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Contributions of engineering in business management

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Due to the technological changes that have emerged in the last decades, companies present new needs to exchange information sources and technologies that allow them stability in the globalized world and the ability to make assertive decisions that are reflected in the success of the organization..

Initially, the concept of management was not known as such, but instead was already present in the way organizations work, as they carried out the process that distinguishes engineering in business management.

On the other hand, we know that the economy is governed by the principle of scarcity and hence the importance that every organization must have the ability to properly manage its resources in order to benefit from others that offer the same products. or services.

This research is focused on business management engineering, where it begins with the conceptualization of key terms in order to understand the subject correctly, and then some fundamental characteristics of it are discussed. Business management engineering is a process that allows companies to be successful organizations by taking advantage of their resources.


According to the Spanish Royal Academy, engineering refers to the study and application, by specialists, of the various branches of technology.

It comes from the Latin ingenium, and refers to the study and set of knowledge and techniques that allow applying, using and developing natural resources and any discovery or discovery of science, in industry and in any field where problems can be solved. and improve the daily life of a society. To achieve the above, use is made of the natural sciences and mathematics. The person who exercises engineering is known as an engineer. (Quees.la, (sf))


It comes from the Latin GESTIO-GESTIONIS which means to execute and achieve success with the appropriate means, that is, it is a set of processes and actions that are executed on one or more resources for the fulfillment of the strategy of an organization, through a systemic and continuous cycle, determined by the basic functions of planning, organization, direction and control. (Rodríguez, 2010)


Based on the above definitions, we can define business management engineering as the set of scientific knowledge and techniques that, through the process of planning, organizing, executing and evaluating, achieve the objectives of an organization.

Through this engineering, different specialized individuals such as managers, institutional directors, consultants, among others, seek to improve the productivity and competitiveness of a company or business. (DefinitionABC, (sf))

As we know all disciplines need a process to be able to function in the correct way, business management engineering is developed based on the following 4 functions:

  • Planning. Here we define what we want to accomplish, when and where. New goals and objectives are drawn and the most efficient way to reach them is determined. This step determines the most direct path to achieve what was planned. Organization. At this stage, all the resources that the company has are grouped so that each of them works together and optimizes them in order to increase the possibility of obtaining excellent results. This is where communication plays a fundamental role by managers with other employees, and with this, a good work environment is achieved, with good practices and achieving increased efficiency and productivity of planned work. As a final step,control is the one that complies with the management concept, since this quantifies the progress of the work carried out by the employees, based on the objectives that were determined from the beginning of the management process.

It is very important to follow the previous steps to avoid setbacks that can result in a disadvantage for the organization, such as the costs caused by mistakes made or the planned objectives are not achieved. (Manchego, 2013)

Key elements of business management

They set the tone for achieving maximum productivity and quality in processes, as well as being able to become highly competitive organizations.

  • Basic element of the organizations in the XXI century and refers to the fact of being the first to carry out any activity, always looking for an improvement in the processes although for many it is something impossible to improve. Innovation. This is born as the creative combination of previous projects, products or services and to be able to create new products and services you have to know the customer's needs. Innovation leads us to assume the role of leaders both individually and organizationally. Anticipation. This refers to a proactive organization that does not wait for things to happen in order to act, but voluntarily maintains itself in a permanent state of identification of the elements that can lead it to be competitive in the future, it has the capacity to anticipate the facts or,to force situations that should not affect the future of the company. (Blogspot, 2012)

In the same way, there are other elements that serve as a guarantee for successful business management and which can be acquired as long as there are good communication channels within the organizations, there is motivation for the staff, and the time is properly managed when solving problems. and the analysis are presented in a creative way, as there are good leaders and especially when there is a good management process through the monitoring, control and evaluation of the processes.

Management Control

To ensure that the management within companies is carried out in the best way and having the security that everything will go as expected, three main functions must be taken into account:

  • The purpose and mission of the organization must be clearly defined, clearly defining its objectives. Preparation of company personnel to work effectively through recycling and ongoing training. Identify the impacts of social changes that may affect the organization, taking into account its effects and suitably adapting them to the objective and mission of the organization.

These activities require the director of organizations to possess certain qualities such as leadership and responsibility so that they can be effectively implemented. (Rubio, (sf))

Competencies of a business management engineer

After having studied what business management engineering is, it is important to highlight the qualities and knowledge that a good manager must have in order to successfully carry out the management process.

The preparation of managers in different organizations is essential because if any of them has certain deficiencies in knowledge, their performance in order to solve problems will be affected, as well as the opportunity they will have to develop. The following are competencies that a business management engineer must have:

  • Design of business plans, production process management, commercialization and financing for the creation of new businesses. Ability to develop and evaluate investment projects. Analyze problems with a strategic perspective in order to solve conflicts related to the management of operations and organizations.Manage and direct projects for the continuous improvement of a company's productive operations.Develop a systemic vision in the organization that will allow it to diagnose, identify problems and design and implement solutions.Design and implement tools that improve quality, competitiveness and productivity of organizations. Oral and written communication. Use of specialized operations management software applied to business.Decision making and interdisciplinary work. (UNIVERSIDAD DE MONTERREY, (sf))

Future in business management. New tendencies

There are some changes that organizations are carrying out to prepare for the new changes that arise, this is achieved through the use of technology, with innovations and analyzing the needs of customers, tastes, desires, and the characteristics they must have. to achieve internationalization.

Some of the most salient trends in ways of organizing and managing work are shown below.

  • From task management to objective management.

The tasks are repetitive manual works that can be easily planned and the work rhythm defined, in this way the production routine will be easily controllable. On the other hand we have the work of knowledge. In this case, the companies set goals and from there, the human resource is committed to put their knowledge, skills, creativity and motivation to work so that they can overcome the challenges or problems that are presented to them.

Here arises what Peter Senge calls the Shared Vision, as a discipline that creates the idea or image towards which an organization is heading, establishing a common course, a way of working and a set of values ​​that in turn assign meaning to the specific objectives of each work area.

  • From group work to the work team

Previously, in companies, the work team did not exist because they worked with the idea of ​​managing manual work through the separation of individual tasks that were routinely repeated. Nowadays, the concept of work team is important when the need to manage knowledge and collective initiative arises, since an environment must be created where the exchange of knowledge and the coordination of tasks to achieve the objectives is possible.

  • From obedience and discipline, to self-control and personal responsibility

In the new management models, the main task of the person in charge is not to issue orders and demand discipline, but rather to transfer power (empowerment) so that each individual can contribute knowledge and develop their capacities.

  • From compliance to commitment and from fear to trust

By valuing the commitment on submission, the motivation and ability to add value to the company through each individual increases and in this way an organizational culture based on trust and enthusiasm is created.

  • From task to result

Here an evaluation of individual and group performance is made. A responsibility is assumed as a work team to take charge not only of individual actions but of the way in which they coordinate and complement in an effective and efficient way with the rest of the workers.

  • From standardization to learning and continuous improvement

The activities have demanded innovation and continuous improvement due to the adaptation of new products, processes and ways of executing a job. In order to carry out this change, it is necessary for knowledge workers to develop the competence that helps them carry out reflective practice so that they can generate constant enrichment in their work performance.

  • From manager-foreman to manager-leader

This implies the creation of work environments in which people can develop their work potential. It means giving recognition and power to each individual so that their capacity for action can be developed in an effective way.

  • From technical to generic competences

When facing new management models, we affirm that technical competencies are very necessary but insufficient, but instead, when speaking of generic competences, we are giving special importance to the capacities necessary to carry out a set of functions, such as leading teams, transmitting ideas, generate a network of links, negotiate and generate agreements, manage projects, etc. In this way, people can move up the hierarchical structure of the organization because their activities will be increasingly linked to this type of competencies. (Anzorena, (sf))


A company that is not ready for a change or carries out the business management process will not survive long in the market as this is essential for its optimal development and growth.

By managing appropriately, the objectives that were set by the company will be realized in the end and for this reason business management engineering must be understood as a fundamental pillar to bring companies to a higher level of competition than equally This will increase the levels of efficiency and effectiveness of any committed organization.

The managers of each company should not underestimate the importance of good management in their businesses, since this represents everything within each one of them and whose work must be carried out with the integration of all the members that make up the business.


"Creation of a management model to optimize processes in the company Galán Publicidad SA de CV"


That the company benefits and achieves its maximum objectives regarding the production of polyethylene bags by innovating and analyzing each of the processes.


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Contributions of engineering in business management