company registration in the local phone book.

Telephone availability

Telephone equipment, variety of rotating lines.

Telephone dialogue

Seat reservation

Saber reservation system

Ticket ordering and preparation

Receipt of congratulations and complaints

Response to congratulations, complaints and requests.

Response timeout

Dialogue at the counter

Wearing the uniform

Linguistic knowledge

Treatment of the client by name

Initial greeting

Last goodbye

Attention schedule

Counter equipment

Office area

Customer waiting area


Various equipment



Sellers must be equipped and trained in:

Flight plan and route network

Rates and transport regulations

The company and its products

Sales technique, difficult passengers, customer service.

Flight schedule

Airport information

Fair and congress calendar

Information on cities and countries

Additional sales arguments

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Analysis of management, administration and management of a company. dinar airlines sa