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Intentional care and ethical behavior


In this essay I will address the theory of care and the fundamental aspects that make us act in different ways with an ethical approach in a social and work environment.

Key words: Attention, Ethics.


Attention is a voluntary action of the human being where we have the ability to choose the stimuli that require concentration in order to process and understand them. It is an approach where a separation of what happens in the environment is achieved.

During our growth we can recognize moments in which our attention has been required and have created memories that we can access when required.

Focusing on ethical behavior, it is essential to use care for a good understanding and application of the code of ethics, to be a person with appropriate behavior favoring the environment in which you develop.


According to Daniel Goleman in his book ¨Focus¨ Attention, in all its varieties, constitutes a mental value that, despite being little recognized, influences our way of moving through life very powerfully. It is a little-known mental asset and an underrated and elusive mental capacity, essential to determine the scene of our mental operations and live a full life.

Analyzing what the author says I can understand that attention is one of the qualities necessary to achieve our goals, being focused on our actions and thoughts makes us act in a correct and efficient way.

For the author Elena Bernabéu Brotóns in her article ¨Attention and memory as keys to the learning process. Applications for the school environment¨ she quotes in her study: Attention is a brain mechanism that allows us to process relevant stimuli, thoughts or actions and ignore irrelevant or distracting ones (Gazzaniga, Ivry & Mangun, 2002). Her need is imposed because the human being operates in a constantly changing environment and because there are limits to the brain's ability to process information at all times, which make her unable to effectively perform more than one cognitive task simultaneously.

His research allows us to understand that having different things present in our minds causes a conflict in order to develop at least one of them, because it is necessary to pay intentional attention to one in particular in order to obtain the knowledge or information of the activity that is carried out. is doing, removing distracting agents that harm our ability to pay attention.

According to Angel Riviere in his research ¨ Why do children fail so little? ¨ quotes Saltz (1971), an important difference between intentional and incidental learning is that, in the former, the subject sees the need to provide Himself signs that help the subsequent recovery of stored material.

The author offers us a concrete idea of ​​the importance of learning intentionally, looking for stimuli in our environment that will later allow us to remember the knowledge obtained and stored, to make use of them at the right time.


For Kierkegaard, ethical existence, that is, living ethically, is the foundation of living and doing good. Ethics, applied to existence, establishes both a positive relationship with oneself and a positive relationship with others. If the ethical plays such a fundamental role in the determination and development of one's life, it is because the individual truly participates in the ethical, because he concretizes it in his own existence.

In my opinion, both care and ethics are intentional attitudes where each person can consciously choose to carry them out or not, thanks to this, according to the environment or situation in which we are, we will have the ability to decide our actions and thoughts.


Attention and ethics are qualities that define us as a person, the way of acting of each one is strongly influenced by the learning obtained, therefore the importance of knowing what stimuli it is necessary to pay attention to, since in this way it is achieved correct learning and you can proceed in a better way, in the same way we must give importance to the ethical values ​​that govern us. Thanks to these we know the correct way to act in certain environments in which we are present, having the necessary attention we can realize the factors that can affect our environment, either for better or for worse, but in this case we will already be aware of what happens or could happen. This in order to achieve our objectives in a correct way, whether individual or collective.These qualities must be taken into account at all times, because we are in constant development and interaction with our surroundings. If we know the correct way to develop and act to achieve our objectives, why not do it?


Goleman, Daniel. (2013). Focus: Developing attention to achieve excellence. Barcelona: KAIROS.

Bernabéu, E. (2017). Attention and memory as keys to the learning process. Applications for the school environment. ReiDoCrea, 6 (2), 16-23.

Riviere, Angel. (ND). Why do children fail so little? Recovered from:

Muñoz, Sergio. (2010). The ethical choice. On Kierkegaard's criticism of Kant's moral philosophy. Medellin Colombia. University of Antioquia.

Intentional care and ethical behavior