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Analysis of the marketing subsystem in a Cuban organization


This work was carried out at the Tunas Provincial Electric Company, as the sole provider of this service in the territory.

Its objective is the critical analysis of the marketing subsystem (marketing in the Business Improvement file) in the Las Tunas Basic Electric Organization, facilitating the necessary criteria and analysis to support the possible modification of this subsystem in the Business Improvement file. For this, the Marketing subsystem put into effect was taken, making a critical analysis of it and taking into account the existing business changes, as well as the modifications made in the entity's corporate purpose. Coming to the conclusion of: The monopoly character of the electric service in the territory of Las Tunas, has contributed to the fact that marketing in our Organization does not have a real hierarchy,even when the importance of this subsystem is recognized in the Business Improvement File. Little use of marketing instruments, associated with market research, behavioral studies and demand forecasts, etc. Little exploitation of the possibilities offered by the Business Objective, by not executing activities foreseen in it, despite having the qualified workforce, as well as the necessary means and tools.as well as with the necessary means and tools.as well as with the necessary means and tools.


Marketing and its management have evolved throughout history, fundamentally from the 1940s to the post-war period, given the need to create a general concept that included and coordinated all commercial techniques on a common front. of the company, but it acquired greater strength in the nineties of that century.

During the evolution of marketing, there has been a shift from a focus on production and sales to a focus on customer needs, influencing the same aspects such as the acceleration of technological progress, the saturation of markets and their globalization., all this together with the impulse that marketing and electronic commerce have had, where every day commercial transactions are carried out more easily and closely with the customer.

Un aspecto importante del marketing lo es sin dudas el control de sus objetivos, políticas y tareas, llevado a cabo a través de las auditorias de marketing que ha pesar de haber surgido en los años 50, sólo experimentó un considerable crecimiento a partir de los años 70, este tipo de control permite la revisión de las áreas problemáticas con el objetivo de tomar medidas correctivas en aras de lograr un rendimiento adecuado del marketing en la empresa. Existen diversidad de metodologías e instrumentos para realizar una auditoria de marketing, aunque todavía no se ha logrado un alto grado de sofisticación metodológica

Marketing was used in our country long before the revolutionary triumph of 1959. With the triumph of the Revolution, just as in the extinct socialist bloc, marketing was not applied, it was considered as an exclusive technique of the market economy. For a long time, Cuban companies worked with their backs to the market.

In 1998, in Cuba, Decree Law 187 was approved, which establishes the General Bases for Business Improvement. This process implies a change in the existing business philosophy in the country, organized into 16 subsystems, one of which covers the main aspects of marketing in the Cuban company. In the General Bases, as a business philosophy, it is established that marketing implies that "the satisfaction of the needs and desires of customers is the economic and social justification for their existence", thus developing and consolidating a marketing concept that has been extended to all the companies that in one way or another participate in the Business Improvement process in our country.

Marketing Evolution in Cuba

The fundamental Law of socialism is the more and more complete satisfaction of the needs of man, which is why in socialism marketing has full utility as a philosophy and as a technique to optimize relations between producers, and between them and consumers, whether they are social or individual, whether they are products or services, in the same way and in a very accentuated way, marketing in the social, cultural and public sectors can be a tool for orientation, education and guidance, mobilizing the great masses towards the directions of improvement of our society.

According to Alberto Pozo, in the 1950s, Cuba was an advanced position in the American continent in the use of marketing techniques, only then they were oriented to sales, consumption and, therefore, privileged advertising as a distinctive feature of these techniques at that time.

Ariel Terrero, argues that in Cuba, when the revolution triumphs as in the extinct socialist bloc, marketing was neither applied nor studied in its universities, as this was considered an exclusive technique of the market economy, and He denied in socialism, as a consequence, in the country all marketing techniques stopped being used.

For a long time companies managed to survive in the Cuban economic environment, working with their backs to the market, where productions that did not find an outlet returned to warehouses under the name of idle inventories and the state subsidy was intended to save from bankruptcy. to irrepressible companies. Only the tradition in the marketing of products such as sugar, tobacco and nickel, or simply chance, guaranteed them a buyer. In the 90's, the European socialist field disappeared and Cuba was under a commercial mystery whose fundamental characteristics were:

  • Disappearance of the financial comforts that the extinct CAME (Council for Mutual Economic Assistance) offered, They began to stop the productions without guarantee of sales in the market, Loss of more than 85% of their market, which were fundamentally of the extinct European socialist field.Most companies had to change their production profiles to avoid closure.

As the country's economic environment changed, Cuban companies were forced to change and try to get in tune with current world market moments.

From this moment and until today, taking into account the opening of the national economy to new forms of property, the development of tourism and the universalization of foreign trade, the fundamental characteristics of the Cuban business environment in terms of knowledge and application of the marketing were:

  • Some hitherto stigmatized terms began to appear in the business arena of the island. Marketing began to be studied, introducing itself totally or partially in some sectors of the economy. Marketing in many companies has no real hierarchy, even when its importance is recognized Officially. Business decisions do not always start from a knowledge of the market. Few companies use the scientific instruments of marketing rigorously, such as: market research, consumer behavior studies, demand forecasts, appropriate offer design, etc.

Hernández, exposes some marketing trends in Cuba, taking into account aspects such as:

  • Current state of marketing in the entities of a given sector. Characteristics presented by the macro and micro-market environment. Considerations taken from the point of view of their performance.

The trends proposed by this author are as follows:

  • Shift in business perspective from a production and sales driven approach to a market driven approach.

This change of focus cannot and should not be homogeneous in the business sector, since they present different starting points, have different levels of development and experiences, and above all have human resources with different levels of training to face this task.

  • Intuition as a method of business decision related to the market.

Intuition can and should have an important role alongside information, but it is even more important to make decisions based on knowledge of the market, in the analysis of facts, in systematic market studies that reduce the risks in decisions.

  • Marketing without strategy, directed towards action without a clear definition of the objectives to be achieved in a given period of time.

It essentially consists of executing isolated actions without integration or coordination between the different elements that make up the components of the marketing strategy. All marketing work is deficient and merely an exercise of company or academy if there is no defined strategy by which the organization intends to achieve certain goals, without clearly defined objectives and without the ways to use to achieve them.

In 1998, Decree Law 187 was approved, which establishes the General Bases for Business Improvement, which considers business organization as a system, with an integrative and systemic approach to it, organized into 16 Sub-systems, one of the which covers the main aspects related to marketing, this being the most radical transformation in the Cuban business environment since the triumph of the revolution. With the approval of this decree, it is evident that the business system of our country entered a new era, Cuban companies begin to change their methods, structures and way of thinking and acting. Even though the marketing philosophy had already started to flourish in some sectors,It is from this process that we seek to standardize marketing knowledge in order to adopt a true marketing philosophy in our companies.

In 1986, the Revolutionary Armed Forces began the implantation of the Business Improvement and thirteen years later the first five companies of civil life were approved, by agreement of the V Congress of the Communist Party of Cuba.

The encouraging results achieved with the application of Business Improvement have laid the path for the socialist economy to take.

The implementation of Business Improvement has not been and will not be an easy task, it is very far from reality and from what the State expects from this new system of leadership and management in industries, with potential still untapped.

It is essential and necessary to change the mentality of workers, cadres and employers to achieve the quantitative and qualitative leaps required by the implementation of Business Improvement. This requires new conceptions and clearly define the raison d'être of each entity (Its Business Objective) and the ways to realize their aspirations with a vision of the future.

They continue to be determining requirements, not only for companies in Improvement, in our opinion, but also for the rest of the companies in the country; have a certified accounting, which reflects in the balances of its Financial Statements, the true face of the Organization, through the correct application of the Cuban Accounting Standards, in the same way it is decisive to have a safe market for its productions and supply stable and precise raw materials and other resources that guarantee the continuity of productions.

From the above, the importance of diagnosis emerges, as an initial step in the formation of the Business Improvement File, with the seriousness with which work is done at this stage, it will allow us to know the difficulties that Organizations present and the mechanisms and ways of solving them. and the future success of the rest of the steps to follow.

Currently there are more than 1,000 Cuban entities involved in the process. Making clear that the socialist company can also be a company with high levels of efficiency and profitability in all its indicators.

To achieve this recognition, the economic, the political, and the ideological must form a single whole, which will demonstrate that the socialist company can be as or more efficient than the best of capitalist companies.

Today, 64 are officially authorized to begin the implementation stage of the process.

In the company Eléctrica de Las Tunas, the Business Improvement began as a process in 2001, conforming to the modules understood. Including Marketing, which is the object of our research.

This work starts from the need to update and apply the marketing subsystem in our entity despite being a monopoly of this service in the territory of Las Tunas, achieving the satisfaction of our clients' wishes, as well as improving the quality of our services. and the decrease in electricity losses that affect the country so much.

Its objective is to critically analyze the marketing subsystem (marketing in the Business Improvement file) in the Basic Electric Organization Las Tunas, providing the necessary criteria and analysis to support the possible modification of this subsystem in the Business Improvement file.

Company Characterization

Business Object. According to Resolution 652/04 I resolve Eleventh.

Transmit, distribute and commercialize electric power in national currency and currency wholesale and in national currency retail.

Provide engineering services in national currency and maintenance to overhead and underground electrical installations to the Unión Eléctrica system in national currency and to other entities in national currency and currency.

Carry out work to correct the power factor, accommodation and control of the load, to the Electric Union system in national currency and to other entities in national currency and currency.

Provide technical services related to the efficient use of electrical energy and for electrical networks to the Unión Electrica system in national currency and to other entities in national currency and currency.

Provide rental, assembly and maintenance services to generators to the Electric Union system in national currency and to other entities in national currency and currency.

Carry out the approval and certification of the dielectric capacities of the protection means to work with electricity in national currency.

Offer repair services, maintenance of static and rotating electrical equipment to the Union Electricity system in national currency and to other entities in national currency and currency.

Carry out electrification projects, improvements and modernization of electrical networks as well as exterior and interior lighting in national currency.

Provide repair, maintenance, calibration of equipment and measurement facilities to the Union Electricity system in national currency and to other entities in national currency and currency.

Provide communication services to the entities of the Electric Union and the Ministry of Basic Industry based in the province, through their own communication channels in national currency and currency.

Provide support or toll services through the goals to the communication entities of the province in national currency and currency.

Provide construction, assembly, repair, adjustment and maintenance services to communications systems, electrical and automatic protections to the Electric Union system in national currency and to other entities in national currency and currency.

Produce and commercialize transformers, means of protection for working in overhead lines, disconnects, single-pole and air switches, as well as offering repair and maintenance services to the Unión Electrica system in national currency and to other entities in national currency and badge.

Marketing scrap wholesale to companies in the Union of Recovery of Raw Materials in national currency and currency.

Wholesale marketing of idle and slow-moving materials in national currency.

Provide parking services, rental of warehouses and premises, cargo transportation, rental of technological equipment for electrical assembly, printing and reproduction of documents, technical consulting for repair, maintenance, construction, designs and projects of electrical networks, all of them in national currency.


  • Provide electric service to customers Generate, Distribute and Commercialize electric energy.

As it could be seen in our Business Object, one of the aspects of the same lies in Transmitting, distributing and commercializing electrical energy in national currency and currency in wholesale and retail in national currency. Wholesale marketing is carried out to the state sector (state-owned companies, mixed capital, cooperatives, shops), as well as retailers, which have a direct relationship with the population. Let's see how the hiring for the state sector proceeds:

Contracting of the State Sector

The market segments into which our commercial activity is divided are the following:

Segments Number of clients
Private 131538
State 5557
Of it in CUC 360

Organizational structure.

Our Organization has a horizontal structure, which was taken into account in the preparation and subsequent approval of the Business Improvement File, this flattened structure is very positive, because the level of information flows without going through so many levels of hierarchy, it is that is, intermediate management steps that do not meet the objective and hinder the flow of information in both directions are eliminated. Below we show you the structure in the form of an organization chart.

Las Tunas Electric Company Organization Chart

Las Tunas Electric Company Organization Chart


Marketing is a word that has many definitions and yet they all bear a resemblance to each other; We can say that marketing "is that human activity aimed at satisfying needs, lacks and desires through exchange processes."

According to the American Marketing Association (AMA) Marketing is "the process of planning, executing and conceptualizing prices, awards and distribution of ideas, merchandise and techniques to create exchanges that satisfy individual and organizational objectives."

Another definition of Marketing.

Marketing management approach that supports the achievement of organizational objectives, depends on the determination of the needs and desires of the objective markets and their satisfaction in a more effective and efficient way than the competitors.

According to Kotier, marketing is a human activity, the purpose of which is to satisfy the needs and desires of the human being through exchange processes

It includes the study of exchange processes and how transactions can be initiated, motivated, facilitated and consummated.

Marketing is a philosophy of the company according to which the satisfaction of the needs and desires of the client is the economic and social justification for its existence, consequently, all the activities of the company must tend to determine those needs and then satisfy them to obtain an increasing profit, stable in the long term.

Based on the above definitions, let us see how, according to the Business Improvement File, chapter XVI develops. MERCADOTECNIA, the Provincial Basic Electric Organization of Las Tunas.

As the Basic Electric Organization bases its management on the provision of services, it is important to have an understanding of the characteristics of our clients, their needs and the possibilities of forming a defined market segment and thus be able to plan their satisfaction.

Activity projection.

The work system of the Commercial activity will be destined to the distribution and sale of electrical energy throughout the province of Las Tunas, supported by Law 1287 (Electric Law), the derived regulations and resolutions organized in the Consumers Manual, as well as the procedures elaborated by the Quality System and which comply with the international requirements of the ISO - 9000 standard, all aimed at ensuring that customers see us as the best solution to their problems at all times, for which it will consist of:

  • Commercial Direction, formed by qualified technical personnel who are in charge of the different tasks that the area develops as well as to elaborate the policies to be followed by the Municipal Basic Electric Organizations in the Marketing activity. Business Unit of Commercial Services Base, which will provide measurement services, electric meter meter laboratory, Electricity Savings Program in Cuba, IT, Billing and Energy Consultant. Experience of years of work in the commercialization of electric energy to private and state consumers as well as other services associated with electricity.

Services folder.

  1. Sale of Electric Power, which is our leading product. Maintenance of lines and substations to third parties. Provision of services of generating sets. Provision of services of electrification projects. Provision of engineering services (load accommodations, power factor improvements and energy inspections. Change of location of the measuring equipment.

These services will be provided by the corresponding Base Business Units, each of which must be governed by well-defined legal regulations, which appear in the Economic Contracting subsystem.

Energy sales:

As already mentioned, the sale of electricity is our main service or leading product.

The workforce professionally dedicated to the sale of electricity amounts to 46 readers and 28 electrical inspectors, complete with 3 heads of commercial groups based in the municipalities with the largest number of clients (Tunas, Puerto Padre and Amancio) and 5 other technicians in charge of commercial activity in the remaining municipalities.

It is a concern of the Directorate of the Basic Electric Organization that all the personnel who carry out work related to the sale of energy are adequately trained to deal with it, for which reason it is planned to provide training aimed at:

  • Customer service. Objectives and strategies of the Basic Electric Organization. Vision and Mission of the Basic Electric Organization. Moral and social values ​​established by the Basic Electric Organization.

The sale prices of electric energy are regulated by the Ministry of Finance and Prices according to approved rates depending on the type of consumer and their demands for electrical service, so it is not possible to consider their modification or adaptation.

Market segmentation

Our market strategy conceives its segmentation in the following way:

1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005
Residential 97734 100092 111062 113566 116066 118566 121066
Non-residential 3561 3713 3583 3654 - - -
Badge 307 568 590 632 4335 4367 4417
Total 101602 104373 115235 117852 120401 122933 125483

It also conceives our preferential clients, taking into account their weight in our sales and the importance that from the economic and social point of view they have in the territory:

Consumption behavior of the 10 main non-residential customers.
Main Clients customers Energy consumption Per cent
Services Type of currency Year Pre MWH MWH plan Real MWH %

R / P


R / AA

ACINOX one USD 49,599.8 51200 52,582.9 102.7 106.0
CAI Guiteras one MN 11827.1 12100 12,753.8 105.4 107.8
CAI Free Algeria one MN 1,252.0 3,200.0 3,114.2 97.3 248.7
Hollow Stone Pumping one MN 2507.0 2,860.0 3,059.4 107.0 122.0
CAI Amancio Rodríguez one MN 1,864.0 1900.0 1,833.0 96.5 98.3
CAI Menéndez one MN 2,716.0 2,850.0 2,854.7 100.2 105.1
CAI Peru one MN 2,056.0 1,450.0 1,536.0 105.9 74.7
Metallic structures one USD 1,510.3 1,700.0 1,735.5 102.1 114.9
CAI Majibacoa one MN 2,144.0 990.0 966.0 97.6 45.1
CAI Colombia one MN 1,528.0 1200.0 719.4 60.0 47.1
Total 10 - 77004.2 79 450.0 81154.9 102.1 105.4

In the Basic Electric Organization it is absolutely necessary to manage the market, therefore we must develop actions that allow influencing our clients for the rational use and saving of electric energy, essentially during peak hours.

We must manage to convey the confidence and assurance that we will be right where and when they need us. For this, the company has followed the policy of establishing service commitments to clients that oblige us to strive at work and systematically assess the status of compliance. These commitments, which without needing a written contract if it constitutes an obligation, refer to:

  • Service restoration Attention to non-conformities (complaints) due to high consumption Maximum waiting time in a Commercial Office Answer telephone calls Reconnection of services cut due to non-payment Connection of new services 110 volts Connection of new services 220 volts Attention to requests for supplies

This is included as a task in the summary implementation schedule.

Other services associated with the use of electric energy.

The rest of the services offered by the Basic Electric Organization will be executed upon presentation of the request by the customers and mediating a contract signed by mutual agreement between the parties. These agreements will be registered in the Legal Area with the participation of the areas involved as appropriate:

  • Transformer repair and maintenance. Consulting services and project execution for: Load accommodation and control. Power factor corrections or improvements.

Promotion policy

The promotion of services will be carried out through surveys, interviews, folding, radio interventions and others.

Our promotion agents will be:

  • The Commercial, Technical and Investments Directorates. The Municipal Base Business Units. Readers and inspectors body. Personnel from the technical areas of the Basic Organization. Mass dissemination bodies. Electricity Saving Program in Cuba.

With a view to promoting customer service in the private sector, a novel work system has begun to be applied, including the remodeling of the premises where payment is made, the modernization of equipment with the incorporation of computer means and the change of workers mentality. Its implementation represents one of the most important challenges for the years 2000 and 2001 in the Basic Electric Organization, since it represents both a qualitative and quantitative improvement in Customer-oriented Commercial Management. Among its advantages are:

  • Creation of the Database necessary for all market studies. Automated attention to customer complaints and claims. Reduction of more than 75% of the existing modeling. Reduction of more than 20% of the staff of the Collection Offices..

Actions to be faced by the Basic Electric Organization to consolidate the Marketing activity in the short and medium terms:

  1. Carry out market segmentation studies to achieve the relative differentiation and personalization of the relationship with customers, from which after-sales services could be provided, such as loading arrangements, power factor improvements and others. develop the comprehensive customer service center with what it aims to achieve:
  • Reduce the actions of clients to obtain answers to their concerns. Concentrate efforts and resources in customer service. Introduce telephone service to our customers in all settings of the Basic Electric Organization.
  1. Carry out the studies to determine the convenience of reading the meter meters of private clients every 3 or 6 months, with what is expected:
  • Reduce expenses for reading and billing. Reduce the actions that customers must take in or with the Basic Organization. Perform better attention to the commercial claims of our clients without the need to increase staff. Reduce the staff dedicated to the reading activity.
  1. Implement the measures that facilitate the change of the corporate image of the Basic Electric Organization, on the basis of assimilating technological changes and the remodeling of the properties of our Commercial Offices. Apply a more functional structure in the Tunas municipality, with which will guarantee a more agile attention to the clients of the provincial capital. Study the possibility of creating an Integral Center of Attention to the Client. In the relations with our habitual suppliers, to establish the contracts where the obtaining of updated technologies is achieved, totally minimal costs, facilities of payments and delivery in the required time of the supplies. In the specific case of investments, contracting must be achieved in the form of complete packages,to guarantee the proper execution of projects and technology transfers.Use the accessory and information services of the Cuban Office of Industrial Property on trademarks and patents for the analysis of non-habitual suppliers, with whom it is necessary to establish negotiations, the They will be the responsibility of each of the specialized areas that demand the product or service in the process of negotiation, for which a representative will be appointed before said Office. The responsibility for the final selection of the supplier for the investments falls on the Technical Directorate.with which it is necessary to establish negotiations, which will be the responsibility of each of the specialized areas that demand the product or service in the process of negotiation, for which a representative will be appointed before said Office. The responsibility for the final selection of the supplier to The investments fall on the Technical Directorate.with which it is necessary to establish negotiations, which will be the responsibility of each of the specialized areas that demand the product or service in the process of negotiation, for which a representative will be appointed before said Office. The responsibility for the final selection of the supplier to The investments fall on the Technical Directorate.

For nominal investments, the provisions of Resolution 13/98 of the CITMA will be complied with and no supply will be contracted if there is no Opinion of this Agency on the transfer of technology and the environment.

Critical reasons in relation to Chapter XVI Marketing, previously exposed.

As can be seen in the treatment given to the topic of the Projection of the activity, the client is considered as the center, as the end of all the activities of the Organization, however, it frames the marketing policy of the Directorates and Units that have a direct impact on consumers, there is no philosophy focused on the client, which allows in the short and medium term to forge a culture that allows each area and each worker, regardless of the role they play in the Organization, to know its role and place in quality assurance, as well as its impact on customer satisfaction. As a service provider, all our areas affect the well-being of our clients, from the Transportation Workshop to having the equipment suitable for the attention to interruptions,even the cleaning assistant in keeping our premises clean and in order to raise the quality of the service.

The services folder does not include all the services that our Organization can potentially provide and that are clearly reflected in the Business Objective. When taking these services into account, we can see the impact of the rest of the Organization's areas, in the satisfaction of the wishes of our clients and consequently, the increase in income, the increase in profits, mercantile production and the contribution of the company to emulation by the activities of July 26.

From the above, it follows that the sale of energy is considered, in its just reason, as it constitutes the essence of the Organization, as the main service or leading product. Associating the sale of energy to workers linked to this activity, such as workers in the commercial area. As a consequence, the rest of the activities that affect our clients are ignored.

From our point of view, this error when framing marketing activities has resulted in training activities or actions being directed at this segment of workers, to which we have previously referred.

A market strategy is recognized, a perfectly manageable market and towards which actions are lined up to seek that the client uses energy rationally, essentially during peak hours. But this market study, to which it refers, does not contemplate the feedback that should exist between the Organization, the Currency Collection Stores and other organizations, regarding the projection of sales of household appliances and other emergency consumer equipment, from so as to allow projecting demand and consumption at certain times of the day.

On the other hand, we have service commitments to clients, where the checking mechanism is missing, which although it is established that it is systematic, does not foresee how it will be developed, who will carry it out, and whether the systematicity will be monthly, quarterly or annual.; likewise, the techniques to be used to know the degree of customer satisfaction, techniques that consider feedback with them.

Regarding the Promotion Policy, it also frames this activity to a small group of Directions, Base Business Units and workers, omitting the enormous communication potential that we have in 100% of the Organization's workers, in transmitting in their places of residence, through the different routes and channels, in meetings of the CDR, the FMC, as well as other events; the entity's strategy in achieving its objectives, in which all clients are identified.

The Comprehensive Commercial Management System foresees the actions to be taken to consolidate the Marketing activity in the short and medium terms, within which we have those aimed at:

  1. Carry out feasibility studies to develop the comprehensive customer service center with the aim of achieving:
  • Reduce customer actions to get answers to their concerns.

Projection can never be based on reducing customer actions, but rather increasing them based on knowing the degree of satisfaction and as a tool for the future projection of the Organization's work.

  1. Carry out the studies to determine the convenience of reading the meter meters of private clients every 3 or 6 months, with what is expected:
  • Reduce expenses for reading and billing.

It is no less true that when carrying out the reading and collection process of consumers residing in rural areas, the expense for carrying out these activities is greater than the income to be received; This action is aimed at protecting the entity from possible economic losses, without realizing that when reading cycles are violated, which are currently carried out monthly and on fixed days; would result in the elevation of the invoice to be paid by the customer. The consumption in three months of 750 kW is not equal, distributed equally, if the reading were monthly, it would be equivalent to 250 kW. for each month, when applying the current rates, it would pay monthly the figure of 74.00 pesos; with the following breakdown:

Consumption U / M Price Amount
100 Kw. 0.09 9.00
fifty Kw. 0.30 15.00
fifty Kw. 0.40 20.00
fifty Kw. 0.60 30.00
Total 74.00

If the reading would be done quarterly, as one of the proposed routes, and the consumption would be 750 kW, then the client would pay the astronomical figure of 699.00 pesos.

  • Reduce the actions that clients must carry out in or with the Basic Organization

As in the previous point, the actions should be aimed at feedback with all our clients, which allows us to know the degree of disagreement that they present.

In general, it can be seen that in this subsystem only reference is made to the relationship that exists with the Contracting subsystem, ignoring the relationship that could exist with the rest of the subsystems of the Business Improvement File, not reflected in this subsystem, for what the results and the economic efficiency of the marketing activity is not assured.


  • The monopoly nature of the electric service in the territory of Las Tunas has contributed to the fact that marketing in our Organization does not have a real hierarchy, even though the importance of this subsystem is recognized in the Business Improvement File. what decisions in this sense do not have a solid foundation. Little use of marketing instruments, associated with market research, behavioral studies and demand forecasts, etc. Little exploitation of human, financial and material resources depending on marketing, not having a budget that reflects the activities to be carried out in this regard, as well as the expected results in its execution. Little exploitation of the possibilities offered by the Business Objective,by not executing activities foreseen in the same, despite having the qualified workforce, as well as the necessary means and tools. From the approval for the application in our Organization of the Business Improvement File, document prepared as a suit to the measure, on January 30, 2001; The Marketing subsystem has not been subject to modifications or subsequent revisions, despite the existence of modifications in the environment in which the Organization's activity is carried out.The Marketing subsystem has not been subject to modifications or subsequent revisions, despite the existence of modifications in the environment in which the Organization's activity is carried out.The Marketing subsystem has not been subject to modifications or subsequent revisions, despite the existence of modifications in the environment in which the Organization's activity is carried out.


  1. kotler Ph. Marketing. 3rd of. México, DF: Prentice Hall Hispanoamericana 1989: 84. Morales Morejón MM. About informational marketing: some quality considerations. Havana: Cuban Academy of Sciences, 1991: 12.Decree Law 187/98 Business Improvement File.Chias, Josep (1995) «Public Marketing: for a government and an administration at the service of the public», Mc Graw Hill, MadridEdmundo Hernández Rojas, INECON, Ingenieros Economistas Consultores SA, (2003) City Marketing Plan of Talcahuano - Chile, Executive Summary. Rosario Strategic Plan (1997) «Positioning, Competitiveness and Image of the city of Rosario», Faculty of Political Science and International Relations, National University of Rosario. Rosario, November.
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Analysis of the marketing subsystem in a Cuban organization