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Systematic analysis of production in mgsa marbles


As everyone knows, the demand for marble and granite is more and more varied every day. Therefore, MGSA Mármoles, a Company with 35 years in the market, has carried out agreements and covenants with different National and Foreign Companies to unite their work capacity and technology in order to reach more points of our geography and even export both raw material and processed products. Our goal is to be able to attend to all the needs of our clients, from the most artisanal works, forms, moldings, textures and standardized materials such as tiles, platelets as well as the raw material of blocks or veneers, either of the most well-known materials or of our exclusivity.

It is a company that has come to develop and revolutionize the new world of the competitive market for marble, stone and granite, with a new mindset, a mindset of leadership, it has enough, trained workers, and with technology, appropriate machinery to provide you, Mr. Client, the most varied range of colors and natural designs provided by the texture of these stones, with a large stock of material of the highest quality to satisfy the taste of the most demanding. born from the work and enthusiasm of new people with unparalleled imagination for the decoration of all internal or external environments where our material is placed, this is the challenge that our company wants to achieve every day, to satisfy the needs of all our customers, it is for this and many other things,that we are at the forefront of the first sales sites, both for the quality of our material and the human quality of our staff who are at your service.


Yellow Travertine: It is a carbonate marble stone, yellow ocher, with profusion of layers of different shades, which can be kept or covered with mastic.

Rosa Zarci: It is a pale pinkish-colored marble rock, compact with fine grain, with irregularly distributed veins of whitish color. Supports any surface finish, such as polishing or honing

Coral red: It is a pale pinkish marble rock with a white vein of irregular disposition and compact fine grain.

Alicante Red: It is a red marble stone, compact, fine grain, with a distributed white veining

Serpentine Leather: It is a greenish gray marble rock, compact with fine grain and with light veins of irregular disposition. The surface finish can be of any type, such as polished or honed.

Golden Stone to law: It is porous bicalcirrudite lumaquela. Its color is porous yellow. The finish must be used rough or honed.

Golden Stone to contraley: It is porous bicalcirrudite lumaquela. Its color is porous yellow. The finish must be rough or honed

Negro Marquina: This material is black marble stone, compact, fine grain, with irregularly distributed veins of calcite and, occasionally, with fossil remains. It admits any type of surface finish, polished, honed, bush hammered, sharpened, etc…

Emperor Brown: This material is compact, fine-grained marble rock with irregularly arranged white veins. Its color is dark brown. Manage any surface finish, polished, honed, bush hammered, etc…

Lumaquela Rosa: It is biocalcirrudite lumaquela, with calcite, quartz and feldspar. Its color is orange ocher. Finishes must be used rough or honed. It is used both indoors and outdoors.

Yellow Lumaquela: We can appreciate biocalcirrudite lumaquela, with calcite, quartz and feldspar. The color of this material is orange ocher. The finish must be rough or honed. It is used outdoors and indoors.

Light Emperor: This material is compact light-brown, light-grained marble rock with a number of white-yellowish veins.




Planning has been defined as:

  • Plot a course of action to achieve a goal. Design a method to achieve a defined goal. Develop a specific means to obtain a desired result.

Applying this concept to production we will have:

Planning is the work that a director, manager or boss does to map out the way ahead.

And in general:

The analysis of relevant information, present and past, and a weighing of probable future developments, in such a way that a course of action (plan) can be determined that enables the organization to achieve its restored objectives.

Seen in another way: Set of systematic plans and actions aimed at directing production considering the factors: How much, When, Where, Who and At what Cost…?

The determination of the objectives is the work by means of which a manager establishes the ends that are pursued:

  • Forecasts and forecasts: Management projects its sights on the future, in order to anticipate the situation, the problems and the opportunities that must be presented. In other words, it is a calculation for the future. Programming: Work by which a manager establishes the steps to be taken until the desired goal is achieved. Timeline: Work by which a manager determines the chronological order in which the various stages of a program will be completed..Procedure: It is a method for executing a task. The production manager formulates procedures to create uniform methods in the design of certain tasks. Procedures: The budget is a defined plan in terms of sales, production and expenses, which impose objectives and limitations on the various activities of the company. Through the budget,Management allocates available resources to achieve a goal. Policies: Policymaking is the job whereby a manager interprets decisions about issues and problems that are repeated relatively frequently.


To organize successfully we must draw up a plan. This must take into account the eight principles of organization:

  1. Principle of objective: the first principle to organize is the objective. Every job or structure must have a specific objective. There must be a reason for that job, that structure or that particular job to exist. Principle of coordination: This principle mentions that each job or organization structure must have clearly defined and official communication channels. Such channels should be shown in charts on a flowchart by lines between positions. Principle of authority: This principle takes into account the authority that flows down or through the communication channels of the organization. The authority indicates to the manager or executive the decisions that it can take. Principle of responsibility: In this principle it is always used in relation to the third principle. Definition principle:He mentions that all work must be defined in writing. The written definition is called the job description or job description. Control Section Principle: This refers to the extent of control or the number of main areas for which a position is responsible. Unit of command principle: This principle establishes that each position should not have more than one head of the organization's operations. Delegation Principle: This principle establishes that the authority for decision-making must be delegated to the lowest point in the organization, in which the decision can be made more effectively.This refers to the breadth of control or the number of main areas for which a position is responsible. Command unit principle: This principle establishes that each position should not have more than one head of the organization's operations. Delegation: This principle establishes that decision-making authority must be delegated to the lowest point in the organization, where the decision can be made more effectively.This refers to the breadth of control or the number of main areas for which a position is responsible. Command unit principle: This principle establishes that each position should not have more than one head of the organization's operations. Delegation: This principle establishes that decision-making authority must be delegated to the lowest point in the organization, where the decision can be made more effectively.where the decision can be made more effectively.where the decision can be made more effectively.


People constitute the source of energy within any system that produces goods and services.

One of the most important functions of management is to understand the needs of personnel. The synergy (process in which more is achieved by cooperation than what can be done through separate or isolated efforts) that the executive must manage, will be suspended to her abilities and power, as well as to the activities of the managerial orientation.


According to the three skills approach, the three skills to carry out the administrative process are three types: o Techniques. o Humanists (sensitivity).

o Conceptual.


Managerial guidance is defined as the work that a production executive or manager does to provoke in others the desire to function effectively.


Formulation of Decisions: The results that an executive has are closely linked to the type of decision-making and how he makes the decisions. Decision making is the job a manager does to reach conclusions and apply good judgment.

Communications: The job of a production executive in communications is to create an appropriate environment of understanding and motivation. Motivation is to inspire, encourage and stimulate work to others.

Personnel Selection: Personnel selection is the activity that the manager performs for those who have to occupy the various positions within the organization.

Personnel Training: It is the executive who is responsible for promoting in his people the desire to increase their knowledge, cultivate their qualities and exploit them to the greatest possible degree. This is a lake that is achieved with the training of personnel.



The director is in constant need to monitor if the plans outlined are fulfilled. Management control is the work that a director does to check and value the work of others.


Establishment of Standards of Action: It is essential to be able to differentiate between good quality and poor quality work, between the results that are accepted or those that must be rejected.

Action Measure: The information about the work they do and the results contained and the transmission of such data to the interested parties constitute the core of the control activities.

Performance Assessment: The director determines the importance of what is to be done and its results through a careful assessment analysis, both work still incomplete and completed.

Formulas to Correct Performance: The last control requirement is to correct any abnormality. This work is done by the principal to improve methods and end results.








The measurement of human work has always been a problem for the administration, since often the plans for the provision of goods or services, according to a reliable program and a predetermined cost, depend on the accuracy with which it can be forecast and organized. the amount and type of human labor involved. Although it has been common practice to estimate and set goals based on past experience, all too often they turn out to be crude and unsatisfactory guides.

By allowing target dates to be set, incorporating rest periods appropriate to the type of work being done, the measurement of work provides a much more satisfactory basis on which to plan.

Well, the British Standars Institution has defined it as:

The application of techniques designed to determine the time in which a skilled worker must perform a certain task at a defined level of performance

For the purpose of measuring work, work can be considered as repetitive or non-repetitive. Repetitive means the type of work in which the main operation or group of operations is repeated continuously during the time dedicated to the task. This applies equally to extremely short duty cycles. Non-repetitive work includes some types of maintenance and construction work, in which the work cycle itself is almost never repeated in the same way. The techniques that are used in general, are the following:

  1. a) Time study with Stopwatchb) Work Sampling c) Predetermined movement time systems or predetermined time norm systems (NTPD) d) Type Data

Time study is a work measurement technique to record the times and the work rate for the elements of a specific task performed under certain conditions, and to analyze the data and thus determine the time required to perform the task at a level performance.

At the MGSA Mármoles company, we first divided the defined task into work elements, this task turned out to be a bit laborious because this task turns out to be 28 elements, we first applied the reading to zero return, where the time is in hundredths of a minute Now, we must take into account that the cumulative reading is also used, this reading is important since it shows us information of interest for development and to see the time that a qualified worker spends in carrying out a defined task. PRACTICE # 2 LEARNING CURVE

The measurement of human work has always been a problem for the administration, since often the plans for the provision of goods or services, according to a reliable program and a predetermined cost, depend on the accuracy with which it can be forecast and organized. the amount and type of human work involved, Industrial engineers, human factors engineers and other professionals interested in the study of human behavior recognize that learning depends on time. Even the simplest operation can take time to master. Complicated work takes days or weeks before the operator achieves the physical and mental coordination that will allow him to proceed from one item to another without question or delay. This period and the related level of learning form the learning curve.There are many conventionally accepted procedures that require a clock to collect the necessary time; Likewise, the details that these procedures imply for the actual recording of data are usually numerous, and it is not unusual for them to vary radically from one company to another. Once the operator reaches the flattest part of the curve, the problem of rating performance is simplified. However, it is not always convenient to wait that long to develop a standard. Analysts may be forced to set the standard at the point where the slope of the curve is greatest. In such cases, they must have sharp powers of observation and must be able to judge maturely based on extensive training to calculate an equitable normal time.It is not necessary that a new learning curve situation provides a new design that goes into production. Previous designs similar to new ones have an effect at the point where the curve begins to flat. Thus, the company introduces a completely new design of a complex electronic board, the assembly would imply a different learning curve than the introduction of a board similar to the one that has been in production for the last five years.assembly would involve a different learning curve than introducing a board similar to the one that has been in production for the past five years.assembly would involve a different learning curve than introducing a board similar to the one that has been in production for the past five years.

Learning curve theory proposes that when the total number of units produced is doubled, the time per unit decreases by a constant percentage. When using linear paper to graph, the learning curve is a power curve of the form y = kxn. On logarithmic paper, the curve represents by:

Log10 y = log10 k + n × log10 x

Where: y = cycle time, x = number of cycles or units produced, n = exponent representing the slope, k = value of the first cycle time. By definition, the learning percentage is then equal to:

k (2x) n = 2n


taking logarithms on both sides of the equation, n = log10 (learning percentage)

log10 2

It can also be found from the slope:

n = ∆y = (log10 y1 - log10 y2)

∆x (log10 x1 - log10 x2)


At MGSA Marbles, with the data timed above, we obtained important values, since a study of 16 cycles was carried out, in these 16 cycles a time (observed time) was obtained, in order to see the behavior, the operator when performing this important task, the learning curve was determined, this task presents interesting variation, and of course the slope of said learning curve is going to be determined to see how laborious the selected task is, where we are going to apply the theoretical knowledge of the practice # 2.

Learning curve

Using the formula

c TPU2

% A = 2 =


we obtain

% A1% A2% A3% A4% Aprom c

1.00 0.98 0.85 1.09 0.980 -0.0297

The TPU32 is going to determine this in order to find an estimated value, that is

TPU32 = HNac

TPU32 = (13645) (32) −0.0297 = 12,310.35 min

HYPOTHESIS: If H decreases by 20%

So H = 648.8 1/100 min, therefore

TPU32 = HNac

TPU32 = (10,916) (32) −0.0297 = 9,848,284 min

Knowing that: log10 TPU = log10 H + c × log10 N

Where: TPU = cycle time, N = number of cycles or units produced, c = exponent representing the slope, H = value of the first cycle time.

logTPU −log H

log N =;


substituting values ​​we have:


log N === 1.87852

N = 101.87852 = 75.6 ≈76 cycles

We have several interesting results, the first is the value of the slope of our learning curve obtained, now, the value of the slope or c = - 0.0297 this is a negative value that indicates the degree of difficulty and apart from the operator is learning, achieving a prediction on the TPU = average unit time of cycle 32 which was 12310.35 hundredths of a minute, this is interesting since it could be determined without the need to have timed 32 cycles, many times completing a curve, where tends as the number of cycles progresses, the slope tends to be zero, a hypothesis was made in order to see the behavior of our results, now to finish, we define our equation of the line, where the slope is the same as that obtained and we have the first time of the cycle,this in order to know the number of cycles required for the TPU of 12000 hundredths of a minute, this is a significant value since this type of knowledge of the curve helps us determine standards and has various applications within the company MGSA Marbles and for industrial engineering.




When a time study is carried out, it is necessary to carry it out with qualified workers, since through these the times obtained will be reliable and consistent.

A qualified worker is one who recognizes that he has the necessary physical attitudes, that he has the required intelligence and instruction and that he has acquired the necessary skills and knowledge to carry out the work in progress according to satisfactory standards of safety, quantity and quality.

Speed ​​grading is a performance evaluation method that only considers the speed of completion of the work (per unit of time). In this method, the observer measures the effectiveness of the operator compared to the concept of a normal operator doing the same job, and then assigns a percentage to indicate the ratio or reason for the observed performance to normal performance. The observer needs to have a full knowledge of the work before evaluating it.

When qualifying for speed, 100% is generally considered normal pace. So a rating of 110% would indicate that the operator is operating at a speed 10% greater than normal, and a rating of 90%, means that he is operating at a speed of 90% of normal.


∑ (xi-X); yn =  st 2; s = i = 1 kX 

n − 1

s = Standard or Standard Deviation and n = Number of Cycles s

CV = = coefficient of variation X

At MGSA Marbles we determined each speed factor of the elements of our defined task, however, the 28 task elements of the 16 cycles observed in the development of the time study were rated, remembering that we assigned the PV in such a way that is applied consistently to our data of interest, we make the following table (Speed ​​rating) where the speed values ​​are shown, and we perform data to determine the standard deviation and the coefficient of variation, now the element that I get to present higher CV, it is the one that will determine the cycles to observe and in this study it was determined that it is the element 24 with the highest coefficient as shown in the Results obtained.

Systematic Analysis of Production 2 MGSA Marbles


CYCLES 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


1 The Marble Block is held by hooks 300 100 300 100 300 100 300 100 300 100 300 100 300 100 300 100

2 Transport by a distribution crane 400 100 400 100 400 100 400 100 400 100 400 100 400 100 400 100

3 Unload the Marble on a Sliding Cart 500 100 500 100 500 100 500 100 450 100 450 100 450 100 450 100

4 Verify correct position 300 90 300 90 200 125 200 125 200 125 200 125 220 110 220 110

5 Configure Equipment 250 90 250 90 200 125 200 125 200 125 200 125 200 125 200 125

6 Transport with on the Sliding Cart 400 100 400 100 400 100 400 100 400 100 400 100 400 100 400 100

7 "Measures" are taken to cut off excess parts 400 100 400 100 350 110 350 110 350 110 350 110 300 135 300 135

8 Check the Water Container 500 90 500 90 450 110 450 110 400 125 400 125 400 125 400 125

9 The Water transport pump is activated 50 100 50 100 50 100 50 100 50 100 50 100 50 100 50 100

10 Open water container tap 25 100 25 100 20 110 20 110 20 110 20 110 20 110 20 110 11 Activate Saw for Cutting 50 100 50 100 50 100 50 100 50 100 50 100 50 100 50 100

12 Marble Cut 1500 100 1500 100 1500 100 1500 100 1500 100 1500 100 1500 100 1500 100

13 The Marble Block is held by hooks 300 90 300 90 300 90 300 90 300 90 300 90 250 100 250 100

14 Transport by means of a distribution crane 900 100 900 100 850 110 850 110 800 125 800 125 800 125 800 125 15 Unloading the Marble on a Sliding Cart 400 90 400 90 350 110 350 110 350 110 350 110 350 110 350 110

16 Place in the Laminating Machine 300 90 300 90 300 90 300 90 250 100 250 100 250 100 250 100

17 Activate the Machine 200 90 200 90 150 100 150 100 150 100 150 100 150 100 150 100

18 Marble Cut in sheets 2000 100 2000 100 2000 100 2000 100 2000 100 2000 100 2000 100 2000 100

19 Transport the Marble out of the machine 500 90 500 90 500 90 500 90 450 100 450 100 450 100 450 100

20 Place on Conveyor Cart 200 90 200 90 200 90 200 90 200 90 200 90 150 100 150 100

21 Transport makes Polishing Equipment 500 90 500 90 450 100 450 100 450 100 450 100 450 100 450 100

22 Place on the Polishing Equipment Base 170 90 170 90 165 95 165 95 140 100 140 100 150 90 150 90

23 Prepare Discs and Polishing Substances 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100

24 Apply necessary solvents to the sheet 1000 75 1000 75 1000 75 1000 75 950 100 950 100 650 140 650 140

25 Polishing Marble 1500 100 1500 100 1400 125 1400 125 1450 120 1450 120 1300 135 1300 135

26 The Sheet is taken by placing it on the Skateboard 170 100 170 100 170 100 170 100 170 100 170 100 170 100 170 100

27 Transport to Warehouse 630 100 630 100 600 110 600 110 600 110 600 110 590 115 590 115

28 Place sheet in sheet and plate warehouse 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100

2. 3

Systematic Analysis of Production 2 MGSA Marbles

CYCLES 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16


1 The Marble Block is held by hooks 250 110 250 110 250 110 250 110 250 110 250 110 200 135 200 135

2 Transport by a distribution crane 400 100 400 100 400 100 400 100 400 100 400 100 400 100 400 100

3 Unload the Marble on a Sliding Cart 450 100 450 100 450 100 450 100 450 100 450 100 450 100 450 100

4 Verify correct position 250 100 250 100 250 100 250 100 250 100 250 100 200 125 200 125

5 Configure Equipment 150 135 150 135 150 135 150 135 150 135 150 135 150 135 150 135

6 Transport with on the Sliding Cart 400 100 400 100 400 100 400 100 400 100 400 100 400 100 400 100

7 "Measures" are taken to cut off excess parts 300 100 300 100 300 100 300 100 300 100 300 100 300 100 300 100

8 Check the Water Container 300 135 300 135 300 135 300 135 300 135 300 135 250 150 250 150

9 The Water transport pump is activated 50 100 50 100 50 100 50 100 50 100 50 100 50 100 50 100

10 Open water container tap 20 110 20 110 20 110 20 110 20 110 20 110 20 110 20 110 11 Activate Saw for Cutting 50 100 50 100 50 100 50 100 50 100 50 100 50 100 50 100

12 Marble Cut 1500 100 1500 100 1500 100 1500 100 1500 100 1500 100 1500 100 1500 100

13 The Marble Block is held by hooks 250 100 250 100 250 100 250 100 250 100 250 100 250 100 250 100

14 Transport by a Distribution Crane 850 100 850 100 850 100 850 100 850 100 850 100 850 100 850 100

15 Unloading the Marble on a Sliding Cart 350 110 350 110 350 110 350 110 350 110 350 110 300 135 300 135

16 Place in the Laminating Machine 250 100 250 100 250 100 250 100 250 100 250 100 250 100 250 100

17 Activate the Machine 130 110 130 110 130 110 130 110 130 110 130 110 130 110 130 110

18 Marble Cut in sheets 2000 100 2000 100 2000 100 2000 100 2000 100 2000 100 2000 100 2000 100

19 Transporting the Marble out of the machine 450 100 450 100 450 100 450 100 450 100 450 100 450 100 450 100 20 Place in Transporter Cart 170 110 170 110 170 110 170 110 170 110 170 110 170 110 170 110 21 Transport makes Equipment Polisher 450 100 450 100 450 100 450 100 450 100 450 100 400 100 400 100 22 Place in the Equipment Base Polisher 160 100 160 100 160 100 160 100 160 100 160 100 150 110 150 110

23 Prepare Discs and Polishing Substances 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100

24 Apply necessary solvents to the sheet 470 155 470 155 470 155 470 155 450 155 450 155 450 155 450 155

25 Polishing Marble 1300 100 1300 100 1300 100 1300 100 1300 100 1300 100 1300 100 1300 100

26 The Sheet is taken by placing it on the Skate 170 100 170 100 170 100 170 100 170 100 170 100 150 125 150 125

27 Transport to Warehouse 590 100 590 100 590 100 590 100 590 100 590 100 550 110 550 110

28 Place sheet in sheet and plate warehouse 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100



T = TM

OS CV elements t

1 The Marble Block is held by hooks 268.75 35.94 0.1337 1,701 2 Transport by means of a distribution crane 400.00 0.00 0.0000 1.701

3 Download the Marble on a Sliding Cart 462.50 22.36 0.0483 1,701

4 Verify the correct position 233.75 34.23 0.1464 1,701

5 Configure Equipment 181.25 35.94 0.1983 1,701

6 Transport with on the Sliding Cart 400.00 0.00 0.0000 1.701

7 "Measures" are taken to cut off excess parts 325.00 36.51 0.1124 1,701

8 Verify the Water Container 362.50 84.66 0.2335 1,701 9 The Pump for Water transport is activated 50.00 0.00 0.0000 1,701

10 Open water container tap 20.63 1.71 0.0828 1,701

11 Activate Saw for Cutting 50.00 0.00 0.0000 1,701

12 Marble Cut 1500.00 0.00 0.0000 1,701

13 The Marble Block is held by hooks 268.75 25.00 0.0930 1,701 14 Transport by means of a distribution crane 843.75 30.96 0.0367 1,701

15 Unloading the Marble on a Sliding Cart 350.00 25.82 0.0738 1,701

16 Place in the Machine to make Laminate 262.50 22.36 0.0852 1,701

17 Activate the Machine 146.25 23.06 0.1577 1,701

18 Marble Cut in sheets 2000.00 0.00 0.0000 1.701

19 Transport the Marble out of the machine 462.50 22.36 0.0483 1,701

20 Place on Transporter Cart 178.75 18.21 0.1019 1,701 21 Transport makes Polishing Equipment 450.00 25.82 0.0574 1,701 22 Place on Polishing Equipment Base 156.88 9.29 0.0592 1,701

23 Prepare Discs and Polishing substances 100.00 0.00 0.0000 1,701 24 Apply necessary solvents on the sheet 680.00 251.02 0.3692 1,701

25 Polishing Marble 1356.25 79.32 0.0585 1,701

26 The Sheet is taken by placing it on the Skate 167.50 6.83 0.0408 1,701

27 Transport to Warehouse 592.50 21.13 0.0357 1,701

28 Place foil in warehouse of foils and plates 100.00 0.00 0.0000 1,701

Element 24, that is, "Apply Solvents necessary on the sheet", is the one with the highest coefficient of variation, which is 0.3692, applying the formula:

n =  kxst 2 =  (251 (0.05.02) () (6801.701)) 2 = 158 cycles

In the table you can see the cycles that each one, but the one that needs to be taken into account is element 24 whose cycle number is the greatest = 158 cycles. Therefore n = 158 cycles to Observe

Thanks to this value, we determine that for element 24 the operator must take into account that there is a factor that causes greater variation, so systems must be created or the necessary methods must be applied to correct this activity and avoid problems future.


Elements ΣT ΣFV FV TN

1 The Marble Block is held by hooks 2150 865 1,081 290.6 2 Transport by a distribution crane 3,200 800 1,000 400.0

3 Download the Marble on a Sliding Cart 3700 800 1.000 462.5

4 Verify the correct position 1870 875 1,094 255.7

5 Configure Equipment 1450 1005 1,256 227.7

6 Transport with on the Sliding Cart 3200 800 1.000 400.0

7 "Measures" are taken to cut off excess parts 2,600 855 1,069 347.3

8 Check the Water Container 2900 1005 1,256 455.4

9 The Water transport pump is activated 400 800 1,000 50.0

10 Open water container tap 165 870 1,088 22.4

11 Activate Saw for Cutting 400 800 1,000 50.0

12 Marble Cut 48000 800 1.000 1500.0

13 The Marble Block is held by hooks 2150 770 0.963 258.7

14 Transport by means of a distribution crane 6750 860 1,075 907.0

15 Unloading the Marble on a Sliding Cart 2800 885 1,106 387.2

16 Place in the Machine to make Laminate 2100 780 0.975 255.9

17 Activate the Machine 1170 830 1,038 151.7

18 Cut of Marble in sheets 48000 800 1.000 2000.0

19 Transport the Marble out of the machine 3700 780 0.975 450.9

20 Place on Conveyor Cart 1430 810 1,013 181.0 21 Transport makes Polishing Equipment 3600 790 0.988 444.4

22 Place on the Polishing Equipment Base 1255 785 0.981 153.9

23 Prepare Discs and Polishing Substances 800 800 1,000 100.0

24 Apply necessary solvents to the sheet 5440 1010 1,263 858.5

25 Polishing Marble 10850 880 1,100 1491.9

26 The Plate is taken by placing it on the Skate 1340 825 1,031 172.7

27 Transport to Warehouse 4740 845 1,056 625.8

28 Place foil in warehouse of foils and plates 800 800 1,000 100.0

Speed ​​Rating

Σ TN = 13001.3 hundredths of a minute



There are two factors for determining the factor to qualify the performance:

  1. a) Speed ​​rating b) Degree of difficulty

The following categories are involved in the degree of difficulty: extension or part of the body that is used, pedals, bimanuality, eye-hand coordination, sensory or handling requirements, weight that is handled, etc.

The sum of the numerical values ​​for each of the six factors includes the adjustment of the degree of difficulty.

Table of adjustments for Work Difficulty


Westinghouse system

(Leveling Factor)

In this method, four factors are considered when evaluating the performance of the operator, which are skill, effort or commitment, conditions and consistency.

Ability is defined as "expertise in following a given method" and can be further explained by relating it to the artisanal quality revealed by the very coordination of mind and hands.

It should be noted that, strictly speaking, skill is conceived as the efficiency in following a given method, with six grades or skill classes assignable to operators and representing an acceptable evaluation of expertise. Such grades are presented in Table No. 2.

Effort is defined as a demonstration of the will to work efficiently. The pawn representative of the speed with which the skill is applied, and which can be highly controlled by the operator. It has six representative classes, which are shown in Table No. 3.

The conditions referred to in this action procedure are those that affect the operator and not the operation. In more than most cases, conditions will be rated as normal or average when conditions are evaluated against the standard they are generally found on at the workstation. The elements that would affect the working conditions are: temperature, ventilation, light and noise.

Conditions that affect the operation, such as tools or materials in poor condition, will not be taken into account when the action factor is applied to working conditions. Six classes have been listed as shown in Table # 4.

Operator consistency should be evaluated while the study is being conducted. Constantly repeating elemental time values ​​certainly indicate perfect consistency. Such performance occurs very rarely due to the tendency to dispersion due to many variables, such as hardness of the material, sharpening of the cutting tool, lubricant, shown in the tables.

+0.06 A Ideals

Skill or ability Effort or Performance Conditions +0.04 B Excellent

+0.02 C Good

0 D Regular

-0.03 E Acceptable

-0.07 F Poor

0 D Regular

-0.02 E Acceptable

-0.04 F Poor

Synthetic Rating:

It determines an action factor for elements of representative efforts of the work cycle by comparing the observed elemental real elements with those developed by means of the fundamental movements.

This factor is applied to at least two elements, to obtain the average of the factors, which will constitute, the factor that will be applied to all the elements except for the elements controlled by machines.


P =


P = Performance or leveling factor

Ft = Fundamental Movement Time



Objective Rating:

TN = TMO × FCO where

FCO = FV (1 + FD)

TN = Normal Time

TMO = Observed Mean Time

FV = Speed ​​Rating Factor

FD = Difficulty Factor

Leveling Qualification

TN = TMO (1 + FN)

TN = Normal Time

FN = Leveling Factor

At MGSA Marbles, the application of each qualification to our defined task, which is the lamination and polishing of marble, was rigorously analyzed, where direct analysis and observation by us are required, which we apply in our study of times, in the following Tables shows enough and necessary information to determine the Normal Time correctly.




Rating: Objective Leveling


1 The Marble Block is held by hooks 268.75 108.13 0.12 1.21 325.5 0.13 303.69

2 Transport by means of a distribution crane 400.00 100.00 0.08 1.08 432.0 0.13 452.00

3 Download the Marble on a Sliding Cart 462.50 100.00 0.09 1.09 504.1 0.13 522.63

4 Check the correct position 233.75 109.38 0.04 1.14 265.9 0.13 264.14

5 Configure Equipment 181.25 125.63 0.05 1.32 239.1 0.13 204.81

6 Transport with on the Sliding Cart 400.00 100.00 0.09 1.09 436.0 0.13 452.00

7 "Measures" are taken to cut off excess parts 325.00 106.88 0.07 1.14 371.7 0.13 367.25

8 Check the Water Container 362.50 125.63 0.03 1.29 469.1 0.13 409.63

9 The pump to transport water is activated 50.00 100.00 0.03 1.03 51.5 0.13 56.50

10 Open water container tap 20.63 108.75 0.02 1.11 22.9 0.13 23.31

11 Activate Saw for Cutting 50.00 100.00 0.04 1.04 52.0 0.08 54.00

12 Marble Cut 1500.00 100.00 0.02 1.02 1530.0 0.10 1650

13 The Marble Block is held by hooks 268.75 96.25 0.12 1.08 289.7 0.08 290.25 14 Transport by means of a distribution crane 843.75 107.50 0.09 1.17 988.7 0.08 911.25

15 Unloading the Marble on a Sliding Cart 350.00 110.63 0.09 1.21 422.0 0.10 385.00

16 Place in the Machine to make Laminate 262.50 97.50 0.08 1.05 276.4 0.08 283.50

17 Activate the Machine 146.25 103.75 0.02 1.06 154.8 0.08 157.95

18 Marble Cut in sheets 2000.00 100.00 0.07 1.07 2140.0 0.08 2160

19 Transport the Marble out of the machine 462.50 97.50 0.12 1.09 505.1 0.08 499.50

20 Place on Conveyor Cart 178.75 101.25 0.12 1.13 202.7 0.08 193.05

21 Transport makes Polishing Equipment 450.00 98.75 0.07 1.06 475.5 0.06 477.00

22 Place on the Base of the Polishing Equipment 156.88 98.13 0.36 1.33 209.3 0.25 196.09 23 Prepare Disks and Polishing substances 100.00 100.00 0.02 1.02 102.0 0.13 113.00

24 Apply necessary solvents on the sheet 680.00 126.25 0.07 1.35 918.6 0.13 768.40

25 Polishing Marble 1356.25 110.00 0.10 1.21 1641.1 0.13 1532.56

26 The Sheet is taken by placing it on the Skate 167.50 103.13 0.36 1.40 234.9 0.25 209.38

27 Transport to Warehouse 592.50 105.63 0.05 1.11 657.1 0.13 669.53

28 Place foil in warehouse of foils and plates 100.00 100.00 0.40 1.40 140.0 0.25 125.00

Objective Rating: Σ TN = 14057.5 hundredths of a minute

Grade by Leveling: Σ TN = 13731.4 hundredths of a minute

These values ​​are interesting to analyze, the first gives us a greater value than the second, these are because many times the application of these different factor techniques to determine our normal time at MGSA Marbles is at the analyst's discretion, because in the In the case of the first factor, the difficulty factor analysis is required, since there are many more complicated than others as shown in the previous table, so we conclude that our normal time will depend on what type of qualification we want to use and depending on it, we will determine our famous and necessary standard time.



In the study of methods it is important to time any task, the energy that is needed by the worker to carry out the operation should be reduced to a minimum, perfecting the economy of movements and, if possible, the mechanization of work.

When performing an activity, the task will require human effort, so certain supplements must be prevented to compensate for fatigue and rest.

The main supplement that we detected in the analyzed work area was the time that a worker can occupy at the moment of fulfilling his personal needs and perhaps the time of other supplements, such as contingencies, should be added.

When calculating the supplements required in the labeling process it is not always perfect and exact.

The supplements that will be indicated below are the most frequent than in the line that was chosen for their study.

We focus them mainly on the physical needs of the organism.

Basic fatigue: It manifests itself at a certain time of the day, so the position to perform the task to perform the task throughout the day causes body fatigue. The rest supplements are mainly applied in the POLISHING process, since when carrying out the task it takes a long time invested in an uncomfortable position (standing and inclined) this causes that body fatigue occurs for a certain time, that is why for To look for a solution to this problem, the company proposed the rotation of personnel in an approximate time of three hours, but sometimes the fatigue is so great that when rotating the employees, the result obtained by carrying out this activity is not so satisfactory.

Due to the aforementioned problem, we consider that the rest supplement is one of the main ones in carrying out the labeling task.

Rest supplement system in Percentage of Basic times


Variable Ctes


1 The Marble Block is held by hooks 5 4 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 12

2 Transport by means of a distribution crane 5 4 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 12

3 Unload the Marble on a Sliding Cart 5 4 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 12

4 Verify correct position 5 4 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 12

5 Configure Equipment 5 4 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 12

6 Transport with on the Sliding Cart 5 4 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 12

7 "Measures" are taken to cut off excess parts 5 4 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 12

8 Check the Water Container 5 4 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 12

9 The Water transport pump is activated 5 4 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 12

10 Open water container tap 5 4 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 12

11 Activate Saw for Cutting 5 4 2 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 0 0 14

12 Marble Cut 5 4 2 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 0 0 14

13 The Marble Block is held by hooks 5 4 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 12

14 Transport by means of a distribution crane 5 4 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 12

15 Unloading the Marble on a Sliding Cart 5 4 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 12

16 Place in the Machine to make Laminate 5 4 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 12

17 Activate the Machine 5 4 2 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 0 0 14

18 Cut of marble in sheets 5 4 2 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 0 0 14

19 Transport the Marble out of the machine 5 4 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 12

20 Place in Transport Cart 5 4 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 12 21 Transport makes Polishing Equipment 5 4 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 12

22 Place on the Polishing Equipment Base 5 4 2 2 12 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 26

23 Prepare Discs and Polishing Substances 5 4 2 2 0 0 0 2 0 1 0 0 16

24 Apply necessary solvents to the sheet 5 4 2 0 0 0 0 2 0 1 1 2 17

25 Polishing Marble 5 4 2 0 0 0 0 2 2 1 1 2 19

26 The Sheet is taken by placing it on the Skate 5 4 2 2 12 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 26

27 Transport to Warehouse 5 4 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 12 28 Place sheet in warehouse of sheets and plates 5 4 2 2 12 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 26


NP = Personal Needs CA = Air Quality

F = Fatigue TV = Visual Tension

TP = Standing Work TA = Hearing Tension

IP = Weight Lifting TM = Mental Tension

PA = Abnormal posture MM = Mental Monotony

IL = Luminous Intensity MF = Physical Monotony

These are the supplements of the elements of our defined task (lamination, polishing, etc.). The supplements are small amounts of time that are needed since, as we could see, the operator got tired after certain activities, one of the most significant is the one to place in the base of the polishing equipment, that is to say the loading of the sheet (marble), another thing is that you always work standing up, so the operator needs a break for each activity of different level of difficulty, each supplement varies since as we could see there are very laborious and tedious tasks.


Standard time

TE = TN (1 + Suppl)

TE = Standard Time, TN = Normal Time and Suppl = Supplements or Tolerances

TMO elements FCO TN Supplements TE

1 The Marble Block is held by hooks 268.8 1,211 325.46 0.12 364.51

2 Transport by means of a distribution crane 400.0 1,080 432.00 0.12 483.84

3 Download the Marble on a Sliding Cart 462.5 1,090 504.13 0.12 564.62

4 Verify correct position 233.8 1,138 265.89 0.12 297.80

5 Configure Equipment 181.3 1,319 239.08 0.12 267.77

6 Transport with on the Sliding Cart 400.0 1,090 436.00 0.12 488.32

7 "Measures" are taken to cut off excess parts 325.0 1,144 371.66 0.12 416.26

8 Check the Water Container 362.5 1,294 469.05 0.12 525.34

9 The Water transport pump is activated 50.0 1,030 51.50 0.12 57.68

10 Open water container tap 20.6 1.109 22.88 0.12 25.62

11 Activate Saw for Cutting 50.0 1,040 52.00 0.14 59.28

12 Marble Cut 1500.0 1,020 1530.00 0.14 1744.20

13 The Marble Block is held by hooks 268.8 1,078 289.71 0.12 324.48

14 Transport by means of a distribution crane 843.8 1,172 988.66 0.12 1107.30

15 Unloading the Marble on a Sliding Cart 350.0 1,206 422.03 0.12 472.68

16 Place in the Machine to make Laminate 262.5 1,053 276.41 0.12 309.58

17 Activate the Machine 146.3 1,058 154.77 0.14 176.44

18 Cut of marble in sheets 2000.0 1,070 2140.00 0.14 2439.60

19 Transport the Marble out of the machine 462.5 1,092 505.05 0.12 565.66

20 Place on Transporter Cart 178.8 1,134 202.70 0.12 227.03 21 Transport makes Polishing Equipment 450.0 1,057 475.48 0.12 532.54

22 Place on the Base of the Polishing Equipment 156.9 1,335 209.35 0.26 263.78 23 Prepare Disks and Polishing substances 100.0 1,020 102.00 0.16 118.32

24 Apply necessary solvents on the sheet 680.0 1,351 918.60 0.17 1074.76

25 Polishing Marble 1356.3 1,210 1641.06 0.19 1952.86

26 The Sheet is taken by placing it on the Skate 167.5 1,403 234.92 0.26 296.00

27 Transport to Warehouse 592.5 1,109 657.12 0.12 735.97

28 Place foil in warehouse of foils and plates 100.0 1,400 140.00 0.26 176.40

Standard time = 16068.63 hundredths of a minute

This is the standard time to carry out the process or the defined task, which is approximately 2,678 hours, from item 1 to item 8, thanks to the standard time we can apply it in the company, the standard time applications in MGSA Marbles is the forecast Production, this is interesting because the obtaining of marble is very demanding by different productive sectors, another is the budget of offers, precious sale and delivery times, but what is interesting is the shooting of production lines.


The design problem in finding ways to equalize working times across all stations is called the line balancing problem.

There must be certain conditions for online production to be practical:

1) Quantity. The production volume or quantity must be sufficient to cover the cost of line preparation. This depends on the rate of production and the duration of the task.

2) Balance. The times required for each online operation should be approximately the same.

3) Continuity. Precautions must be taken to ensure a continuous supply of material, parts, sub-assemblies, etc., and the prevention of equipment failure.

Typical cases of production line balancing are:

1) Once the times of the operations are known, determine the number of operators necessary for each operation.

2) Known cycle time, minimize the number of workstations.

3) Known the number of workstations, assign work items to it.

In order to apply line balancing, we will use the following formulas:

(time) desired

Production Index = IP =;

(available time

Theoretical Num Operators = NOT = (IP) (TE);



Tardiness =;



Production per shift = PPT = shift

(allotted time

Unit Cost = (NOR) (Salary); PPT


∑ (delay)

ℜeal efficiency = ni = 1

∑ (time) assigned

i = 1

You want to know the Unit Cost of manufacturing 500 items in an 8-hour shift, where the salary is $ 50, so applying the standard time obtained, we have that for each element we have, taking into account that there is an efficiency of 90 %


3.6451 0.9 1.0417 4.3 5 0.729 0.893 4.8384 0.9 1.0417 5.6 6 0.806 0.893 5.6462 0.9 1.0417 6.5 7 0.807 0.893 2.9780 0.9 1.0417 3.4 4 0.744 0.893 2.6777 0.9 1.0417 3.1 3 0.893 0.893 4.8832 0.9 1.0417 5.7 6 0.814 0.893 4.1526 0.9 1.0417 4.8534 0.9 1.0417 6.1 6 0.876 0.893 0.5768 0.9 1.0417 0.7 1 0.577 0.893 0.2562 0.9 1.0417 0.3 1 0.256 0.893

0.5928 0.9 1.0417 0.7 1 0.593 0.893

17.4420 0.9 1.0417 20.2 20 0.872 0.893

3.2448 0.9 1.0417 3.8 4 0.811 0.893

11.0730 0.9 1.0417 12.8 13 0.852 0.893

4.7268 0.9 1.0417 5.5 6 0.788 0.893 3.0958 0.9 1.0417 3.6 4 0.774 0.893

1.7644 0.9 1.0417 2.0 2 0.882 0.893

24.3960 0.9 1.0417 28.2 28 0.871 0.893

5.6566 0.9 1.0417 6.5 7 0.808 0.893 2.2703 0.9 1.0417 2.6 3 0.757 0.893 5.3254 0.9 1.0417 6.2 6 0.888 0.893 2.6378 0.9 1.0417 3.1 3 0.879 0.893

1.1832 0.9 1.0417 1.4 2 0.592 0.893

10.7476 0.9 1.0417 12.4 13 0.827 0.893

19.5286 0.9 1.0417 22.6 23 0.849 0.893

2.9600 0.9 1.0417 3.4 4 0.740 0.893 7.3597 0.9 1.0417 8.5 9 0.818 0.893

1.7640 0.9 1.0417 2.0 2 0.882 0.893

Production per shift = PPT == 537.51


Unit Cost = = $ 18.05cu /

Ficienciaeal efficiency = × 100% = 87.25%

Since we determine our standard time, for each element of our defined task, which is lamination, polishing, etc., we set the unit cost for the manufacture of 500 items, in an 8-hour work day, observing the situation of the working conditions at MGSA Marbles our efficiency is 90% although the real efficiency was 87.25%, which is a value almost close to our planned efficiency, this is an application of the standard time and we determine the production per shift and the unit costs that It is $ 18 each, this type of values ​​must be taken into account since it helps us determine precious sales and delivery times.


The purpose of a statistical study is usually to draw conclusions about the nature of a population. As the population is large and cannot be studied in its entirety in most cases, the conclusions obtained must be based on the examination of only part of it, which leads us, first of all, to the justification, necessity and definition. of the different sampling techniques.

The first mandatory terms to which we must refer, defined in the first chapter, will be the estimator statistic.

Within this context, it will be necessary to assume a statistician or estimator as a random variable with a certain distribution, and which will be the key piece in the two broad categories of statistical inference: estimation and hypothesis testing. The concept of estimator, as a fundamental tool, is characterized by a series of properties that will help us to choose the "best" for a given parameter of a population, as well as some methods to obtain them, both in point estimation and by intervals.

How to deduce the probability law on a certain character of a population when we only know a sample? This is a problem that we face when, for example, we try to study the relationship between smoking and lung cancer and try to extend the conclusions obtained on a sample to the rest of the population. The fundamental task of inferential statistics is to make inferences about the population from a sample drawn from it. Applying the work sampling for our example would be as follows:

S = pqn or n = z2 p (s12− p)

Sp = Standard Production Error, p = percentage of idle time, q = percentage of running time, n = number of observations or sample size to determine pq

  1. = p ± 3


LC = Control Limits, p = Probability of the Activity to be studied and n = Size of the subsample

Now, in the company we apply sampling for element 24, which is the application of solvents, which are necessary and sufficient, since by observing the times and by direct observation it was determined that for the working sampling we have:


Operations I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X Total

1 Inactivity 6 6 8 7 2 4 5 2 4 7 51

2 Subsample 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 350

3 Partial Proportion 0.171 0.17 0.23 0.2 0.06 0.11 0.14 0.06 0.11 0.2 0.145

Knowing that if we have a 90% confidence level, we proceed to determine “S” by means of the expression:

Z 'P (1 −P) Z' P (1 − P)

N = S2 ⇔S = N


(1,695) (0.145) (1−0.145)

S = = 0.0245


In this way the charge will be determined by means of the P ± S formula, the famous interval of inactivity;

P + S = 0.145 + 0.0245 = 0.1695 ≈ 16.95%

P - S = 0.145 - 0.0245 = 0.1205 ≈ 12.05%

Therefore the interval of inactivity is set as:

12.05% ≤ inactivity ≤ 16.95%

If each work day is 8 hours, it is also known that the Polishing area has 2 people

For the polishing area we have:

10 days = 80 hours x 2 people = 160 Man-Hours

(12.05%) (160 HH) ≤ Inactivity ≤ (16.95%) (160 HH)

Now, the Cost of Hours - Idle Man will be determined, if the salary is $ 75/8 hrs;

(19.28 hr-H) ($ 9,375 / hr) ≤ INACTIVITY ≤ (27.12 hr-H) ($ 9,375 / hr)

$ 180.75 ≤ Inactivity <$ 254.25


In the work, the control limits are used as tools, which are determined by the following formula:

P (1 −P)

LC = p ± 3


Calculation of the upper control limit and lower control limit:

  1. 145 (1−0.145)

LC = 0.145 ± 3∴


LCS = 0.145 +0.1785 = 0.3235

LCI = 0.145 −0.1785 = −0.0335

(therefore the LCI must be corrected)


x == 2,436

(0.145) (1 −0.145)


By adjusting the constant we now determine the Control Limits

LCI = 0.145 - 2.43 (0.145) (0.855)


LCI = 0.0004

Observing the graph and taking into account the values ​​of the limits that we obtained, we observed that there is behavior within the limits, that is, it does not affect much the inactivity of the application of solvents (element 24) of our defined task, however, if we observe the graph and we take into account our parameters, there are no losses but no gains, due to the existing inactivity, we made an important approach, where inactivity in 10 work days there is an interval $ 180.75 ≤ Inactivity <$ 254.25, there are no losses as large that affects the economy of the company by this activity although it influences because many times there are labor performance standards,machinery and equipment and this affects so as an industrial engineer we must take into account for any element or defined task.




The system of predetermined time standards is a work measurement technique in which predetermined times are used for basic human movements (classified according to their nature and the conditions under which they are carried out) in order to establish the time required for a task carried out according to a standard of execution.

As the definition itself indicates, predetermined time systems are techniques for synthesizing the times of an operation from the standard times of the basic movements.

The nature of the referred techniques (hereinafter referred to as "NTPD Systems") can be easily illustrated by resorting to a simple duty cycle, eg putting a washer on a screw. The operator stretches the arm up to the washer, grabs it, transfers it to the screw, places it on the screw and releases it.

Generally speaking, they consist of all or some of these five basic movements, to which other basic movements are added, to which are added other movements of the body and a few other elements. The following table illustrates the components of a basic NTPD system.

Note: for the application of this technique a great study is required on this technique, therefore what is done next for our example, is only to observe how this technique could be applied, taking the results as gross lake. For this we will rely on the following tables, however, in the case of our study of MGSA Marbles we take into account from element 26 to the last this in order to be able to apply the predetermined time systems in these activities, now The tables that are applied for the MTM are shown in the following sheets, taking into account that there is a certain nature to determine the standard time of our defined or selected elements to apply MTM, now,In this case, a new nomenclature of time is being handled, which is TMU where 1 TMU = 0.0036 seconds, these are in order to determine the time that these elements take, we are going to find interesting and significant values ​​that serve for the application of standard time as mentioned above for industry and productivity at MGSA Marbles.

Four. Five




Eye displacement time = 15.2 X (T / D) TMU, with a maximum value of 20 TMU.





EASY to perform simultaneously.


It can be done simultaneously with practice. W.- Within the normal vision zone.

O.-E.- EASY to handle. Outside the normal viewing area. HARD to perform simultaneously, even after a lot of practice. To assign

D.- HARD to handle. both times.


SPIN.- Normally EASY with all movements, except when SPIN is controlled, or with UNLOCK. APPLY PRESSURE.- It can be EASY, PRACTICAL or HARD. Each step must be analyzed.

PLACE IN POSITION.- Class 3, always HARD.

UNLOCK.- Class 3, normally EASY.


UNLOCK.- Any class can be HARD, if care must be taken to avoid injury or damage to the object.

Default Time Systems (MTM)











WAREHOUSE MC 38.1 38.1 0 0 WAIT

TOTAL TMU: 574.4 HOURS: 0.005744 SECONDS: 0.34464


MOST is a predetermined time system, which allows the analysis of any manual operation and some operations with equipment. The MOST concept is based on fundamental activities, of which the combination of movements refers to analyze the movement of objects. The basic forms of movement are written by sequence, the name MOST being freely derived from the initials of the words Maynard Operation Sequense Tecnhnque.

The ability to use the BASIC-MOST technique as a current tool in the measurement of work to obtain the standard time of a production process (through the analysis of the sequence of movements).

The general sequence of movements identifies the special free movement of an object through the air, while the controlled movement sequence describes the movement of an object when it remains in contact with one surface or is fixed to another during movement. The sequence of a tool use has been developed for the use of common hand tools.

The study of times became a predominant tool of "Measured Work". And this measured work is widely used in many global companies. After a long period of time new paths were found for the development of a new system which contained a combination of the previous work. This system was called “System of Movements and Predetermined Times” which is a development of the data and the necessary times with the basic movements.

The companies claim that analysts can determine MOST standards at least five times faster than MTM-1 standards, with very little, if any, sacrifice in accuracy. MOST uses larger blocks of fundamental movements than MTM-2, it is much faster, MOST uses 16 time fragments, and identifies three basic sequence models:

  • General Displacement. Controlled Displacement. Use of Tools.

Performance standards can be established through systematic movement times. If the data is to be used for this purpose, a greater knowledge of application techniques is required.

Default Time System (MOST)

MOST Calculation CODE:

PROD / AREA: Department Date: May 20, 2001 polished / SING Product Warehouse.


Operation: Transporting a Page: 1 of 1

marble sheet, to the cellar, after the polishing stage


Activity - Object - IN ON FOR - Product Equiment - Tool - To At - Work Area

Conditions: Normal PER

No. Description of the SIMO Method Sequence Models FR TMU

1 Take the marble (sheet) from the polishing base, A1 B3 G3 M32 X3 I0 A0 420

sliding it on the same base, load and carefully drop to the floor

2 Place the marble (sheet) on a skate A0 B0 G0 A0 B0 P6 A0 60

sliding, and both hands firmly hold the marble vertically

3 Transport to the winery, going through an A24 B0 G0 A0 B0 P0 A0 240

8 meter path

4 Load the marble (sheet) by placing it together A1 B3 G3 M32 X3 I1 A0 430 with the other marbles, this type of arrangement is cautiously and the sheet is placed at an angle, along with other marbles)


Time: 1150 TMU Millihoras (mHr): 115 Minutes (min): 0.69

To end the use of the techniques learned in Systematic Analysis of Production 2 we have the MOST, this is accurate, since as we can see we can say that the standard time of element 26 until the end of the operation, the standard time of the pure process is 0.69 minutes, which is a reasonable time for the activities carried out by the operator, MOST is a good technique, it is precise, fast, safe and reliable, as we could see in the study at the company MGSA Mármoles, we learned that MOST can be applied and learn Much on the observed results, they must follow a logical sequence since without it we can have problems in calculating times and movements,Well, the MOST is good to apply but requires more study time where to be experts and have a knowledge we must understand all the naming and use of MOST.


In the development of this work we apply the different techniques to determine the time that a qualified worker spends in carrying out a defined task, which in our particular case was in the process of rolling and polishing a marble

Where we realize that when studying the learning curve for this activity, it was observed that the time in which an operator learned the process was too much and too varied, considering that this was due to the excessive turnover of personnel that exists In the company where we carry out this MGSA Marbles study, these variations are more noticeable in the graph of the learning curve.

Throughout this work and the application of Systematic Analysis of Production techniques 2, at MGSA Mármoles we were able to see how the various techniques for measuring work help us to improve the efficiency of the company. Or to see where we have errors and how we can solve them, for example we could learn to time the times in which an operation is performed, this measurement can be at zero return; stopping and writing down the time for each element of the activity, or by continuous reading without stopping the timer, we could see that it is more accurate. We obtained the learning degree of a worker through the learning curve, with this we saw that as the cycles increased,the time it takes to carry out an activity is less and the cost of the product also decreases. We also determine the standard time, the normal time of the activity, separating it into elements and timing the time it takes to get the coefficient of variation, which is the standard deviation of time between the mean of time. We saw that there are three methods to get the TN and TE, these are by objective, synthetic and leveling factor qualification. It is said that the TN is the TMO for the qualification factor that we choose, the synthetic qualification evaluates efforts, the objective qualifies speed. and degree of difficulty and the synthetic grades skills, these ratings are based on tables.We calculate supplements that are small amounts of time that are added to the normal time. This is done to calculate standard time that is equal to normal time by the sum of one of the supplements. There are different types of constant supplements depending on whether you are a man or a woman, supplements for physical fatigue, for policies, etc. We balance a production line of the company by line balancing that allows us to know the number of operators needed for said activation, the cost of each piece produced, minimize workstations, the efficiency with which that line works, the production rate and desired production. Thanks to the work sampling we were able to determine how long the operator actually works by means of observations that can be hourly or vary,It allows us to take a range of the performance time and determine the cost of idle man hours. By applying the MTM we get the standard time of an activity in another way, but based on tables not based on observations but at established times, only that it is not very exact it takes more including the movements made by the hand it is like taking into account the micro movements giving them a value on the other hand the MOST serves us for the same only that it is more exact, since it is a technique of sequence of operations, takes into account all the movement of the body both to pick up an object, to use it or to use tools within the operation.This work was useful for us to see how each of the work measurement techniques is applied to a company to solve or propose solutions for some problems detected within it.


ELWOOD, S. Buffa, "Administration and Technical Direction of Production", Fourth Edition, Editorial: Limusa, México, DF, 1982, Pp 672

GONZÁLEZ, Ruiz Lucinda, ESPRIU, Torres José, “Theoretical-Practical Instruction of

Systematic Analysis of Production II ”México DF, January 2001, Pp 60

KRICK, Edward V. "Engineering Methods" Editorial: Limusa, México DF 1961

MAYNARD, Harold B. "Manual of Engineering and Industrial Organization" Third Edition, Editorial: Reverté, SA, Spain, 1987

NIEBEL Benjamín, FREIVALDS Andris, “Industrial Engineering: Methods, Standards and Work Design” Tenth edition, Editorial: Alfa omega Grupo Editor, SA de CV, México DF, 2001.

INTERNATIONAL LABOR OFFICE, “Introduction to the Study of Labor”, Fourth Edition, Editorial: Limusa, México DF 2001

  1. M. Curie, “Analysis and measurement of work”, Editorial: Diana, México DF 1972, P:

152-154, 163-164.


Author: Ing. Iván Escalona

industrial engineering


High School Studies: Atoyac School Center (Incorporated at UNAM)

University Studies: Interdisciplinary Professional Unit of Engineering and Social Sciences and

Administrative (UPIICSA) of the National Polytechnic Institute (IPN)

Hometown: Mexico.

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Systematic analysis of production in mgsa marbles