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Organizational analysis of the starbucks company in peru

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In 1971, at the Pike Place Market in Seattle, the first Starbucks store opened. Its name derives from the mythical novel "Mobby Dick", which evoked the romantic aspect of the sea and the seafaring tradition.. In its early "Starbucks Coffee Tea and Spices", it only sold coffee beans, tea and spices; It is in the eighties when the concept of Starbucks Coffee changed, to become what it is today.


Howard Schultz, current CEO of the Corporation and his true manager travels to Italy and sees what the espresso culture was like and also tries Lattes and Mochas.

Starting in 2000, the Starbucks phenomenon continued. Starbucks currently has more than 12,500 locations in more than 50 countries. In addition to excellent coffees and drinks.

Starbucks Coffee Company is an international company dedicated to the purchase, roasting and marketing of coffee. It also sells espresso and distilled coffee, cold drinks, tea, accessories and other food products through its chain of coffee shops. Having the necessary knowledge about this internationally consolidated company, this work arises. Where the status of the STARBUCKS brand is diagnosed, in which the way in which they make use of the Balance Score Card was determined in order to maintain proper management and thereby ensure that staff remain motivated.



Before Starbucks arrived in Peru, there were several well-known cafes in districts such as Barranco, Miraflores, San Isidro.

So we have Café (good service) Bocatta (sophisticated atmosphere) Haiti Café (excellent atmosphere). The environment has always been an essential factor for a man from Lima to choose a place to drink coffee.

On August 20, 2003 Starbucks arrived in Peru for the first time, being the first store in the Gutiérrez oval, becoming the first store in South America.

  • View

Offer inspiring moments to people every day, achieving it through the “passion for everything we do”.

  • Mission

Inspire and nurture the human spirit: one person, one cup of coffee and one community at a time.

  • Strategic Mission

Our main goal is to provide quality service in optimal time, so that our Clients are satisfied with our services.

  • Global Mission
    • Offer a great work environment and treat each other with respect and dignity. Accept diversity as an essential component of their way of doing business. Apply the highest criteria of excellence for the acquisition, roasting and fresh delivery of coffee. Enthusiastic and continuous satisfied customers. Contribute positively to their communities and their environment. Recognize that profitability is essential for their future success.

“Coffee for the company is always and has been a matter of quality. We have a quality commitment. There is a socially responsible commitment to the suppliers of the best coffee beans, striving every day to roast the beans and improve the lives of the people who grow them. ”

  • CommitmentLoyaltyRespectFriendshipSecurity
  1. Mission.

The mission is to create a different type of company, a conscientious company. There are 200,000 employees worldwide.

  1. Soul. Ambient.

In starbucks store environments everything has a natural feel, something authentic. The sofa is an essential element.

  1. Faith

Leadership is creating a vision in which people can believe and feel part of it.

  1. Impulse

Momentum is a positive word, it is something that makes us move forward, want to excel.

  1. Connection.

Everything that surrounds starbucks is human connection, it is humane treatment between people, which arises from the partners and baristas themselves.

  1. The product.

Not just selling a product, but an experience that comes true, the sensation. All products are customizable, there is a wide offer where coffee is the protagonist.

  1. Innovation.

Innovation for the consumer and in the values ​​and cultures of the company.

  1. Talent

Create an integrated working group, with the talent and mentality to share the values ​​and culture of the company.

  1. Internet

Starbucks has become the leading consumer brand on facebook and twitter, in addition to having this service in its stores.

  1. Social responsability.

Surround yourself with people who have the same flyers as you, and be able to think big to find opportunities.

Context of the organization:

Internal analisis

Value chain


They are the ones that will provide us with our supplies to create our star products, these can be:

  • Wholesalers: Institution that buys from manufacturers and resells them to businesses, government agencies, retailers, other wholesalers, direct importation of the same brand.


It is necessary to analyze customer markets, because each type has special characteristics. These could be divided into five:

  • Consumer markets: they buy for their own consumption Industrial markets: they buy to process or use them in their production Reseller markets: they buy to resell Government markets: they buy to produce public services or transfer the products to those who need it International markets: consumers, producers, resellers and foreign governments.


  • Lack of product diversity, limited menu.High employee turnover.Not in the rural market, provinces.-They do not worry about customer retention.  Low participation in supermarkets.


  • Nice and warm atmosphere in all the premises, additionally good music and wi-fi signal to browse for free. Cutting-edge equipment and technology and High technology in machines for the coffee preparation process. All your actions, decision-making and strategies are governed by its principles. Strong vertical and horizontal integration between managers and service personnel. It works with selected raw materials and has a quality final product. Starbucks products are innovative, creative and out of the ordinary. Starbucks uses the best coffee beans in the world and is an internationally recognized brand. Solid financial backing and proper management.

External analysis


  • Increase in coffee consumption per capita. Increase in tourists in Uruguay who know the brand. Greater purchasing power in the EAP, which ensures the permanence of its loyal public and an increase in more visitors. The increase in tourism favors sales as it is a chain to world leader.


  • Local competitors already established Local cafes, has good promotions and prices are more accessible Economic policy of the country Natural phenomena Problems in the ports



• Nice and warm atmosphere in all the premises, additionally good music and wi-fi signal for free browsing.

• All your actions, decision making, and strategies are governed by your principles.

• It works with selected raw materials and has a quality final product

• Solid financial support and adequate managerial management.


• Increase in coffee consumption per capita.

• Increase in tourists in Uruguay who know the brand.

• Greater purchasing power in the PEA, which ensures the permanence of its loyal public and an increase in more visitors.

• The increase in tourism favors sales as it is a leading chain worldwide .


• Lack of product diversity, limited menu.

• High employee turnover.

• It is not in the rural market, provinces.

• They don't care about customer retention.

• Low participation in supermarkets.


• Locally established competitors.

• Local cafes, have good promotions and their prices are more accessible.

• The country's economic policy.

• Natural phenomena

• Problems in ports


We understand Organizational Culture as “The set of norms and values ​​that characterize the style, philosophy, personality, climate and spirit of company together with the way of structuring and managing the material and human resources that make it up and taking into account the influence of the environment in which it finds itself ”.

Starbucks is a company with a horizontal organization, in which a subordination criterion is applied among the personnel, leading to the departmentalization of the organization and the creation, in turn, of different work microclimates, thus having the following departments:

  • Department of human resources. Department of marketing. Production department Development department
  1. Computer science department Financial resource department.




In turn, these departments are responsible for the following offices:

HR department.

  • Recruitment office. Training office.

Marketing department.

  • Office of studies and research. Office of innovation. Office of advertising and logistics distribution.

Production departament.

  • Machinery office, production planning and control office, supply office, manufacturing office, quality control office.

IT department.

  • Technical support office Innovation design office Cleaning office

HR department.

  • Finance Office Sales Office Accounting Office Salary & Wages Office Starbucks Components

The main components of Starbucks are the following:

  1. The entrepreneur: Is the person or group of people in charge of managing and directing making the necessary decisions for the proper running of the company. The figure of the entrepreneur and that of the owner do not always coincide, since the director, who manages the company, must be distinguished from the shareholders and owners who have risked their money, thereby receiving the benefits. Workers: It is the set of people who they render their work in the company, for which they receive salaries. Technology: It consists of the set of production processes and techniques necessary to be able to manufacture (techniques, processes, machines, computers, etc.). Suppliers: They are people or companies that provide the raw materials, services, machinery, etc., necessary for companies to carry out their activity.


The Starbucks chain is the coffee phenomenon of the last decades. A brand where the idea of ​​a luxury café and a refined place to meet friends are already enshrined in the collective unconscious. Currently, the chain has more than 16 thousand branches in various countries of the world and its prestige is recognized worldwide.

In the following lines we explain the six keys that paved its success as a franchise:

  1. Product customization.

The possibility of choosing and personalizing coffee is a key attribute that is increasingly appreciated by consumers. This is a peculiarity that can be seen in which, in addition to writing the name of each consumer on the plastic cups, they can choose from a large number of options to buy their coffee.

  1. Expansion model inspired by another big one.

For the founder of the Starbucks model, Howard Schultz, it was always key to generate a rapid expansion of the chain and the model, which is why he admitted that McDonald's has been a source of inspiration for his growth model.

  1. A Premium approach.

Despite being inspired by other established franchises, this chain always sought ways to differentiate itself in its vision. The three most differentiating characteristics are: being very selective with your franchisees, selling Premium products to urban upper-middle-class customers, and not advertising on TV.

  1. Offer an experience.

At Starbucks you will find more than the best coffee, people who are nice to meet, first-rate music and a comfortable place to meet someone.

  1. Starbucks experience.

Starbucks built the value of its brand through a unique experience around the consumption of good coffee and the design of places with a warm atmosphere that evoke small neighborhood cafes.

  1. Focus its operation on the client.

Since its inception, this chain of coffee shops has had the mission of building a personal relationship with each of the customers, with the awareness that in order to ensure long-term success, it is essential to focus on the relationship with consumers. Therefore, "the Starbucks experience puts the consumer at the center of everything they do," they say.

The organizational culture model that is perceived in the Starbucks environment is that of the Social Model, since its organizational culture is not based on the typical desk managers who give orders to their subordinates and thereby only try to seek economic gains, in Starbucks perceives teamwork, the well-marked use of work teams, where each part of the staff is part of a great whole and with this, first seeks the satisfaction of its clients and then seeks a monetary reward.

Interaction with the Peruvian public

In general, Peruvians adapt very well to foreign brands. They are received and consumed almost immediately. We can give examples such as Nike, coca cola, pizza, among others. This leaves a good gap for the availability and acceptance of people to another foreign brand.

In Peru, people have the habit of gathering among friends on free afternoons after educational or work days, and they are looking for a suitable, quiet and cozy place where they can spend a time of conversation or distraction. Currently a restaurant can receive a similar service, but with the difference that the concept that gives it to most people is to eat exclusively and they do not stay longer than necessary in one of them. On the one hand, a local Starbucks chain would be ideal for regular or occasional customer encounters.


Their STARBUCKS climate is related to motivation in employment, because it directly affects the satisfaction of workers because when they are involved in a pleasant work environment, they respond better to stimuli and collaborate with their alternates and it is a of the companies that have a higher position in the market due to their characteristics that have a positive organizational climate.

Something that identifies Starbucks is that it always cares about its employees, since they are basically essential for the elaboration of the product and in this way make the company work in such a way and have the success it has.

The work environment that Starbucks has are the following:

There is good internal communication, harmonious environments

A good Physical Environment, with good machines, a pleasant space, noise conditions are controlled, there is good lighting.

There is a lot of Responsibility on the part of the workers.

Proud to belong to the Starbucks company

They share their personal goals with those of the organization.

There is flexible leadership

There is equal treatment with all members of the company, treatment with fair criteria.

Comfortable work environment to develop all the faculties.

Great support provided to professionalize your trusted staff


Starbucks stores have good service, a cozy atmosphere and it is a place where people like to spend a pleasant moment. On a scale of one to ten we give it 8 points since not only is the infrastructure important but also the quality of the workers .


Due to the great expansion of Starbucks, it is necessary to standardize processes and criteria for product and service quality. Likewise, it is necessary to create a structure design and a functional and very linear organization, which will allow any unforeseen event to be transmitted quickly and resolved. This organization chart is presented to be applied in one of the stores that are located in the world. The following must be found within them

Description of the Functions:

The directory:

They are the people who are in charge of all the positions, who set the policy and administration of the entire company, doing different kinds of studies.

General Manager:

He is the person who is in charge of all the managements within the company, such as personnel, production, finance and marketing. The general manager is the most important person, since he makes the movements of the company, but always listening to different opinions.

Finance and Operations Manager:

It is the one that is in charge of the total management of the company's funds, and all kinds of collections that are in it, expenses, payments, purchases, etc.

Marketing manager:

It is one of the positions that most influences since it allows organizing to make decisions about any change towards a new product.

Human resources manager

It has assigned a number of stores, according to the country where it is located. He is the one who organizes the personnel selection and the recruitment for the employees of each store. Evaluate the effectiveness of the training received. Coordinate the detection of training needs. Regulates the benefits and recognition policy to increase employee motivation and commitment.

Area manager

They are assigned a maximum of Starbucks stores, according to the country where they reside. This is the one that provides staff development, customer service and compliance with regulations by workers and the proper functioning of each cafeteria.

Store manager

He is the manager of a special store, assigned to keep control of the store, its functions, the proper development of it and its employees.


He is the supervisor by store, in each store there are an approximate of 4 to 5 that work controlling the operation and supporting the manager in the development of everything.


He is the employee assigned for his good performance, to train new employees in the store.

Partner (barista)

It is the order mainly in customer service, drink preparation, food, order and cleaning of the store.


Our “only competitive advantage,” explains Schultz, “is the quality of our workforce. We are building a world-class company, based on creating a group of people who take pride and participate in the results of everything they do. ” Starbucks must continue to maintain its strategy to increase and improve Human Capital, since capabilities are the DNA of the organization and give it a competitive advantage. With this strategy the company has managed to establish itself as one of the strongest in terms of the benefits it offers for its Human Capital, as well as the one that attracts and retains many talents. The Human Resources department aims to help individuals and organizations achieve their goals. At the same time, it faces numerous challenges,derived from the demands and needs of the organization's employees and from the social context, both nationally and internationally, this medium is especially dynamic due to the increasing diversity of the workforce and the globalization of the economy. The Human Resources department is responsible for the selection, training and hiring of employees, and ensures that the staff is motivated and productive. The labor market is transparent, workers can move from one company to another looking for the best conditions. The supply of labor has a significant influence on the productive capacity of your company. Therefore, Human Resources management implies monitoring the labor market,coordination with the other departments to estimate the needs for recruitment and training of the workforce, and the definition of an attractive salary policy for all.

Performance evaluations

The company has quality standards that have to be met at every moment of the operation. Also, monthly exams are taken to refresh the training they must have in store and the choice of "employee of the month".

The performance evaluation itself is performed every three months by the store manager; who apart from locating the strengths and weaknesses of the staff to then provide feedback to them, talk and together consider what problems they have, which affect the store and how they can be solved. The following aspects will be evaluated, each item is evaluated on a scale of 1 to 4 points, these are Operational skills- Quality of operation- Knowledge of the standards- Compliance with the objectives of its function

  • Personal Presence Essential Skills Ethics and Integrity- Responsibility Service readiness Staff Skills Enthusiasm and energy Achievement Achievement Work under pressure Ability to interrelate

Also these types of activities are carried out in the Starbucks company

The visit of a trained secret client to review the following points:

  1. Connection with the customer: it becomes the first contact that the customer has with a member of the staff, which is of course the most important thing, so it is not only made by one person, but by all the employees of the store, be it the cashier Those who attend. Speed: The speed of attention cannot be affected by the time it takes to connect with the client, even though it is recommended that there be a conversational topic, this is not justified.

Internal communication plan

Convey to all kinds of people who interact with the company, be they collaborators or customers, the idea that Starbucks is the key to success. Also communication ensures that the intellectual capital is detected, you must learn to exchange more quickly and information throughout the company, as well as, generate new ideas and increasingly shorter times, at the same time the motivation and the possibility of innovation grows. If the company wants its employees to meet and exceed service expectations for customers, they must do the same for employees. It is impossible to ask people to exceed the level of service if the company is not willing to do it. In the vast majority of companies employees do not understand how they grow the business and how they lose it.When this type of disconnect exists, it is usually because senior management has not demonstrated to staff members the constructive impact they have on those they serve. Consequence of poor communication.

The proposed means of communication are:

Employee survey

It is an element of internal one-way communication, but ascending. It allows to collect the opinion of the employees on some aspect of the management of the company or its activities or processes and, equally, to receive suggestions from them.

Annual festivities

Conducting annual walks, all stores have a paid outlet with food, mobility and tickets included. In addition, the celebration of the annual party where the manager of the year and the store of the year are awarded, hence the celebration continues.

Group meetings

A meeting, either on any aspect of work in the company, or specifically convened to communicate, is a forum always open to information, debate and the presentation of the opinions of the assistants and supervisors of each store.

Suggestions mailbox

Used on many occasions for various issues in the life of the company. If it is used to gather opinions and suggestions from employees, it would be used for upward one-way communication.


Different levels of information possibilities can be established through access codes and restrictions. It allows all kinds of horizontal and vertical communication crossings, individualized or in groups, so that interpersonal relationships increase between employees of the different headquarters, which due to kilometer distances, face-to-face interaction is not possible.


These are graphic elements of information on a specific issue, more or less punctual, endowed with a design that aims to attract the attention of company personnel, so that they can capture such information in the form of a message. Such posters can be found in branches, where for example the Starbucks story can be told, where the employee of the month, achievements, etc. are announced.

It can also be through email, forums, blog

Internal publications

Have an internal magazine or periodic bulletin, take advantage of it as a channel for communication of that information, derived from management, that the Management is interested in transmitting. It is a one-way vehicle, from top to bottom. In it, the objectives for the coming years can be mentioned, remembering employees, making notes of interest to transmit information about the service provided, results of customer and employee surveys, news from Starbucks worldwide, how it works in the other countries, etc.

Organizational climate

Keep in mind that climate surveys collect a lot of information about what people who are part of Starbucks think. What do people prefer? Work and negotiate with companies that have a social conscience? Why do they choose Starbucks? A company to work with, the most talented and best-qualified applicants increasingly consider the company's ethics and its support of the community. Do not forget that the work spirit of the employee is three times higher in firms that actively intervene in the community than in those that do not intervene. When the work environment is in accordance with their personal values, employees are more productive. Emphasize environmental impact, since companies are generally valued up to 5% more than those that do not have that focus,Employees feel that they belong to a prestigious company, which is involved in the problems that concern the world with respect to the ecological. Pride of belonging is created. Employee participation in community activities strengthens teamwork, leadership skills, and corporate identity. The social security the company offers its employees, the competitive salary and all the "humane" policies have made staff turnover, which has been a problem in the fast food market, significantly less at Starbucks. The value of a trademark is 100% linked to the confidence that people have that the company will do what it said it would do. In the sense of keeping employees, maintaining relationships with your current customers, and attracting new ones to your stores.Although you cannot give all staff stock benefits, insurance, and so on, you do have policies to build interest and enthusiasm for the job.

Leadership strategies

Starbucks culture company leaders create a unique culture for employees, in which training, entrepreneurship, quality and service define its values. In their way of conveying values ​​to their employees, they help create a unique and personal experience for customers. Understanding these principles and how leadership and partners have grown the company and is the way to transform the ordinary into the extraordinary. Such a culture of leadership helps to elevate the employee in his personal development. The staff is expected to convey the same dignity and respect considerations that they receive to their clients.

Leaders who treat their staff with respect encourage workers to behave in the same way. Company managers also understand the importance of personal relationships. Leaders must spend a lot of time helping employees take advantage of opportunities to positively influence the lives of those they serve and in doing so strengthen the brand. Failure to properly manage the leadership of the people, they may fall into the attitude "do the minimum." People want to participate in something bigger than themselves. You want to be part of something in which you really feel involved and proud.

In conclusion, Starbucks differs from other companies for its quality of treatment provided by its workers, its key is in the job satisfaction it provides to its workers, by offering quality training, excellent work environment, benefits, good wages, hours Flexible, growth opportunity, senior medical services and your employees are satisfied, and you are identical with the Starbucks company.


We have carried out a survey of ten questions to find out what is the level of satisfaction of the workers within the company, and to obtain possible problems that exist within each starbucks store.

The questions are as follows:

  1. How do you rate your level of satisfaction with working at the Starbucks company? Very high
    1. High Regular Low Very Low
  1. He considers that he receives a fair financial remuneration for the work performed.
    1. Always Almost always Sometimes Almost never Never
  1. Is there a high turnover of staff? If yes, please specify why.
  1. Is there good communication within your work group?
    1. Never sometimes with some frequency almost always always
  1. The relationship between a coworker at the Starbucks company is...
    1. Very bad Bad Regular Good Very good
    Do you find support and confidence for the development of your activities in your superiors?
    1. Definitely not Probably not Undecided statement Probably yes Definitely yes
  1. Are relationships with your co-workers good?
    1. Definitely not Probably not Undecided statement Probably yes Definitely yes
    Is there trust among the collaborators of the work team?
    1. Definitely not Probably not Undecided statement Probably yes Definitely yes

9, Does the work you do meet your financial, promotion and learning needs?

  1. Definitely not Probably not Undecided statement Probably yes Definitely yes
  1. Are you proud to belong to the company?
  1. Definitely not Probably not Undecided statement Probably yes Definitely yes

According to the survey, there is a high level of staff turnover and this is because the staff does not have interpersonal relationships and the absence of values.


According to the surveys, we present a tree with the most frequent and important problem, where we will know the problems and consequences:

It also causes these costs:


Training plan

The training gives Starbucks big dividends, in terms of retaining employees, maintaining relationships with existing customers, and attracting new ones to their stores.

  • Use Constant Coaching tool: It is a constant training, in which one works vertically and directly; For example, as a manager I train my assistants, these in turn train the coaches (store trainers), who jointly take care of the other employees. Express the commitment already from the training of each employee since entering the company. Full responsibility is assumed for this companion to function correctly, applying the policy that the greatest help the minor, thus taking advantage of the constant training of the oldest, and the acquisition of more experience by them by continuing to teachInclude all employees in constant training processes, make it clear that your opinion is worth a lot,And each thing they do can make a difference in the company with respect to the competition, in addition to transmitting the idea of ​​improvement, and putting into practice everything learned after a course, thus analyzing the best for the client. associates will be intense in dealing with the client, they will be welcoming, it is essential to create a cordial and comfortable environment, they create a quality relationship with the client. Keep in mind that clients seek to have positive connections and that their needs are met. Attention must be paid to what he says and to other forms of expression, thus gaining customer loyalty.Providing very intense technical training to associates, in matters of dealing with the client, will be welcoming, it is essential to make a cordial and comfortable environment, they create a quality relationship with the client. Keep in mind that clients seek to have positive connections and that their needs are met. Attention must be paid to what he says and to other forms of expression, thus gaining customer loyalty.Providing very intense technical training to associates, in matters of dealing with the client, will be welcoming, it is essential to make a cordial and comfortable environment, they create a quality relationship with the client. Keep in mind that clients seek to have positive connections and that their needs are met. Attention must be paid to what he says and to other forms of expression, thus gaining customer loyalty.

We will choose to use the PHCA cycle model for the Starbucks company.

Shewhart's PHCA cycle for Starbucks.

To plan


Provide the Starbucks company with the tools and methods necessary to improve the organizational climate and customer service.


Point out the points necessary to improve the organizational climate.

  • Define who is responsible for each proposed intervention Increase the weighting obtained in the areas to constantly improve Improve the relationship between managers and subordinates (leadership) Increase the degree of involvement and commitment of employees with the company Training for employees continuously Improve the relations

Service performance

It seeks to improve in the following aspects and identify the most efficient workers and thus achieve their promotion:

  • The serviceProduct qualityCleaningSpeedProvide a memorable customer serviceConversationConflict resolutionCustomer recognitionWorking environmentMutual support


  • The current public has changed, the majority are much younger, which is why they want a much faster service and more promotions using technological means. People between the ages of 25 and 44 prefer more quality coffee. New products attract more customers and that generates more queues. more queues, more work for the “partners” and more stress. Rotation of employees and new employees brings inexperience and more tension in the workplace


  • Ongoing supervisionTrainingRecognition and promotion to outstanding membersMotivating talksJoint learningCreate non-work related projectsMeasurement of performanceDelegating roles and responsibilitiesEvaluating effortCreating work teamsAssigning tasks and functions specific to each positionSetting goals and incentivesExtra-job activitiesMeetings dealing with achievements and failures department. Maintain open boss-collaborator communication in order to establish clear, concrete and feasible objectives. Establish individual goals, by team or by department that can be proposed by the same work team in a democratic manner. Goals must be established with time limits, so that the recognition or failure have measurement parameters.Set measurable goals and follow up on them at meetings. Additional goals in the area of ​​training, professionalization, and development of job competencies may be proposed after detecting individual weaknesses.


Each Starbucks location must have a supervisor who controls the performance of each member of the organization. In addition, motivational talks will be held to let each member know what they can achieve with the effort they put into their work and clarify the points to improve. In addition, the help of workers can be very useful for the change process since they know the work environment better than anyone and are the ones who can provide very good ideas to be more effective in the change, giving them the opportunity to carry out projects that contribute to a better organizational climate and better joint performance, being recognized for contributing to the organization.

Customer service has become impersonal due to the constant rotation of employees due to long working hours, which generates inexperience and dissatisfaction in customers, which is why it is sought that in the organization there is joint learning, in which each member of the organization shares information in order to provide good customer service. In addition, it will seek to provide recognition and promotions to workers who excel in this work in which all will benefit. We will invest in the staff in order to achieve a good work environment and a good customer service through seminars in which the workers will be informed about the operation of the company and how the treatment of each of the customers should be.

Training in skills such as the use of cash registers, mixing drinks, customer relations, eye contact, smiling, thus increasing the efficiency of workers and promoting their promotion.

We propose to carry out extra work activities which help workers to rest, relax and leave the context of work. In this sense we think that it can enhance the performance of workers


  • Support from the site supervisor to rate each member of the Starbucks site to measure the performance of each locker and recognize the work of the members. In addition, obtain information from those workers who excel and who could perform effectively in a superior position and transmit information for joint learning and to motivate workers to meet the objectives.We will periodically choose a group of 6 to 8 employees at random. for them to express their opinions about the change, what they like and what they would change . Rating scales. In which the supervisor places a score, with 1 being the lowest and 5 being the highest. Checklist:Select sentences that describe the employee's development and its characteristics Critical events recording method: Events in which the employee has been involved Behavioral rating scales: Use the employee performance comparison system with certain specific behavioral parameters. Pairwise comparison method: The evaluator must compare each employee against all those evaluated in the same group. The basis of comparison is generally overall performance. The number of times that the employee is considered superior to another can be added, to constitute an index.


Prevention, improvements and fixes

We seek to have motivated workers to offer better customer service. For this, an adequate hiring and training program must be developed. All workers must attend talks in which they will not learn to prepare cups of coffee, but values ​​oriented to the service of the company. In addition, another important factor is the design of the stores, creating a relaxed, calm and comfortable atmosphere.

When hiring new staff, we must have recruitment specialists to place filters and be able to have adequate staff who enjoy performing their tasks so that they can transmit this feeling to customers. Find personnel who are self-motivated, passionate and creative, who can work as a team, always seek to learn and can adapt to changes so that they can develop together with the organization. On the other hand, it is important to treat all collaborators so as not to break labor relations. The only favorites they generate are envy and disunity in the work team. Therefore, we seek to have an organizational climate in which everyone is treated equally.We seek that each of the members of Starbucks share their knowledge with new personnel, in order not to generate discomfort in customers due to inexperience. In addition, to give the freedom to each member to give their points of view about the change, which seems good to them and what could be improved, since they are the ones who perform and know the position better, so their ideas could improve the productivity of the organization

  • Recognize individual and team achievements; both individually and publicly. Implement recognition of effort, creativity, extracurricular activities through the "employee of the month" program; or posting successes. Do not link motivation to monetary incentives (wages, bonuses); A person may feel dissatisfied with the salary and yet be comfortable with their job. Listening to employees, they can provide creative ideas that will self-motivate their participation and daily performance. Review job descriptions in order to periodically enrich the activities of mismos.Contactar one consulting in ResourcesHumans that provide a study of wages and salaries, to compare it with the company's salary market and thus not lose talents Strengthen the identification of the employee with his unit or department, making him a participant in each activity or task Strengthen the identification, participation and belonging of the employee with their work team through recreational activities in addition to work tasks.Rotate work teams randomly, so that all employees know each other and manage to form teams with different people, always sharing information and collaborating with each other to so that the less experienced do not have problems when providing the service.Generate different tasks that require interactionwith others to promote teamwork. Train unit leaders by strengthening leadership and team unity. Organize recreational activities outside working hours that foster camaraderie and thus improve social interaction in the work environment. organizational climate in the future, periodically in order to maintain a healthy environment



Starbucks presents the same opportunities that all companies now give, on time there is not much difference in benefits for their workers.

To achieve a good work climate, there must be a leader who can direct efforts towards achieving objectives, always keeping his staff motivated with incentives and recognition. In addition, you will have the responsibility to measure the performance of the collaborators to see how they develop and adapt to change. On the other hand, getting employees to contribute ideas for achieving objectives and thus there may be a participatory change in the organization. Finally, that there is a learning and exchange of information among the members of the organization, this will be very important so that there are no setbacks when achieving objectives.

Studying the Organizational Culture of Starbucks, made us understand that a company must know how to adapt to the market and the environment in which it is located, teamwork contributes a lot to the institution itself enriching itself from the diverse points of view of its clients.

  • The Starbucks company must always bear in mind that it must rigorously and constantly maintain quality control in all its supplies and processes, in order to always offer the customer a quality product. They must take other proposals for job satisfaction, which give greater results and at the same time the workers feel more comfortable and at ease. We recommend that the Starbucks company tries as much as possible to train its personnel in the different areas so that they can have more and more horizontal communication.
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Organizational analysis of the starbucks company in peru