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Analysis of the profession of the degree in administration

Table of contents:


1.1 Social need

For a profession to exist, there must necessarily be a human need. Every profession must have a social service and, consequently, a legal and moral responsibility before the community.

The high degree of preparation of a professional makes it possible to approach those who request their services to satisfy legal, fiscal, and scientific needs, as can be seen in the following table.


Professional name

Needs it meets

Accountancy Public accountant, Lic. In accounting. Provide financial information to the entities in relative aspects, to their obtaining, control, verification and that is

necessary for decision making.

Medicine Doctor It provides knowledge related to the preservation and restoration of human health.
Advocacy lawyer Defend and guide the interests of litigants in court, as it dominates the application of laws that regulate the lives of


biology Biologist It covers the needs that man has to know the laws that govern life.
Engineering Engineer Through applied mathematics, he plans and carries out works of various kinds.
Astronomy Astronomer It helps to better understand the position, movement and construction of the celestial bodies for a better understanding of the world

around them.

Architecture Architect Design, construction and decoration of buildings according to certain rules.
Archeology Archaeologist It teaches to know the arts, customs, ways of life, monuments that existed among our ancestors.

1.2 Study plan

It is the specific curricular design regarding a certain teaching carried out by a university, subject to the common general guidelines and the corresponding own general guidelines, the overcoming of which gives the right to obtain an official university degree and validity throughout the National territory. Examples: - Degree teachings in Philosophy. - Degree teaching in Pedagogy. Related concepts: ECTS credits, didactics, objectives, previous knowledge, competences, contents, E / A methodology, E / A activities, schedule of activities, evaluation.

The study plan must be designed in such a way that it contemplates the formation, preparation and training of future professionals through the application of a general investigative method and the methods and particular norms of the different disciplines, with responsibility and awareness of their incidence in the society.

The study plans are drawn up and approved by the universities, in the manner determined by their statutes or organization and operating regulations, with prior authorization of their implementation by the competent body of the respective autonomous community. They must comply with the common general guidelines and the general guidelines that the government establishes for each title and are approved in accordance with current regulations in this regard.

Undergraduate Studies: they comprise first cycle university education and aim to achieve the training of students to integrate into the European workplace with an appropriate professional qualification.

Joint study plans: the agreements by the universities (two or more) to obtain the only official degree, the teachings of which are taught at the different universities. Agreements with foreign universities can lead to obtaining a double degree.

Postgraduate studies integrate:

a) Second Cycle (Master's degree). Advanced training aimed at an academic or professional specialization or to promote initiation in research tasks.

b) Third Cycle (Doctor's degree). It represents the highest level of Higher education.

1.3 Administrator profile

The general profile of the graduate of the degree in administration is made up of:

Personal attitudes

  1. Criticism towards life and towards the profession. Participation in the teaching-learning process. Self-confidence (self-esteem). Permanent improvement (personal and professional). Life prospect. Permanent learning. (personal and professional). Openness to change. Courage and sanity for decision-making.


1. Service to others.

2. Commitment and responsibility.

3. Pride for the profession and the nation.

4. Responsibility for social welfare.

Administrative skills

1. Make decisions.

2. Create and develop organizations.

3. Plan, organize and direct the work towards results.

4. Apply creatively and with broad criteria, in practice, the knowledge acquired.

5. Lean on computing, to carry out its functions and design information systems.

6. Exercise and delegate authority.

7. Diagnose and demonstrate administrative deviations of a preventive and corrective nature.


8. Lead work teams.

9. Negotiate.

10. Work in multidisciplinary teams.

11. Innovate the organizational climate and new technologies.

12. Promote change and social organizational development.


13. Learn to be, learn and undertake.

14. Analyze, systematize and interpret information.

15. Calculate, interpret and use figures.

16. Investigate to solve problems.

17. Communicate orally and in writing in Spanish and other commercial languages.

18. Develop creativity.

1.4 Fields of work

The bachelor of business administration can develop professionally in the following areas in the short term:

  1. Executive in public or private companies in the areas of: marketing, commercialization and market research. Management positions in the areas of recruitment and selection, training, quality culture and compensation. Account executive in banking and stock exchange institutions, as well as financial analyst.Procurement executive and cost and productivity analyst. International business (imports and exports) Executive in the area of ​​strategic planning. As an independent professional you can: Start a consulting firm. Start your own commercial, industrial and / or service company.


  1. Director of the marketing department Director of the human resources department Director of the finance department Director of the administrative department Director General of the company Owner of his own company

The LAE performs the general functions of planning, organization, integration, direction and control in organizations. The system where he exercises his primary responsibility is the administration of the company, and the subsystems where he exercises his tasks are: marketing, human resources, finance, international business and technology administration within its legal framework.

The skills that the LAE must develop in their education are:

1. In strategic management:

  • Analyze economic, political and social environments for management decision-making. Formulate the company's competitive strategy. Implement competitive strategies for the company. Formulate and establish corporate communication mechanisms.

2. In the marketing administration:

  • Analyze and identify consumer needs. Design business strategies in the organization. Operatively plan the business function. Formulate competitive strategies in the market. Detect opportunities in the market. Manage sales.

3. In human resources administration:

  • Recruit and select company personnel. Train and develop human resources. Design and administer compensation programs. Develop managerial skills. Develop and implement life and career plans.

4. In finance administration:

  • Determine the sources of capital and financing for the organization. Evaluate, allocate and optimize resources in the company. Measure the profitability of financial activities. Decide the distribution of benefits or profits. Evaluate the total profitability of the company. Know the international financial organizations.. Analyze stock markets.

5. In international business administration:

  • Know the interdependence of the company in the world market. Detect the opportunities for companies in international trade. Manage the economic, legal and political implications of international negotiations. Develop and acquire franchises. Manage joint ventures.

6. In technology management:

  • Analyze production costs. Formulate and establish quality and productivity programs. Supply and manage resources. Manage services technology. Use information systems.

1.5 Professional associations

  • CONLA: National College of Administration Graduates. SAMLA: Mexican Society of Administration Graduates. INAP: National Institute of Public Administration. ANFECA: National Association of Accounting and Administration Faculties and Schools

1.6 Codes of ethics

It is the set of rules that regulate the professional activity of the Bachelor of Administration, in the different sectors in which it is carried out, either in organizations and before society within the scope of their professional competence, based on values, and principles established by the same society.

Graduates in Administration represent the present and future of our nation, as a vital element to achieve the country model to which all Mexicans aspire to have. Through the Code of Ethics, the profession declares its intention to comply with society and strengthen the spirit of the human being. We must consider in its way of acting the rules of conduct of this Code of Ethics.

Of the General Standards

Article 1. This code of ethics governs the conduct of the Mexican and foreign Bachelor of Administration, in their professional practice exercised within the country, in the public, private and social sectors, regarding their actions with their partners, clients, superiors, subordinates and their colleagues by profession, being applicable in whatever their activity as a professional in this area.

Article 2. Graduates in Administration will regulate their conduct, according to the rules contained in this code and will take care to observe the legal and moral norms that frame this.

Article 3. The Bachelor of Administration, who also has other professions, must respect these rules, independently of those indicated by the others.

Article 4. The cases in which there is doubt, about the interpretation of this code, must be submitted to the consideration of the National Federation of Colleges of Graduates in Administration, National College of Graduates in Administration, AC, through its Honor Council and Justice.

Article 5. You must use your professional knowledge only in tasks that comply with morality, professional ethics, good customs and social responsibility.

Article 6. The Bachelor of Administration must adhere his professional action in the Generally Accepted Principles of Administration, the Glossary and the National Dictionary of Administration, documents that regulate the conceptual bases of administration in Mexico.

Article 7. When issuing a professional judgment, which serves as a basis for third parties to make decisions, the Bachelor of Administration must be impartial, adjust to reality and verify the facts with evidence.

Article 8. The reports that it issues, of whatever nature, must necessarily be the result of work carried out by him or by collaborators under his supervision.

Article 9. He will be solely responsible for the reports he issues and must validate them with his signature.

Article 10. He will only be responsible for matters, when he has the capacity and experience to attend to them and will indicate the scope of his work and inherent limitations, will not accept positions for which he lacks adequate knowledge and will carry out all his professional activities with responsibility, effectiveness and quality.

Article 11. The fees he receives must be proportional to the importance of the work to be carried out, the time he dedicates to them, the degree of specialization required and the results obtained.

Article 12. Refrain from making negative comments that harm the reputation and prestige of another colleague, the National Federation or the profession in general.

Article 13. You must give your collaborators the treatment that corresponds to them, will promote their adequate training and development.

Article 14. In the event of having conclusive evidence of any deviation committed by a colleague from the provisions of this code of ethics, he shall be obliged to report it in writing to the Council of Honor and Justice of the National Federation CONLA, AC, or to the Council of Honor and Justice, of the corresponding entity.

Article 15. It will only offer work directly to partners, employees and workers of other colleagues, with prior knowledge and authorization of these, without this constituting any harm to the parties involved.

Article 16. Your professional reputation must be based on knowledge, professional experience, honesty, diligence, professional capacity and observance of the rules of ethics in your actions.

Article 17. Shall refrain from participating or acting as arbitrator in any type of matter that affects its judgment and impartiality with third parties, in which it has been involved and that affects personnel, company or other institutions.

Article 18. Avoid making decisions or making arrangements that harm the union, staff under its command, collaborators, institutions and society in general, especially the unprotected classes.

Article 19. Shall refrain from making use of information, technical material, procedures of other colleagues, without obtaining their written consent.

Article 20. In the cases in which the information is used, the technical material, procedures of other colleagues that have been made public, will be obliged to give them due credit.

Of the Responsibility in the Professional Exercise

Article 21. He will always put his best effort, capacity and experience to achieve the objectives and goals that the community, Public, Private and Social institutions entrust to him. Article 22. He will keep the professional secret of the facts, data or circumstances that he is aware of as an administrator in his professional performance.

Article 23. Under no circumstances will it provide incorrect information for the benefit of the organization and to the detriment of society.

Article 24. It will denounce, before the competent authorities, irregular situations and mismanagement of resources, regardless of the consequences that this may bring to the offending organization.

Article 25. It will recommend the implantation of methods, systems and procedures established or studied by him in another organization, as long as they are not of a professional secret nature, confidentiality contracts and the institution in question is not identified.

Article 26. When the Bachelor of Administration issues an opinion from an Expert in Administration, Comprehensive Auditing, a professional opinion and, in general, information for public purposes and it is used by third parties to make decisions, he must maintain absolute independence from criterion, even in those cases that may be inconvenient to your client.

Article 27. Under no circumstances will it hold an academic degree that it has not obtained in accordance with the provisions of the approved study plans of an officially recognized institution of higher education.

Article 28. The Bachelor of Administration will be obliged to maintain a permanent orientation towards updating and training in his own aspects, both in the profession and in the field of his specialty.

Of the Social

Article 29. The Bachelor of Administration, aware of his responsibility, will put the interests of the society he serves before, above any particular interest.

Article 30. You must bear in mind, as a basic objective of your professional practice, to care for and respect the interests of the society you serve.

Article 31. You will be aware of the responsibility you have as a professional before civil society and the State.

Article 32. It will seek the greatest benefit for the institution where it provides its professional services, through an efficient and effective administration and coordination of material, financial and technological resources, as well as of the person1 that has been entrusted to it, taking care that the results are translated into benefits for the organization itself, workers and society in general.

Article 33. Taking into account the institution to which it provides its professional services, it will make the best rational use of renewable and non-renewable resources, foreseeing in all its actions the ecological social well-being.

Article 34. With a sense of justice and in accordance with strict law, he will reconcile between the factors of production, in such a way that he will impartially decide, based on objective criteria, to whom reason corresponds.

Article 35. The administrator will monitor and respect the actions of all social organizations and the respective regulations, maintaining a balance, socioeconomic and ecological.

Article 36. It will always give the administration of public and private resources an orientation of service to the community, remembering that the proper management of these depends on social welfare.

Article 37. Provide the professional social service, as a substantive support to the community and to the public institutions that require it.

Of the Teaching

Article 38. The Bachelor of Administration will try to instill in their students the ethical values ​​that this code recommends, to achieve their best understanding and willingness to comply with them. Article 39. It should guide students in the points they wish to clarify or complement, referring to knowledge for a correct exercise of the profession.

Article 40. He will put his best effort in adequately training in theoretical knowledge and its practical application to the future Graduates in Administration, to have better professionals in Administration every day.

Article 41. He will guide his disciples on the areas of knowledge and field of work of the current and future Administration, so that they are able to face the challenges of professional practice in an increasingly international and competitive economy.

Article 42. He will promote among his students that the professional knowledge they acquire is developed under a critical conscience that is liable to translate into competitive advantages, both personal and for the country.

Article 43. It will make students aware of the importance that the exercise of administration currently has in social development with honesty and passion.

Article 44. He must teach his chair, for the sole purpose of teaching, conducting himself with modesty and sincerity, avoiding assuming arrogant, rude or degrading attitudes for students and peers.

Article 45. It will awaken in their students a genuine interest in knowledge, stimulating the intelligence, sensitivity and honesty that every human being has, avoiding imposing their personal criteria on them.

Article 46. He will respect the values ​​and beliefs of his students, exalting those that favor respect for human rights and that avoid dogmatism and obligations that restrict the most elemental freedoms that lead to the imposition of personal criteria.

Article 47. It will promote research, interpretation and application of the different schools and currents of administrative thought, in order to generate current thinking and according to the needs of the country.

Article 48. He must be fully informed and updated on the subjects of his subject and the most outstanding advances in the profession, as an indispensable condition to achieve the trust, credibility and respect of his students.

Article 49. The teacher will promote a creative culture of dissatisfaction in the study, to awaken concerns of learning to learn, learning to do, learning to have, learning to be and learning to be.

Article 50. Every teacher will respect the profile of each subject, that of the career and being considered a worthy example in the comprehensive training of the Bachelor of Administration.

Advice and consultancy

Article 51. The Bachelor of Administration who carries out advisory and consultative work in public, private or social organizations, must follow the ethical standards established by this code, adhering to the official provisions of the matter, as well as contributing to a better use of the resources of these organizations, for the optimal fulfillment of their objectives.

Article 52. The Bachelor of Administration who carries out advisory and consulting activities, must be duly certified by the National Federation CONLA, AC, in order that their functions are in accordance with the principles and standards set by the National Federation in the development of these activities.

Of the investigation

Article 53. The Bachelor of Administration, dedicated to research, must be aware of the importance that scientific research has for the development of the profession and of the country's organizations.

Article 54. It will carry out the research, seeking that the innovations are adapted to the demands of development, with social responsibility.

Article 55. It will promote the importance of interdisciplinary research to better understand current problems and seek to facilitate the application of knowledge to their resolution.

Professional Expert

A new figure that has emerged within the professional scope of the Administrators contemplated in the Professions Law, is that of Expert, a situation that allows the Bachelor of Administration, to express his professional opinion on a specific case that is being settled in a trial, in order to issue an opinion on Administration, either as an auxiliary to the impartation of Justice of the States or the Federal District in the Judicial field, or in labor matters before the Secretary of Labor in controversies of collective conflicts of an economic nature.

Article 56. The Bachelor of Administration who issues an Opinion, before the Superior Court of Justice of each State or the Federal District and before the Secretary of Labor, must conduct himself in accordance with the standards, principles and ethics set forth in this Code.

Article 57. The Bachelor of Administration who issues an Opinion before the Superior Court of Justice of each State or the Federal District and before the Secretary of Labor must conduct himself with the greatest impartiality and objectivity, in the opinion rendered.

Article 58. The Bachelor of Administration to be an Expert in Administration and Finance, from the Judiciary of the Superior Court of Justice of each State or the Federal District and before the Ministry of Labor, must be duly affiliated and certified by the National Federation CONLA, AC, which will issue an annual list of Experts by specialties, which will be the only ones that officially serve, so that their opinion is valid and accepted.

Administration Auditor

The audit, evaluation or comprehensive diagnosis is the execution of structured examinations of organizations, programs, activities or operating segments of a public, private or social body, with the purpose of measuring the actual performance, in relation to the expected performance and whether The material, technological and financial resources, together with the personnel, are managed with efficiency, effectiveness and economy, as well as the degree and form of the fulfillment of its Mission, Vision and Objectives, in order to formulate recommendations aimed at improving its competitiveness and productivity.

Article 59. The Bachelor of Administration due to his training and professional profile, is the most suitable professional to carry out administrative audits, comprehensive evaluation or diagnosis, quality, functional, financial, comprehensive and performance evaluation audits.

Article 60. The signature of the Bachelor of Administration will be professionally valid when signing the completion of an audit, evaluation or comprehensive diagnosis, provided that the following General Administration Standards are observed:

  1. You must have independent judgment, that is, you will not be limited by internal or external influences, or of any other nature. Have adequate training and professional capacity to apply the techniques required in the audit. Have due care and professional diligence, when carrying out the audits, and when preparing the corresponding reports. Inform the competent authorities of any limitation in the execution of the Audit. The Audit must be carefully planned, supervised and supported by working documents, duly supported. Evidence must be obtained Sufficient, competent and relevant, allowing a solid and reasonable basis to issue the auditor's opinions. Stay alert to situations that involve possible fraud, abuse or illegal acts.The reports will be prepared in writing and will be reviewed, in draft, by the auditees and by those officials who requested the audit. The reports will be impartial, objective, timely and presented on time. The reports will present the data in a truthful, exact and reasonable manner. They will describe the findings in a convincing, clear, simple, concise and complete manner. Reports should include a special mention, on the achievements made, emphasizing strengths and weaknesses. Suggestions and recommendations should be concrete, feasible and feasible. standards and procedures allow for comprehensive and effective audits, evaluations, assessments that provide supported and defensible findings and suggestions, as well as order and discipline at work,that guarantee the veracity of the information provided and the evidence found. It is mandatory for the Bachelor of Administration to keep up-to-date with the knowledge inherent in the development and application of comprehensive audits, evaluations or diagnoses. Administration audits must be duly certified by the CONLA National Federation, AC, so that the procedures applied are homogeneous in any public, private or social organization.The Bachelor of Administration who performs audits in Administration, must be duly certified by the National Federation CONLA, AC, so that the procedures applied are homogeneous in any public, private or social organization.The Bachelor of Administration who performs audits in Administration, must be duly certified by the National Federation CONLA, AC, so that the procedures applied are homogeneous in any public, private or social organization.


Article 61. The Bachelor of Administration, for a better performance in his professional field in the fields of teaching, research, advice and consulting, as well as in the professional field in a dependent or independent way, must be periodically certified in the Federation Nacional CONLA, AC, in accordance with the guidelines established by the “Regulations for the Professional Certification of the Bachelor of Administration”, in order for your signature to be valid and recognized in the public, private and social sectors.

Article 62. Professional certification is an essential requirement to access quality professional performance.

Article 63. To keep your certification current, you will have to renew it every two years, abiding by the provisions that the National Federation CONLA, AC, establishes to guarantee your level of professional performance.

Of Higher Education Institutions

Article 64. Respect the regulations and academic quality criteria established by the main associations and institutions of higher education in the country.

Article 65. Institutions of higher education that have a Bachelor of Administration, must adhere to the criteria of the profile of Bachelor of Administration, with the minimum credits for each area, contained in this code of ethics.

Article 66. It is recommended that the person in charge of the Degree in Administration, be it the Director, the Chief or the Coordinator of the degree, is a Degree in Administration, with a minimum of 5 years of teaching activity: be an active member of any College affiliated to the National Federation CONLA, AC, preferably with professional practice.

Article 67. The person in charge of the Degree in Administration, and the Graduates in Administration who teach a subject, must be kept up-to-date according to the professional criteria of the National Federation CONLA, AC, as well as certify their academic quality in the corresponding area.

Article 68. The person in charge of the Bachelor's Degree in Administration will promote a comprehensive approach among all its students and graduates of the Bachelor's degree with the schools affiliated to the National Federation CONLA, AC

Article 69. It is recommended that higher education institutions, when integrating their Council of Honor and Justice where students and / or professionals in Administration are involved, in fact, call for a College Affiliated to the CONLA National Federation, AC, to participate with a representative with impartiality and follow-up on the opinion.

Article 70. The National Federation CONLA, AC, recommends a permanent link between theory and practice with higher education institutions, through joint participation in Entrepreneurs, Social Service and Professional Practices programs, through mutual collaboration agreements.

Of the students

Article 71. In accordance with the statutes of the CONLA Federation, the student of the Bachelor of Administration is accepted as a "guest associate", recommending his affiliation to it, so that he may enjoy the services provided by the federation to its members, thus as their active participation in work programs.

Article 72. Students will be able to carry out their social service and professional practices within the National Federation CONLA, AC, supporting work programs or in a specific project.

Article 73. Require their teachers from other disciplines to consider and respect the teaching chapter of this Code of Ethics.

Article 74. The student must be honest with himself, and reflect it in his daily conduct. From your career choice to exams, assignments and internships.

Article 75. Respect yourself and your colleagues, teachers, managers, administrative and quarterly staff, as well as their facilities and equipment where they carry out their studies.

Article 76. The student must frame his freedom of action with responsibility, maintaining his ideology rationally, with positive habits, values ​​and principles.

Article 77. The student must be a permanent promoter of our culture and national identity, as well as follow and promote the code of ethics in a comprehensive manner.

Article 78. The student must recognize literary authorship in his academic work.

Of International Business

Article 79. Be aware of its responsibility, when internationalizing the image of Mexico, through its products and / or services.

Article 80. In matters of foreign trade, you must have full control and be subject to the laws, agreements and regulations of the country of origin and with which you have commercial deals.

Article 81. To take care of the interests and the institutional objectives, maintaining a loyalty to the client, the organization and the country.

Article 82. Maintain professional secrecy, respecting the copyright, patents and legal registers that protect the commercial exercise of a product and / or service.

Article 83. Promote win-win negotiation skills, with a more competitive vision of business.

Article 84. Being a promoter of a culture of non-violence, with respect for human dignity, justice and peace.

Article 85. Consider in all commercial activities the cultural and ethnic differences, its ecosystem and socioeconomic development.

Article 86. Do not accept gifts, gratuities, payments or incentives that may weaken the objectivity and integrity of our business decisions, as well as avoid or support corrupt acts.

Article 87. Regarding telecommunication, adhere to international regulations.

Article 88. The use of our National Symbols is regulated, they can only use information from our country, according to the criteria set by the respective authorities.

Article 89. The language of the business country must be respected, demanding equal conditions in our country, always in accordance with international trade agreements.

Article 90. Advertising creativity and ingenuity must adhere to the principles of CONAR (Council for Self-Regulation and Advertising Ethics, AC).

Of the Top Technology in the Administration

Article 91. The Bachelor of Administration is committed to the use, adaptation and adaptation of international ad hoc technology, respecting the ideological characteristics of the institution, the region and the country.

Article 92. The Bachelor of Administration is committed to contributing to the development of its own technology to promote the development of public, private and social organizations that increase the country's productivity and competitiveness.

Article 93. The Bachelor of Administration will rely on the ideal technology to strengthen the decision-making processes of the organizations of which he is a part, based on his knowledge, experience and administrative vision.

Of the degrees related to the Administration

Article 94. In accordance with the statutes of the Federation, professionals from sister careers are accepted by the Administration, such as: Marketing, Tourism, Industrial Relations, IT, International Trade, Finance, International Business, and all those who support their knowledge of administration, to participate as Active Associates, to support the activities and work programs of the federation, as well as to become certified in their corresponding area.

From the Professional Administrator

Article 95. The Professional Administrator who develops in practice and who does not have an academic degree at the Bachelor's level, may participate in the activities of the National Federation CONLA, AC, as a "guest associate", where appropriate, if he has more With 10 years of experience in professional practice, you can opt for certification within the Federation in your specialty area in accordance with the provisions established in the Regulations for Certification.

Of the Sanctions

Article 96. The Council of Honor and Justice of the National Federation CONLA, AC, is the highest body of the Federation, which governs and monitors the conduct of members affiliated to this organization. Article 97. The Honor and Justice Council of the National Federation CONLA, AC, will act at the request of the party, by written request of Individual Members, Collective Members, National Directive Council, always seeking to safeguard the interests of the Federation above the individual ones.. Article 98. The Council of Honor and Justice of the National Federation CONLA, AC, will study the infractions to this order, and after listening to the affected parties, will issue an opinion on the seriousness of the case, being among others the following sanctions:

  1. Written warning. Complaint to the competent authorities, in order to apply the temporary suspension of practice of the profession. Expulsion and definitive suspension to practice professionally, denouncing to the competent authorities, the violations committed to the laws that govern the professional practice.

Article 99. In the States of the Republic, the schools affiliated to the National Federation CONLA, AC, will apply the corresponding sanctions, after notifying the Federation.

Article 100. The Colleges affiliated to the National Federation CONLA, AC, may request the services of the Council of Honor and Justice of the National Federation CONLA, AC, in case there is a controversy of any of its affiliated members.

Article 101. In adherence to our principles and philosophical bases, the administrator is recognized as a professional person, with sufficient capacity for self-evaluation and reflection on his actions.

Article 102. The National Federation CONLA, AC, will respect and participate in the cases that are required, the Council of Honor and Justice that deals with a case or an infraction of this code, being the main members of this Council, the authorities of the organization where the facts have taken place.

Article 103. The Council of Honor and Justice of the National Federation CONLA, AC, as part of its function, will monitor and support the integration of the Honor Councils of the Associated Schools, as well as integrate a base of opinions made by the various Councils of Honor and Justice, which may be consulted by institutional letter, in support of this code.


Nowadays, a large part of the Graduates in Administration study these subjects since they are complementary for their academic preparation, there must always exist this human need. Every profession must have a social service and, consequently, a legal and moral responsibility before the community. All Graduates must follow a study plan and develop an academic profile adhering to the codes of ethics, which must be honest, responsible, have a personal quality as well as the services it offers, and have a quality of life that allows a true sustainable development. The Bachelor of Administration can work in different fields of work, either in the short or long term.

Bibliographic references

  • Introduction to accounting fundamentals. Enrique Paz. Code of Ethics of the Bachelor of Administration. National Federation of Colleges of Administration Graduates. A review of the theory of needs. Héller Paidós Barcelona.
Analysis of the profession of the degree in administration