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Key aspects for the training of a training manager

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Those responsible for managing the training processes in the company must know different models and methodologies that allow them to increase their contribution levels in the design, execution, monitoring and evaluation of all training events, training, education and even development of collaborators.. Future training managers are required to recognize that they have a role that transcends operational limits and they also have a responsibility to integrate a work system that includes different factors and interests to increase the performance and productivity of employees and the company..

In this brief reflection, I risk suggesting a conceptual route that incorporates different themes that allow those who will be responsible for integrating training initiatives into a Master Training Plan to recognize the importance of ensuring the different factors that intervene when establishing and differentiate the training actions, on the one hand, and the expected results as a consequence of the actions programmed for the collaborators.

As a suggestion, I propose some theoretical parameters that will allow those responsible for training in the organization to offer added value in their management, creating synergy with all those who decide the events that take place, proposing actions that allow the design of new strategies that provide elements to measure the impact of training on productivity and know the levels of transfer of learning to the workplace.

This route incorporates in its route a methodological opportunity that can make a difference when it comes to strengthening the cognitive skills of those who aspire to be managers of training and training in companies, I mean that the process includes, in addition to the required experience Every day, spaces for reflection with other training professionals that allow the content to be consolidated and at the same time identify the key aspects to measure the results of the events that we program. In this sense, it is recommended to develop a training program that includes the following three components:

  • Conceptualization: Refers to the theoretical factors that allow us to know the scope that training management must have to support corporate strategy. Program attendees must receive practical training in the design of some Training tools that can be implemented in the action plan. The methodology used must make permanent reference to the real situations that the company lives in its day to day in order to collect practical elements that allow documenting proposals for the design of the training action plan. Experiential learning. As the training process of the future training manager progresses, and in parallel, practical exercises and simulations will be carried out to critically analyze the need,convenience and opportunity to apply or not the tools that are known. You must receive training in some practical exercises that allow you to deepen your understanding of tax training management and aligned with business strategy.

With these preambles, I offer below my thematic suggestions that surely can be adjusted and completed to the reality of the occupant of the position, I mean that this route can be face-to-face or virtual, it can include external or internal tutors and other ways to ensure learning.

Module 1. Basic training concepts


Recognize the basic components of a training process in the organization and its importance in human and organizational development.


  1. Training processes and strategic alignment. Components of learning in the organization. Learning taxonomy. Elements of adult learning. Characteristics of adults. Types of training in the company. Induction and organizational commitment. Organizational development and human development.

Module 2. Diagnosis of training needs


Identify a model for diagnosing training needs that allows knowing the components of a business training program.


  1. Importance of an adequate training diagnosis. Management and operational training. Detection of obvious and hidden needs. Training needs sheets. Main methods and techniques for training diagnosis. DICE methodology for training effectiveness. Some indicators for training processes. Training.

Module 3. Development of a competency training program


Identify the basic competencies proposed by McClelland and how to include them in a training plan.


  1. Training and development of competencies. Model for the identification of observable behaviors in the McClelland competencies model. Management and labor competences. Training by competences. Instructor and facilitator skills in business learning processes. Use and abuse of the competency model.

Module 4. Learning assessment models


Know some management models that allow evaluating the results of training and understand the importance of transferring learning to the job.


  1. Importance of evaluating training plans Levels of Evaluation of Training events Follow-up and monitoring of training results Model Assessment Center 360º evaluation of social perception Test Transfer of learning to the job Design of a competency-based evaluation tool.

Module 5. Design of a training plan


Prepare with the participants a training plan that includes the learning obtained in the work unit.


  1. Components of a business training program. Training management. Design of training strategies. Technical, administrative and personal growth training. Creation of the training committee. Tools to measure the impact of training. Training budget administration.

I hope that this contribution will allow all those who are currently responsible for the training processes and those who want to be, to identify some aspects that enrich their daily management and thus qualify their contribution to a management that in many occasions passes silently between great business achievements.

Recognizing that training is important is not enough, it is necessary to assign this responsibility to whoever likes, wants and knows how to do it professionally. It is time to consolidate the position of boss, director or training manager as strategic and stop seeing him as a logistics operator whose concern must go beyond practical aspects.

It is time to understand that business training cannot be the product of dispersed budgets that are executed according to media needs. The manager is the internal consultant who manages to design an articulated training program based on a good diagnosis of training needs and advises managers to optimize the resources assigned to business training processes, which is capable of taking advantage of market offers, to understand that not everything free is necessarily good and that training providers must be allies in the entire internal process of training and formation of the skills required by collaborators.

I hope that this contribution is of interest and invites and encourages us to continue consolidating the training of trainers as a challenge for those who are in charge of developing the potential of people and the organization.

Key aspects for the training of a training manager