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Analysis of the administrative process from various authors

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Many times one cannot understand the meaning of the administrative process and confuse the operation of its stages (planning, organization, direction and control) in the integration and distribution of these phases. A good administrator is one who gathers everyone's effort and interests to direct him to the expected and desired objective of the company, while generating new opportunities in the social and labor environment.


Next, we will present a brief analysis of the administrative process, which is what gives shape to an organization that will allow us to monitor the course towards the objectives. This process is made up of four basic stages for a good management of the administration that companies follow to comply With its social role, the phases it comprises are "planning" where the objectives and the means to achieve them for the future are established. The following is "organization", it molds and shapes the structure of the company, after which the "Direction" which is that guides and coordinates human resources for the fulfillment of the objectives and finally is the "control" that measures and verifies the results that have been obtained during the process that allow the information obtained to be analyzed.

II. Background

Before continuing it is important to clarify some concepts for understanding the topic.

To start the word "process" I define it as a set of instructions or steps to meet a goal, by the authors they express it as "the set of steps or stages necessary to carry out an activity" (Reyes L., 2013). Then the administrative process indicates that it is the development of a goal that an organization sets. A company is an organization, institution or industry, dedicated to activities or pursuit of economic or commercial purposes, to satisfy the needs of goods or services of the plaintiffs, while ensuring the continuity of the productive-commercial structure as well as its necessary investments.

When the first humans were formed they had the instinct to survive and at the same time to satisfy their first needs which was to eat, find a place where they are safe, reproduce, etc., not very different from the era current where we are. If I start to think since the first human beings appeared, the administration already existed, the authors define this as "… the coordination and supervision of the activities of others, in such a way that they are carried out efficiently and effectively" (Robbins, 2010, p. 06). The organization defines it as “… a deliberate agreement of people to carry out a specific purpose” (Robbins, 2010, p. 14) is basically a group of people with a common goal.

The administration is also expressed as "the function of getting things done through the means of others" or "obtaining results through others" (Reyes, 2007, p. 04), because by wanting to meet their needs in order to have a much better quality of life they found a way to do it that is to move in a group because one alone could not fulfill such a role, so the first social groups emerged, that is, there was a great organization that was to separate their activities which were to hunt, cultivate and fish to later unite them and satisfy their needs in a general way, at that time as today, man is a collective being who not only thought about his own well-being but also that of all his group,it was here that the administrative process was developed, which is a series of steps to reach a common goal or objective and this whole process has four stages, the first is "planning" which consists of establishing the objective and outlining a course of action to achieve them, it is based on anticipating and managing the future, the authors say that "… it comprises a series of elements that are reflected in the strategic plan" (Munch, 1997, p. 46) the second is "organization" that gathers all the resources human and forms a structure in such a way that they work effectively, "… the structure is designed that allows an optimal coordination of resources and activities to achieve the goals established in planning" (Munch, 1997, p.92) the third is "management", which is where operations are carried out; it is the guide so that objectives can be met "… it includes a series of elements such as decision making, motivation and leadership" (Munch, 1997, p. 130) and finally we have the “control” which is the one in charge of verifying and analyzing that the course of action established in the planning is fulfilled and this supports the management “… the results obtained in relation to what was planned ”(Munch, 1997, p. 172).130) and finally we have the "control" which is in charge of verifying and analyzing compliance with the course of action that was established in the planning and this supports the management "… the results obtained are evaluated in relation to what planned ”(Munch, 1997, p. 172).130) and finally we have the "control" which is in charge of verifying and analyzing compliance with the course of action that was established in the planning and this supports the management "… the results obtained are evaluated in relation to what planned ”(Munch, 1997, p. 172).

In each social group there will always be someone who is on top of everything, leading each of its members so that there is no kind of disorganization and this individual is one who has power over others who is used to describe a Being who has qualities that stand out from others, the one who has an ability or capacity such as the gift of command, also represents the one who has greater bodily or intellectual strength in relation to other people and overcome it at a greater distance. The book The 48 Laws of Power is a practical manual for anyone who wants to access power, recognize power, or wants to defend himself against power and has as reference the book The Prince of Nicholas Machiavelli. The author of the book is Robert Greene who is an American Jewish author,Known for his books on strategy, power, and seduction, along with other administration authors such as Lourdes Munch's book "Foundations of Administration" and the administration book by Stephen P. Robbins and Mary Coulter among others.

III. Development

We will try to explain a critical analysis of the administrative process comparing it with the authors' point of view.

We begin with the planning that is to forecast our course of action in the future to reach the objective, however it is not very simple when trying to have a long-term vision it is necessary to have certain positive and negative factors included in order to choose the route with greater probability of occurrence in law 29 of the book "The 48 Laws of Power" tells us that "… Plan your path taking into account all possible consequences, all obstacles and all turns of chance that may negatively affect your laborious elaboration and granting glory to others… ”(Grenne, 2010, p. 299) with this said when planning we can prepare ourselves to avoid the worst case scenario and not let negative factors overwhelm us and with them we can know what our own limits are.

Based on our criteria and training we must create our own norms and policies to establish a guide that will be our own recipe for success, in this we must write down our own values, which will be our mission and vision that we have to enforce our objectives. Here we must also place our activity programs to assign those responsible for each area and establish strategic policies that must be observed for decision-making.

In order to elaborate the strategies one must ask himself: How much should he grow ?, In what time ?, How to do it? And Where ?, This helps us not lose sight of our objective and obtain a total center of our information systems and how to distribute them appropriately. With it we establish our own limits to know how far to go with the means and resources that we have. There are various quantitative techniques that we can implement to be as accurate as possible, such as decision trees, which is “… it is a method that allows us to graphically represent (diagram, tree) a problem or question that is present at a given moment; that through a series of alternative actions and conditions, a decision be made to solve the problem. ” (Petroceli, 2009, p.1) This allows us to make an illustration of events that can happen and give a solution to these, well there are too many techniques that are used to plan our technique well and not overlook anything that is of great relevance and make our vision of more certain future possible.

Budgets are the basis for our planning since "because it reflects the figures that can be obtained in the future" (Hernandes, Padilla, & Martínez, 2003, p. 115) is basically to foresee the future and turn it into money. With this I can calculate how much I can start, what is the minimum amount I must spend and the resources I have to start my business. It is a simulation in which I can manage my own company and know what profits await me in the future.

For example, in a football game, make plans before and during official games, with the goal of scoring to the last yard, the most suitable and capable members are selected who can meet the stated goals of the plan. This is basically the same for a company or also in our daily life.

After planning, the responsibilities and the level of authority must be distributed, that is, who will be in charge in each sector and who will be the superior of another. Once you have reached the part of structuring, forming a kind of tree diagram, either vertical or horizontal, where you can see the levels or status that people have in an organization. For this reason, in turn, the authors define it as "… the technical structuring of the relationships of the material and human elements of a social organism, in order to achieve maximum effectiveness within the stated plans and objectives" (Reyes, 2007, p. 277).

The organization is essentially putting into practice the planning and materializing what is already expected in the future, so it is necessary to assign and divide the activities that were established in the planning stage; to establish relationships between people with the departments and granting lines of authority within the organization.

As an administrator, I have the power to coordinate all the elements that exist in my organization in a coordinated and efficient manner without wasting the resources available to the company, in order to start moving the gears and work together with great synergy. This activity can be compared and visualized in our environment, if one of the parts of a car stops working even if it is only a part or it deteriorates, the rest of the operation stops and the machine stops running or the human body itself in If an organ is inactive, the person is at risk and will not be able to interact normally. This is what happens with a company in which a function or activity is performed ineffectively can affect for the rest of the activities and worse still the company loses mobility so it stops operating and worse still bankruptcy.

In the management stage is to implement the planning objectives as indicated by the organization, management is the phase where the art of administration is most exercised because when directing is when administrative functions are exercised. The author indicates that "… the essence of the administration is to coordinate, what every administrator seeks" and "he does not coordinate to lead, but he directs himself to coordinate…" (Reyes, 2007, p. 385), which is in what is really sought without affecting the planning objective.

The most difficult part of management is to effectively control human resources, because each person has their own way of thinking and doing things, so management avoids or tries to minimize workers who seek the opportunity not to do so. Nothing in their working hours, perceiving people's behavior is complicated and gaining the loyalty of subordinates.

The direction of a company supposes:

a) That authority be delegated, since to administer is “to do through others”

b) That authority be exercised, for which its types, elements, classes, auxiliaries, etc. must be specified.

c) That communication channels be established through which the results are exercised and controlled.

d) That the exercise of authority is supervised simultaneously with the execution of orders. (Reyes, 2007, p. 386)

The first points out that the delegation leaves a capable person in the area, the second tells us about authority even if the position itself grants authority, it cannot be exercised without the capacity of leadership, the third and one of the most delicate is communication. which is to transmit the objectives of the organization to the subordinates and the fourth is the supervision of the order given by the manager.

In the last phase of the administrative process that is related to planning, because it verifies the results obtained and if they follow up according to the objective, this process is repeated to provide solutions and improvements. The authors interpret it as "the measurement of current and past results in relation to those expected…" (Reyes, 2007, p. 440) since it is the compilation and comparison of our results that were obtained with those we had expected and to know if we are going for a bad, good or a better way than we expected in our initial objective.

Standards are established to establish a basis for comparison of what has been done so as not to deviate from the objective to be met. This process helps to correct many problems when operating and helps us to solve problems that we had not anticipated or anticipated, also with it you can know if you really

IV. Conclusions

We can conclude that the administrative process as instructive of the continuous administration or as a process that is constantly updated and applied in different ways depending on the size of the organization, the type and internal rules that a company has. An organization does not use an administrative process similar to other entities, but adapts it to its own convenience in such a way that it generates positive results and adjusts to the structure of the organization and within its capabilities. The most important thing in a company, in addition to generating income, is to build solid foundations to avoid any collapse or effect that produces chaos, whether internal or external to the work environment,With an adequate administrative process, this will make the company stand alone and be able to grow as planned.

V. References

  • Grenne, R. &. (2010). 48 Laws of Power. Buenos Aires, Mexico: Atlántida.Hernández, F., Padilla, G., & Martínez, G. &. (2003). Costs and budgets. México DF: FCA.Munch, L. (1997). Administration Foundation: Cases and practices. Mexico: Trillas.Petroceli, A. &. (May 13, 2009). Decision tree. Retrieved from http://admon1sec2.blogspot.mx/2009/05/arbol-de-decision.htmlReyes, A. (2007). Modern administration. México: Limusa, SA de CVReyes, L. (February 18, 2013). THE ADMINISTRATIVE PROCESS. Obtained from THE ADMINISTRATIVE PROCESS: http://www.angelfire.com/zine2/uvm_lce_lama/padmon.htmRobbins, S. &. (2010). Administration Tenth edition. Mexico.
Analysis of the administrative process from various authors