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Analysis of the product portfolio of a travel agency in Cuba


The research is carried out at the UEB Havanatur Tour & Travel Varadero Travel Agencies, subordinate to the Receptive Company Havanatur Tour & Travel belonging to the Business Group of Tour Operators and Travel Agencies Havanatur SA


The degree of participation of the different excursions of the UEB product portfolio is analyzed, as this constitutes an effective tool for decision-making aimed at achieving benefits in companies. Various research methods and various tools are used to facilitate its development. The work is divided into two fundamental stages through which the necessary information is collected and the procedure used to carry out the detailed study of the product portfolio is described. The product lines are defined and the excursions included in each line are selected according to their related characteristics, which favors the comparison of the main economic and commercial indicators in the period from January to October of the years 2012 and 2013.The expected results are reached and finally a plan of measures is presented, the application of which will positively affect the increase in sales and income of the entity, which is visualized in the conclusions and respective recommendations referred to.


The current era of globalization, where "information is power" is characterized by constant change in all aspects of life, in the social, political, cultural, scientific, technological and economic spheres. The fact that the world is in the midst of a revolution that occurs according to the history of humanity once every two centuries, and that this time it is the "technological revolution", makes the imagination become an element essential in the development of any company.

La revolución tecnológica se está combinando más y más con los resultados del concepto de aldea global, y esto exige nuevos retos, a los que se enfrentan hoy todas las empresas, incluyendo las que tienen como misión: ofrecer un servicio con calidad destinado al turismo, una tarea difícil, y más si se toma en cuenta, el inestable entorno en el que estamos inmersos actualmente, donde la competitividad crece aceleradamente.

"Tourism is a very important economic sector that opens broad prospects for the future. Hotels, restaurants, Travel Agencies, tour operators, means of transport, attractions, public services, among others, constitute the complex network of a fundamental system so that the tourist business, one of the most active industries worldwide can develop efficiently and satisfactory. ”(León López, 2006). A tourist displacement has become one of the most important ways of economic development for any country that unites and relates men.

Under these conditions, in the current Cuban context, only those tourist entities that are completely flexible to change and capable of adapting to it have hopes of surviving and succeeding. To subsist, therefore, it is evident that they depend on the talent, imagination and creativity of the people who make it up, especially the manager, where their main mission is to be the leader of changes for their subsequent work in decision-making, This is the act that initiates work processes in organizations for the analysis and solution of problems.

“The increasing economic development and the internationalization of the economies have given rise to a massive availability of products and brands. In this sense, the consumer faces a greater difficulty in evaluating the different characteristics of the products. This situation determines the need to approach positioning as a marketing strategy aimed at defining the position desired by the company. ” (Mercier Cabrera, 2001).

"The world is experiencing a new era in which tourism is essential, there is a strong growth that is difficult to stop, because very clear reasons are driving each year, with more force to populations to do tourism." (Quintana, Rogelio, 2004).

The Cuban state directs all its efforts to achieve growth in this sector, and for this it allocates innumerable resources for tourism in order to achieve the acceptance of those who visit us because, as we well know, tourism does not escape the vulnerability of political factors- economic, ecological-climatological and sociocultural demographic.

Every year new tourists and repeat visitors come to our country satisfied with the service they receive and with a positive image of Cubans, which makes Cuba an important competitor in the Antilles. “The priority that the development of Tourism has had in Cuba, in relation to the hotel plant and its administration, the necessary support infrastructures, tourist services, tourist marketing, personnel training and access to the destination, have made possible a uninterrupted growth in arrivals to Cuba of visitors from all countries, with an average annual growth of 1987/2005 of 15%. ” (Ayala Castro, 2007).

Travel agencies have a lot to do with this work, since they constitute companies that are professionally dedicated to the exercise of mediation activities or organization of unlimited tourist services, where the offer of a comprehensive and comprehensive product does not fully satisfy the demand and is made It is necessary to recognize the importance of conducting studies aimed at how to best satisfy customers.

Tourism marketing is one of the answers to the questions of how, when, where and what to do in tourist destinations, thus becoming a fundamental tool for finding progress and establishing strategies, given that “one of the most dynamic growth factors in the tourist pole has been its commercialization, showing a high competitiveness in the Caribbean area. ” (García, 2002).

Varadero has not only established itself as a sun and beach destination, but there are numerous activities that the vast majority of clients always want to carry out, such as encountering nature, culture and the rich history of our country. The non-hotel network, which includes travel agencies, play a precise role in the commercialization of the entities or companies that consider this network and guarantee customers transportation, food, entertainment, insurance, excursions, etc., united to the hotels and airports that guarantee the accommodation and the entry and exit of tourists to the country, all together constitute the substantial elements of the distribution channel for the Varadero tourist destination.

The demands of the modern world and the effects of the technological revolution have forced Travel Agencies to specialize in a certain product. This achieves a better knowledge of the product and therefore, greater user satisfaction, in addition to superior economic performance.

This study is carried out at the UEB Havanatur T & T Varadero Travel Agency as it is one of the MINTUR entities, dedicated to the sale of excursions that operate in the Varadero tourist area where no current research has been done on ways to market the product, new strategies have not been designed to adapt the product according to the market segment and its standard of living, and an analysis has not been carried out on the behavior of different variables that allow defining with certainty the leading products. Therefore, the behavior of the degree of participation of excursions in the organization's product portfolio is analyzed, considering it an important topic for decision-making, widely discussed in the literature and novel for the entity,because we contribute to solidify its current position within the non-hotel market and with it, reduce the damaging effects in the event of a possible loss of clients that undoubtedly have a negative impact on economic and financial results.

Being the first step for decision-making: identifying the problem on which it is necessary to investigate, we formulate: adequate marketing strategies based on knowledge of the market and the behavior of the Product Portfolio at UEB Havanatur Travel Agency are not drawn up T&T Varadero.

To answer it, we hypothesized: If the entity knows the behavior of the product portfolio, then it will be able to draw up adequate marketing strategies that guarantee better economic and financial results.

Based on this idea, we define the General Objective: To analyze the degree of participation of excursions in the UEB Havanatur Tour & Travel Varadero Travel Agency product portfolio.

And as specific objectives:

1. Study the theoretical-methodological criteria related to the research topic and the entity under study.

2. To diagnose the current situation of the degree of participation of the excursions in the product portfolio of the UEB Havanatur Tour & Travel Varadero Travel Agency.

3. Propose a plan of measures to improve the degree of participation of excursions in the product portfolio of the UEB Havanatur Tour & Travel Varadero Travel Agency.

Holding the following variables:

- Dependents: Strategic marketing actions

- Independent: Market and behavior of the product portfolio.

In the solution of variables that make up the hypothesis, bibliographic materials referring to the research topic were consulted and different research methods were used: Theoretical, Empirical and Statistical, as well as a series of research tools and techniques that made feasible the development of the investigation.

The work in question was structured in Introduction, Development: composed of two chapters, the first, relating to the characterization and diagnosis of the object of study and a second chapter where the degree of participation of excursions in the portfolio of products of the entity using the proposed methodology and the results of the investigation are exposed, finally the conclusions, the recommendations, the bibliography and the annexes are presented.

To comply with this structure, we divide the investigation into two stages:

- Stage I: Bibliographic review on the research topic and compilation of the information for diagnosis through consultation and analysis of bibliographic and official documents of the entity, using different methods for its processing.

- Stage II: Processing and analysis of the information through the study of the behavior of the main commercial and economic financial indicators with the aim of summarizing all the information necessary to carry out the proposed analysis. The behavior of the product portfolio determined by the degree of participation of the excursions through surveys, interviews, method of experts, brainstorming and the General Electric Matrix is ​​evaluated, and measures are proposed that will be used by the administration for the decision making, aimed at achieving better excursion sales.

CHAPTER I: Characterization and Diagnosis.

This chapter shows the main characteristics of the object of study in order to make known the elements that distinguish the entity, its organizational structure, the strategic purpose, the services offered, and the main economic indicators, which It offers information regarding the commercialization process and its financial and economic situation. In addition, the conceptual theoretical elements and the criteria of different authors about the research topic are exposed. Finally, the methodology used in the different stages through which the research transits is explained, and reference is made to the tools that guaranteed the expected results.

In this first stage of the investigation, the bibliographic documents are consulted and analyzed with the aim of expanding our theoretical knowledge on the topic addressed and collecting the information that will subsequently be processed, for which we rely on the use of different methods: theoretical and empirical, the historical-logical is used to analyze the different stages through which the problem under study has gone through, its logic and the main dialectical interpretation which is assumed throughout the research and fundamentally in the bibliographic study for the construction of the theoretical framework, the systemic approach, integration and the essentially holistic foundation. We use observation in a timely manner and we rely on Induction-Deduction,given that the theoretical contents are constituted science, the deduction prevailing in order to support the proposal of the procedure to be used to carry out the analysis of the product portfolio determined by the degree of participation of each of the excursions in the total income of the agency.

1.1 Characterization of the Study Object.

Havanatur Travel Agency SA, was created in 1978. Currently it offers the most complete service for the best destination. Its support team has more than 100 professional tour guides and a staff of highly qualified representatives and supervisors with long experience in Cuba. Its specialty lies in the design of products and tourist modalities backed by a consistent organization and professionalism of its human resources and modern operational logistics.

The company, with its main headquarters in the City of Havana, is present in all the tourist centers of the country and is made up of more than 500 specialized professionals, in addition, it is characterized by having a high sense of belonging to the brand and values that make up the identity of Cuban tourism.

The Receptive Havanatur Tour & Travel supports the pleasure of staying in Cuba with “Havanatur Collection”, a brand that guides exclusivity, always thinking of the benefit and satisfaction of its client. A careful selection of its hotel plant in the most important destinations on the Island, complete the package of a memorable stay. It concentrates selected hotels of different categories, located in the most important tourist poles of Cuba, in addition, it is a unique product of the Havanatur Group. The guarantee of exclusivity is guaranteed by the sum of other values ​​and attributes that contribute to facilitating and enriching the stay, among these added values ​​that they offer their clients are:

- Personalized check-in at the selected hotel.

- Welcome cocktail.

- Early Check in and Late Check according to availability.

- Guaranteed reservations at a la carte restaurants.

- Invitations to special dinners.

- Personalized assistance.

Starting in 2008, the new structure of the International Group of Tour Operators and Travel Agencies Havanatur SA was put into effect, and the Receptive Company Havanatur Tour & Travel was created and subordinate to it, the UEB object of study of our research, Havanatur T & T Varadero, it is located on the first avenue and 42nd street in Varadero.

The entity operates in freely convertible currency (CUC) and for the security of a responsive and efficient service, it has a specialized organizational structure for each market, which includes:

- Group of supervisors who provide personalized assistance throughout the stay in the country.

- Team of multilingual guides with university level and broad command of the Cuban product.

- Computer and communication specialists with knowledge of the latest technology that ensure adequate levels of logistics management.

- Group specialized in automated reservation management systems for each market and tourist modality.

- Amadeus system specialists for sales and air reservations of national and international airlines.

- Attention specialists for tourism management at points of sale and hotel bureaus.

- Quality supervisory specialists who ensure rigorous compliance with the quality parameters of services and guarantee the protection policy for clients.

The Receptive Havanatur Tour & Travel offers a wide range of optional activities, such as: walks, tours, a wide range of excursions, as well as hotel, car, air ticketing, personalized assistance and an exclusive service of guides and interpreters, among other offers.

Due to its specialization in the Cuban market, Havanatur is essential for the planning and successful development of leisure trips, business and incentives in Cuba. It presents a functional structure, modern technologies, advanced logistics, knowhow, a high level of customer satisfaction and in the general tourist operation, which makes it available to representations.

They also perform services such as: registration with the Chamber of Commerce of the Republic of Cuba, work permits for foreign personnel, immigration procedures, among others. Numerous facilities for the client, among which are: offices, communications services (fixed and cellular telephony, fax, Internet), management for the rent or the acquisition of cars, which are channeled to guarantee work. It offers a diversified range of products designed to satisfy the most diverse tastes and preferences of those who choose and visit Cuba, including: Havanatur Colletion Hotels, Circuits (Fixed and Combined), Tailor-made Programs, Excursions, Specialized Tourism Programs (Diving, Ecotourism, Health), Incentives, Events and Congresses and Multi-destination Travel.

The company has signed contracts with several suppliers, among which are mainly: Grupo Empresarial Extrahotelero Palmares, Hotel chains (Sol Meliá, Habaguanex, Gaviota, Islazul, Cubanacán, ACCOR, Hoteles C (Barlovento, Iberostar, NH, etc.), Palacio de Convenciones, CITMA, MARLIN, CUBATAXI, TRANSTUR, Cubana de Aviación, AEROCARIBBEAN, AEROGAVIOTA, Patrimonio, ECOTUR, Paradiso, REX, CUBACAR, RENTCAR VIA.

The UEB Havanatur T & T Varadero strategic plan is supported by the General Guidelines for the commercial policy of the receptive Havanatur T & T and the guidelines approved on tourism at the VI PCC Congress.


We are the only one hundred percent Cuban tour operator with tourism issuance to and from Cuba, provides a responsive service of excellence and personalized assistance, guarantees high customer satisfaction, with maximum efficiency and sustained growth in the operation, employs modern Technologies that are managed by honest and respectful professionals that consolidate the prestige and position that the Havanatur T&T Varadero Travel Agency and the Havanatur Group as a whole occupy today.


Continue being leaders of the multi-destination from Varadero to the entire Caribbean and vice versa, which will allow us to offer the most complete product in the Cuban market, including tailored packages linked to the Sun and the Beach, City and other specialized modalities, showing off our Well-earned name of the "Cuban Specialist" and characterizing ourselves by the diversity and attractiveness of our products.

Shared Values

Intelligence, Honesty, Professionalism, Respect, Cubanía, Renovating spirit

Key results area

Efficiency and Profitability, Market positioning and product marketing, Worker performance and comprehensive development of workers and cadres, Quality of assistance services and tourist operations, Defense of the revolution.


1- The only 100% Cuban international tour operator.

2- The only tour operator with its own receptive activity in Cuba.

3- Exclusive operator of the North American market.

4- He has the greatest international experience in touring.

5- Have a reservation system that allows you to see, consult the daily operations of the region and the country of Havanatur.

6- They concentrate all the operations of execution of the activities of the agency in a single department.

7- Have their own representations to attend clients in personalized assistance.

8- Possess a diversified product portfolio.

9- Solid prestige and recognition before the governmental and tourist authorities of the territory.

10- To count exclusively on the Havanatur Collection, Celimar and Multi-destination products.

11- Professionally prepared staff.

12- High job stability in the staff.

13- Existence of Fintur for the financial operations of agencies abroad.

14- Commercial relations with all national tourism providers as tour operator and receptive.

15- Existence of own agencies in the main countries that issue tourism to Cuba.

16- Existence of an aerial platform with different airlines.


1- Not having offices at the destination's international airport.

2- Centralization of decision-making by the Head Office.

3- Not having their own transport to take over operations.

4- Not having Internet access.

5- Insufficient presence of the Havanatur markets in the destination and its possibilities.

6- Not having its own property for the Havanatur headquarters in the territory.

7- Insufficient market studies of Havanatur in the destination and its possibilities.

8- Lack of image in the sales premises.

9- Complaints of clients for options transferred to other polo agencies that affect the quality of our service.

10- Not having sales bureaus in most hotels.

11- Insufficient stimulation to the destination sales network.

12- Insufficiencies in the quality of assistance and representation services.

13- Lack of demand from providers on the quality of services and compliance with the conditions agreed in the contracts.

14- Slow responses and delay in solving existing problems.

15- Lack of systemic functioning between agencies abroad, the receptive one in Cuba and the territorial offices.

16- Financial limitations for the development of advertising and promotion actions.

17- Few competitive products in the markets where we are present.

18- Failure to take advantage of all the potentialities of the length management system for the development of commercial and economic activity.

19- Lack of availability of a personnel preparation program for the development of their specific functions.


1. MINTUR decision to continue marketing the tourist activity.

2. Geographical proximity to the country's capital.

3. Development of new international markets.

4. Renegotiate products to be promoted by increasing the commission.

5. Be the only receptive that serves the North American market.

6. Being the only tour operator in Cuba 100% Cuban.

7. Security of Cuba destination.

8. Coherent policy of strategic development of sustainable tourism.

9. Tourism declared an emerging sector of the economy.

10. Potentialities in the outbound markets for the development of Havanatur as a tour operator and receptive.

11. Have an airport structure in the country.

12. Existence of MINTUR offices in the markets where we are present.

13. MINTUR's commercial policy for the differential treatment of Havanatur as tour operator.


1- Limited promotion for not having an advertising budget.

2- Variability in arrivals to destination.

3- High airline prices.

4- Tight North American blockade.

5- Deterioration of the quality of services in Cuba.

6- Globalization of tourism activity in the sending countries (vertical and horizontal concentration)

7- Terrorism (of all kinds)

8- Weak financial situation in the country and high price of products and technology.

9- Existing regulations on currency exchange.

10- Economic situation of the European market and policy of the European Union towards Cuba.

11- Aggressiveness in advertising and tourist promotion of destinations in Central America and the Caribbean.

The SWOT matrix results show that the entity is in an adaptive phase. See annex 1.

It is a receiving agency, where its main source of income is concentrated in the sales of optional items, we select the product as a concentric element to make the process focus of the company.

In the City of Havana is where most of the product offered by the Travel Agency Havanatur T&T Varadero is concentrated, it attracts many tourists throughout the year in search of history, architecture, landscapes, the shops, the interaction with people and everything cultural that between its streets, discover when walking.

The agency prepares the product according to its objectives based on the order and makes it known to the TTOO to form the package, then the promotional supports of the product are prepared and it is put on sale entering the market introduction process to be bought by customers through guides and the sales network. Tourists report their perceptions regarding the products and report it to the TTOO, which sends them to the agency. If the product requires alteration, the same process is requested.

From Adam Smith to the present day much has been said about the value of labor power. Carlos Marx in his work Capital addresses the theory of labor-value widely, this being a fundamental principle in the economic thought of Marxism. Any effort by any company to be efficient depends largely on the composition of its workforce.

The entity has a functional and formal structure that is displayed in the organization chart. See annex 2. Said structure shows that for there to be a new product on the market, the demand and the characteristics of the market and the segment to which it is directed must be taken into account as a priority. Here time, together with place and attractiveness, is also a fundamental factor.

1.2-Conceptual theoretical elements referring to the research topic.

There is a lot of talk about Marketing in the current era, and more and more authors are conducting studies addressing this theory, however, we still consider insufficient publications in Cuba to work on the subject related to the analysis of the product portfolio, being this an important tool to be used by receptive travel agencies for the effective sale of excursions, and our country, a major tourist competitor.

In the review of the bibliography for the development of this work, the thesis carried out by René Valentín Delamo Vilda, entitled Analysis of the Line of Optional Products of the Varadero Receptive Travel Agency, carried out in 2007, was very useful to us. It provided us with updated elements, theoretical criteria and practical use data that allowed us to extend our analysis with good judgment.

The term marketing is an anglicism that has different definitions. It is according to the father of marketing, “the social and administrative process by which groups and individuals meet their needs by creating and exchanging goods and services.” (Philip Kotler, 2002).

In Spanish, marketing is translated as marketing or marketing, and includes market strategies, sales strategies, market research, market positioning, etc. This word is commonly confused with that of advertising, this being just a marketing tool.

Marketing is also a set of actions proposed to beneficially achieve user satisfaction through a product or service, "is the total system of business activities aimed at planning, setting prices, promoting and distributing products and services that meet current and potential needs. " (Beltrán, 2000).

In our opinion, marketing is a legitimate strategy, seen as an imaginative and creative art that works as a science of administration and that enables the satisfaction of customer needs and profit for the company. See figure 1.2.1 of the Mexican Isidor Castro.

That is why in this "industry of the future" of all those developing countries that know how to take advantage of their resources, where it is essential to adapt to changes, the word marketing is no longer modern and becomes innovative and essential for the achievement of good results in the commercial and financial management of companies.

On the other hand, needs, aspirations and purchasing power are the agents that make up a market. A market has goals, which must be known in order to outline the commercial strategy. However, they are reciprocal and can be changed, especially those that detail the use of the product.

The product is the most important component of the marketing strategy, from this a series of tricks are proposed that make the management process more feasible in companies. We agree with the concept of the American Marketing Association, since it states that the "product is any good or service capable of satisfying, at least in part, the wishes and needs of the consumer".

A travel agency is a tourism company dedicated to the intermediation, organization and realization of projects, plans and itineraries, preparation and sale of tourism products between its clients and certain travel providers: such as: carriers (airlines, cruises, cars), accommodation service (hotels), among others, with the aim of making tourist goods and services available to those who wish and can use them.

Travel agencies developed mainly from the 1920s, with the development of commercial aviation. The British company Cox & Kings, created in 1758, is the oldest travel agency in the world.

The functions of Travel Agencies are as follows:

- Advice on the destination of the traveler.

- Hiring the means of transport, plane, train, bus etc.

- Hiring accommodation, hotels, hostels, hostels, etc.

- Buy tickets to museums or shows.

- Function of mere intermediary between the parties.

- Make currency exchange.

These functions are advisory, mediator and producer.

1- Advisory function: Informs the traveler of the characteristics of the product: destination, suppliers, services, etc., in order to help him to an adequate selection that can satisfy his need.

2- Mediating function: it is characterized by having extensive information and the use of technologies that allow direct sales to the customer by suppliers, here the negotiating role of sellers plays a fundamental role.

3- Production function: It is managed by tour operators and wholesale agencies. Its objective is to design, market and operate trips and tourist products generated by the combination of different services and are offered at a global established price.

Travel agencies don't just sell airline tickets; their services vary and many of them sell more cruise packages than plane tickets, as well as services related to hotels and trains. Most travel agencies also carry out car rentals for their clients and many of them focus on organizing group travel to different destinations. To do this, they work with regular airlines, although on many occasions they do so with charter airlines. Many travel agencies exclusively represent a small group of providers: airlines, cruises, and car rental companies, so the logos of these companies are often displayed in the windows of the agency's offices. Some travel agencies provide a money exchange service.

"Achieving a high-quality tourism product has become the main strategy for tourism companies, since this brings benefits in terms of market share, differentiation from the competition, loyalty and attracting new customers, among others." (León López, 2006). Thus arises the need to analyze the product portfolio of the non-hotel sector according to customer perceptions of the different products in tourist destinations.

“The receptive Travel Agencies that operate in the tourist destination of Varadero work in the development of their own products. His current challenge is to increase the volume of sales and profits. ” (Delamo, 2007)

1.3-Procedure used for the analysis of the product portfolio.

When establishing the procedures to be used in the analysis of the product portfolio, we start from its definition. In strategic marketing and marketing, according to the Wikipedia Encyclopedia, “a product portfolio is a group of products, services or brands that are offered by a company for sale.

We refer that a product portfolio is one that is made up of a series of elements that the customer buys from a certain entity, aimed at their maximum satisfaction.

To create a product portfolio, a company can use various analytical techniques such as BCG Analysis, Contribution Margin Analysis, GE Multifactor Analysis and Quality Function Deployment. ”

Usually, a company tries to achieve both diversification and balance in the offer made of its product portfolio. The aim of this research is to outline an effective means that allows evaluating the degree of participation of excursions in the UEB product portfolio. Havanatur Tour & Travel Varadero Travel Agency, its impact on the entity's economic and financial results, and proposing a plan of measures whose execution allows to increase the income from excursions and therefore improve the expected and planned results regarding the commercialization of those offers that are less demanded, bearing in mind that according to the established prices, the marketing strategy is an essential tool for the promotion in order to achieve higher sales.

Every company that aspires to be competitive must carry out permanent studies of profitability and acceptance of its range of products, with the aim of taking appropriate measures that benefit its products. It is therefore necessary to have a vision of the future, and systematically consider the analysis of the product portfolio, delimiting all those offers that have the acceptance of customers and those that become unfavorable to the image of the company due to its obsolescence.

To develop the analysis, we use the Growth - Participation Matrix, known as the Boston Consulting Group (BCG) Matrix, since it is an effective graphical method of business portfolio analysis developed in the 1970s and which continues to be very practical today.. Its purpose is to help prioritize resources between different business areas or strategic analysis units (UEA), that is, to know in which businesses we should invest, divest or even abandon.

The evolution of the Boston Consulting Group Matrix became the somewhat more complex McKinsey Matrix, which is generally used for much more diversified portfolios or for more comprehensive analysis.

The use of this tool allows us to make sound and non-intuitive decisions regarding the business portfolio or portfolios and the position it occupies taking into account the definition of products or markets. It also allows assessing whether the business or product portfolio is balanced and also drawing more convenient strategies for the organization.

The product portfolio is based on four key ideas:

1. The margins (benefits) of the products and their income are directly linked to the market share that is achieved. This principle is based on the fact that most products that are successful, as their market share increases, their profits increase.

2. In order to increase market share, or to increase sales, it is necessary to invest in products.

3. To maintain a certain market share, if this market is growing, it is necessary to invest in the product: design, marketing, advertising, research, promotion, packagin. If the market grows you have to invest to stay. If it is not invested, participation is lost and the benefits decrease.

4. The markets are saturated. Then growth will be nil.

For its construction, the following are taken into account:

- the market growth rate: it serves as an expression of the present and future interest in the activity as an indicator of attractiveness and indicates the need for funds.

- the relative market share: It serves as an expression of the company's competitive position, indicating the ability to generate funds.

The BCG is a simple matrix, divided by two axes representing four quadrants (question marks, stars, money cows and dogs). The vertical axis of the matrix defines growth in the market, and the horizontal axis defines market share. Each axis proposes a different strategy for a business unit and is represented by a figure or icon.

1. STAR. Great growth and great market share. It is recommended to maximize this business area until the market becomes mature, and the UEA becomes a dairy cow.

2. QUESTIONS. Great growth and little market share. You have to reevaluate the strategy in that area, which can eventually become a star or a dog.

3. COW OF MONEY. Little growth and high market share. It is a business area that will serve to generate the necessary cash to create new stars.

4. DOG. Little growth and little market share. Businesses areas with low profitability or even negative. It is recommended to get rid of it when possible. They are generally businesses / products in their last stage of life. It is rarely convenient to keep them in the company's portfolio.

Based on this classification, companies must keep their portfolio well balanced, that is, they must have products with future prospects in categories of questioning products and star products, in addition to dairy cow products that provide income through which they will be made investments and research and marketing actions. They can also have dog products, provided they are well differentiated and have a specific market cycle.

In order to develop the marketing strategies for each type of product it is also important to know what the behavior of each of the products belonging to the company's portfolio will be in the future through demand forecasts, this, together with the product classification. Obtained from the BCG matrix, these are elementary steps to know how to determine where the company is headed and what strategy must be established to achieve its strategic purpose.

As we can see, this tool allows us to carry out an analysis of the behavior of each of the excursions in the entity's product portfolio and define the degree of participation of each of them in their total income. For this and given that "the Expert Method is a practical and effective method that allows selecting the number of candidates for research experts and evaluating the level of competence of each of them." (Colectivo de Autores, 2007), a group of experts is selected, see Annex 3, those who participate in different work rounds and from the brainstorm, the variables that allow locating the excursions in relation to the competition are identified,elaborating valuation tables that will be validated from the Kendall's Coefficient Method and the Tenth Chi Square to finally build the General Electric Matrix.

For its part, the General Electric Matrix is ​​divided into nine quadrants distributed in three zones (upper, middle and lower). It is also known as the market attractiveness matrix-competitive position of the strategic business unit (UEN) where the UEN are classified with respect to two main dimensions, for which companies must identify the factors that comprise it.

Attractiveness of the industry market: On the horizontal axis, the factors that can shape this dimension are the following: market size, prices, market growth, market diversity, intensity of competition, industry profitability, maturity and solvency the client's. UEN competitive position: on the vertical axis, the factors may be: market share, growth of market share, unit costs, competitive prices, product or service quality and experience effect. For the representation of the General Electric Matrix it is necessary to build valuation tables, which are made based on those factors that the company considers important in each of the dimensions.

All this study and use of the proposed methodology allows us to carry out the analysis of the UEB Havanatur T & T Varadero product portfolio and make a forecast of the demand to consequently formulate marketing strategies that enable better economic results in the entity, giving it In this way, it fulfills its fundamental mission: to obtain benefits.

CHAPTER II: Analysis of the Travel Agency's product portfolio

Havanatur Tour & Travel Varadero.

This chapter shows the main results achieved with the application of the procedure proposed in the previous chapter. We carried out the analysis of the degree of participation of the excursions that make up the product portfolio of the Havanatur T & T Varadero Travel Agency in order to prepare a plan of strategic measures that allows the negative to be reversed into positive.

The procedure suggested in the preliminary stage is applied through the data obtained from the surveys, the interviews, the expert method, the brainstorming, the MCG Matrix and the General Electric matrix. Reference is made to the current economic and financial situation of the organization through the study of the main indicators using mathematical and statistical methods, with the aim of summarizing and displaying all the information analyzed in order to present the research conclusions. We found benefits to the interaction with managers of the entity and tables and graphs were used with the help of the Microsoft Excel program to synthesize and visualize the analysis of the information.

2.1-Financial economic situation based on the main indicators.

The estimated period for the analysis of the main economic indicators of the organization as a starting point for the development of this chapter, corresponds to the months of January to October of the years 2012 and 2013. Through income, costs plus the expenditure by weight of income and profit by weight, the elements that most influence the obtaining of the entrances and exits in which the entity incurs are known, which provides us with a greater approach to its operation.

An interview is also carried out with workers from different departments: Commercial, Human Resources, Operations, Economy and Administration, so that we can verify the control environment in the entity and the knowledge they have on how the main economic indicators are manipulated, as well such as how these fundamentals are discussed in the boards of directors. See annex 4 and 5.

The following Table shows the indicators referred to above by total currency values ​​in the period chosen for the analysis.

In the months of January to October of the year 2012, the company reached total income amounting to 3823.60 CUC and in the same period of 2013 it reached 4144.90 CUC, with the plan for this year being 4027.40 CUC, therefore a growth in values ​​is observed. Absolute which means a growth in income and an over-compliance with the plan, a situation that is caused by the growth in sales.

Regarding the behavior of costs plus expenses by weight, a growth of 2013 is observed with respect to 2012, however this value is below what was planned, which is in a certain sense favorable for the company. Despite this positive behavior, in terms of revenue, costs and expenses, profit by weight decreased in 2013 compared to 2012 by 10%, although it exceeded what was planned.

In general, we can say that in the entity the workers dominate the economic terminology and there is an atmosphere of control in all the departments. On the other hand, taking into account the values ​​in total currency previously exposed, the economic situation of the entity in the period analyzed: January-October 2012 with respect to the same period in 2013, has evolved favorably, however the fact that the profit by weight declines by 10% leads us to think that not everything is completely fine.

All this makes it very important to carry out an analysis of the sales behavior of the excursions that make up the product portfolio, in order to draw up strategies that contribute to reversing this situation and that support the decision-making process.

2.2-Diagnosis of the degree of participation of excursions in the analysis of the product portfolio.

The first step of our analysis focuses on classifying the excursions, for this we select the most sold by the entity under study to subsequently carry out an analysis of the behavior of the number of clients who attended them and the income generated by these sales. See annex 6. Table 2.2.1: Analysis of sales of Pax-Income excursions.

As can be seen, there is a growth in the total number of Pax clients and therefore in the income from excursions in 2013 compared to 2012, which shows a positive result for the entity as sales of land excursions increased and However, when we stop and analyze the results, we show that in the case of Pax clients of air excursions, there is a 22% decrease in 2013 compared to the same period in 2012, that is, a total of 2195 customers decreased in the purchase of this product, which represents a decrease in income amounting to 135836.61 CUC, this may be caused, among others, by the following external and internal factors:

- The effects of the world economic crisis.

- The fear of many customers to travel due to the fall of planes that have been victims of terrorism and plane crashes by large companies such as AIR France in 2012, news of great worldwide repercussion in the media.

- Tour operators who have gone bankrupt and no longer offer this sales service.

- Uncertainties with the banking system of their countries.

- Product launches with weak formalization work in the sales network.

- Deterioration of the effectiveness of sales of determining tour operators in the results of the company and decrease of the effectiveness in the application of a timely monitoring method based on the tour operator-client, assisted-client, moved-product matrix.

- Lack of future forecasting and strategic actions to counteract the incidence of factors that damage the image of the product.

- Need to incorporate a mechanism for the commercialization of specific offers as a stimulus to the sales of this product.

2.3-Definition of the product lines and excursions included within each line.

We believe it is necessary to carry out an exhaustive study of the product portfolio for which we use the expert method, in order to define the product lines and the excursions included within each line and segment the offers, which will provide us with more complete information and It will facilitate the processing of the data obtained. A round of work was carried out with the selected experts, using the brainstorming technique.

Once the discussion with the experts was carried out, where the degree of similarity that the different excursions share in relation to the main benefits generated by the fundamental attractions contemplated within each one, such as the image of the offered product, the essential motivations of purchase, the reputation of the places or destinations included in the assembly of the product and the predominant physical space, we grouped by lines the excursions included in the portfolio of optional products Varadero 2012-2013 (common to all entities belonging to MINTUR in the Varadero pole). See annex No. 7. Then the entity's excursion portfolio by lines was delimited as follows:

As we observed in the previous table, after taking advantage of the results of the brainstorm, the entity's portfolio was made up of a total of 79 excursions, of which 53 are land, 9 are air, and 17 are maritime, they remained grouped into 18 lines according to their specificities.

The evaluation of the product portfolio about the operation of the UEB Havanatur Travel Agency T & T Varadero was carried out based on the results obtained by reviewing documents from interviews with managers and specialists, exchanges with the group of experts, analysis of surveys carried out by the representatives to their clients that allowed us to know the shortcomings of the marketing of the product. In this way we proceed to make a diagnosis of the competitive position of the excursions that make up the product portfolio of the entity under study. For this, the BCG matrix was used,See Annex 8, whose data refers to the volume and growth rate of income for the period studied and to the market share that expresses the relationship between the market share of an excursion and that of its closest competitor, taking into account the position of the entity.

The position of the Havanatur T & T Varadero Travel Agency corresponds to a star product, it is a strategic Business unit that in the Havanatur stock exchange is characterized by growth opportunities, the company must dedicate significant amounts to maintain its position leader in a high growth market, as you will have to avoid attacks from the competition. These products are generally stable and become dairy cows.

Once the analysis of the entity's competitive position through the BCG matrix had been carried out, the General Electric matrix was used, see Annex 9, to delve a little deeper into it, allowing the study to be carried out towards a greater number of variables, while BCG only allows the analysis of market share and growth rate. It is observed that for the position occupied by the selected excursions, this entity must maintain a balanced position, that is, between the generation and use of funds, or in other words, between income and expenses.

The previous analysis is carried out taking into account the experts' criteria, this will allow us a better understanding of the structure by line of the excursions, starting from the classification of the product portfolio taking into account sales, the number of clients and the income earned.

2.4-Behavior of excursion sales of the selected product portfolio.

The analysis was carried out taking into account the sale of optionals in the analyzed period of the entity that details the number of customers who bought the product and the income by type of excursion. See annexes 10 and 11.

The analysis was carried out through table 2.3.2, where the behavior of the sales of the product portfolio and / or excursions by lines in the period from January to October of the years 2012 and 2013 is shown, as shown in Annex 10. This table was prepared from the consolidated optional sales records and reports that are sent to MINTUR monthly, and are discussed in the Receptive Council.

Optional Sales. Excursions grouped by lines of work.

As can be seen, the excursions with the highest income volumes from January to October 2012 are represented by lines L4. Catamaran safari with a total of 773795.56 CUC, L1. Havana: History, Culture and Heritage with a total of 481,103.38 CUC, L12. Air travel with a total of 369 388.00 CUC and L3. Jeep

Safari with 224'266.60 CUC, we cannot fail to mention the L.9 Trinidad Cienfuegos and Santa Clara: City, Cult and Heritage 100905 CUC of income.

On the other hand, in the same period of 2013, L.18 stands out first.

Accommodation with a total of 1'072'534.00 CUC, L.12 Air Travel with a total of 493'848.70 CUC, L1. Havana: History, Culture and Heritage with a total of 429'350.65 CUC, L3. Jeep Safari with 217'854.90 CUC and L4. Catamaran safari with a total of 682'575.00 CUC.

In general, these six excursion lines contributed more than 85% of the income in the respective periods analyzed and are the ones with the most Pax sold each year, although we can also mention, but to a lesser extent, the L14 lines. Other services with 1773 Pax sold in 2012 and the L8 line. Zapata Peninsula with 1'629 Pax in 2012 and 1'545 Pax in 2013 and line L5. Dolphins with a total 1'469 Pax in 2013.

We also analyze the least sold, even though it is a good offer such as line L.15. Sports because Cuba is a country with important achievements in this sphere where this option could be better exploited. In 2012, it was requested by 244 clients for an income value of 27,785.00 CUC, and yet in 2013 only 20 clients demanded the product.

2.5-Analysis of the process of concentration or diversification of the demand for excursions.

To assess the degree of concentration or diversification of the demand for excursions, it is shown in table 2.3.1 with a synthesis of the results obtained in the period from January to October of the years 2012-2013, we see that the participation rate of the first 5 excursions correspond to the three types of excursions although the terrestrial one prevails, which increased slightly.

In the analyzed period of 2012 with respect to 2013, it can be said that there is a certain stability of the products demanded, the best-selling lines coincide both in one and another year, with the exception of lines L9, L12 and L18.

The excursions representing the highest sales volumes representing more than 85% of them were also determined by the experts through the analysis of the product portfolio, which are shown in table 2.3.

From the aforementioned and with the analysis of the tools used, especially the interview and exchange with specialists and managers, it is deduced that in a specific sense, 2012 was more fruitful for the entity. If we delimit the values ​​of each excursion we see that the Pax sold by lines are greater in 2012 than in 2013, however in a comprehensive way the opposite happens. The best-selling excursions in the analyzed period of 2012 correspond to Crucero del Sol Seafari on line L4 and Visit to Havana on line L1. In 2013, L1 was repeated. Visit to Havana although with a lower value than the previous year, however a new product appears standing out at extraordinary levels and it is line L18.

Accommodation with 7'210 Pax that exceeds all expectations and is the one who makes the difference in the economic results of one year with respect to the other, due to the following reasons:

- The purchase of the accommodation product corresponds to a large extent to the internal market, which is increasing rapidly according to the statistical data provided by the entity's commercial and economic documents.

- The hotel culture of the internal market is also growing, as it has been proven that more and more are choosing higher standards and even above the external market.

- We are aware that the principles of our country are not negotiable but we have the opinion that the non-provision of air and maritime service to the internal market has a negative impact on the results of the organization.

2.6-Proposed measures to improve the degree of participation of excursions in the UEB product portfolio.

The analysis carried out proposes to give way to a mindset open to change and to the establishment of improvements in the commercial and economic management of the products offered using the correct and modern marketing strategies.

Even though the implementation of the party's guidelines has come to strengthen the operation of all current change processes, it is still evident that there are still many obstacles that hinder the matter.

The competition of self-employed workers in Cuba is an element that elicits better services and greater professionalism from the rest of the workers, because despite this being a different product, let's say it like this: "a la carte service" with practically no scheduled offers, where the advantage depends on the price of the product, there is a lot of care and quality in what they sell.

In our opinion, Varadero has an excellent portfolio of products approved by MINTUR that covers almost everything that the client can search for and is also feasible to carry out various combinations so that users can be satisfied, however, many are the factors that affect in not taking advantage of the competitive advantages that characterize the tourist pole of the territory and in particular the UEB Havanatur T&T Varadero Travel Agency, such as the renovating spirit and the comfort of the sellers as well as the ease of always presenting the same products to the user That is why we believe the following is very necessary:

1. We refer to the systematic work of familiarization of the sales network in seminars, postgraduate courses and talks, debates on the analysis of the product portfolio and the presentation of products where sales promoters especially participate in order to be trained.

2. The Information Age present in the current technical scientific revolution demands that ICT knowledge be applied. An efficient Travel Agency cannot be conceived without its workers having access to the Internet and basic computer knowledge. We propose to allocate a part of the budget to purchase computers.

3. Since the Agency has a unique characteristic, that is, it operates with its own clients, it is proposed to incorporate new tourist resources into excursion programs that motivate repeat clients, such as in the case of L1. Havana: History, Culture and Heritage: Visit to the National Hotel,

live radio and television programs such as "A Buena Hora" by Radio Taíno en la Zorra y el Cuervo, "Alegrías de Sobremesa on Radio Progreso" and "Palmas y

Cañas en TV ”, visit the Cuba Pavilion with various cultural offers. In the case of L7. Night shows visit to the Cine Teatro Cárdenas.

4. Suggestions are made for improvements to the passenger bureau regarding tangible fixed assets and the supplies and tools that the sales manager may need for better customer service.

5. The constant updating of the sales folders and the product catalog is indicated, guaranteeing better marketing of the same.

6. That a majority percentage of the benefits of the assistance service offered by the UEB, be used for the material stimulation of the Agency's workers.

7. The need to recover the demand indexes of those products that have been detrimental in the current year as line L.15 is pointed out.

Sports and maritime excursions in a general sense, since the latter remained below the levels reached in the same period of the previous year.


1. The present work favors the understanding of different theoretical terms referring to the analysis of the tourism product portfolio of receptive Travel Agencies, offering the entity under study an updated bibliography on the subject.

2. The research was carried out taking into account the characteristics of the activity carried out by a travel agency and in the environment in which it operates.

3. The procedures used contribute to the effective analysis of the degree of participation of excursions in the product portfolio for subsequent decision-making as to which product is more feasible.

4. This analysis advocates the inclusion of new tourism products in excursion programs, which is related to the greater participation of clients.

5. It was shown that the economic results in the analyzed period of 2013 are above those of the same period of 2012 and are fundamentally reduced by excursion L.18. Accommodation where more than 50% of the reservations correspond to the internal market.

6. The analysis of the product portfolio is an effective tool for decision making.


1. Propose to the MINTUR management in the territory, the possibility of implementing the proposed Model as a working tool for the analysis of the tourism product portfolio of non-hotel organizations.

2. Use this work as a bibliography for all those who wish to study the topic in depth.

3. That new advertising videos be made on the Internet promoting sea excursions in order to raise their income levels.

4. Carry out a further analysis of the product portfolio based on this analysis and propose an action plan.

5. That the management of the entity uses the data obtained in order to obtain improvements in product management, in the incorporation of new tourist products, in the services offered, in the consolidation of market positioning.


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Analysis of the product portfolio of a travel agency in Cuba