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Analysis of milk production in Pedernales Ecuador


The present investigation was carried out in the Pedernales canton in the Santa Teresa community, a cattle area in the Manabí province. A bibliographic review was carried out regarding the subject and livestock activity in Ecuador, coastal region. The historical descriptive method was applied in order to evaluate milk production based on manual milking. The basic components for product quality that are shipped from active and productive livestock herds were evaluated to measure levels of safety in compliance with HACCP standards. The primary values ​​of estimated income per animal were also determined to define gross profit by virtue of the rational management of livestock by local farmers.


In consideration of the execution of this study, it can be determined that the activity of the sector could be self-sustaining, sustainable as long as good practices of rational management of paddocks and manual milkings are considered, as well as the active participation of local authorities that guarantee producers with respect to the market price and guarantee the fulfillment of the agreements or contracts that define the policies of purchase and sale of the producer towards the marketers and processors of dairy products in the regional context. Key words: Milk production, rational management, livestock, safety levels, quality.

Considering that in Ecuador, ranching, in addition to being one of the most profitable and wealth-generating tasks, is part of the alternatives that the Ecuadorian state has to potentially develop industrialization on a large scale and promote its production, as part of security. food on the planet, which will therefore promote the creation of jobs in the region, in response to which the alternative of a proposal that promotes the promotion of those engaged in this activity arises. The development of this analysis tries to adjust to the need and reality that the small producer lives. Thus, according to information projected by market studies and according to the Telegraph, (2014), around six billion people in the world consume milk and its derivatives,This product and its generation, by the way, is a fundamental part of sustaining the culture and customs of farmers and Manabitas in general, which is deeply rooted in the heart as part of the tradition of the Montubio peoples of the coast.

The task of keeping this activity alive has not been easy for several aspects, among the aspects involved are the shortage of life, the bad winters of the last ten years that have not allowed this activity to be maintained and even became a practice. unsustainable, before which many had to give up their actions and consequently dedicate themselves to other activities, in addition many residents migrated to the big cities, allowing themselves to increase the rates of poverty and precariousness in the big cities of Ecuador.

A different vision arises with the opportunity of potential markets ready to receive the product, as a result of the proper management of livestock, seeking as far as possible the most feasible mechanisms of technification, despite being able to count on sufficient resources and the government contribution with advice and technification They are necessary to promote Pedernales, which, due to its environment, is also seen as a showcase favorable to the generation of business opportunities due to the natural benefits of this Earth, not only favoring the sustainable development of livestock activity, but also allowing fully open to potentially expanding tourism, the shrimp industry, and constantly growing agriculture.

Conceptual Aspects

Of the existing regions in Ecuador, the production scales in terms of milk and its derivatives are well marked, which places the Costa region in the second place of milk production, the first is held by the Ecuadorian Serranía and therefore the Orient third.

Regarding Pedernales, it is a city that is located to the north of the Province of Manabí, Republic of Ecuador, through which the Equinoctial line crosses. With interesting tourist attractions and more than 20 kilometers of beach in the Cojimies area. It is made up of three Rural parishes and one urban parish. In relation to the study carried out, Parroquia 10 de Agosto was considered as a reference for milk production provided by the area of ​​influence.

Thanks to its hydrographic basins and the comparative advantages of being able to have a permanent tributary such as the Rio Qoaque and the MacheChindul Ecological Reserve, it is without a doubt a potential sector to fully develop livestock activity, as referred to in (TOURISM, 2015).

As textually stated (CODEPMOC, 2012) "Ecuador has a marked agricultural orientation." In the eighties, a low expectation and interest in the production of milk derivatives was triggered in the northern zone of Manabí as a result of droughts and bad governments, which tried little or nothing to encourage and implement processes that involve sustainable management and practices. innovative in the proper management of livestock.

Regarding financing, Carrera Cardenas (1998) refers to the decrease in own financing for investment, and the situation that was lived subject to the periods from 1985 to 1996, regarding that the governments of that time could not recover the level achieved until 1980 "per capita income, after a deep depression between 1985 and 1992, a period in which a central-left-leaning social-democratic government and a right-business-oriented social-Christian government were in power, hardly tends to recover in the years 1996 7 1997, the level achieved in 1980 ”.

Regarding the primary sector of exploitation of natural resources that are extracted, they are goods of little elaboration, which turns this sector of production into a group of activities unconsciously misused, as it refers (Pablo Zambrano Pontón, 2012), therefore Sometimes the owners of farms or estates are unaware of the potential of their lands, due to the characteristics of the soil and its environment.

Under this premise in Ecuador and mainly Manabí is considered one of the main Granaries of the Country and the Region; According to data from the III National Agricultural Census of 40% of the population that lives in rural areas, 62% of the population is made up of people dedicated to agricultural activities and lives from their own traditional practices in an environment that involves little use. planned and technified land.

The cattle, pigs and the raising of birds allow to obtain the sustenance to these families, passed the time and with the boom of the migration to other cities of the country and the world, the new generations were able to transmit their experiences; Therefore, from the year 2000, animal biogenetics began to be developed recently and was massified with the visit of veterinary experts who offered artificial insemination as a mechanism for the improvement of animal breeds (Viteri Velasco, 2015).

According to Viteri Velasco (2015), a cattle farmer in Ecuador and foot-and-mouth disease maintained a close coexistence, which similarly with the vaccines that are supplied to people, it was also necessary to try to have the vaccination card that sesa grants for marketing of animals although there are those who acquired the skill to notice the difference between a sick and healthy animal.

The aforementioned made possible an impact on prices which were not stable with fluctuations that inexplicably harmed the image of our country in the context of international trade in meat, milk and its derivatives, denoting disadvantages compared to its direct competitors Colombia and Peru considered states FMD free.


On the contrary, other business sectors were favored at the time, such as agriculture, particularly products such as corn, passion fruit, cocoa and coffee, these currently seek again to gain a place in the context of the local economy by referring to the Pedernales Canton.

Legislation and control in Ecuador.

As part of the activities carried out by public bodies in the context of livestock farming, we want to refer to (MAGAP, 2015), “The World Organization for Animal Health (OIE), based in France, communicated to Ecuador, which was declared free of foot-and-mouth disease, informed the Minister of Agriculture, Livestock, Aquaculture and Fisheries (MAGAP, 2014), Javier Ponce Cevallos ”.

Regarding the Minister's statements, it is necessary to note that the resolution will be made official in May, in which Ecuador will be considered free of FMD with vaccination, while the Galapagos Islands will be free of FMD without vaccination, aspects that will provide the necessary support to aspire to promote livestock activity in the country, favoring the stability of the balance of payments today, in an unfavorable state.

According to (Ecuador G. d., 2003), the Sesa is created, given that “the fight against infectious-contagious, endo and ectoparasitic diseases of livestock and birds is of national interest and is the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock, whoever adopts the measures aimed at preserving the health of national livestock, preventing the appearance of diseases, controlling those that arise and eradicating them, for which purpose he will exercise sanitary control of livestock farms, food preparation establishments for animal consumption, chemical and biological factories for veterinary use and for their storage, transport and marketing; as established in articles 2, 4 and 20 of the Animal Health Law.

Given this situation, livestock farmers in Ecuador were seriously affected at the time, not only in the economic aspect because, incidentally, the price of live cattle low in very considerable percentages at up to 30% of their market value, considering to a certain extent the breed and body weight of the animal, the situation to a certain extent generated a problem because additionally certain gastrointestinal problems of the time were related to the consumption of raw cheese, which unquestionably gave way to a new industry that consisted in the production and production of milk and pasteurized cheese, additionally the variety of mozzarella cheese that to a certain extent had its boom in the provinces of the Ecuadorian highlands.

In consideration of the control policies implemented by the National Government and in order to preserve health in national farms, to prevent the appearance of diseases, pests and scourges, as well as to control those already presented in the market, the regulations were amended legal SESA, which as a consequence of the reforms to the Ecuadorian legislation was renamed the Ecuadorian Agency for the Assurance of the Quality of Agriculture - AGROCALIDAD, an institution that is currently changing substantially in the background and shape of its actions, focused on a renewed institutional mission and vision Consequently, this has allowed many ranchers to improve their animal care and handling habits, in some cases until they have technical advice in certain sectors of the country.

In context, we want to refer to the data published in (Telegrafo, 2014), regarding the increase in milk demand prior to publication, which considers Ecuador as a country free of FMD, the market trend itself was of great interest in relation to milk products and their derivatives.

As detailed in this publication, Telegrafo, (2014), “World consumption of white milk is expected to increase 1.8% from 2013 to 2016, that is, from around 212 billion liters to about 223 billion liters, exceeding the 1.2% growth of the period 2010–013 ”, given this prospect of development and opportunities for those who are part of the milk value chain, the will and commitment to prepare to adapt to the series of positive changes that in terms of technification and added values ​​will allow us to maintain adequate production volumes in the future, subject to international standards of control and safety.

Thus, by having adequate socialization and training for those who are dedicated to the task of producing raw milk in the region, it could be propped up to obtain better economic returns, for which it will be valuable to have an important contingent of inputs. that allow sustaining small productive, viable projects that tend to the adequate use of natural and territorial resources.

Current production conditions .

In accordance with the aforementioned, it is valid to express that the interest in capturing the raw milk product by the most important dairy companies in the country has caused another perspective of the dairy farmer and producer to be presented, so before 2102, there was just a transnational company that had its center of

Gathering in Pedernales, “Nestlé-Ecuador”, a company that to date maintains its collection center in the sector, its preference exclusively dates to the amount of fat that milk in this area contains, according to Luis Macías, producer of the sector.

There is currently an approximate consumption of 100 liters of dairy products per inhabitant. Additionally, another of the main causes or factors that arouse the interest of the country's milk collection centers is the better state of the roads and access to the main cattle ranches in the area, so that, at present, the city It has three collection centers for the Nestlé brands, Tony and Rey Leche, the latter is currently improving the purchase price in the market.

Additionally, there is currently a significant demand for raw cheese from buyers who take the product to the main cities of Manabí, such as Portoviejo, Manta, El Carmen, Jipijapa, as to cite the most important, given that the Cheese produced in the sector is in high demand in the Costa Rican market. This generates a direct implication so that in the area there is a permanent and potential bid for the price of raw milk and therefore the collection centers have sought strategies market, such as the application of incentives for the quality of milk delivered, in accordance with quality standards, in order to compensate the producer in some way by paying the price of a liter of milk; Regarding cheese, it is complementary to point out that for every three liters of raw milk, one pound of cheese is obtained,According to Alfredina Bravo Mendieta, producer in the area.

In this context, it is necessary to carry out an analysis of the reality faced by the small producer subject to his organization, which due to its empirical processes used to obtain the raw milk product, would find its opportunities limited in the future and should tend to reflect on the feasibility of adjusting to the requirements to which Ecuador must respond in terms of competitiveness and global market preferences.

It is necessary to note that during the last decade since 2005, livestock farming in Manabí has ​​been technifying as a consequence, the region has copies called F1 (dual purpose cattle) according to what has been reported by (Viteri Velasco, 2015).

Regardless of the workplace, they are a complement to guarantee relative success in the workday, have a specific area where confidence, respect and professionalism of the members of the work group are perceived, despite the technical limitations, in such a way. so that the fraternal ties endure over time characteristic of the Manabita de Cepa (CODEPMOC, 2012).

Regarding cleaning, hygiene and care that milking personnel must have, most collection centers in the country have considered including the management of BPM (good handling practices), as indicators, which includes the procedures for prevention, monitoring and training of personnel for the management of risk factors, this in relation to the producers under study who receive advice from the company Toni SA

Regarding responsible and sustainable management, there must also be a place that presents all the asepsis of the case and safety, which is what is mainly requested by the collection centers, in application of the HACCP system, (MAYA Pantoja, 2014). The adaptability focused on promoting the best business development practices will allow establishing direct conjunctures for the small producer with respect to the market demand, not only national but Latin American; in fact, being able to establish a solid and lasting company over time, as is the case of microentrepreneurs in the livestock sector, is the main focus that seeks to consolidate this study (Mohata & Rotura, 2009).

Considerations to take into account with respect to the haccp manual, is a preventive and systematic approach that guarantees the safety of products that will be for human consumption, it should be noted that this system does not conflict with any other quality system such as in the case of iso 9001 standards, its guidelines can be followed in a complementary way, according to (MAYA Pantoja, 2014), it stands out in context

The image in reference above allows observing the quantity of milk delivered and the qualification of producer A (Fidel Rivadeneira), which additionally reflects the 80th alcohol levels, 1,030 density and reductase at the 06:40:00 level, what for the company Toni SA, implies an Optima Product category, in view of the exposed evidence it is necessary to analyze how much it would benefit the milk producer to use double milking to increase milk production and that it would imply in the costs and management of safety, nutrition of cattle before during and after the milking process versus the economic returns that would imply increasing milk production.

The work environment must be essential in the milking stage, even for the animal, since it is safe and pleasant to handle due to the incidence it has on the amount of milk provided by the cow to be milked, a phenomenon that veterinary doctors classify as pre-milking stress according to (Dr. Velastegui Dominguez, 2015). Human capital is considered the most valuable at present (Pérez, 2013).

Some hygiene considerations need to be exposed:

The rusticity around milking management processes has been detected as mild, considering that those who are dedicated to this work have been receiving training and advice regarding safety from the companies in charge of milk collection; The quantitative cut processes adjusted to the quantities of milk that the producers present to us in the study are taken into consideration for research purposes, data that reflects the total costs and sale price according to the Tony-Pedernales Collection center.

The present study tries to identify and develop a pragmatic proposal of how the small milk producer can find a better way to achieve greater production and better advantages with respect to the activity that he currently develops. Given the degree of academic preparation, which exists on the part of small milk producers and their workers, it is necessary to consider projecting the data in such a way that allows the small producer to know its reality, in summary, tending to summarize clearly and precisely the results without confusing implications that induce the precise understanding of the producer, trying to consider the present study, for the application of improvements to the milking processes in the search for beneficial results for the sector.

Regarding (Zambrano Pontón, 2012), regarding the primary markets, not granting the added value to these products makes them less competitive, however, and due to the current interest and demand for the raw milk product from the gathering in the sector, it is necessary to look for ways or mechanisms to optimize resources without altering the balance and ecosystems existing in the rural area of ​​Pedernales.

Table1 Estimated Income.



















Value to receive biweekly
30 6 180 0.58 104.4 25.8 387

Source: Hacienda la Gloria

Prepared by: Trajano Velastegui Cedeño Projected values ​​for fifteen days.

A factor that influenced the climatic behavior in the winter season milk production increases in relative data of up to 30% as expressed by (Viteri Velasco, 2015), according to the amount of existing forage; in each zone and specifically with producer A (Fidel Rivadeneira), each animal produces between 5 and 8 liters per day, which would imply that the value of 6 liters per animal is considered as an average.

Regarding the increase or decrease in milk production as Smith points out and argues (Larrain B & Sachs, 2013) regarding the increase in productivity, it will depend on how employees increase their skills and abilities, although it is good to say that for a cowboy milking is an art in the Manabita field, according to (CODEPMOC, 2012); Establishing then that each producer is in charge of two workers for milking, first of all because the work is done manually, each one receives a basic salary according to (Work, 2015) $ 354.00, according to each of the tasks and Activities carried out prior to daily obtaining the product take into account the following data provided:

Table 2: Reference costs.










30 23.6 fifteen 10 78.6



EMPLOYEES days daily salary

708 30 23.6

In the process of cleaning and control of animals, a marginal value per head of cattle is included in relation to deworming, nutrition and other activities that are periodically carried out.

Legend fixed costs
variable costs

Source: Hacienda La Gloria. Projected General Costs

Prepared by: Trajano Velastegui Cedeño

For the purposes of knowing the trend marked, here are the data (see table 3). Ecuador as a country characterized by the exploitation of natural products in recent decades by virtue of its mineral and oil extraction policy, has in a certain way allowed the country's performance to be poor in production in relation to the economies of countries such as Korea and Taiwan that could grow economically faster without exploiting natural resources.

Table 3

2015 200 180 170 TO 400
2014 150 120 115 TO 300
2013 100 80 fifty TO 200
Liters / day


Increased supply Because the price of milk is regulated by the government, the supply is elastic
Year Liters / day
2013 80
2014 120
2015 180
Price increase
Year Price / Liter
2013 0.46
2014 0.52
2015 0.58
Supply elasticity
Liters / day Price / Liter
80 0.54
100 0.54
150 0.54

Source: Hacienda La Gloria. Supply Increase, Price Increase, Supply Elasticity

Prepared by: Trajano Velastegui Cedeño

Table 4: Balance point

Source: Hacienda La Gloria

Prepared by: Trajano Velastegui Cedeño Conclusions

Regarding projections and expectations generated by the information obtained, the favorable trend of both supply and demand, considered elastic in both cases, is clearly demonstrated. In those related to price, it is elastic because the market price is regulated by the government. fulfills the condition given that small livestock producers sign contracts for six months at a fixed price subject to the market price and on the proposal of the pasteurizing company.

The fixed costs that would be involved in having more personnel will be considered, in a similar way to think about taking advantage of each meter or hectare of land to produce in a measure of rational management of the pasture and incorporation of electric fences or small paddocks, which generates a challenge and therefore remains Open the debate on the feasibility or not of continuing as a small producer or reaching high numbers such as those referred to in this study.

From the results presented and regarding the balance point, it should be considered by the small rancher that with the milking of 17 animals the operating costs will be tentatively covered and therefore from that number of animals the others could represent the total of your income, the internal debate will potentially arise as to whether to consider increasing your livestock herd, rationalize pastures, improve the quality of livestock or contribute to double milking, considerations that are exposed to the debate.

Regarding current labor conditions, the new policies implemented by the Government in terms of salary matters, do not favor the application of double milking, since the small livestock producer or micro-entrepreneur does not have enough income to handle a payroll. more than two people, according to the results of costs and expenses of the analysis in the table (table 3), given that this, in turn, becomes permanent expenses and logistics expense, so that production would cease to be profitable if the system is accepted. double milking.

Regarding the analysis focused on the projections and on the calculations estimated by the farmers of the study population, it is suggested to start from the base that enables the maintenance of this activity based on a production production of more than 102 liters per day, in the same way it is recommended to continue applying hygiene and asepsis, measures that have been adopted with favorable results at the moment, it is also recommended that in order to search for new markets and in view of how competitive the business of livestock activity is, implement HACCP measures or manuals, regarding the safety, which would imply that transnational companies could consider a better price for their production.

Therefore, consideration should be given to preparing an ideal scenario as a proposal that arises from the livestock sector so that the co-responsible organisms in the management of the ecosystem can debate on the implementation of state policies, to enable media accessibility to new technologies. or capital goods that allow increasing milk production, taking advantage of each hectare of land and, in effect, providing adequate inputs to small producers, with modest prices, via subsidy or by implementing mutual cooperation projects that incite the interest of a livestock producer, also enabling reaching levels of animal nutrition, in a bid to double milking, which would be taken as a future alternative to improve the performance that each individual could generate.

According to MAGAP (2015) "Another aspect to consider will be the initial importation of 12,000 belly vaconas to support small and medium producers. In addition, local auctions will be held so that these ranchers have access to genetic material, ”this will benefit the improvement processes of crossbreeds and livestock breeds that optimize productivity per hectare of land.

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Analysis of milk production in Pedernales Ecuador