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Ensuring the success of organizations through its people


Many organizations maintain the paradigm of individual success, focused on the fact that the results of an organization depend only on the managers and not on a teamwork where the manager is part of the gear of a group that is the one that achieves the result. Based on this paradigm, they overvalue the role of managers, individual success, to the detriment of the value of operational personnel and the teamwork that must be had in an organization.

This paradigm leads organizations not to value operatives as people who think and can contribute their knowledge, ideas and experience to the organization, resulting in the establishment of a payment system where bosses earn high salaries and operatives low wages, thereby discouraging the level of commitment of the operations with the organization and teamwork.

This mistaken paradigm, which means that organizations only want to take advantage of people, their arms and not their gray mass, leads us to think that the bosses are the only ones who can contribute their knowledge, intelligence and experience to decisions, forgetting that popular saying. which says "two heads think better than one", where elementary logic indicates that if we take advantage of the potential of others we can make better decisions and achieve better results.

Therefore, the paradigm must be changed, and that means moving from considering people as mere resources, to moving from considering people as the main asset of an organization, from having human resources administration offices to having Human potential management offices, because today the success of organizations depends on taking full advantage of the potential, talent and capabilities of people and teamwork, and not doing the opposite.

For this you must have managers who think that way, but you must also have personnel who are capable of contributing, making these two points challenges that organizations have to face today to be successful.

To have managers who believe in teamwork and thereby seek to maximize the potential of personnel, it is required that the highest authority of the organization, use this paradigm with their managers, making it by example part of the organizational culture.

In order to face the other challenge that consists of having personnel who are capable of contributing, three important elements of personnel administration must be worked on: Personnel Selection Process, Compensation System and Personnel Evaluation System.

1. The personnel selection process is that set of steps that we take in order to select the best personnel for the position that we offer, often the lack of knowledge in personnel administration generates that organizations do not fulfill this objective, obtaining low potential staff.

2. The compensation system is the system that determines everything a worker receives for his work in the organization or for belonging to it. As components of a compensation system there is direct compensation, which is what a worker receives for his work and indirect compensation, which is what he receives for the mere fact of belonging to the organization, for example social security and other benefits that are not they have as a counterpart the provision of their service.

A good compensation system allows you to attract good candidates when there are recruitment processes, but it also allows you to retain the good staff you have. To have a good compensation system, you must take care of equity, that means equal effort equal remuneration. To assess equity, we must compare what our workers earn by comparing their effort and what they receive with other workers who perform the same work within our organization and also in other organizations, to the extent that our compensation system respects the principle of equity., there will be no problems. But if the remuneration we provide to our workers is below the labor market, they will lose motivation and seek to go to organizations that pay better than ours.On the other hand, when organizations have a poor compensation system, they attract personnel with low capacity in the personnel processes, who enter the organization, learn their work and then leave, generating a high level of staff turnover and with it higher costs.

3. The performance evaluation system is the one that allows the performance or contribution of the personnel to the organization to be measured. It is necessary to measure the contribution of the personnel to the organization in order to maintain the personnel or in case they are performing beyond the standard, incentivize them for that performance.

In order for a worker to have the right to receive his remuneration, he has to fulfill his duties, this is called a standard, understanding that the standard is the comparison parameter to know if the worker complied with the minimum necessary to be entitled to his remuneration. Otherwise, their performance will be low and the organization will separate it, but if the worker yields more than what is the standard, they should be financially incentivized for this additional performance in order to maintain it. A good performance evaluation system allows to control the performance of each member and thereby ensure that the organization as a whole meets its objectives, which depend on the performance of each worker,but additionally it also allows separating those who do not meet the standard and rewarding those who perform above average.

In conclusion, we must say that it is necessary for organizations to change their paradigm, starting to consider personnel as the main asset of the company, seeking to maximize their potential, talent and capabilities. To achieve this, you have to have managers who think like this, complemented by adequate personnel selection processes, a compensation system and a performance evaluation system.

Ensuring the success of organizations through its people