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Organizational analysis of a public service company in Colombia. aguaviva sa restrepo meta


Through the business history of our department, it has been glimpsed that the economic sector with the largest market share is Agricultural, however, and in this case the focus was directed towards the municipality of Restrepo, where in addition to this primary sector The industry and services sector has also been given space for its development, the latter becoming the sector with the greatest strength and dominance in the market, due to the fact that Meta has become a service and supply center for the entire Orinoquia region.

An example of participation in the services sector is the Public Services company of Restrepo Aguaviva SA ESP, which started as a company in 2005 with prior authorization from the Municipal Council and after receiving notification from the Superintendency of Public Services where it demanded the improvement and business transformation of public services; Subsequently, a feasibility diagnosis was carried out in which it was verified that the municipal administration could not continue to be the entity that provided said services, due to the management given to the accounting since it was not handled separately, but rather represented direct income. for the municipality, in this case for the mayor's office. AGUAVIVA then appears as a decentralized entity that offers guarantees for the provision of the three services:aqueduct, sewerage and toilet, and it is set as a mission to provide them in terms of efficiency, effectiveness and administrative quality, with qualified and committed human talent within the framework of the principles and values ​​of the company, guaranteeing a better condition of life for its users.

The Public Services Company of Restrepo Aguaviva SA ESP, in its expansion and improvement seeks to enter a competitive level, which possesses it in the privileged place it deserves when it is in its equilibrium, avoiding factors that hinder said purpose.

The daily activity is extremely dynamic, which forces Aguaviva SA ESP to undergo a permanent internal review to be in tune with its environment and demands for the expansion of coverage and improvement of services. This dynamism becomes much more complex for the Company, if it is not organized within the legal and institutional parameters that the corporate structure must assume, which will undoubtedly give it more agility.

It is no secret to anyone that for a company with satisfactory results at all levels, it is necessary to have a good organization, and the word organization itself contains many concepts and more than challenging concepts, to which employers and their organizations they must face the wobble of economic activity.

From this moment I will dedicate myself to describe, analyze and propose concepts about the organization of the Public Services Company of Restrepo Aguaviva SA ESP, it is worth clarifying that I will do it in the most respectful and clear way possible, without threatening the norms and policies already adopted by the organization in question, maintaining my position as a student practitioner of the acquired knowledge and not as an auditor.

When we talk about organization, many concepts must be examined, in addition to the before, the now and the after, it must be assumed that the organization must be located and seen from its nature, and with this I am not referring to the place of origin or anything like that. things, if not the organizational structure as such, where the task of the Manager comes into play, who guides both labor and personal relationships, seeing the latter as a determining factor in the performance of their employees.

AGUAVIVA SA ESP has a staff of 19 employees, distributed in management and two coordinations: the Administrative and the Operative, with their respective functions and assigned positions.

AGUAVIVA presents a formal organization when it defines and expresses its positions in the organization chart, giving each of them a role and functions to be developed, but in the same way that it arises naturally and necessary for an organization to exist, it is given with it the informal organization, where people are grouped indistinctly according to their personal affinities and private interests without losing sight of the authority and power that each position gives them.

Determining nature involves examining what type of organizational structure we manage, one formal or informal, or both at the same time, which would be very productive since if we apply a purely formal everything would be very rigid and inflexible, while the second offers us the option of managing interpersonal relationships, of course everything in excess it is bad, that is to say, without going from good interpersonal relationships to comradeship; Now seeing this from an objective point of view and analyzing it in AGUAVIVA this is not a problem, since its size allows managing quite pleasant labor relations, due to the fact that there is an atmosphere of friendship and closeness between all levels of the organization from the management down to the operational level, breaking with the scheme outlined in the organization chart but without losing the roles of each one as an important element of the organizational process,which allows the information to flow naturally and not forced, in addition the Manager's attitude is quite willing to listen to suggestions and not to generate a closed and uncomfortable environment, in such a way that this is a characteristic to highlight in said company.

From the above we can rescue that decision-making is participatory, although it is true that everyone is required according to the manual of functions, they are also given the space to contribute when making a decision, so that the manager does not invent anything, everything is recorded there and this gives him the support to demand the fulfillment of said functions; in the same way, they are given a place in decision-making and in this case, AGUAVIVA has been able to classify two types of decisions: the technical ones, in which the Operational Coordinator, the Manager and one of the Operators participate, thus forming a technical committee With decision-making power, this is done in this way because no one but the operator is the one who has direct contact with the news and can manifest both the shortcomings and the possible solutions.At the same time are the administrative decisions, where the administrative committee made up of the Manager, the Administrative Coordinator and the Operational Coordinator participate.

In such a way that AGUAVIVA is not a closed system, but on the contrary an open and affordable system for changes if it considers it necessary, it is clear that to provide comprehensive and good quality services it must be in constant improvement, attending to complaints, claims and suggestions efficiently but also effectively.

The nature of the company requires determining its organizational division, that is, organizing it into departments if its size and other characteristics offer this possibility, understanding as a department the specific area or division of an organization over which a manager has authority to carry out activities. established.

AGUAVIVA is a company that has three hierarchical levels, in the first and at the head is the Manager, then in charge of the first level are two Coordinations, the Administrative which in turn is in charge of a last level which are the Administrative Assistants, and the Operative that, like the previous one, is in charge of the Operator Crews.

If we analyze it from an objective point of view, it is a simple structure but in keeping with its size, also bearing in mind that it is a relatively new company, which is growing and has a staff of 19 employees.

But it should also be borne in mind that it is an official company that does not have competition, which creates an environment of trust in which everything is in its place, in my opinion they should leave the name of coordinations and turn them into much better structured departments, for example separating the financial part from the administrative and also from the operational, managing a departmentalization by function of the company, taking into account that the Municipality of Restrepo is having a population growth that in the long term will turn it into a city ​​where it is necessary to provide much more efficient services, of course, without neglecting the financial factor of the company and if your budget allows it, with this I do not mean that it has to be something immediate if not think about it medium or long term,which I know that they have it planned.

On the other hand, there is the option of creating new positions and with this the functions for some existing positions will be minimized, of course, everything in rational terms, that is, as it may be economically feasible, it may not.

As for the control sections, these may be wide or narrow, this follows from the type of departmentalization used, in the case of the AGUAVIVA company the sections are narrow, with an exception in operational coordination where a wide section is managed since its activity merits the supervision of various operators by the Operational Coordinator; The organization with wide sections offers both advantages and disadvantages, where supervisors are forced to delegate, clear policies must be established and subordinates must be selected with great care, but as well as offering benefits, there are also points against such as risk of loss of control of the superior, and also the tendency to have overload in the superiors.In the same way the advantages and disadvantages in the organization with narrow sections are manifested, advantages such as close supervision, rapid communication between subordinates and superior; but also disadvantages such as superiors tend to get too involved in the work of subordinates and excessive distance between hierarchical levels, of course, the latter is not a problem in the company mentioned by what I mentioned above, both due to the size of the organization, as for the organizational environment; It is worth clarifying that everything depends on the organizational culture, if there is good communication and fluid information, it does not matter if one or the other section is applied. In the specific case, AGUAVIVA manages more an organization with narrow sections, everyone knows each other,but there may be a shortcoming, and that is that there is a tendency for an area to become too involved or take an active part in a situation that is not its concern; for this reason, it is necessary to delimit as far as the range of action of a certain position goes and where that of the other begins and, if necessary, involve another area.

The Line Authority and Staff personnel is something that must be determined and handled with the utmost care and objectivity, otherwise it could generate a resounding failure in the organizational process, for that reason, starting from the definition of authority and power, having Keep in mind that they are different concepts but they go hand in hand; Authority is the right in a position to exercise discretion when making decisions that affect others, it is inherent to the position or position held within the organization. Power is the ability of individuals or groups to induce or influence the beliefs or actions of other people or groups, it is inherent in the human being.

Knowing this then it must be clear that so much authority, so much responsibility, and that AGUAVIVA has defined it in its manual of processes and procedures where it gives the specific functions for each position, gives it authority, but at the same time responsibility and in turn some consequences, but what happens when this is not defined? For there is simply a total disorder and a meddling of some areas in others; What AGUAVIVA must take into account is what I mentioned previously, the delimitation of the range of action, because for this the processes and procedures manual is given and said guidelines must be respected so that the organization works as a whole and not as separate and decentralized units, although it is true there are functions that can be delegated if the case warrants it,there are many others that are of indispensable fulfillment by the person in charge of them.

Another important aspect to keep in mind when delegating functions and with them delegate authority, is that the one who delegates must risk, the one who has confidence in his employees does not mean that they are exempt from making mistakes and that risk must be assumed who delegates; AGUAVIVA and its officials are aware of this, they delegate but they know and are clear that as everything may be a success, they also know that the expected results may not be obtained and one must be willing to accept it, but control mechanisms must also be established, why there to accept that other people have equal or more capabilities than us; The manager as the main head of the organization is required to delegate and that is an imminent reality, that does not mean that he is not trained to perform in office.

The Manager has the power and authority necessary to manage the company, but this does not represent that the other subordinates do not have these two attributes, they have them in a lesser proportion but they do have them, what must be known and taken into account is the use that these are given to them, that is, everything is valid but not abused; A clear example of this is what I mentioned previously regarding the requirements and authority that the AGUAVIVA Manager has over his employees, based on the duties manual; he cannot demand from them what they are not obliged to fulfill, in such a way that goals and plans must be clear, focusing all strategies towards a defined horizon, that is one of the clearest policies that the Manager of the company in question.

In order to give a definite cut to this questioning, it is important to know that just as there are centralized aspects, decisions that must be made solely and exclusively by the manager, there are many others that can be decentralized, taking into account that the company is a whole, that In it there must be a series of processes and for this it is important to discharge a little responsibility in each of the elements of the company to generate EMPOWERMENT, that is a very healthy practice that AGUAVIVA develops in favor of its improvement.

On the other hand, but not less important, it was found that AGUAVIVA manages a very particular incentive strategy, contrary to what many believe is the most effective method, there it is believed that the organization does not lend itself to offer monetary if not social incentives., as for example the management of permits to its employees, planning of days that allow the earliest departure, taking into account that the human resource besides working has other social, personal and other commitments; Training is another form of encouragement, of course, each one in his or her particular area. The latter could be somewhat modified, offering them training in other areas that are not directly related to the position,to offer them in this way participation in other tasks and to be able to perform a rotation or promotion in accordance with the capabilities and integrity of each one, because these processes make the employee grow as a person and as a professional and why not, that is wherever it does.

Organization is a very broad term that allows us to continue with this healthy criticism of a company that is in its infancy, so to speak, it is known that all the suggestions made here have perhaps been considered in the internal organizational process of AGUAVIVA, but even Thus, it is important that someone external and so far beginning their first steps as a future Administrator express their questions and possible solutions to problems that are so real and necessary to analyze.

AGUAVIVA has some Internal Control functions by the Manager, which can be somewhat subjective, and with this I do not mean that it is not in capacity or that it is doing it incorrectly, but rather that these functions should be appointed to a single position, which allows you to spend more time evaluating each and every one of the areas of the company, from Management, which is not without improvement, to operations, which is known to be the case in every company. one of the areas that requires greater attention, since it moves all the central activity of the organization.

To finish, I must highlight the collaboration and the effort that is made in the company to provide comprehensive services and make the user the essential element, without neglecting each and every one of their needs, the task is arduous and can become a little difficult, But everything starts from its organization, if the company is structured and organized around the objectives and plans, which should not be vertical and rigid, but should be shaped or adapted to the environmental conditions; It must be considered that although it is true today it does not have competence, this does not mean that it should not be in continuous improvement, much less that tomorrow it does not have it.In such a way that I hope that the criticisms and suggestions presented here are of great help for the improvement and search for the organizational excellence of the company in question, it is worth clarifying that it tries to do it in the most respectful, sincere and objective way possible, with the sole purpose of contributing something to the development of the nascent companies of this thriving municipality, which carries out increasingly better tasks of progress and community benefit.

Organizational analysis of a public service company in Colombia. aguaviva sa restrepo meta