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Assessment center. theory and practical development

Table of contents:


This work was carried out by students from the Personnel Administration I Chair (Miñana Ruffat-Florez Stutz) from the Labor Relations degree program at the University of Buenos Aires. In it, an attempt will be made to undertake an analysis of the Assessment Center, as a standardized behavioral evaluation method, used as a technique to: select personnel, evaluate performance, prepare career plans, etc.



  1. The selection of the right person, whether the selection is made with people outside the organization or with internal staff as a promotion. Locate staff or relocate them based on their skills.


  • The effective evaluation of the current competences and the development potential of the people who work in the organization or of the applicants to enter it, through the application of different techniques, individual or group, of high evaluative precision that enable the visualization of all kinds of capacities, abilities, attitudes, knowledge, etc. The effective evaluation of the different specific behavioral skills or competencies identified as critical to the position through simulation exercises that recreate the characteristics and demands of the position to be filled, allowing the opportunity to evaluate in advance the candidates' performance in the professional role to which are postulated. Enable effective evaluation in the following organizational situations:Selection and External Recruitment. Job promotions with Management responsibility. Management Potential Measurement. Career Planning. Internal Recruitment of candidates - professionals for management programs. Selection of Supervisors. Selection of the Middle Management. Identification of Training and Development Needs of all management levels. Selection of individuals with potential to reach the Top Management. Selection of individuals with specialized skills. Selection of individuals to learn specialized activities.Identification of Training and Development Needs of all management levels. Selection of individuals with potential to reach the Top Management. Selection of individuals with specialized skills. Selection of individuals to learn specialized activities.Identification of Training and Development Needs of all management levels. Selection of individuals with potential to reach the Top Management. Selection of individuals with specialized skills. Selection of individuals to learn specialized activities.

Role of the moderator

  • Facilitate the operation of the group. You must teach and explain the different slogans, promote the initial warm-up of the group and moderate and contain eventual deviations in the group process. It is not necessary to promote a balanced participation of all the members, since said participation is in itself a variable to be evaluated. Yes, you must set limits to aggressive or supportive personalities that could manifest themselves. Coordinate the operation of the group of observers and serve as technical support. This does not mean integrating as an evaluator.

3.- Definition of the desired profile

Once the information described in the previous paragraph has been collected, the task will be advanced by following these steps:

  1. A list of tasks or events will be drawn up according to what is revealed in the “Description of events / tasks” forms. Prioritization will be made of the tasks or events listed above. The knowledge and skills required to solve the tasks or events prioritized in the previous item will be defined.
  1. From the definition of the required skills, factors, sub-factors and indicative behaviors are defined that allow the presence of these skills to be inferred.

4.- Structuring of exercises in relation to demanded profiles and behaviors to observe

Based on the task carried out in the previous point, the exercises that are considered most appropriate should be chosen, where the evaluated can show the skills required for the task being sought.

  • Place and date of the event Planned duration of the event Generic description of the activity to be carried out Objective of the activity Information on the results that will be given and when it will be available.

In the organization of the evaluation group, the following aspects must be taken into account:

  • Indication on logistical aspects Provision of cafeteria services Physical layout


6.- Training of observers

  • In the case of an external selection, a ranking of candidates indicating which are candidates for the position to be filled and which are not.
  • In the case of an internal selection, a ranking of candidates for the line to decide, and specifying each person's strengths and weaknesses.
  • In the case of detection of training needs, a list of detected needs based on the evaluation of the observed behaviors.


Among the advantages of the Assessment Center are its high reliability and validity, relative to the lower need for making inferences as well as the training power that those responsible for carrying out this evaluation system must possess, that is, the outstanding skills and knowledge that the observers and line managers who participate in it must possess. It is emphasized that in Personnel Selection it should not be forgotten that the subjectivity with which we manage can hinder the selection of the best candidate for a job, since prejudices and preformed ideas do not allow us to be objective and therefore decisions can be distorted.

In an Assessment Center process, in order to ensure its high reliability and validity, an attempt is made to increase the precision of the observations, which is achieved depending on pre-established standards, which must be implemented and supervised by trained and qualified observers to compare the applicant's situational behavior with the parameters defined for that particular process. Likewise, as previously highlighted, another aspect that favors the high reliability and validity of this type of evaluation technique is related to the characteristics that the evaluators participating in the process must possess. On the one hand, several consultants should be used to observe and evaluate each participant,constituting the maximum ratio of evaluators based on multiple variables that include the type of exercise used, the dimensions and competences to evaluate, the training of the observer evaluators, the experience of the team and the purpose of the AC. Two observers per evaluated are considered an adequate ratio. On the other hand, the evaluators must receive a thorough training and, also, demonstrate to possess the necessary competences to carry out the task.demonstrate possessing the necessary competencies to perform the task.demonstrate possessing the necessary competencies to perform the task.

Among other abilities, possession by them of the ability to observe, record and classify behaviors, including specific knowledge, is considered essential. Finally, as another aspect related to the validity and reliability of the process, the observers should use a systematic procedure with which to record the behaviors, at the same time as making the observation.

Direct advantages :

Indirect advantages:

Candidates gain a better understanding of themselves, and above all, more transparently access the demands of the positions.


  • Accurate and more complete information about the potential of people is obtained. It combines the orientation of people's development and evaluation in the same process. Their pressure is based on exercises designed to investigate the skills and aptitudes specifically required for each level for which the person is evaluated. Due to its standardization, it makes valid comparative judgments. As the technique is administered by specialists from outside the performance area, it enables a vision that is less emotionally compromised, and therefore generally more objective. It shortens the evaluation times in situations of massive responses to the calls of a company. It combines the realism of the pre-industrial selection process and the techniques created from the behavioral sciences,staging the main actors in the life of an organization.

Disadvantages of the Assessment Center

The implementation of a QA process has some disadvantages, among which we can highlight the high cost, given the investment involved in its design and implementation. The greater the number of candidates among which the costs are shared, the less the value per candidate. So these are techniques used by large organizations. Costs are minimized when benefits are taken into account.

We must not forget that in the selection of personnel, the subjectivity with which we manage can make it difficult to select the best candidate for a job. Prejudices and preformed ideas do not allow us to be objective and therefore decisions can be distorted.

Another of the disadvantages that we can cite are the difficulties in achieving true objectivity in observing and evaluating the behaviors that are triggered in the situation. This requires a greater need for training and training of the evaluators increasing.

Another problem that arises is that the hypothetical situations that arise do not always reflect the complexity of reality. It is also important that when choosing the skills and their behaviors, they are representative of what is required for the job.

Occurs in opportunities that require behaviors that are not relevant to the position. Many of the problems are caused by poor design of the structures and simulation exercises. The most frequent causes are that the preparation stages have been carried out by people with little knowledge and / or experience in the methodology who have carried out an insufficient analysis of the characteristics of the position and / or skills to be evaluated or that have not been defined correctly the latter. As these stages are carefully addressed, the ability to predict future behaviors increases.


Assessment Center Tests Interviews
Elaborated based on dimensions that arise from the analysis of tasks and requirements. All dimensions are observed in the activity. They are usually designed to measure specific dimensions. Relatively useful for observing behavior in specific situations. The list of dimensions is usually incomplete and not all of them are observed.
Acceptance by the line managers from their participation in the selection of criteria and observation of the activity. Subsequent use of what was observed. Difficulties on the part of the users in linking the results. They depend on the quality and work approach of the professional who interprets the tests. Interviews are often viewed by managers as subjective.
Different activities are developed. The participant is observed in group and individual situations, structured and unstructured, in leadership roles. Social and intellectual factors, capacity for expression, etc. are measured. The tests differ from each other, but generally measure cognitive abilities or personality characteristics. One-person exercise.
Specially trained line watchers participate. They are administered by specially trained professional psychologists. Interviewers don't always have the proper training.
Observers are hierarchically placed at various levels above the position for which the task is evaluated and thoroughly understood. The evaluator does not have a hierarchical relationship with the position to be filled or knows the task. They may or may not know the task at hand.
Observation of behaviors in simulated situations, by various evaluators. Candidates tend to answer what they understand is best for them by requiring a thorough evaluation. What the candidate says about what he has done or could do is predetermined.
There is a formal method for evaluating observed behaviors. Formal methods for data collection and evaluation. Formal evaluation methods are not always used.
Much information is obtained on various dimensions of the candidates Little data is obtained on some dimensions. Relatively little information is obtained on some dimensions.
The method is easily understood by the participant. I saw it as a fair and objective tool for the evaluation of candidates. The method is often incomprehensible to participants. Potential factors are difficult to evaluate by means of these techniques. The fairness and objectivity of the method depends on the evaluator. The interview generally covers only part of the required factors.
The return to the participant is relatively simple and is part of the technique. Return difficult to implement. It is almost never done. The interviewee is rarely returned.


Analytical skills: Identify problems, recognize significant information, search and coordinate relevant data, diagnose possible causes.

  1. Receptive-Basic: Competition is not required. Simply apply the defined rules and procedures in writing. There is no added value. Imitative: Competition is demanded at a very low level. It is required to understand and imitate the decisions that have to do with the competition; it is necessary to detect errors and warn of them. Started: Competition is demanded at a low level. The environments are low risk. It is necessary to anticipate problems. Autonomous: Competition is sued. More far-reaching initiatives must be taken. The analyzes are somewhat complex. The implications of decisions must be known. Define and synthesize. Analyst:Competition is highly demanded. Knowledge is applied in high risk environments, requires communication with high-level interlocutors; resource volumes are managed. Strategist: Competition is required to face political decisions and define guidelines that affect the entire organization. You have to innovate.

This table seeks to define the profile of competencies required for the position. To achieve this, the required competences are listed on the one hand and the magnitudes in which these competencies must be presented are indicated on the other.

Steps for selecting candidates:

Assessment Center


Original text

10:00 Welcome and Corporate Presentation
10:10 Coordinators Presentation An HR professional opens the activity, introducing himself and introducing himself to the rest of the team and communicating the activities to be carried out (the coordinators will be the administrators of the process).
10:20 Presentation of the participants
10: 30-11: 00 Exercise: "Complaints and solutions in real situations"
11: 00-11: 20 Coffee break
11: 20-12: 00 Exercise: "The day of the end of the world"
12: 00-13: 00 Observer meeting
  • Two of the participants must personify the members of the discussion. Participants must defend their positions, reaching an agreement. The participant who impersonates the Technician who went to repair the computer must provide a temporary solution, while finally managing to repair the client's PC. What are the solutions that can provide you?

Taking into account the case of situation 1, the Technician who attended the complaint meets with other technicians from the repair company to see the best and fastest way to solve said problem.

  • As the board can be fixed, a new board must be made, they would make it themselves or have it made, it can be replaced by a board from another PC.

You should discuss the probabilities that exist and reach an agreement. Then analyze the discussion they faced to reach an agreement.

Some guiding questions:

  • How do we discuss? What are the causes of our coming to the solution or the failure to find it? Were there errors? Which? Why? Was it discussed in order? What criteria did we take into account when agreeing with one? Did everyone speak? Is everyone's opinion heard? Do we scream? Were we run over?

The group is then asked if the game is abstract or happens in life. When, with whom?

Each is asked to tell what they discovered and what conclusions they draw.

Finally, they are asked to tell what they feel after the game, and what they felt during and before the game.

Activity # 2: Recycling objects


  1. It will simulate working in a company that is dedicated to providing comprehensive solutions to its clients. The company's policy is oriented towards the most efficient solution, always trying to save costs. You should be able to assemble with all the disused objects that you will find in the bag an object that can be used. It will not matter what the armed object will be used for, but they should put an emphasis on arguing this utility well. From this moment on, they have 20 minutes to elaborate the object, which must expose and explain its usefulness in 5 minutes. The coordinator will mark the times. The criterion of choosing the best solution will be based on the best idea that meets the needs.
  • Market in which the consumer target object would be registered Functionality

Activity 3: The day of the end of the world



  • We imagine that the date of the end of the world day has been determined. We imagine that it will not be a catastrophic non-chaotic end; simply at 12 o'clock that day, as if the electrical energy of a house were turned off, the energy of life in the world was going to be turned off. No explosions, no wars, no cosmic or nuclear outbursts. The participants in the activity know the date exactly, but the rest of humanity does not know it. This date is one month from the beginning of the year. The task to be carried out is to plan individual and group activities that could be carried out during that month based on different possible objectives / purposes.The coordinator determines personal time to think about the plan individually and helps form the groups that will be integrated with 5 people each. Each group receives a poster paper so that they can make a visual outline of the month's planning. After the group work, the sharing of opinions and criteria will be carried out through the exhibition of the posters made and the comment of a group spokesperson on the coincidences and differences.
  1. End of the activity - Evaluation and Conclusions


Quantity Subtotal iva inc Total
Recruitment expenses
Publications in newspapers two 370
CV processing (male hours) 3 816
Communication of results to candidates:
Telephony expenses 12 fifteen
Staff man hours one 30
Assessment Center Expenses
Online and Human Resources two 255
External two 1000
External coordinator one 1000
Materials for the Games
Library items 80
Materials for observers and coordinators
Copy of the observation guides fifty 5
Coordinator worksheet twenty two
Evaluation record sheets 10 one
Pens and folders 20.5
General costs
lunch 19 190
Coffee shop 19 38
Final interview expenses
telephone communications 5 12.5
Staff man hours assigned for communication one 10

Competences assessed
Competences one two 3 4 5 6
Analysis capacity
Teamwork / cooperation
Planification and organization
Customer orientation
Adaptability / flexibility
Conceptual knowledge
Anticipation of change
Participant's name:
Competition Rarely Sometimes Usually Always
Teamwork / cooperation
Actively participate in achieving a common goal
Collaborate even when the goal is not related to self-interest
Find common interest and solve problems for the good of all
You can represent your own interests and be loyal to those of the group
Able to resolve discrepancies with colleagues with discretion
Analysis capacity
Identify problems
Recognize meaningful information
Search and coordinate relevant data
Diagnose possible causes
Planification and organization
Effectively determine goals and priorities
Stipulates the action, deadlines and resources required to achieve the objectives
Customer orientation
Demonstrates sensitivity to customer needs or demands
Hear the demands and give consistent answers
Channels customer requirements according to the established standard
Flexibility / adaptability
Modify their behavior to achieve goals when difficulties arise
Analyze the particular cases looking for an original and effective solution
Proposes various solutions to a conflict situation
Conceptual knowledge
Has theoretical knowledge about the work he does
Anticipation of change
Show willingness to accept and promote changes in procedures


POTENTIAL: Probable ability (recognized in an individual) to ensure a successful outcome in a future job or function.

DIMENSION: Skill area or descriptive heading under which specific examples of behavior can be grouped and classified.


  • "What is the Assessment Center?"; Carlos Alberto Ramírez Paso. "Assessment centers"; Jaime Grados. Publisher: Manual Moderno. "Assessmente center: Apractical Handbook"; Paul Jansen, Fercy de Jongh Publisher: John Wiley & Sons. “Assessment center A to Z: a ​​collection of 50 questionaries, instruments and inventories”; Bunnie Burms and Maggi Payment –Editorial: Jossey- Bass / Pfeiffer. Web pages consultingpartners.com.ar "Intelligence and creativity technology"; Milenium Consultant "Human Behavior at Work"; Kaith Davis / John Newstrom. Mc Graw Hill. "Assessing Competencies"; M. Smith / I. Robertson. London. Mc Graw Hill. "Potential Assessment", "Assessment Center"; Development Systems, SA - Consulting in direction and management. Belgrano University. "Assessment Centers", "Induction,Recruitment and selection"; Grades, Jaime. Editorial The Modern Manual. "Employment: the selection process"; Alles, Martha. Editorials Macchi. "Group dynamics"; Pisano, Juan Carlos (1993) "Management and development of the Assessment Center"; Notebooks of the Association of personnel leaders of Argentina. Lic. Botto, Verónica.

To complement what has been expressed so far about what the Assessment Center is and how it is developed, its stages, its advantages and disadvantages, we share the following video-lesson (10 minutes) of the Business and Management School, through which you can delve deeper in learning this assessment tool used in human resource management in organizations around the world.

Download the original file

Assessment center. theory and practical development