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Aim high in your leadership to improve your results

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“The year is practically over. The business activity is preparing to close the year and to balance its operations ”.

The most daring do not prepare to close, because they know that this activity is merely operational. They are preparing to face with greater courage the challenges that lie ahead for 2015!

"Whatever you have decided to face next year, will determine the height that your company will reach in it next year" I hope you have made a commitment strategy with your leaders to get where you want.

The year that ends, at least in our country, has been nuanced by a high degree of complexity in the markets, in the economy and even more so in the social aspect, where violence reappears and drives away investments from both the country and the foreign. Many companies have really been through difficult times and have focused on making major changes to various adjustments to their operation, namely:

  1. Changes in its distribution strategy: The tax reform has directly influenced small businesses, even this led to the closure of many small "corner stores", which has directly affected the drop in sales of consumer companies massive, forcing them to redefine their distribution channels. Focus: Companies are focused on finding how to satisfy the demand of their markets, making modifications and innovations in technology, marketing and internal processes. Resource management: Organizations are basically focused in the recovery of the portfolio, in the reduction of costs and expenses and in seeking the highest profitability for the shareholders. But there is something that has not changed much, they are not betting on the talent of the people they have with them!

Steve Jobs said: What is the use of hiring the best, if you do not give them the opportunity to use their talent? This maxim, in my opinion, is where we have lost focus. We have to learn to unleash the potential of our people and unleash talent in order to obtain the highest value perceived by our clients.

Consider asking yourself the following questions: How much does it cost you not to put your people's brains to work? How much does the low or no contribution level of the people who are with you to your company cost you? These types of questions are those that high-performance companies ask themselves.

These are questions that answering them can be painful, but worth asking if you just want to get ahead with your business plan and even hope to stay ahead of your competitors. So change the way you question yourself, it is not what you stop investing merely in training but what you lose by not putting into operation the machinery called People! "Don't ask yourself how much you invest in training your people, that's easy to know." Ask yourself how much it costs your business, not giving your people the opportunity to showcase your talent in the company and in front of your customers! The time has come to stop playing trifles, you can no longer bet so low. On the contrary, these are times when we must prepare to launch our highest intentions at the stars and go after them.

We must act without fear if we want to cross the river, because on the other side of it are the best opportunities of our lives. But remember, you are not alone, nor can you pretend to take such a big risk without testing the value of your people.

You must learn to unleash the potential of your collaborators through the formal leaders at your disposal and your leaders must assume this responsibility as a condition of employment, that is, much of your salary, bonuses and your work itself will be at stake if It is not possible to unleash the potential of the people in charge and if they are not translated into differentiating ideas in front of their clients. I give you a piece of thought that I have read in a recent article. Only 6% of people work in what they dreamed of as a child! ”

Can you imagine the size of the problem that organizations have today in relation to the enthusiasm and motivation of their collaborators? For this responsibility to motivate and enthuse the people around us is greater for those of us who intend to lead others.

So, we wear ourselves out investing in processes, new methodologies, etc., and what happens in the end ?: Little really if we see and believe in the abundant possibilities that each person possesses in terms of their talent. For this you are then, to put yourself to the test and the talent of others, therefore stop tales and make excuses that you do not come to your plans because of others.

Today you must prepare to face perhaps one of the greatest challenges of your life: to challenge yourself. We are as leaders accustomed to holding accounts, pressuring others for results, even acting with threats towards others, about job loss or business closure if the "results" do not justify the operation, but are you prepared to Question yourself about whether or not you put everything on your side to achieve a high impact on the people around you? You must aim at the highest to achieve Triple Balance in your organization.

Always remember that you have the following obligation to these three principles:

  1. To be the best managed company: It has to do with efficiency in all areas of the company, efficient control of resources, etc. To be the most productive company: It has to do with the efficiency and productivity of each area and department and with quality customer service. Being the most innovative company: The raison d'être of the company. Give the customer what no one dares to give in terms of differentiation both in service and product, price, promotions etc.

It will not be possible to achieve these three factors without a change in the way of conceiving what is best for others, you will not even be able to approach your long-term goals if you do not set out to unleash your talent and that of others as a single unit. It will not be possible to achieve your dream if you do not invest in increasing the capabilities of those around you and giving them the opportunity to demonstrate it.

Don't waste the ocean for a few waves. Either aim high without fear, or you will pay the consequences of not doing it through your clients! "You must learn to jump into the river if you want to learn to swim." You must leave your fears behind and put yourself to the test, even if it means traveling at risk. Make up your mind to learn! Close or start? This is the key question to ask at this time. Either you are closing the exercise or you are opening up the possibility for your organization to transition to a new culture, there is no more!

Do not let the winter cold of the year-end news in the country invade you, do not spend your time viewing only the risk indicators that exist and are published daily in the performance indicators.

Focus your attention on the internal factors of your business and realize, once and for all, the infinite number of possibilities to improve your level of performance based on the abundance of talent you have in your company. For your business leaders, the time has come to wake up, it is time to take the responsibility that has been given to you in terms of making those around you expose your potential and not just achieve results at whatever cost.

The company has already spent a lot of money and effort hiring and training people, but little or nothing has been done to retain talent by achieving a leadership exercise that generates motivation, cohesion and a deep participation of the talent of people in each part of the business operation process. Give your people a chance to serve through a display of talent they haven't seen yet.

They want to be reflected in your business results, they also want to make history together with you and your company. The best way for an employee to feel proud of their business is through the impact it makes on it, and this is only possible when given the opportunity to expose their potential and empowered to make decisions at the moment. most important for the company. I have said it a thousand times, you will not be able to change your organization, as long as your mental model does not change and as long as yours does not, the rest of the company staff will never change it.

You are the example to follow, you are the one who must show the way and the value of taking the first step. A new business plan will not be enough to achieve good results, not even a new wording regarding the vision of your company. It requires putting into action not its people, but the talent that it possesses and for this it must gain the trust of its collaborators, otherwise there will be no commitment. My best wishes for 2015.

Final reflection

"You will not learn to swim in troubled waters unless you throw yourself into the river" You will not get to a good place if you do not put your gifts to work, therefore you have 2 ways:

  1. Know what your areas of strength are. Put them to the test.
Aim high in your leadership to improve your results