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In the face of the crisis, the impossible must be done, because the possible no longer works


In times of turbulence and confusion like the one we live in, "You have to do the impossible, because the possible is no longer working." In the difficulty lies the opportunity.

Without a doubt, the year we have lived has been a year full of confusion and complexity, but it leaves as a teaching that it is the formation of leaders, the best way to overcome CRISIS.

A look to the past

This year that ends, undoubtedly leaves us many lessons. The global macroeconomic complexity, social problems, insecurity, international terrorism, climate change itself, etc… All of this has significantly affected the markets and, as a consequence, our daily lives at work.

But being immersed in these problems also leaves us learning to necessarily count in our company structures and relationships with people other than the average, with people with above-average abilities and skills, that is, from Leaders who are willing to do what Correct in life, that they are willing to "risk it" to put 100% of their capacities and abilities to make the highest purposes of their vision come true.

And furthermore, I would say, having people willing to prove that their gifts are used to the maximum benefit of those who need them.

This year, I have had the opportunity to collect a lot of learning through our clients across the country, through training groups, in meetings with important entrepreneurs, parents, students, etc., and I observe a panorama really of opportunities. We have a country that will grow 5.0 in its GDP, even though we have come from a decrease of 7.0 in 2009, which represents an advance of 12 points.

This makes me think that the country has to continue training leaders at all levels in order to unleash the full potential that we as a country have. People are required who not only adapt to the changes, but who produce them, people who come out of the ordinary to go only to complete a workday, but are involved in an extraordinary process of adding value to their life and their company through making the decision to serve others at the highest level and make a difference with our customers as part of our competitive advantage.

Leading teams prepared for high performance

The high - performance businesses, have decided for some time and perform consistently this training process. They are aware that the potential of their people requires a fundamental ingredient so that it can be deployed throughout the organization.

His WILL and his DECISION to put everything at the service of others. This is where his leadership unfolds.

They are aware that the more difficult the circumstances, the greater the opportunities, and that their greatest competitive advantage is in their people.

To find the path to which we are destined, we first have to lose ourselves in it… that is what guides us again. That is our great possibility for the future, do not forget.

The most common way to give up our power is to believe that we don't have it! But it takes character to change our way of thinking to go in search of better opportunities.

Certainly next year we have a lot of opportunities or countless problems ahead of us. In both cases, if either of these two things is what you think, you will be right.

You will have to decide if the potential of the people who collaborate with you is stopped or put into practice through better management of your leadership.

What if it is a truth, is that without leadership in all its ranks, it will be shooting at a target that it does not see. It is time to change and change, it is time to renew from within the organization to offer customers differentiation in their products and services. You cannot continue working in the same way, you have to force yourself to do the impossible with yourself and your people, because the possible is no longer working.

Higher level executives are required if you want to improve your performance and this will have to do with attracting talent to your business.

People willing not only to contribute their technical capabilities, but also their personal and leadership qualities in order to generate high value perceived by their clients and their market.

At this time, many companies have finished visualizing the scenario of their business during the next year in the market, I also hope they have visualized in the development of their budgets the growth and development of their personnel, since without them the results cannot be achieved. quantitative estimates and performance measures you have dreamed of.

It's time to seek change

Innovating the way of doing things and achieving results. It is time to demonstrate our Mastery to produce better products, services and contact with our clients, being Authentic, but this requires Character in Business as well as deciding to do things with Ethics in front of the market.

It is time to decide to reach our highest purposes with our clients, abandoning the false belief that everything is fine.

If you want to make your vision come true, don't fool yourself and change.

It is time to abandon the false belief that our processes do not need to change. Think about it: If the market and your customers keep changing at an incredible speed, why do you walk at a speed different from these and in the worst case do not change?

Today's times are demanding that we do the right thing. Increasingly, employees are asking to be given the opportunity to unfold their potential and to test their personal abilities and skills.

They want to see themselves as a single team together with you, and working in the same direction. That is the most important reason why people in recent years maintain an average of at most two years in companies.

Executives are not identifying with a vision, much less with a performance consistent with their superiors.

This is a time to change the course of our leadership management in order to achieve a high level of commitment from our team to our dreams, so You Decide! because there is no more time than she has now in her hands.

End a year in the best way, recognizing this need for change and start 2011 with a new attitude towards the environment. Don't forget that your best chance is in your people.

You will get the best of others if you are willing to give your best

It is not a magic formula that High Performance companies achieve what they set out to do, because they are conscious of giving the best of themselves to their collaborators. The people they have are part of their dreams and they walk with them developing and growing them because this is how they ensure the results expected of them.

“The days come and go like veiled and dull figures sent by a distant friend, but they say nothing. And if we don't use the gifts they bring us, they also take them away in silence ”. Ralph Waldo Emerson.

In the face of the crisis, the impossible must be done, because the possible no longer works