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Analysis of the social responsibility of the bimbo group

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The main objective of the essay is to publicize your corporate social responsibility (CSR) of the Bimbo Group company and to publicize how you work and each of the characteristics that lead to corporate social responsibility (CSR), CSR implies commitments individuals to the community and how they will introduce a positive or negative assessment so that it has a social impact, since a strategy is sought for the company to conduct itself ethically and contribute to economic development while improving the quality of life of its employees, and families as well as the local community and society in general.

Generally, with the aim of improving its competitive and value situation and its added value, corporate social responsibility goes beyond compliance with laws and regulations, assuming its respect and strict compliance.

It is also when the company voluntarily decides to contribute to a better society and a cleaner environment, there are different ways in which it manages to take care of the environment and the society that will later become known, is to commit to society and the environment in which we operate, not to be an observer of the problems that concern our country but to be an active agent of change.


The trial's primary objective is to present its corporate social responsibility (CSR) of the company's Bimbo and publicize how to work and every one of the characteristics that leads to corporate social responsibility (CSR), CSR involves compromises individual entered the community and as a positive or negative social impact that has, as it seeks a strategy for the company to behave ethically and contribute to economic development while improving the quality of life of its employees, and families as well as the local community and society at large.

Generally, in order to improve their competitive position and valuation and value-added corporate social responsibility goes beyond compliance with laws and rules, assuming their respect and strict compliance.

It is also when the company decides to voluntarily contribute to a better society and even cleaner environment, there are different ways in which manages care for the environment and society that later will be known, is to engage with society and the environment in which we live, not to be an observer of the issues that concern our country but manage to be an active agent of change.


It is a term that refers to the burden, commitment or obligation that the members of a society either as individuals or as members of the Bimbo Group, introducing a positive or negative assessment of the impact that a decision has on the society, that valuation can be Both ethically and legally, social responsibility is generally considered to differ from political responsibility because it is not limited to valuing the exercise of power.

We as a company (CSR), also called corporate social responsibility (CSR), can be defined as the active and voluntary contribution to social, economic and environmental improvement by companies, generally with the aim of improving their competitive and value situation and their value added.

The responsible management of our company implies that we act by reconciling (balance point) between the interests of the business and the expectations that the community has of it. The company's main ethical responsibilities towards workers and the community are:

Code of ethics

It is the universal guide that will lead us to always act at the forefront of our company.

With society

Promote the strengthening of universal ethical values. Support the economic and social growth of the communities where we will find ourselves. Take care of the environment.

Quality standards

Every day we strive to strengthen our quality system that places us in the highest international standards.

With our consumers and clients

Offer products and services of the highest quality and innovative.

Guarantee availability and offer a business proposal that fosters growth and development of our business partners.

We are a company with brands and leaders and reliable for our consumers.

The important thing for us, we are the best baking company in the world and a leader in the food industry, where our people make the difference every day.

We seek to be a highly productive and fully human company.

The 8 most important objectives of social responsibility as a company of the Bimbo Group

  • Committed to Health Committed to the environment Committed to our collaborators Committed to Our Society Recognition to Vehicle Management Recognition in Plants Recognition in the field of Sustainability and care of the Environment Socially Responsible Company

1. Committed to Health

At Grupo Bimbo, we have always been concerned with promoting the adoption of a healthy lifestyle, which includes both correct nutrition and frequent physical activity. Through the “Committed to your Health” program, we have carried out concrete actions in five areas.

  • Products Health and Nutrition Education Physical Activity Promotion and Promotion Strategic Research Alliances Exemplary Company

2. Committed to the environment

At Grupo Bimbo we have recognized from the outset a commitment to a responsibility towards caring for the environment and our planet as well as the impact that our actions may have on all our stakeholders.

Through a program committed to the Environment, we direct our efforts in environmental matters to 5 lines of action: energy saving, reduction of emitters, water saving, comprehensive management of solid waste and social responsibility in environmental matters.

3. Committed to our collaborators

Our main value is the person. The most important branch of the group's Social Responsibility strategy. It is one that refers to our responsibility within the company to contribute to the well-being, development and improvement of the quality of life of our collaborators.

4. Committed to Our Society

Our main objective is to support activities aimed at incorporating social commitment in favor of vulnerable communities, seeking to optimize effort in programs that support the environment, health, nutrition, education and culture of society, especially children and indigenous.

The Bimbo Group makes donations to the various institutions with which we work, which can be in kind or economic.

Just as we care about improving internal operations, we contribute to the general well-being of our society. We create micro-financing opportunities for small business owners and children's education.

5. Recognition to Vehicle Management

We received the knowledge "Clean Transportation" from the Secretary of the Environment and Natural Resources (SEMARNAT).

During the last three years we have voluntarily participated in this initiative, delivering substantial results with the reduction in the fuel consumption of their vehicles, which represents stopping emitting more than 7,200 tons of CO2 into the environment.

6. Recognition in the matter of Sustainability and care of the Environment

Mundo Ejecutivo magazine recognized us as the best Sustainable Company in Mexico. The media was given the task of understanding the impact of private companies in terms of quality of life, business ethics, community and environment, for this I carry out an evaluation using various criteria.

We also won the First National Water Reuse Contest organized by the Employer Confederation of the Mexican Republic.

(COPARMEX). This contest seeks to distinguish organizations that have developed projects that encourage the reuse and recycling of water in Mexico.

7. Socially Responsible Company

At Grupo Bimbo we have a Social Responsibility Program, which aims to support activities aimed at actively participating in the challenges in which today's society is immersed.

This focuses on four programs: Committed to your Health, Committed to the Environment, Committed to Our Collaborators, committed to Our Society.


Our commitment to sustainability has led us as a company to minimize the environmental impacts generated by our processes and services. For this reason, we have taken serious measures to recycle waste and reduce energy and water consumption.

We make efforts to help our collaborators reach their full potential, as we consider that they are the heart that makes us a great company

At Grupo Bimbo we are aware that as our environment is as healthy as possible and the social challenges are less, growth as a company will continue.

Also to pursue the achievement day by day and that we daily advance our purposes are our reason for being as a company.

As our principles and Values ​​are what give us the Personality, the way of being. The values ​​are only understood together as a comprehensive compliance

We represent each of the values ​​with primary and secondary colors. At the center of all, as a fundamental principle, is the person, origin and end of our action.


  • 3.0, LC (June 15, 2012). Wikipedia. Retrieved on June 16, 2013, from http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Responsabilidad_socialBIMBO, G. (JANUARY 05, 2013). BIMBO GROUP. Retrieved on JUNE 16, 2013, from
Analysis of the social responsibility of the bimbo group