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Art-therapy to boost creativity in the company


"Art is the projection onto the world that surrounds man of a strong mental image, which colors reality before taking shape and transfiguring and recreating it." (Clottes, 2013)

The fine arts constitute tacit knowledge beyond the fields of knowledge and allow us to understand our world and the global society in which we live (Rivas Tovar, 2011), since they represent an "encyclopedia" that quasi feeds the 5 senses of the individual, by means of which we can transport ourselves and know the expression of the human being through time, in fact it is thanks to primitive art that it has been possible to study the cultural and social senses of homo erectus more than 230 thousand years ago.

Painting, dance, sculpture, theater, literature, music, art is a reflection of the internal aspects of societies and of the individual, which can stimulate the development of creativity, which is a necessity that allows humans, according to Winnicott, live in a healthy way (Lopez Romero, 2004).


Today's business life unfolds in a stress-filled environment, where employees spend 10 to 12 hours immersed in information flow processing, decision-making, crisis management, requiring the balanced mind to perform tasks assigned correctly, this is undoubtedly a growing problem in organizations, a survey by Businessweek, mentions that 60% of workers in the United States attribute the phenomenon of job stress to the lack of time for reflection and execution of their work.

Stress is a dynamic condition in which an individual is confronted with an opportunity, demand or resource related to what the individual wants and whose result is perceived as uncertain and important. (Robbins & Judge, 2009). Two types of stress can be distinguished: challenge, which refers to the workload and urgency to end it; and another one of hindrance, which implies a position away from organizational goals, such as can happen when an audit is not accredited (Regueiro & Leon, 2003). Illustration number 1 shows the cause-consequence model of industrial stress, which can often go unnoticed or intrinsic to the collaborator, however it has very daily causes and consequences that can affect the development and achievement of company goals.

Stress model. (Robbins & Judge, 2009).

Faced with constant pressure, creative potential, which is often a fundamental factor in problem solving and therefore decision-making, suffers from a significant weakening, which leads to lower productivity.

In the current globalized system, it is essential for a company to have proactive collaborators, this anglicism goes hand in hand with creativity, the more creative the individual becomes, the more solutions he is able to discover to achieve the goals and objectives outlined in the organization, the above is described by the wheel of consciousness (illustration 2)

The wheel of consciousness (Zepeda, 2003).

As can be seen, this process of consciousness and emotional intelligence begins with the sense organs with the sensations that are generated from the stimuli of the environment, both internal and external, so that good training in both emotional and in the cognitive ones it must go in total synchrony for the execution of the actions of the day to day. (Zepeda, 2003).

In this scenario, art as a method of improvement has become an ally for human resources professionals (Sanchez Pizarro, 2011), firstly as a means to achieve deep relaxation, which ideally should be done from 15 to 20 minutes a day to the release of tension (Robbins & Judge, 2009), and secondly the use of the arts as therapy, which originated during the second world war (Lopez Romero, 2004), the so-called art therapy has its theoretical support in three authors: M. Klein, DW Winnicott and S. Lebovici, and it is a technique that rescues the creative potential of man, provides greater self-confidence, brings him closer to the unknown and expands the mental capacity to produce an image and transport it to the process creative (Sanchez Pizarro, 2011).

One of the contributions of this technique in the company is through a cognitive process, through which employees can improve their areas of opportunity with respect to group work in the organization's routine, in this area Edith Kramer considered that Engaging in the process of creating art through poetry, music, or painting gave an opportunity to externalize, re-experiment, and resolve conflicting feelings (Sanchez Pizarro, 2011).

Art also provides the employee's ability to relate harmony and aesthetic sense to balanced forms of life and developmental tasks. As a result, the company gains a more qualified, confident, and creative staff that is critical to the corporate world. Another advantage of using art therapy in the company is its low cost, since the materials are fairly accessible, and thanks to technology and the current ability to communicate, it is within a click,No need to transport yourself to the Royal Albert Hall in London to listen to its symphony orchestra or go to the Louvre museum in Paris to see masterpieces of old world painting and sculpture or buy a ticket to attend a ballet performance at the Bolshoi theater in Moscow to admire the perfection of the best dancers in the world.

Finally, through the art-therapeutic experience, the individual advances towards a greater awareness of himself as an integral being: body, consciousness, emotions and spirit, thanks to the transformation of experiences with art on a personal and group level to explore new languages ​​such as corporal, artistic and playful (Grosser, 2010).

Knowledge management within the company requires the use of tools that are an instrument for the comprehensive training of employees with a view to obtaining a reciprocal value that generates personal well-being and greater profit for the business.


The current philosophical currents of art, propose that any artistic expression can be created without the need to strengthen any kind of narrative, that is, art can not necessarily inhabit a museum room, but can arise in the intimacy of everyday life (Danto, 2010), this perspective reinforces the vision of art therapy which little by little becomes important especially in the American Union where there is an association dedicated to research and systematization of the subject, this therapy is an emerging business tool with psychological bases Important but that requires methodologies that allow determining needs, personal variables, environment variables and the way of interacting within organizations to enhance creativity through the appreciation and expression of art.


  • Clottes, J. (2013). Art et spiritualité: origins et frontierés. Points de vau initiatiques, revue de la grande loge de France (168), 63-73. Danto, A. (2010). After the end of art. Paidos Iberica.Grosser, VH (2010). Art therapy as a key tool in the company. Obtained from Crisalida consultores: www.crisalidaconsultores.clLopéz Romero, B. (2004). Art therapy, another way to heal. Education and future: journal of applied research and educational experiences. (10), 101-110.Regueiro, R., & Leon, O. (2003). Stress in everyday decisions. Psicothema, 15 (4), 533-538.Rivas Tovar, LA (2011). The nine skills of an investigator. Investigacion Administrativa, 40 (108), 34-55.Robbins, S., & Judge, T. (2009). Organizational behavior (Thirteenth ed.). Mexico DF: Pearson Educación.Sanchez Pizarro, MC (2011).Creativity, art and art therapy. Key XXI. Reflections and experiences in education. (5), 1-21.Zepeda, HF (2003). Introduction to psychology, a humanistic scientific vision (Second ed.). Mexico DF: Pearson Education.
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Art-therapy to boost creativity in the company