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Analysis of the competence of a microenterprise. super plast case


1.- Problematization of the study objective

1.1 Research problem

Competition can be defined as a situation where producers and consumers are free to offer goods and services in the market, and to choose where and from whom to buy them, it also exists when there are a plurality of suppliers and demanders.

Competition constantly encourages companies to offer a broader range of products at the best possible prices because, if they don't, consumers can choose other alternatives. In a free market, companies have to compete for the benefit of the consumer.

Selling is exchanging products and services for money. From the legal point of view, it is about the transfer of the right of possession of a good, in exchange for money. From the accounting and financial point of view, the sale is the total amount charged for products or services provided.

In any case, sales are the heart of any business, it is the fundamental activity of any commercial adventure. It's about bringing buyers and sellers together, and the job of the entire company is to do whatever it takes to make it successful.

For some, selling is a kind of art based on persuasion. For others, it is more of a science, based on a methodological approach, in which a series of steps are followed until the potential client is convinced that the product or service offered will lead them to achieve their objectives in an economic way. and satisfy a need.

The competitors of Super Plast are those companies that offer the same products, according to the market research carried out, there are companies such as: Plásticos Pablin, Titán Mayoreo de Plásticos, Plásticos de México, Plásticos Zampa de Chiapas, and La Central.

I have analyzed that the stores that are in the center of this city are all almost close to each other, it means that all customers have more purchase options and that prices also compete more, another observation is, that of all the neighborhoods go down or come to the center to buy since they find everything there and then they take advantage of buying their plastics, it is one of the ways that affects the stores located in the center.

The competition has a great impact on sales due to the existence of companies that market products of the same type, such as toys, plastics and disposables, here the prices of each product are at stake, I have analyzed that customers are looking for better prices, (low prices) and the rival who has prices one or two pesos below is the one who makes the sale, in recent years the customer is no longer easily fooled due to the great competition that the customer has awakened today and is looking for other options. turn where it meets your expectations. And that the customer makes the purchase in the Super Plast competition stops him from winning.

Competition is part of our daily life in the world of commerce, because it allows us to see beyond a sale and implement strategies that allow us to go hand in hand or ahead of the competition to increase sales.

That is why, as a businesswoman, do the work of studying the competition and seeing what new ways or strategies of work apply to be able to improve and apply them in Super Plast.

Strive to be the leading producer of costs in the trade (The effort to make agreements with suppliers with low cost), Seek to differentiate the product offered from that of rivals (Differentiation strategy that other products I have that the competition does not have), Focus on a more limited portion of the market rather than an entire market

In the Super Plast microenterprise, display all the merchandise that arrives, make customers aware of new products, put together attractive packages, in advertising the competition is by radio, yellow section, flyers, etc. And the best advertising is word of mouth, the same that the client recommends, they are strategies to increase sales.

There are factors that decrease sales, one of them is the beginning of the school year. Housewives are more concerned and busy with enrollment, uniforms and school supplies than with buying plastics. Another factor is when there is no holiday in one of the months. because there is no need to celebrate, of course they are products that are used in the home and that are essential to have a bucket, to have a socket, etc. Another factor may also be that in those crisis months the advertising of the business falls and consequently sales also fall.

It is when you have to enter the advertising and see what the competition is doing so as not to disappear from the market and stay for those moments when sales fall.

Knowing how to act when sales decrease and for that you should take the following:

  1. Ability to offer something different to competitors. Many variations in products. Invent ways to create value for buyers. Integrate features that customers are willing to pay. Use features to create a reputation and brand image.

Once I have found out who my competitors are, I will determine their strengths and investigate what their vulnerabilities are. Why do customers buy from them? Is it the price? Value? Service? Comfort? Reputation? Focus on both "perceived" and actual strengths and weaknesses. This is because customer perception may be more important than reality.

It is cash payment, and in cash. In the future it is intended to receive debit cards so that all types of customers can make their purchase.

If the clients are those who live near Terán or in the same neighborhood, let them know the ease of this store, which is located in an accessible place, and then what they are looking for they find in Super Plast and without paying a passage, or search parking, go where everything is full of many people conglomeration, go to waste time and well here you avoid all that. Customer comfort is provided.

The place where the Super Plast is located has a lot to do, it is a very commercial and busy avenue, we find food sales, candy sales, shops, stationery, a park with a church half a block from the store.

This is because customer perception may be more important than reality.

However, when I look at a competitor, I must also examine his degree of readiness to face factors beyond his control.

Let customers know that there are seasonal products, it can be children's lunch boxes or put together a package with a cheaper glass, pens, educational toys, ula ula for parades…

They are strategies as merchants that we must adapt according to the months, so that the competition does not eat us and run the risk of disappearing.

Once the competitors are fully known and those who are going to attack are defined, the strategy to be used comes into play and this will be defined according to the position in the market in which Super Plast is. By analyzing the competition, a company has an excellent basis to develop marketing strategies that allow it to improve its position in the market, a company has a competitive advantage when it has a better position than rivals to secure customers and defend against forces. competitive. There are many sources of competitive advantages: having the highest quality product, providing superior service to customers, achieving lower costs than rivals, having a better geographical location,Having a flagship product that performs better than competing brands and makes a difference.

Competitive strategy consists of what a company is doing to try to disarm rivals and gain a competitive advantage. A company's strategy can be basically offensive or defensive, changing from one position to another depending on market conditions. Companies around the world have tried to follow every conceivable approach to beat their rivals and gain an edge in the market.

Having competition, as a businesswoman allows me or I am obliged to study my rivals and see how to attract customers to the Store and increase my sales with strategies that help improve sales.

Study a market niche, to be certain and to know the market to which the product will be directed and in which geographical location we are.

1.2 Research objective

Specific goal

To analyze the behavior of the competition of a micro-company that markets plastics, toys and disposables and its impact on sales.

Specific objectives

  • Define the relationship between competition and sales Study and investigate how many stores exist with the same line of marketing toys, plastics and disposable Specify how the competition of plastics in the city center affects Detail how to avoid competition Design strategies to increase sales Analyze the location of Super plast

1.3 Justification of the investigation

It is very important to carry out an investigation of the line of business in which we are developing in order to be certain of the company if it is profitable and convenient, and to analyze the possible problems that this may generate when marketing toys, plastics and disposables and to have knowledge of its main competition and how affects sales.

The defined purpose of doing the research is to have another strategic point of sale. I have analyzed that in the Terán area it is convenient to establish a branch. The idea is to create competition with the same company. If not to be attacked by another company in terms of prices.

The benefit for the company is to attract clients with competitive and accessible prices so that clients can acquire a product that is of quality, and that the product of a considered price satisfies the client.

It is convenient to carry out the investigation, with the intention of knowing the market, the competition, the sales strategies, the clients and knowing more about the company Super Plast.

It will help solve problems that are already in place and that the company is facing.

The research has a social impact for those who intend to create a company of the same type, and to be able to analyze in advance the possible problems that this may arise.

The theoretical value of the research is the investigated information of the competition that exists in the market in Tuxtla Gutiérrez Chiapas.

The methodological utility provided by the research carried out is that every person interested in the same line of business has tools to solve possible problems.

1.4 Spatial and temporal delimitation of the investigation

The Super Plast microenterprise located in 2nd. Ote Nte. # 334 From the Col. Terán of the city of Tuxtla Gutiérrez Chiapas, born on June 8, 2012, has the business of marketing toys, plastics and disposables, covering the needs of nearby inhabitants, since it does not have a store of plastics in this location and have to go to the city center to do the shopping.

This research was started before starting the sales of toys, plastics and disposables on June 1, 2012 and it is expected to know the strengths and weaknesses of the competition.


  1. What is the competition? What are the sales? Who are the competitors? How does it affect the competition of plastics that are in the city center? What is the impact of the competition on the sales? How to avoid to the competition? What strategies to design to increase sales? How to act when sales decrease? What are the conditions for sales? How does location impact sales? Analyze the differentiation of Yireh plastics and the competition? Objective Of the investigation

2.- Conceptualization of the object of study

2.1- Competition Behavior

2.1.1- Concepts

Competition is known as the set of companies that offer the same (or similar) products to our company or produce goods that substitute our products for consumption.

It is usual that when speaking of competition companies that are in direct competition come to mind: those that produce or commercialize the same products. But competition is not limited to the case of companies that compete directly with the company itself (with the same products). Companies that offer products that can replace the company's own products are also considered competition.

In this sense, it is necessary to:

Competence is a set of knowledge that, when used through thinking skills in different situations, generates different skills in solving life problems and their transformation, under a previously accepted code of values ​​that shows a specific attitude towards performance. realized, it is an ability to do something (Frade, 1994: 185).

On the other hand, in Mastache's opinion (1986: 205), it is considered that:

Competences refer to complex capacities, which have different degrees of integration and are manifested in a wide variety of situations corresponding to the various areas of human personal and social life. They are expressions of the different degrees of personal development and active participation in social processes.

As a complementary part of the concept related to competition, it should be noted that for competition or company war it must be borne in mind that for many entrepreneurs (and marketing theorists) the business world has always been and is a field of battle. And they really are not without reason. Battlefields and markets have many common elements. Military success and success in the business world are achieved through a good strategy, adequate leadership that makes it possible to take advantage of available human resources, an efficient organization and adequate communication and information systems and, above all, all opportune (Villamil, 1972: 76).

As an example of the above, it should be noted that forgetting about the competition is usually expensive, that's why it is said to know your enemy and know yourself; In a hundred battles, you will never be in danger. When the enemy is ignored but one knows oneself, the chances of losing or winning are the same, if both the enemy and oneself are ignored, it is certain that in each battle one will be in danger.

All of the above described allows us to understand that competition for this research constitutes the independent variable, which in the opinion of the authors indicated, competition as a concept allows adapting to different business lines.

2.1.2- Historical background

The main historical antecedents that exist on competition as an independent variable

According to Sun tzu more than two thousand years ago by the Chinese philosopher and military theorist, and his recommendations have not ceased to be valid, both in the art of war and in life itself, and, of course, in the world of the Businesses, where the best business strategies may fail, are that they have not caught the reactions of competitors.

According to Valdez (2008) in Marcel (2010: 142) points out that "competition is important to keep in mind that competition makes companies competitive since to the extent that a company is competitive it is an efficient and effective company"

Competition forces companies to become better and better, that is, only in a competitive environment is it possible to design policies and programs to improve production processes and business management. Thus, in the beginning, competition forced companies to improve their production processes. Today the work factor (people) is thought of as the most important element to improve the competitiveness (productivity) of companies. (Miller, 1972: 302).

However, although a competitive environment is important to achieve the greatest possible efficiency for companies, it also means that companies must know how to deal with it. A very important aspect for a company that operates in a competitive environment have to do with competitors. Necessary and essential for the existence of a healthy market, it is also a threat in the good sense of the word, which every company must bear in mind. The company has to inform itself about its competitors so as not to be surprised by them (Rodríguez, 2001: 148).

Then the question arises: what should we know about the competition? The answer is simple: Obviously, knowing everything about our competitors is practically impossible.

What was previously written takes as its main historical element what Sun tzu said today companies still apply their recommendations.

2.1.3- Basic characteristics

Basically, a market characterized by perfect competition is one in which no individual buyer or seller influences the price with their purchases or sales.

2.1.4- Economic Importance

In economics, it is said that Competition exists when different private firms attend a Market to offer their products to a group of Consumers who act independently, and who constitute the Demand.

Competition is essential to the Market Economy, so much so that it can be said that both terms are, in reality, inseparable: there is no Market economy without competition and the existence of competition results in a type of economy that is market, or that approaches her. However, the competition that exists in a given market can reach different degrees and be classified into different types according to the degree of control over the Prices that each of the suppliers and demanders may have, the variety of the Goods that are traded and the freedom input for potential bidders (and sometimes plaintiffs).

At one end of the classification we have Perfect, atomistic or pure Competition, which characterizes a perfectly competitive Market. In this case, the number of bidders is infinite, or practically infinite, for each one of the Goods that are produced, and the number of claimants is also; There is no limitation for entering the market and, therefore, none of the competing forces is in a position to determine the Prices that are reached in it; there are no significant economies of scale either, so no seller can grow to dominate or control the market. This abstract Model can be generalized to the entire economy, to demonstrate the Interdependence of the existing partial markets and the mobility of the different Productive Factors.

2.1.5- Advantages and Disadvantages

The only advantage of competition according to the type of market are those mentioned below:

  • Possible to maintain, clearly superior to the competition, applicable to various market situations

The disadvantages of competition

Sellers and buyers have no distinguishable control over the sale price; that is, they do not influence the market price because no company or buyer is large enough to do so, therefore, it is impersonally set by the market.

Offerors or sellers do not spend a lot of time developing a marketing strategy, or doing related activities, such as market research, new product and service development, pricing, and implementation of promotional programs (such as advertising and marketing). Sale promotion).

2.1.6- Perfect Competition

It is a type of competition that characterizes a market, which is why it is also considered (by various economists and marketers) as a type of market or market model

It is the most convenient market situation, since it is the only one in which an efficient allocation of society's resources is achieved because the quantity in which the price equals the marginal cost is produced (Hill, 2004: 397). Characteristics of the perfect competition

A first characteristic refers to the homogeneity of the product, that is, that the product offered by any seller is equal to that offered by all the others. No market participant, either buyer or seller, can influence the price on its own, since each one individually is so small in relation to the market as a whole that its actions cannot affect it.

The second characteristic refers to the mobility of resources, which implies, for example, that workers can move from one region to another, raw materials are accessible to everyone on equal terms, companies can enter the market or leave from him etc.

The two previous characteristics regarding the perfect competition of the homogeneity and mobility of the resources help to speed up the sale.

2.1.7- Monopolistic or imperfect competition

It is an intermediate model between perfect competition and monopoly. This is the case in which most companies face competitors that market substitutes similar to their products, but differentials, due to which there is no homogeneity between the products of the different suppliers. "Each company has a monopoly on the sale of a single product, but the various brands are close substitutes." This model has concurrent characteristics:

The monopoly is the opposite model to perfect competition, that is, when the company is the only seller in the market due to being in situations such as the following: control of the offer of a product

Possibility of producing at a very low cost the volume sufficient to supply the entire market at a profitable price and lower than that of any competitor.

Exclusive provision of patents inherent to the product.

Exclusivity granted by the government to develop a product or provide a service, or, exercise monopoly directly by a state company.

2.1.8- Increased competition and consumer demands Forces most companies today to offer their differentiated products to specific groups of consumers that we call segments. This is how loyalty cards are born.

Loyalty cards are born in principle, as a model of benefits and discounts to the regular customer, through a system of points and redemptions for gifts. The added benefit for the card issuer is the possibility of knowing the consumption habits of its customers and, consequently, guiding the company's commercial and marketing policy (hence, on the cards we have to indicate age, sex, income, place of residence).


Sales must be taken into account since it is an independent variable that influences company decision-making.

2.2.1- Concepts

According to Kotler, (2005) is another form of market access for many companies, whose objective is to sell what they do instead of doing what the market wants.

Consumers must be encouraged to buy. To do this, companies that put this concept into practice use a whole arsenal of sales and promotion tools to stimulate more purchases, it supposes (Kotler, 2005: 11).

2.2.2- Historical Background

The prehistory

In its beginnings, the human being simply subsisted. Harvesting, fishing and hunting were their main source of food. He did not know the art and technique of agricultural production. There does not seem to have been any commercial exchange during this time, due to the distance between the different human groups. The very low human population density, in turn, did not encourage such activity.

When the first families were born, the first social conglomerates were generated. This led to the development of agriculture. Historians estimate that this leap was made in the Neolithic Period, the second stage of the Stone Age, approximately 8,000 - 10,000 years ago. The first agricultural tools were invented. In parallel, animal husbandry begins as a way to ensure the supply of meat, without depending on hunting. The physical strength of the draft animals was also used.

Beginning of the Commercial Exchange. Barter or Exchange

Humans began to accumulate surplus production. Barter, or Swap, is born, a fairly primitive form of exchange, which allowed them to dedicate their effort to the easiest and most natural cultivation for each human settlement. Through this modality, each participant delivered part of the product of their work, in exchange for a part of the product of the work of another participant. This is an invention as old as the wheel, which in turn will have facilitated the transport of goods.

This practice occurred not only between social groups, but also privately. However, it presented the enormous difficulty of finding participants interested in the product offered. Equally difficult it was for the participant, to obtain the product of their interest in the quantity and form that the exchange caused.

Subsequently, ways of representing a value parity between delivered and received goods were invented. One of them was using precious metals, like gold and silver. Another way was through pieces of a certain value commonly accepted among merchants, such as whale teeth, seashells and cocoa beans, among other ways. There it gives rise to the concept of money or currency, as a facilitating element of commercial exchange.

There were towns noted for their commercial development, among which the Phoenicians can be mentioned. His commercial organization reached such a point, of founding colonies in various points of the Mediterranean Sea. They also built the so-called “factories”, which were walled settlements where they stored provisions for their commercial trips.

The Roman Empire, while primarily military, rather than commercial, facilitated trade through the establishment of certain currencies. One of them was the “salarium”, a certain amount of salt delivered to the soldiers in payment for their services. They used it to buy goods. Another of them is the Ace, a bronze coin, which was later replaced by the Denarius Arggentum, a silver coin equivalent to 10 Aces. From the word Denarius, the now-known term Money is born. There were others such as the Sextercio and the Quinario, fractions of the Denarius, and multiples of the Ace.

The middle ages

During the Middle Ages, a very incipient commercial development began in European countries. Initially, agricultural products were not frequently sold, but were delivered to the feudal lord. This was the tacit owner of all the goods produced in his region, in exchange for military protection for his vassals.

Then, demographic growth led to migration to urban centers. Consequently, a division of labor began to occur. The master craftsmen and other urban settlers, unable to carry out agricultural production, bought their food for a price.

The industrial Revolution

In the second half of the 18th century, there was a very important economic expansion throughout the globe. The invention of the steam engine was the catalyst for industry and transportation, and even mechanized agricultural production.

Large looms, locomotives, and transoceanic steam-powered ships are born. The quantities of the product increase dramatically. Transportation speeds up. European empires take advantage of their colonies, not only as sources of raw materials, but as extended markets.

However, the sales activity was still the work of merchants and producers. Therefore, the existence of commission sales agents was very scarce. With such large squares, the main objective of the companies was to manufacture in sufficient quantities to supply their ever-growing markets.

The Age of Sales

The first half of the 20th century, with two world wars, an interwar period marked by the stock market collapse of Wall Street and the Great Depression, hit the production companies with falling levels of consumption, and with it prices. Some manufacturers, especially Americans, saw a lifeline in World War II, as the government of their country devoted virtually all industrial production to supplying its troops on the battlefields. This helped keep their workforce busy.

Despite the industrial and labor boom in North America, Europe suffered the brunt of the war in its own flesh. Many of its factories, considered strategic targets by the enemy armies, were bombed, thus undermining the main sources of work and income.

Entrepreneurs discovered a very unpleasant reality. Its once prosperous and abundant markets had disappeared; at best they had contracted. The European countries where the great battles had been fought were destroyed and depopulated. There was no one to buy products! As if that were not enough, factories, especially those in the United States, had enormous installed productive capacity. Then the strategy changed. Now they needed to sell!

Here is the birth of the Sales Office. Entrepreneurs began hiring people whose job it would be to visit the entire market, all potential customers, and promote their products. The mission of these agents was to sell, at any cost.

2.2.3- Basic characteristics

Sales control is the natural sequel to sales planning, organization and implementation. Companies need to apply four types of sales control. Control of the annual plan consists of monitoring sales activities and results, to ensure that annual sales and profit targets are achieved. The main tools are sales analysis, market share analysis, financial analysis, monitoring of customer satisfaction.

If poor performance is detected, the company can implement various corrective measures, including production cuts, price changes, increasing pressure on the sales force and cuts in marginal expenses.

Efficiency control is the task of increasing efficiency in sales activities, such as: sales promotion and distribution. Strategic control is the activity consisting of ensuring the objectives, strategies and sales systems of the company so that they are optimally adapted to the field of sales planning and forecasting.

A tool, known as a sales efficiency scoring tool, describes a company's overall sales efficiency profile in terms of a customer-oriented philosophy, sales organization, sales information, planning of sales, strategic planning and operational efficiency (Hill, 1999: 218).

2.2.4- Economic Importance

Every week you must pay payrolls, suppliers, and countless expenses and services you need to keep the business running. In order to do this, you need money. To have money you must SELL your products or services to your clients. Without sales you would not have money to pay and you would quickly be in trouble and your company would soon be history.

No company can survive without sales. Sales are the engine of the economy and your company.

Unfortunately, sales are a factor over which we believe there is no control.

2.2.5- Advantages and disadvantages of the impact on sales

The sales advantages that companies consider for decision-making are mentioned below:

  • It is a good option to start your own business. In times of economic slowdown and unemployment, it is a good alternative for entrepreneurs with capital limitations. This system provides freedom of schedule. No matter the school level. Earnings come from commissions generated by own sales and those made by the group of sellers you affiliate. The system eliminates traditional intermediaries. It offers much of what an own company provides: freedom, recognition and income linked to results. Through this system you learn techniques of sales and business, which can be of great help in becoming entrepreneurs who have the ability to manage dealer organizations.It gives them the possibility of expanding through their territory and outside it without any other limit than their own capacity for relationship and organization.

Disadvantages in sales are important to consider and prevent from happening in the company.

  • It requires having skill for sales, call it ability to relate to others, to persuade them, to be permanently motivated, to have perseverance (especially if it is a difficult product to sell), etc. It can demand a lot of work, for example, in the face of the need to having to work at night or on weekends (which requires a lot of motivation and energy). There are good businesses that have good quality products and very good training, but there are also businesses that do not have good products, and that they do not care about training their members well.

2.2.6- Direct Marketing

Through multiple instruments, we can carry the personalized message to each client and establish a direct, agile and effective way of company-market communication, at a very low cost, comparatively speaking, with the other ways, but especially advantageous because it eliminates interference in communication since it is person to person. Direct marketing actions allow to know with great precision the opinion of customers.

The future of direct marketing, due to the advantages it presents, is very promising. The presence of direct marketing techniques in new technologies, a strong evolution and development, thus increasing its importance.

2.2.7- Increase in volume

The sales volume of a company is what determines its degree of development.

Each sector of the company must work in coordination to achieve the general objectives. These objectives are achieved, first, by achieving the specificities of each sector; uniting them all we will achieve the general objectives.

2.2.8- Increase or improve after-sales service

The first thing that must be clear to the leaders of a company if they want to achieve this objective is that the latter in its final phase must be oriented towards consumers. If there are no consumers, there are no sales. And if there are no sales and it is not sold, the company will die.

Any company, whatever its products, must pay special attention to its customer relationships, seeking to satisfy their needs. The maximum satisfaction that your clients will have is to realize that their best offer is in addition to an excellent quality in the product and a perfect quality in the service. The company must be aware at all times that it sells products. That they will provide certain services to consumers and therefore should be oriented in these aspects. We insist that all objectives must be coordinated.

3.-Contextualization of the object of study

3.1- Commerce Sector in Tuxtla Gutiérrez Chiapas

3.1.1- Location of the city of Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Chiapas

In the city of Tuxtla Gutiérrez it is divided east, west, south and north, made up of subdivisions and neighborhoods, streets and avenues in which there is commerce of different turns.

3.1.2- Influences sales on the inhabitants

In the city of Tuxtla Gutiérrez most of the families' source of income is being merchants, it is where they see an opportunity to get ahead, since today finding a job is almost impossible.

3.1.3- Inhabitants in the city of Tuxtla Gutiérrez

There are approximately six million inhabitants in the city.

3.1.4- Socioeconomic level of the inhabitants in the city of Tuxtla Gutiérrez

The people who consume the most products that are not so essential at the time of purchase are low-middle-level consumers.

3.1.5- Influences advertising ads.

In the city of Tuxtla Gutiérrez there are advertisements on the outside of each business or company and the avenues of the city that have a great impact on the consumer who, at a given moment, just by seeing the colors of a product, easily identifies it and buy what they finish to see.

3.1.6- Which companies have the same line of Super Plast

To mention some: Pablin plastics, Titan plastics and Zampa.

3.2- Characteristics of the Plastics, Toys and Disposables Micro-trading Company

3.2.1- History of the company Super Plast

It is a Chiapas company, founded on June 8, 2012, which was born with the investment of private initiative, positioning itself as a pioneer in this field in Av. main of cabbage. Terán, the place where the micro-business begins, directed and managed by its owner, Lic. Karen Hernández Hernández.

3.2.2- How to project into the future

Commercialize plastic, thermal and disposable products to micro-businesses of the same type with procedures and standards that allow us to meet quality, cost and opportunity for our clients at the local and state level.

3.2.3- What is expected of Super Plast in the future

To be a leading company in the plastic trade with dedication to excellence and total quality.

3.2.4- What makes Super Plast different from the competition

It has quality products, a variety of products, it has a sufficient inventory for wholesale, affordable prices according to the product, and an important factor is that you can find everything for the home as well as disposables for your parties and Toys for when is required.

3.2.5- What is the segment to which it is directed

It is aimed at all the general public, housewives, who are the ones who consume the most plastics, but on many occasions our spoiled customers are children.

3.2.6- Microenterprise control

It is very important to control the microenterprise in terms of inventory and costs, maintain a standard price and a percentage of profit according to sales.

Analysis of the competence of a microenterprise. super plast case