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Total quality management notes

Table of contents:


Quality Concept

It is when in an organization the activities are determined and the members of it are doing what they have to do, they are doing it well, to provide total customer satisfaction.

Concept analysis

"Doing what they have to do" refers to:

• Determination of activities

• Knowledge of the requirements to be met

• Training on those requirements (training)

• Strict compliance with those requirements

If the requirements are known, no supervision is needed as you know what to do.

It implies the predisposition or integration of the organization (the commitment). It is the difference between having and wanting to go to work, creating a better work environment.

Total Quality is when in the organization, the members are exactly meeting all the established and standardized requirements towards the search for Zero Defect, to provide total customer satisfaction.

Customer is anyone who is affected by what he does or does not do. He is the one who depends on me, that is, he has a direct dependence; the one who follows me in line (internal client) and all those who depend on me (transcendental reason).

Total Quality is not limited to an administrative or management technique, but its conception is much deeper, since it begins and ends with people, that is, it is a philosophy that is demonstrated in the being, thinking and acting of people quality. Quality People obtain quality products and provide quality services.

Principles of Quality

1. Meet the requirements. For this, managers must:

• Establish the requirements to be met

• Provide the necessary means for employees to comply

• Motivate and stimulate so that the requirements are fulfilled

2. Quality is Prevention, not verification

3. The standard of performance is Zero Defects

4. The measure of Quality is the price for non-compliance


It is a value of the human being, through which he develops his potential. A good worker is one who has a permanent good disposition. That is the challenge, facilitating a good predisposition, which is achieved (or improved) if people like their work.

Keys to Quality

  • Business identification: formulation, creation and development of the Quality Vision and Mission
  • Work based on the client: interpretation of their needs, interpretive design, creativity to satisfy their needs and demands.
  • Teamwork: create a good work environment, coordination, communication, common objectives, leadership to achieve a synergy that allows us to satisfy customer demands and needs faster and better.

Essential factors to introduce Total Quality Control

  • Consciousness: at all levels of the organization
  • Teamwork: it is the pillar of Quality, working in mutual cooperation and without authoritarianism.
  • Control and improvement: improve on what is measured, since only what can be measured can be improved. Improvement plans.
  • Systematization: in search of the perfection of the activities of the organization.

Knowledge and comparison of costs

  • Evaluation: it must be constant and feedback, while it must be impartial about the efforts of the workers in the activity.
  • Dissemination: what is done and what happens in the organization must be communicated at all levels.

The 5 S

It is a technique that seeks to ensure correct control and work style, reduce wasted time, improve the work environment and provide for a higher level of safety.

To begin, you need to record the before and after to compare results.

1. Seire: Throw away everything that is not used. I have only what is necessary, in the necessary quantities.

2. Seiton (Sort): define a place for everything and everything in its place. Signpost the different areas.

3. Seisou (Clean): People deserve the best work environment, especially ourselves.

4. Seiketsu (Maintain): Maintain what has been achieved with the previous steps. It is the beginning of CVT.

5. Shitsuke (Discipline): Do it constantly until it becomes an unconscious habit. Order, routine and constant improvement.

Definitions related to the Total Quality Management system

Quality Policies

They are the general guidelines and objectives of an organization concerning quality, formally expressed by the highest level of management.

Quality management

It is the set of activities of the business function that determines the quality policy, objectives and responsibilities and implements them by means such as quality planning, quality control, quality assurance and improvement of quality, under the quality system.

Quality Planning

These are the activities that establish the objectives and requirements for quality as well as the requirements for the application of the elements of the quality system.

This covers:

a) Product Planning: identification, classification and weighing of the characteristics related to quality as well as the establishment of objectives, quality requirements and restrictions.

b) Administrative and operational planning: preparation of the application of the quality system, including organization and planning.

c) Preparation of quality plans and establishment of provisions for quality improvement.

Total quality management notes