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Analysis of the corporate image of a hotel in Cuba

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The present investigation titled: “Diagnosis of the image situation in the Gran Hotel de Camagüey” The topic of this investigation arises from the need to know their hotel image situation in order to improve it and thus attract more potential clients with levels of much higher income. Based on this, the problem of the present investigation is defined as: The situation of the current image of the Grand Hotel. The general objective set is to determine the location of the image of the establishment. For the development of the research, the hypothesis is that: If the situation presented by the image of the hotel were known, the appropriate actions for its management could be proposed. The main research methods used are: analysis and synthesis, induction - deduction,the historical-logical and the documentary review. Statistical analysis techniques are applied for information processing. A diagnosis of the entity under study is made, with a definition of the most attractive potential markets for its product / service and the effects of this research are assessed. The importance and novelty of the research is due to the fact that it is the first time that an image management diagnosis has been made in this hotel facility. The main limitations of this work are related to the amount of information necessary to carry it out and the difficulties in obtaining it,However, it is considered that it has great theoretical and practical value for decision-making in this sector and that it is a work to be consulted for all the organizations that operate in the currency market of the municipality of Camagüey.

A proposal of actions was drawn up to give an immediate response to the main difficulties detected with this investigation; proposal that can be used by the entity in the preparation of an action plan to improve the image.


The present titled investigation: «Diagnosis of the situation of the image in the Great Hotel of Camagüey The topic of the present investigation arises for the necessity to know situation the image hotel of them to be able to improve it and this way to attract more potential clients with levels of much higher revenues. Based on this the problem of the present investigation is defined as: The situation of the current image of the Great Hotel. The objective general layout is to determine the situation of the image of the establishment. For the development of the investigation he / she leaves of the hypothesis that: If the situation was known that presents the image of the hotel they will be able to intend the appropriate actions for its administration. The main used investigation methods are: the analysis and the synthesis, the induction - deduction,the historical-logical one and the documentary revision. For the prosecution of the information they are applied technical of statistical analysis. He / she is carried out a diagnosis of the entity study object, with a definition of the most attractive potential markets for their product / service and the effects of this investigation are valued. The importance and novelty of the investigation is given to that is the first time that is carried out a diagnosis for the administration of the image in this hotel installation. The main limitations of this work are related with the quantity of necessary information for their realization and the difficulties to obtain them,However it is considered that he / she has a great value so much theoretical as practical for the taking of decisions in this sector and that it is a work to consult for all the organizations that operate in the market in foreign currency of the municipality of Camagüey.

A proposal of actions was made to give immediate answer to the main difficulties detected with this investigation; proposal that it can be used by the entity in the making of an action plan to improve the image.


The Cuban economy has been involved in the need for its gradual transformation, in the search for forms of work that increase its level of management, which allows it to compete in the international market and make better use of scarce resources. This has brought about the study, for the best use, of techniques, tools and working methods used by companies that have achieved success in the world market.

The image of organizations is an important aspect and must be treated and managed comprehensively as it is an important component of business strategy, which contributes to achieving the objectives of the organization.

The image has to be considered as a strategic asset to increase the competitiveness of the company in the achievement of its social objectives and as such it is necessary to plan and manage it, however, the management through the image differs from the classic models, and implies understanding the corporate image as a parameter in which all the values ​​and policies of the company can be registered.

To carry out this research, it is necessary to carry out a diagnosis on image management at the Gran Hotel de Camagüey so that actions can be proposed to improve its current situation. It is not common to carry out this type of diagnosis in the entities belonging to the different hotel groups that operate in the Cuban market, this is the reason why this project is proposed and it is defined as a research problem: The situation presented by the image in the Gran Hotel de Camagüey. The general objective set is: to diagnose the situation of the image of the selected entity. For its development, the hypothesis was that: If the situation presented by the image of the hotel were known, the appropriate actions for its management could be proposed.

The following methods were used to obtain the information: empirical that includes observation, documentary review, surveys of a sample of clients and theorists such as the historical-logical, the analytical-synthetic and the inductive-deductive. Statistical analysis techniques were applied to process the information.

Bibliography considered classic and updated in Organizational Image was consulted, acquiring a relevant role in the use of the Internet. The Hotel's Commercial Management Action Plan, the Corporate Identity manuals, the 2010 Communication Strategy, and other important documents were used as complementary materials. In addition, there was the support of the managers and workers of the different departments, from whom vital information was obtained through consultations with them.

The novelty of this research is given by its practical implications since it is the first time that a diagnosis is made for image management in this hotel facility.

The main limitations of this work are related to the amount of information necessary to carry it out and the difficulties in obtaining it, however it is considered to have great value, both theoretical and practical, for decision-making in this sector and which is a work to consult by the organizations that operate in the currency market of the municipality of Camagüey.

Diagnosis of the current situation of the image of the Gran Hotel de Camagüey.

Historical hotel review

The Gran Hotel with a luxuriously traditional architectural construction, in an eclectic style, is located in the old Maceo street San Francisco de Paula, also called Calle San Pablo or del Comercio, after the second decade of the 19th century, in the historic center of the city Camagüey cultural heritage of humanity.

The first historical references to the existing house in the place where the Camaguey hotel is currently located, date back to the year 1795. This house covered an area of ​​640 m² on Calle de San Pablo or del Comercio. But it was not until the first decades of the 20th century when its current owner, the peninsular merchant Alberto Almirall Borrull, devised the construction of a modern hotel for its time in one of the most central and busy streets in the city, called ASTOR, but in response to demand made by the owners of a capital hotel with the same name, ALMIRALL desists to put ASTOR on its hotel in Camaguey and decides to name it the Gran Hotel. After the first construction stage was completed, in January 1930, the ground floor was leased to the music company Universal Music Co.

Construction of the fourth level was completed on April 11, 1938, and shortly thereafter the fifth floor was fully completed. The inauguration almost certainly occurred on May 22, 1938, according to the newspaper El Camagüeyano.

Later, on January 6, 1953, according to the request made by the co-owner, Antonio Fernández Prieto, a new project was presented to carry out reconstruction works. These included, basically, the roofing and closing of the north section of the central patio to be used as a marquee, a piece articulated to the bar. Through interior openings.

On April 10, 1954, the Certificate of Habitability was issued.

The Gran Hotel maintained the primacy of being for several decades "The Best Hotel in Camagüey, with the best service", also the highest building in the city and the province. The Almirall Building 1820-1930, as it appears in relief at the top of its facade, represented a novelty of architecture in the historic Calle del Comercio.

After this fascinating story, the idea for the inclusion of the Grand Hotel in the E hotel chain is not wrong. Hotels of style, time and tradition. For this selection, the facility has undergone a process of physical and comfort improvements., colonial-style furniture, scales, bathroom telephones, Internet access, a hairdryer, amenities and a duvet for the bathroom have been added to the rooms, as well as a careful interior decoration with photos of Camaguey colonial architecture.

General characterization of the hotel

The Eclectic-style Grand Hotel, located on the main artery of the historic center of the city of Camagüey, today a cultural heritage of humanity, belongs to the Islazul hotel group, Camagüey division, of the Ministry of Tourism, with address Calle Maceo No. 67 between Ignacio Agramonte and General Gómez, with design category and 3-star commercial category and Cuban administration, The hotel has defined its mission and vision as well as the policy to follow:

Mission: To serve the rest and recreation of clients, with prestige and tradition.

Vision: To become the Hotel of choice for clients seeking an encounter with the Cuban, the Camaguey, the cultural, the historical and the traditional

Policy: It is the policy of our organization the full satisfaction of our customers, from the provision of tourist services with a quality level

that allows our facility to occupy a prominent place at the chain level in the country, for this we have qualified and experienced personnel capable of achieving compliance with the established policy.

Its corporate purpose is: Accommodation and gastronomy service for national and international tourism. To fulfill its objective, it has a total of 72 rooms, including 69 double rooms and 3 single rooms, in addition to the restaurant, four bars, the Gran Hotel Night Center and the 24-hour reception service.

In 2009, the Gran Hotel was selected from among a group of facilities in the country that possess heritage and historical-cultural values, especially for its constructive style, for the quality of its services and for the number of cultural personalities, art and the politics that have stayed in it, that is why a number of improvements have been made among which we can mention: the entire area of ​​rooms, refrigerators, swimming pools and public areas, change of furniture, setting and decoration, with a view to the Hotel Encanto convention, for this reason the prices of the services offered by the facility have grown by 20%.

The hotel has a buffet and a la carte table service with national and international food in order to provide greater satisfaction to the customers who visit it, taking into account that these arrive from hotels with categories of four and five stars, this puts the hotel at a certain competitive disadvantage, that is why a standardized menu of 7, 14 and 21 days is made (this means that for 7 days the menu will be the same, that is, for 21 days the menu is changed three times) This is possible because it is a transit hotel and in no case are the clients the same, thus improving the organization's profitability.

Internal diagnosis

Management function

The hotel management is in charge of organizing, directing and controlling the hotel's marketing and sales activity, as well as being responsible for the quality of the productions and services, guaranteeing the level of competitiveness and presence in the economic scenario. He directs the entire process of preparing strategic planning and management by objectives, taking into consideration the policies established by the Islazul Chain and the Ministry of Tourism. In addition to guaranteeing the corporate and cultural image of the service and responding to the Islazul Chain for the results of the hotel. The activity is carried out in a collegiate manner, there is a board of directors that is the supreme body of direction and control where all the heads of each area and the specialists invited,those who meet once a month and adjust the work plan that emanates from the division, which in turn received it from the headquarters, there at that time the tasks are given by areas of responsibility, the director makes responsible Each of the members of the fulfillment of the same, if there were unforeseen events, short contacts are made to inform them of the eventualities that the activity itself may generate, such as a visit, inspection, complaint or nonconformity that is established that there are We have to provide a solution before the client leaves the facility, in addition to attending to everything related to internal clients, which is one of the most important activities.there at that time the tasks are given by areas of responsibility, the director holds each of the members responsible for compliance with them, if there are unforeseen short contacts are made to report them and the eventualities that could generate the activity itself, such as a visit, inspection, complaint or disagreement that is established that must be solved before the customer leaves the facility, in addition to attending to everything related to internal customers, which is one of the most important activities.there at that time the tasks are given by areas of responsibility, the director holds each of the members responsible for compliance with them, if there are unforeseen short contacts are made to report them and the eventualities that could generate the activity itself, such as a visit, inspection, complaint or disagreement that is established that must be solved before the customer leaves the facility, in addition to attending to everything related to internal customers, which is one of the most important activities.such as a visit, inspection, complaint or disagreement that is established that must be solved before the client leaves the facility, in addition to attending to everything related to internal clients, which is one of the most important activities.such as a visit, inspection, complaint or disagreement that is established that must be solved before the client leaves the facility, in addition to attending to everything related to internal clients, which is one of the most important activities.

Marketing function

The Gran Hotel does not have a commercial team, this function is performed through the specialists in this branch of the headquarters that is located in the city of Havana, they are in charge of selling the Islazul product in the different issuing markets, so only the hotel has a commercial specialist who attends reservations, who is in charge of comparing the booking (the total number of possible clients to stay on a given day). The hotel does not participate directly in the sales of its main activity, which is organized group tourism. The only commercial activity it carries out is direct sales at the reception.We have already commented in this work that the hotel is only managed in its operation of providing services and complying with the provisions that emanate from the headquarters, the companies of national subordination have to be governed by the policies of their ministries, the hotel can operate in the celebrations of events that generate income in the gastronomic activity never in that of lodgings that compromise the sales generated from the tour-operators.

Public relations function

The public relations department is in charge of measuring the level of satisfaction of external customers (they are all those who stay or receive a service at the facility, we can also frame suppliers among these) as well as internal customers (who do not they are more than the workers of the organization). This department is responsible for serving clients who come with a VIP (Very Importan Person) category, these clients generally are agency owners, tour operators (they are the owners of the operation), tour leader (they are the group leader or guide, it is only the eyes of the tour operator, this person comes free, that is, he comes as one more tourist and does not pay, in other words he is taking care of the group),fam groups (familiarization groups) these groups are made up of airline owners, owners of travel agencies, tour-operators etc.

The public relationist we can say that he is the director's right arm, he is the one who supports himself for the organization of events, meetings or activities in a general sense. It attends to all the visits that the organization enters and conducts them with whoever has to specifically attend to it.

There is a public relations plan linked to the attention of external clients, where the public relations officer is in charge of receiving and attending external clients, including diplomats and other important visits, to carry out, together with them, tours of the city, attend tour - operators and tour - leaders, etc. The public relations worker works closely with the commercial department, but he does not sell, he only measures the level of satisfaction, he is the one who ensures that what is agreed in the contracts is fulfilled, what is established is not violated so that the client feels protected, and to a large extent reality exceeds expectations his job is to communicate, inform and be as well as possible well-informed of everything that happens at the national, provincial and global levels,Within the negative aspects, we can report that you should never and under no circumstances lie as well as give information if it is not clear or you do not know it, be very helpful but never be servile.

They also have a public relations plan for internal customers, where the union section and the hotel administration are responsible for celebrating commemorative dates such as collective birthdays, women's days, mothers 'days, fathers' days or delivery of any relevant recognition or activities.

Human resources function

He is the one who designs and applies the communication subsystem that allows human capital to participate in the decision-making process. It is in charge of guaranteeing the elevation of the level of satisfaction of workers for the functions they perform as well as guaranteeing the sustained increase in labor productivity, through the rational use of human potential.

It maintains close horizontal coordination with the other areas of the Hotel, to satisfy its personnel needs that allow the competitiveness of our services.

Maintains trained and ready a labor reserve that allows the continuity of services at peak times is the one who controls the job training program that is carried out in the different areas of the establishment

It also applies and controls the payment system for the final results in the establishment and demands that all the hygienic-sanitary regulations are complied with in all public areas of the Basic Unit of Establishment (UEB).

The hotel has an approved workforce of 74 workers, who through the process of determining need and learning (DNA), the heads of the different work areas refer to FORMATUR what type of training for the needs of the services require the Nowadays, this has become much more demanding and the demonstrated competencies are advocated. If we are going to talk about deficiencies in human resources, we can focus them on languages, that although workers have a language, the marked segments are varied but in a general sense the fundamental is spoken.

In the analysis of the hotel facility, the group of workers stands out, which has high technical capacity, relevant results in their professional performance and high willingness and dedication to work, conditions that have allowed them to achieve different recognitions, among which are:

  • Outstanding hotel, in the science and technique activity specifically in the base FORUM of the years 2006, 2007. Efficient hotel, nationwide. Year 1997. Selected for the reconversion of the Encanto (E) hotel brand in 2008. Awarded the provincial prize for public relations.

Warehouse function.

The warehouse is a key area in the organization, it has a procedure manual where all the rules for its operation are specified, it has a staff of three workers: head of material technical assurance, warehouse manager and buyer driver

In the mentioned manual, all the activities to be carried out by the mentioned charges are described.

In general, the supply area is in charge of making all the purchases of the merchandise for sale and all the supplies for the services; it is also who supplies the different areas of the hotel, which have a schedule for each of these activities.

He is also in charge of keeping the temperature records of all the refrigerators, he is aware of the scales and weights, in addition to the storage of the merchandise with specificities of each one separated by product family. In turn, he is responsible for ensuring that all products from agriculture have their commercial certificate, an element to point out that makes them unable to perform their work optimally is related to the quality specifications of the products, which must be delivered suppliers to the buyer, another negative element is that the logistics of the suppliers is not adequate since the carts for the transport of goods that have to meet some requirements such as meat and vegetable products are not transported in carts refrigerated.

Economic function.

The economy department is in charge of organizing, controlling, guiding, registering and analyzing all the economic, financial and accounting policies of the UEB, in accordance with the provisions of the legislation and other provisions and regulations, as well as in the standards manual. and procedures established by the superior organism, which is who organizes, guides and supervises the correct centralization of the accounting and other financial activities of the establishment, keeping centralized the tasks of control, supervision and data processing that it deems pertinent in the interest of the hotel. As explained, the hotel only controls and administers the financial activity, the parent company is in charge of drawing up the policies for the proper functioning and compliance with the income, cost and expense plans.The hotel's financial administration watches over deviations and their causes, proposing measures to increase the efficiency of the establishment, locating excess and reserve, controlling the use of production capacities and measures to increase the efficiency of investments, in addition to preparing proposals for better use of productions and / or provision of services, reduce material costs, workforce and organize, coordinate and control the process of preparing the plan, as well as disaggregate and put to the consideration of the collective management bodies: the production plans, income budget, expenses and other plans. Organize and direct the financial plan.locating excess and reserve, controlling the use of production capacities and measures to increase the efficiency of investments, in addition to preparing proposals for a better use of productions and / or provision of services, reducing material and labor costs and organize, coordinate and control the process of preparing the plan, as well as disaggregate and put to the consideration of the collective management bodies: the production plans, income budget, expenses and other plans. Organize and direct the financial plan.locating excess and reserve, controlling the use of production capacities and measures to increase the efficiency of investments, in addition to preparing proposals for a better use of productions and / or provision of services, reducing material and labor costs and organize, coordinate and control the process of preparing the plan, as well as disaggregate and put to the consideration of the collective management bodies: the production plans, income budget, expenses and other plans. Organize and direct the financial plan.workforce and organize, coordinate and control the process of preparing the plan, as well as disaggregate and put to the consideration of the collective management bodies: the production plans, income budget, expenses and other plans. Organize and direct the financial plan.workforce and organize, coordinate and control the process of preparing the plan, as well as disaggregate and put to the consideration of the collective management bodies: the production plans, income budget, expenses and other plans. Organize and direct the financial plan.

Analysis of sales in the period 2009-2010:

In relation to the main economic results achieved by the hotel in the 2009-2010 period, it is verified that despite the considered increase in international tourism and consequently in package sales, the main economic results achieved by the hotel show a decrease in Total sales for 2010 with respect to 2009. It is necessary to clarify that in the hotel budget compliance is measured in total currency, that is, freely convertible currency (MLC) and national currency (MN) added one by one, which distort reality. For sales, products and services are not offered in national currency, however, the purchase of merchandise for sale has a component in this currency, in addition to all the services that the hotel receives from tourism companies, such as Emprestur and Servisa,they deduct components in the aforementioned currency, services that they have to disburse from their budget in MLC; The same is true of workers' wages, so they constantly make losses due to monetary duality.

A quarterly analysis was performed to compare the sales results achieved in both years (See annex # 2, table # 4) and it was obtained that:

In the first quarter of 2010, compared to the first quarter of 2009, there was a decrease in sales of $ 38,086.39, which represents 13.7% of total sales for that quarter. In the second quarter, an increase in sales of $ 1,567.06 is observed, this represents only 0.81% of total sales for the quarter analyzed. Then, in the third quarter of 2010, sales decreased again by $ 10,136.75, which represents 5.69% of total sales for the quarter. And in the fourth quarter it can be seen that sales continue to decrease, this time by $ 7 499.51, which represents 3.71% of total sales for this quarter respectively. During these years, its financial statements showed negative balances at the end of the period conditioned by the dual currency,however, this does not prevent it from obtaining high rates of return on sales and being financially solvent in MLC.

External diagnosis.

1. Analysis of the microenvironment.

The city of Camagüey, the third largest city in size and importance in the country at the end of 2010, has a total population of around 314,949 inhabitants, approximately 51.25% of whom are women and the rest are men. This municipality comprises a surface area of ​​2,908 inhabitants / km2, and is characterized by the existence of some industries and a strong sector of commerce and services.

Demographic and socio - cultural influences.

A floating population coexists in the area derived from the influx of businesses linked to commercial activity as well as a large number of people who dedicate themselves by fraudulent means to an underground economy. The hotel is not oblivious to the social problems of the environment since, because it is in it, it actively interacts with all the events that derive from it.

Economic influences.

In 1994, the Ministry of Tourism emerged, creating the four main hotel chains: Cubanacan Hotels, Greater Caribbean, Horizontes Hotels and Islazul Hotels.

These arise to respond to the latent economic situation, with the aim of capturing fresh currencies and putting them in function of the needs of the people. Tourism is considered by the country's top management as the locomotive of the Cuban economy.

In addition, it was the opening to international tourism that brought benefits and also, coupled with them, introduced into Cuban society evils and deformations to which our country was not accustomed. The dollar was decriminalized in order to receive remittances in this currency. The convertible peso was created with the aim that the largest number of members of society could access the purchase of goods and services in this currency.

This global and national economic scenario has forced the State to adopt restrictive measures aimed at achieving a rational use of resources that guarantee prioritized social expenditures.

Technological influences.

  • The hotel has up-to-date technology, with which it can carry out its activity, being able to provide quality service.The stable financial situation favored remodeling the hotel, as well as making investments and carrying out maintenance, ambience and interior decoration and outdoors.

Political - legal environment.

The current legislative regulations from the country's Central Directorate that respond to the government's social policies influence the activities of the organization. These legal limitations are related to the types of product / service to be marketed, the breadth and quality / price ratio of the offer, and the budget allocated to promotions and advertising.

Environmental environment.

Given the geographic location of the eminently commercial entity, its environmental environment is not categorically affected. In relation to energy carriers, it can be emphasized that their influence is positive, since the diagnosis made by CITMA determined that the emanations cause a low impact, the black water is not polluting and the impact generated by noise is low; A solid waste management system contemplated in ISO: 14000 is designed, as well as work on the implementation and certification of the environmental management system.

2. Analysis of the microenvironment.


The policy that is generally followed in the Cuban market is selling, without taking into account the advantages that the application of a Marketing strategy would bring, which would allow the design of a product or service for a specific market segment, taking into account their tastes, wishes and needs, and allow a strong positioning of the entities in the target market.

By the type of modality (transit tourism), for which the hotel works, in one day up to 5 different market segments can coincide, such as: Germans, French, English, Italians, and Spaniards with tastes, needs and desires different.

The foregoing is framed within the commercial strategy at the headquarters level, however, on occasions it does not meet the expectations of the clients of the referred markets.

The hotel has made great efforts that denote the concern to respond to the demands of this type of modality with achievements that have been recognized by its true clients who are tour operators (TTOO) and travel agencies (AAVV), it was also achieved Some independence to operate directly with the agencies, although the reservation of places in high season with Viajes Cubanacan is maintained, which was paying at risk the operation due to the demand that the hotel has for all clients. This, although it helped the hotel in the last season, is currently hurting them, since despite the increase in the number of tourist entries to the country, the tour groups that this tour operator operates have diminished. As a fundamental operation is circuit tourism,The management of the parent company of Islazul has a stated policy, in its quality system, that 15% of the clients who arrive at the hotel must be surveyed, based on the assumption that the other percent that stay at the hotel do not it is significant.

Taking into account how the arrivals by market segments behave, the hotel is in a position to direct its operation to the segments of Germany and France, since in 3 years (2008-2010) they have maintained a stable attendance.

Based on the statistical information available, it can be said that the demand for the hotel has had a considerable increase in the international market, from a total of 18,016 foreign tourists in 2008 to 24,152 in 2010, those who have a stay at the hotel. 1.5 day average, especially the segments of Germany and France.

For its part, Italy, the Netherlands, Switzerland, England, Spain and the USA are some of the countries that have also had a good influx, although not very stable in recent years, therefore the hotel should not forget these segments; It is true that France and Germany are the countries to which you must focus your main attention, but the other aforementioned countries not only provide you with additional income each year, but also by drawing up concrete strategies they could become a market in the future. more attractive and stable than it is today. The other countries that also visit Cuba, such as Canada, Sweden, Denmark, Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Austria, etc., although with less frequency, should not be neglected,on the contrary, the service and attention paid to them must be the best and always with the high quality that characterizes the Gran Hotel.

The same does not happen with the national market, which as a result of the intervention of comrade Raúl Castro in the National Assembly on the issue of economic reorganization in the country and the elimination of free benefits, incentives and subsidies, access to National tourists for MN, since the expenses they incurred were supported by MLC, that is why this market segment or national tourism is affected by eliminating the concept of national currency. Although in the national and organizational market two clients can be highlighted that turn out to be the most important in this sector, which are: Viajes Cubanacan and Cubatur, with a 42.54% and a 38.98% participation with respect to the total number of clients that belong to the market. national and organizational. Others like Havanatur SA, Gaviota tours,Cubareal, Cubamar, are also clients of the hotel, although not with notable incidence.

It should be borne in mind that the Ministry of Tourism designs its commercial strategy towards potential market segments that are interested in the destination Cuba, and this interest is evident in the various fairs and incentive events in which the country participates. Markets that have not been interested in the destination in question are never promoted, since trying to promote a product for which there is no interest represents a very high cost, which in current conditions is impossible to solve.


In the accommodation area, the main competitors are the Hotel Camagüey and the rental houses. The rest of the ISLAZUL hotels are not considered as part of the competition but as a complement to the same product: Grupo Hotelero ISLAZUL Camagüey, considering that on many occasions a necessary cooperation is established between them and that the marketing of several hotels responds to strategies drawn up by the parent company and the division itself, so that the direct action of the facilities regarding marketing is somewhat limited. However,It is considered that the hotel can influence the differentiation of its services to influence those non-limited markets such as free tourists and gain the trust of travel agents and tour operators that allows it to establish itself in the circuit market along with the rest of the facilities that today host this segment. There are a series of advantages and disadvantages that make the hotel only consider rental houses, the Camagüey hotel and palates as competition. These advantages are given by the prices that are competitive and include breakfast, in addition to the accessibility to the main access roads of the city, as well as the quality and variety of the offer and the quality of the service, however there are several product drawbacks to the poor recreational offer and excessive environmental noise.

Results of the test.

In reality, no surveys were carried out on individual clients, but on group interviews, where the tour leader or the tour operator depending on who comes to the front of the group meets with everyone in their group and collectively evaluates each of the indicators to be investigated.

The questionnaire was applied to 410 clients, 15% of the total physical tourists (say direct clients) that were in the hotel, at that time were 2731. Among the direct clients that the entity has, include foreign tourists such such as: Germans, Argentines, Spanish, Americans, Austrians and Dutch who are the market segments with the highest influx to the hotel. It is a rule of the hotel group, included in the quality management system, that no less than 15% of the physical clients staying there be present when applying the survey.

The analyzed indicators reveal the following results:

1. Courtesy, information and speed.

According to these evaluated indicators, the results showed that 87.8; 82.9 and 73.17% of the clients surveyed consider that the service offered at the hotel is of high quality, and only 10.9; 9.75 and 19.71% consider it of medium quality. Each of the hotel rooms has installed telephones through which they can communicate with any area of ​​the installation and in the event of any emergency or problem, the client notifies the carpenter and immediately he proceeds to provide a solution to the problem that has arisen, always with the speed, friendliness and professionalism that characterizes the entity's workers.

2. Maintenance and speed.

With respect to this indicator and according to the evaluated variables (elevator), the results show that 43.9% of the surveyed clients consider this service to be of high quality and 14.63% of medium quality. In this case the complaints regarding this indicator are given by the delay of the elevator on many occasions because there are times when the client has to wait for one of the workers who are in the hotel lobby to take them, in addition there is only one elevator and it needs maintenance because it makes a lot of noise, which can be somewhat annoying for some customers.

3. General cleaning and maintenance.

When evaluating these indicators, the results showed that 36.58% of the tourists surveyed consider these services to be of high quality, on the other hand 17.07 and 0.49% of them value it as medium quality, while 0.24% of the clients They consider the general cleanliness of the hotel to be of very low quality. This survey was carried out during the period in which Maceo street was being remodeled and consequently, no matter how closed the main entrance remained and how much cleaning was carried out by those in charge of this activity, the hotel remained dirty due to the dust clouds emitted by the construction that was carried out on the streets, hence the disagreements with this indicator.

4. Room.

When analyzing this indicator, we could see that 70.73% of the foreign tourists surveyed consider room service to be of high quality, while 19.51 and 0.49% think that it is of medium and low quality. Customer complaints regarding this indicator are closely linked to both internal and external noise. The location of the hotel in a commercial area brings with it the influx of many people to this part of the city, to this inconvenience is added the remodeling of the Maceo street mentioned above that took place in the period in which the survey was conducted and that not only generated dirt, but also a lot of noise.

5. Quality and variety of supply, courtesy, speed and cleanliness.

According to the variables evaluated within each of these indicators: restaurant, bars, cafeteria and swimming pool, the results showed that customers consider each of these to be of very high quality, representing 82.15; 88.25; 84.59 and 90.68% respectively, while only 15.85; 9.75; 13.41 and 7.32% of the clients surveyed consider the service of restaurant and bars to be of medium quality. In the case of the restaurant, German customers consider that the variety of the offer is a bit poor in relation to breakfasts, since it is their custom that their breakfasts are quite strong and this is something that the hotel is not in a position to provide., because it would bring with it an increase in costs. There are also customer complaints, which are very objective in the case of this hotel,regarding the variety of breads and sweets since this provider (Doña Nelly) is unique. In the case of the speed of service in the pool area, there are times when it is a little slow, especially when it is filled with domestic tourists, since there is generally only one person serving customers. Therefore, it is necessary to incorporate more employees in this area to streamline the service provided there.

The hotel's offer is standardized by groups, given its fundamental activity and has two moments.

1. Offer for circuit tourism.

As the Grand Hotel is fundamentally linked to circuit tourism (it is understood, by organized group circuit tourism, the modality that the client leaves from above), tour tourism or international tourism, the offer is designed for this purpose. modality, that is, the client stays at the hotel at most from 16 to 20 hours and only enjoy the gastronomy and accommodation offers.

2. Offer for free tourism.

The second moment refers to the national clients who pay in MLC, these clients generally make use of the leisure or recreation areas, they rarely flow into the restaurant and when they do, their offer is à la carte, bars and swimming pools and in the latter It is with cover (consumption) and the cafeteria is free demand. When the national client stays, the price at the reception is 70.00 CUC with breakfast included, this price is only for anyone who stays outside of a group.

6. Daytime and nighttime activities.

The clients consider that the animation of the activities carried out in the hotel are of high quality, this representing 51.22% of the total number of clients surveyed, despite this they consider that it is necessary to increase the recreational offer of night activities, and improve daytime activities, as they are only limited to a welcome cocktail and a tour of the historic city center or the hotel itself, where the public relations agent makes a fascinating historical account of the city, despite 9.76% of Clients consider this service to be of medium quality, which means that recreational activities in general should be improved.

7. Feeling of security.

100% of the tourists surveyed value this high quality indicator, which means that the tourist who is staying at the hotel feels at home, since in each of the rooms they have safety boxes for the client to keep their valuables, it is also the policy of the facility that in the event of any loss suffered by a customer (money) and has occurred within the facility, the hotel is responsible for replacing the loss.

8. Quality / price ratio.

Finally, the quality / price indicator was evaluated, where the results showed that customers consider the relationship between them to be of high quality, representing 32.15% of the total number of tourists surveyed, however a minority consider it to be of medium quality, which represents 1.22%. In this case, most of the clients consider that there is a relationship between quality and price because, despite the fact that there are several drawbacks, the service is quite good and the hotel workers try to make the client feel at home and stay at home. at ease with the service provided. This is why the Gran Hotel is considered the flagship establishment of the Islazul hotel group.

The results indicate the greater adherence to positive evaluations, understood as the assessment of the subjects towards each of the indicators of the public image, which are valuable determinants in the conformation of the image about the hotel and the attitudes that this image generates in their audiences.

These elements, unquestionably, are related to the behavior of the hotel and the management carried out by its managers, who are part of its identity and affect the conformation of the company's image in its publics. However, during the exploratory process carried out, it was found that this image arises naturally, uncontrolled, bringing with it spontaneous guidelines for action. That is, there is no duly designed corporate communication strategy (corresponding to a control process) through the hotel, through which this image is communicated, systematically develop duly planned actions, provide better results for the entity and Provide a solid, consistent, and appropriate image. This in turn will allow the hotel to be perceived by its different audiences,according to your organizational interests.

They have a work strategy, since there is a materialized intention in the design of some guiding elements of management (mission, vision, policy, strategic objectives, etc.).

However, there is no design of a system of actions that allow compliance with the above aspects, with the conformation of the image of the organization.

This is a situation from which the other tourist institutions of the territory do not escape. And to which, from now on, particular attention should be paid, if the successful future of companies in the sector is to be guaranteed.

Internal and external diagnostic summary.


  1. Flagship establishment of the Islazul hotel group. Its location in the commercial center of the city. Good conditions of the property. Experienced and stable staff with a high level of belonging. Implementation of a comprehensive management system Quality, Environment and Health and Safety at work (ISO Standards: 9000; 14000; 18000) and in the process of implementing the ISO Standard: 3000 (Demonstrated skills)


  1. Difficult access to the hotel. Operate in two currencies Very high prices at reception. No participation of the hotel management in the fundamental activity of the hotel.


  1. World economic crisis. Cheaper prices of products in areas near the hotel. Increase in input prices. Centralization of decisions by the Head Office.


  1. Higher star rating compared to the rest of the hotels. Growth of international tourism in Camagüey. Being inserted in a city tour circuit. Growth of city and cultural tourism worldwide. Existence of a national market segment with currency.

Analysis of the matrices used and proposal of actions:

SWOT matrix.

After defining the opportunities, threats, strengths and weaknesses detected, we proceed to respond to the results obtained from the preparation of the SWOT matrix.

The analysis of the matrix results allowed defining:


Failure factors

  1. Trading in two currencies Very high reception prices.

Success factors

  1. Flagship establishment of the Islazul hotel group.


  1. World economic crisis. Cheaper prices of products in areas near the hotel.


  1. Growth of international tourism in Camagüey. Being inserted in a city tour circuit. Growth of city and cultural tourism worldwide. Existence of a national market segment with currency.

Strategic problem:

The fact that the prices of the rooms in reception are very high, the existence of double currency, the low average expenditure in currency, the personal income of the population that is acquired in national currency and all this coupled with the economic crisis- global financial system and the permanent blockade to which the country is subjected, leads to the fact that although the hotel is the flagship establishment of the Islazul hotel group, and has trained management and human resources with proven competence, as well as the remodeling of the same that makes it worthy of public preference, cannot take advantage of the existence of a large national market that is not satisfied and that only use the pool area, cafeteria, restaurant and nightlife areas at certain times of the year.

Strategic solution:

Taking into account the possibility that the hotel can take advantage of the existence of a large, unsatisfied national market, it is necessary to eliminate the existence of dual currency, since it constitutes one of the fundamental causes for which the longest-living population lives off its income pensioned by the state and other low-income market segments, are limited to visit the hotel and enjoy the good service and traditions of its culture, despite the tradition that it represents in the province and being the most appreciated by the services it has provided for long years.

Strategic suggestion:

When making the matrix, a clear concentration of the impacts was observed in the quadrant where the strengths and opportunities intersect, leading to an offensive strategy. This strategy indicates actions aimed at maintaining a product / service in permanent innovation aimed at new trends in tourism management, It is important to analyze that the closest quadrant in values ​​is where the extent to which weaknesses make the hotel more vulnerable to threats is expressed. Weaknesses undermine the possibilities of countering these threats and must therefore be mitigated and eliminated in an immediate period.

General Electric / Mckinsey Matrix:

When making the General Electric matrix, the Gran Hotel was located in a high competitive position and a high attraction in the sector. The high competitive position was given by the indicators relative market share and productivity. The high attractiveness of the sector is due to market size, average profitability and the level of competition.

Taking this position into account, the hotel must maintain this strategic position and carry out a search for new, more attractive market segments, which would further strengthen its competitive position as the province's flagship hotel and increase its profitability. The product / service it offers must continue to be improved and new investments must be made in the room area to soundproof them, making the client feel more comfortable and not disturbed by the noise caused in the vicinity of the hotel. You must signpost the city in order to guide the client so that they can easily arrive at the hotel.

Proposal for actions to improve image management at the Gran Hotel.

First key result area: promotion and marketing.


  • Redesign the commercial strategy based on the hotel's strategic projection, as a way to go through the business improvement process. Increase the number of international tourists-days in the low tourist months, attenuating the differences between high and low seasons, with the introduction of new types of tourism products that integrate diversified offers. Increase e-commerce through online sales, keeping the hotel information updated on the hotel's website. Re-design the product to promote the operation of the restaurant on schedule. lunch and intensify the management of the hotel focused on the main tourist markets and develop actions to attract those markets that are considered potential.Have a marketing plan for two or three years, correctly conceptualized and strategic, in response to the situation of the image presented by the hotel. Achieve that in the continuous reorganization of the productive agencies, the development of the main markets. Have 100% updated of all the web pages on which the hotel is located with updated information on the services and facilities provided. Design promotional Hotel folding for information and national and international marketing.Have 100% of all the web pages on which the hotel is located updated with the updated information on the services and facilities provided. Design the hotel's promotional brochures for national and international information and marketing.Have 100% of all the web pages on which the hotel is located updated with the updated information on the services and facilities provided. Design the hotel's promotional brochures for national and international information and marketing.

Second key result area: economic and financial efficiency.


  • Achieve utility values ​​in currency, in correspondence with the index of costs and expenses in currency per dollar of planned income and improve the control systems of the organization's resources. Increase the effectiveness of the audit system, the internal control mechanisms and of the measures of prevention and confrontations to the manifestations of corruption in the hotel. Carry out an efficient financial economic management. Comply with the contributions to the headquarters. Increase the internal control in all the departments of the facility and increase the preventive actions in sales points for crime prevention and diversion of resources.

Third key result area: business improvement.


  • Update the hotel's strategic projection. Establish payment systems and stimulation for workers. Carry out the Marketing Plan for the Grand Hotel for two years, correctly structured and conceptualized.

Fourth key result area: human resources development and management.


  • Increase the efficiency of human resources to have highly professional and suitable workers who contribute to raising the image of the establishment. Increase productivity in relation to the rates achieved during 2009. Carry out performance evaluations with the specificities of each department or work areas. Deepen and increase the department's policy regarding the occupational health and safety policy to keep the accident rate at zero. Sustained improvement and improvement of the hotel staff and staff. Permanently apply the program of selection and recruitment.Design and propose effective forms of payment for the results of material stimulation, which guarantee higher levels of motivation and sense of belonging in the workers,complementing the moral stimulus.

Fifth key result area: quality of products and services.


  • Consolidate quality as a competitive advantage, increasing the satisfaction and exceeding the expectations of tourists. Achieve providing clients with information related to the hotel and tourist attractions in the city. Find at least 25% of clients staying. Raise professionalism and quality in the service provided. Obtain satisfactory results in all inspections and audits received.

Sixth key result area: defense and protection.


  • Do not allow the entrance of personnel from outside the facility. Check packages and packages entering and leaving the hotel. Be aware of suspicious movements of tourists and nationals. Ensure strict compliance with computer security and classified information. Compliance with Safety and Protection regulations in reserved areas and vital points.

Seventh key result area: market segments.


  • Characterize each segment to know which main efforts should be directed. Define the most attractive market segments. Be aware of changes in the environment, competition and its influence on the company. Periodically apply visitor surveys. Create a customer portfolio.

The proposed actions could be used as the basis for the preparation of a marketing plan that responds to the situation of the image of the Grand Hotel, which also includes objectives, strategies, schedule of compliance with the actions, description of responsibilities, budget necessary and form of control of the plan compliance.


Evaluating the results achieved in the study carried out, we can conclude that:

The image of the company is the result of a process of interaction established between the public and the company, a process in which the latter communicates its characteristics and provokes experiences, attitudes, experiences and beliefs in the public, conditioning their orientation towards it..

The Gran Hotel de Camagüey has a highly experienced and professional management staff and is well positioned in the minds of consumers, being considered the city's flagship hotel.

There is no correspondence between the desired image and the one that the hotel's target audience actually has, detecting this in indicators that are far from the ideal public image, such as those related to: the quality of services, the quality of food, the variety of services and tranquility.

The preparation of the SWOT matrix suggests an offensive strategy that leads to the application of actions aimed at maintaining a product / service in permanent innovation aimed at new trends in tourism management.

When making the General Electric matrix, the Gran Hotel was located in a high competitive position and a high attraction in the sector. Taking this situation into account, it must maintain this strategic position and carry out a search for more solvent and more attractive market segments, which would further strengthen its competitive position and higher profitability.

A proposal for actions was drawn up, aimed at improving the image situation of the hotel facility under study.


Based on the study carried out and the evaluations offered in the written report of the work, it is recommended that:

The results of the present investigation are taken into account by the Gran Hotel to give continuity to it and improve the image that customers have of them.

It deepens in the study and analysis of the defined potential market segments to work in customer orientation seeking their full satisfaction.


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Analysis of the corporate image of a hotel in Cuba