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Approach to the profile of Russian, Chinese and Japanese tourists visiting Cuba


The work aims to get closer to the profile of tourists from Russia, China and Japan, markets with participation in Cuban tourism and that could reach more significant levels in the future.

The characteristics that are summarized are derived from the search and analysis of studies carried out by different prominent professionals and institutions from different parts of the world that have been receiving tourists from these countries for the longest time, which is why we compile the ones that are most frequently mentioned.

This material can be a source of consultation for service providers who strive to meet the expectations of tourists who visit us, to consolidate them as a worldwide tourist destination.


Faced with the difficult economic situation that Cuba is facing with the collapse of the socialist camp and the USSR, it decides to open up to international tourism as a way for foreign exchange to allow the development it has achieved to continue and to consolidate the conquests achieved by the Revolution, aware of the impacts negatives that can also bring. Thus begins the accelerated development of the sector in the country, which became the most dynamic of our economy in difficult times, favoring the rise of other industries, as well as being a source of jobs and contributing to raising the quality of village life, being reflected in works of a social nature throughout the country.

This industry has had to face important obstacles derived in most cases by the aggressive attitude of the governments of the United States towards our country, which is evidenced in examples such as not allowing its citizens to travel to Cuba, not authorizing its entrepreneurs do business with the island, deny loans, sanction ships that dock in our ports, among others. However, the development of tourism in Cuba is a reality, its international prestige is strengthened and consolidated because there are values, attractions and strengths that allow it.

Currently the country has some 50,000 rooms (from about 12,000 at the end of the 1990s) and arrivals exceed two million tourists per year, which is why we have become a destination desired by many.

According to data published by the National Statistics Office, the markets that emitted the most tourists to Cuba in 2009 were Canada, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Spain, Italy, Germany, France, Mexico and Argentina., in addition to others that although not so significant, contribute to arrivals and in some cases with growth trends.

These tourists who decided to visit our country, do so by seeking, in addition to the natural beauties, our culture, contact with our people, learning about our history, the achievements made during these years, the security climate that prevails in the archipelago, Thus corroborating the truth about Cuba and the inconsistency of the smear campaigns against our country.

In general, these people, before traveling, seek information about the destination they plan to visit and learn about the education levels of our people, the quality of the services we provide, so the expectations they bring are high.

That is why tourism workers must have a deep knowledge of the tourists who visit us in order to provide a high-level service, capable of competing with the best in the world. Therefore, constant improvement, tireless study and improvement of our work are goals that must be consciously assumed.

For these reasons, this work refers to the profile of tourists from three markets that may reach important levels in the future. They are Russia (already among the top ten issuers to our country), the People's Republic of China and Japan.

The elements that we relate as characteristic features of these tourists are the result of the analysis carried out on different studies presented by various destinations worldwide and that are reiterated in those descriptions, so we submit it to the consideration of all those who with their ingenuity They direct, work, study, so that our young tourism industry becomes stronger every day.

Russian market

Russian Federation, a country that extends through Eastern Europe and northern Asia, with an area of ​​17,075,200 km², that is, more than a ninth of the planet's surface, making it the largest country in the world. It has a population of 140,702,098 (estimated 2008) with a life expectancy of 65.9 years (estimated 2008). Its economy has taken important steps in recent years, so that its GDP in 2008 reached 1.67 trillion dollars.

Russian tourist profile

• They are tourists with more economic resources than the average in other European countries. They have a profile of medium, high economic level.

• A population traveling abroad of 10.5 million, with great purchasing power.

• The presence of young people increases.

• In recent years, the Russian tourist has set a trend, raising the category of hotels where they stay and expanding the geography of their stay.

• The Russian tourist usually travels in search of the sun and beach product and chooses to stay in hotel establishments and are large consumers of excursions.

• They prefer half board and show interest in the climate, the quality of the environmental environment, the safety of the destination and shopping.

• Although Russian passenger arrivals are very limited to Latin American countries, sun and beach destinations stand out in the region; especially the Dominican Republic and Cuba in the Caribbean.

• In early 2007, the number of Internet users was estimated at 23.7 million people, representing 16.5% of Russia's population. Today Russia occupies the fourth position among the European countries with the highest number of internet users. In September 2009 the number of users represented 32.32% of the population.

• The Internet user profile is mainly a man of adult age between 18 and 24 years. They mainly use the Internet at home.

• 6% access daily, while 16% do so one or more times a week.

• Referrals from family and friends is the preferred method of obtaining travel information among Russian Internet users, followed by Internet searches (59% and 37% respectively).

As an interesting fact, I mean that the Cuban resort of Varadero received the 2008 Estrella award from the Russian Internet portal Viajes as the best destination in the Caribbean in this category, according to the vote cast by thousands of tourists. He conquered the preference ahead of spas in Mexico, Jamaica, the Dominican Republic, Barbados and other islands in the region.

Chinese market

East Asian country, the third largest in the world in area with 9,571,300 km², after Russia and Canada, and the largest in terms of population, which amounts to 1,330,044,600 (2008 estimate). Its official name is that of the People's Republic of China. It has experienced a significant economic boom in recent years, which led it to achieve a GDP (nominal) of 4.4 trillion dollars in 2008, which places it in third position by countries in the world, only after States United and Japan. In 2010 it already exceeds Japan's GDP.

According to UNWTO predictions, this market is one of the largest tourism emitters in the world and the largest receiver for the year 2020, with 100 and 120 million respectively, today it is in the fifth position with the highest tourist expenses after Germany., United States, United Kingdom and France.

Chinese tourist profile

According to studies of this market in different tourist destinations in the world, characteristics such as the following can be seen:

• The profile of the Chinese tourist is that of a professional or executive between 35 and 54 years old, who travels for leisure purposes, stays for approximately 11 days and stays in 3-4 star hotels.

• China has an average of 20 days of rest per year, of which 10 correspond to paid vacations and the rest to holidays.

• There are three times in the year that the Chinese tourist travels abroad: the Chinese New Year -movable date between January and February-, May 1-they have 10 vacation days-, October 1-China National Day, they have 10 days of vacation-

• The months of December, January and February generally represent 22.1% of Chinese tourism outings.

• The gender structure of visitors of Chinese origin is relatively equal, about 49% of travelers abroad are men, and the remaining 51% are women.

• About 53% of Chinese tourists fluctuate between 25 and 44 years, another important group are those who are between 45 and 54 years old, which represent approximately 20% of total travelers.

• Two well-differentiated classes can be distinguished, businessmen and leisure tourists. The Chinese tourist always travels in groups.

• Chinese tourists require a translator or guide who speaks both languages ​​for their visit.

• Couples and families currently represent the majority of leisure travelers. These segments are usually part of large groups of travelers, which are popular within the Chinese tourism industry. However, an interesting point to highlight is the growing trend of the segment of independent travelers, especially those of a high economic level, which have shown significant growth in recent years.

• Another segment that has shown increases has been that of women, due to the higher disposable income of women in China, and the propensity they have shown towards group travel.

• Regarding the purchase period, China has a very low proportion of advance purchase, since only 3.2% of the trips for the winter season are purchased from the previous summer season or before. 23.3% is purchased during the fall season, while 73.6% is purchased during the same winter season.

• According to Grace Pan (Nielsen's Head of Travel and Leisure Research in China), Chinese travelers often travel through Asia due to geographic proximity, but travel to other parts of the world is increasing significantly, especially to Europe.

• According to a recent study by the Nielsen company, tourists from the Chinese cities of Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou spend more money on their trips to Europe than on trips to other parts of the world, with an average of $ 5,253 per traveler.

• The Chinese tourist is considered one of the world's consumerists, with an average spending above that of the Americans.

• They are not interested in the sun and the beach, but they love fish. They prefer cultural and archaeological destinations to entertainment.

• They do not usually go out at night and spend hours locked in their hotel rooms, which preferably should have a bathtub and not just a shower.

• Although the majority of trips focus on low-cost ones, a radical increase has been observed in the number of luxury trips contracted.

• In the words of Grace Pan, Chinese tourists are becoming more prudent and prepare their trips by consulting all the information available on the internet.

• The Chinese go abroad in groups, with scheduled trips.

• The Chinese tourist is used to visiting tourist places, seeing a stage, taking some photos and shortly afterwards they want to go see another stage, without stopping long in the first one.

• The Chinese eat everything. They don't eat a lot of sweets. They prefer fruits for dessert. They do not usually eat bread or butter. But they are changing some eating habits. Some day of tour it is good to take them to eat at some Chinese food restaurant. They will appreciate it.

• The idea of ​​going abroad is highly appreciated among the Chinese due to the role that the acquisition of knowledge plays by cultivating reading and traveling habits within their culture.

• Urged on by the need to move away from the prevailing pollution in large cities, ecotourism and nature tourism are gaining increasing popularity.

Japanese market

Country with a territorial extension of 377,837 Km., With a population ascending to 127,467,970 inhabitants (2007) and a life expectancy of 83.3 years. It has a high level of economic and social development, whose GDP in 2008 amounted to $ 4.9 trillion and a GDP (nominal) per capita of $ 34,100 per year and expenses for international tourism, amounted to 29.9 billions of dollars, ranking seventh worldwide, according to UNWTO sources.

Japanese tourist profile.

According to studies of this market in different tourist destinations in the world, characteristics such as the following can be seen:

• He is one of the most demanding tourists in the world. "He is used to top-notch service as he travels across the planet and the possibility of failure or delay does not enter his head."

• It is one of the most sensitive to the conditions of comfort, comfort, hygiene, quick procedures, transportation facilities and standard services. They ask for information and facilities in their language as well as high quality services.

• The hotel room must include a bathtub. They love immersion baths and raise the need to develop circuits that include sites with hot springs. The gastronomic proposals are a main dish in the trips of the Japanese. For tourists of middle and old age, quality is much more important than quantity of food. And the menu should not include meat consecutively. Safety regarding the quality of drinking water is essential.

• Their dependence on travel agents is remarkable, more than 60% of Japanese travel consumers use the services and knowledge of travel agents, increasing for long distance trips to 82%.

• It depends on air transport, so it usually arrives with an organized trip and a hotel.

• Needs more attention in destination countries, especially due to language problems.

• As a rule he is very polite, not conflictive. He never complains by raising his voice, we will rarely find a Japanese tourist complaining at the reception of a hotel or the waiter of a restaurant, because due to his cultural background, he does not want to give others a hard time. However, when he returns to Japan he is in charge of letting his local operator know that the service was poor. And what is more damaging, he does not recommend his friends or family to repeat the bad experience.

• Punctuality is another important point. And it is not limited to complying with the program on time, but is synonymous with constantly reporting if there is any variation.

• The motivations are no longer the sun and the beach, but rather the experience: cultural, historical, sports, gastronomic… spend above average and do a lot of shopping.

• More than 70% of all girl groups, except students, travel on vacation. More than 15% of students travel for study purposes abroad. About 30% of married middle-aged men travel for business.

• You are especially affected by the feeling of lack of security. The Japanese tourist is used to high standards of service, security and quality, so they are willing to pay more for safe and quality service.

• It is difficult for him to adapt to western gastronomy and he appreciates enjoying food from his country several times during the trip.

• It is a non-seasonal tourism. In Japan there is no tradition of summer vacation. The Japanese usually have few vacations, therefore, the number of Japanese tourists remains stable, in general, throughout the year.

• The largest group is made up of people between 45 and 64 years old (50%) and if we add to those over 65 years old, it turns out that 72% of those surveyed are over 45 years old. Regarding sex, 65% were women.

• A bow is the usual greeting among the Japanese. When someone wants to show respect or humility he bows his head more than the other person. The Japanese can shake hands with foreigners.

• Personal space is important; therefore, people are not very close when they greet or talk.

• In this hierarchical society, titles are important in presentations.

• The family name is used with the suffix -san, for both men and women. For example, Lord Ogushi would be called Ogushi-san in Japan. The use of personal names is reserved for family and friends.

Japanese market trends

This market in terms of age and sex indicates that the segment with the highest growth is the elderly and taking into account that nearly 30% of the population will be over 65 in 2025, this trend should be reaffirmed in the future..

Another market in frank development is the feminine one and within it the women around 30 years of age, which should also have its peak around the year 2025.

To attract these segments, tourism products and / or services must take into account that it is a very selective market, which knows how to value cultural and historical activities and the beauties of nature and not so much rest and relaxation, as it is the case of the European or North American markets.

It is important to note that there are mistakes that should not be made in front of the Asian tourist:

-confuse their nationalities,

-treat them all equally: Asia is diverse and little is yet known about the different country profiles, -make unsuitable

promotional campaigns. For example, to attract Asians, you have to introduce Asian people into the advertisements.

Service providers must be aware of the responsibility they assume as ambassadors of our people, demonstrating what we are capable of doing so that our clients not only meet their expectations, but also come back and be promoters of this Sol destination. and Beach that is combined with our culture, our history, the traditions of this town, its struggles, its spirit of solidarity, its contagious joy that are attributes of the Cuban tourism industry.

Sources consulted:

• Natalie Tours, Leading Russian Tour Operator Of Tourism In Spain, Increases The Hiring Of Beds For This 2009 In Our Country


gusta / sol / playa / elpporeco / 20060113elpepueco_1 / The Chinese tourist does not like the sun and the playa


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• Russian tourism increases by 30%, while Japanese decreases due to the crisis

• http://www.lavozdigital.es/jerez/20080329/jerez/importancia-atraer-nuevos-mercados-20080329.html The importance of attracting to new emerging markets

• http://www.oem.com.mx/elsoldedurango/notas/n810253.htm Mexico In 2020, 100 million Chinese will travel around the world

• http://www.viajesyofertas.net/turistas-chinos-viajes-europa.php Chinese tourists spend more on their trips to Europe

• Proexport Colombia. Tourism report - Portugal - Russia - Poland –Japan Russian tourism to the world


• Varadero receives award in Russia as the best Caribbean resort

• Profile of the Japanese tourist in Peru. Welcome, honored guests. Visitors to the land of the rising sun prefer archaeological sites.

• Formigal, Russia's tourist destination.

Approach to the profile of Russian, Chinese and Japanese tourists visiting Cuba