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Attention, product and customer service

Table of contents:


"Businesses are a series of incomparable opportunities disguised as impossible situations" Anonymous author.

What is a customer?

It is a person or entity that driven by personal or work interest, has the option of going to you in search of a product or service, or going elsewhere.

There are many other definitions of customers, for example:

Statement from LL Bean, direct mail order company

What is a customer? A customer is the most important person in this office… in person or by mail. A client does not depend on us… we depend on him.

A client does not interrupt our work… he is the purpose of our work. We are not doing him a favor by serving him. He does it when he gives us the opportunity to serve him. A customer is not someone with whom you argue or fight. No one has ever won an argument to a client. A customer is a person who brings us his wishes. Our job is to satisfy them with benefits for him and for us.

In the specific case of services, the notion of customer does not need a particular explanation, only here it passes from a simple consumer to a main role in which its presence defines and determines the act of the service. If a hotel room is not occupied one night or the train leaves with empty seats: there is no service because when there are available capacities there are potentialities of service, not service itself.

Historical location

The product-customer relationship has evolved in history:

• Beginning was industrial. The product as a center.

Factories set market priorities. They produced and went out to sell.

The economy revolved around output.

• After World War II. The economy began to revolve around the market.

• Today and future: Everything revolves around what the client wants and needs.

If you want to be among the leaders, make the customer the center of your company.

The services market is becoming increasingly complex due to its lack of differentiation. Faced with such a wide offer of services for the consumer, in addition to the Company trying to seek its distinction, the greatest competitive advantage will be in the quality of its relationship with customers. This will be the additional factor that will make you stand out from the rest.

What to do to maintain and expand this competitive advantage?

It must be recognized that customer decisions increasingly depend on the package of values ​​offered to them along with the product - service, the importance of the lasting relationship and the level of satisfaction they feel with one.

It becomes very important then, to show them interest, knowledge and flexibility that express a willingness to look for alternatives to solve their problems.

Other important competitiveness factors are:

Integration: Everyone in the organization must be committed to good service.

Also have people trained in providing good service to customers.

Reward those people who perform best.

Support workers in the decisions they make, even if they are risky, if they are based on improving and satisfying customer requests.

Train all staff not only in job and technical skills but in the personal dimensions that are perceived by the client.

Spread positive pressure to improve service.

Find out what makes your clients feel good and adapt the way you work to this.

An essential element to identify a customer-oriented organization is its image, that is, the traces that penetrate the customers' minds.

The fundamental elements involved in total printing are:

• Advertising: Is it consistent and coordinated, or intermittent and poorly focused?

• Stationery design: ornate or simple, traditional or novel?

• Office furniture

• Staff dressing

• Used formats

• Answering the phone

Spread responsibility for service to the entire chain of personnel involved in a modern position. More and more in the world Dptos are eliminated. of complaints, feeling responsible and motivated to establish and maintain good relations with clients, ALL WORKERS, who must do everything possible to attend to a complaint and solve the problems that arise.

The strength of the customer relationship may depend on minimal details; for example, a difficult worker may convey the general impression that the company is also difficult.

Reengineering applied to the client

“Currently there is a total questioning of the old business organization principles, looking for new operating principles and procedures.

Reengineering proposes that in the 21st century tasks be reunited in coherent business processes that lead to a result of value for the client.

It is proposed to apply the so-called business reengineering, which means starting all over again, starting from scratch.

Asking the question: How to organize work today, given the current demands of the market, using the power of existing technology?

He introduces the notion of discontinuous thinking and a new question arises:

Why do we do what we do?

How and why is the work done in the current way?

If the company works poorly now or previously, it was better that the environment changed beyond the internal adjustment capacity and the principles on which it was organized correspond to an earlier stage.

To renew competitive capacity; the organization does not have to work more, but rather learn to work differently.

Three forces have now appeared that make the matter more complex:

• Clients

• Competition

• Change

Now customers are in control and there is an excessive growth in their expectations. There is talk of the Revolution of Expectations (Quantity above all and speed).

Clients say WHAT, WHEN, HOW, HOW MUCH do they pay and this disrupts the mass market because not all clients are created equal and now they ask for services designed for their unique needs.

Competition has introduced the fact that the same service is sold in different markets on different competitive bases and only superior performance can raise the competitive threshold (low prices, highest quality, best service).

This is why new companies make the "new" rules.

Reengineering presupposes something different:

"Start from zero"

• It is not “picking up” leaving the basic structures

• It is not putting patches to make it work better.

• It is abandoning the established and looking freshly at the work to create the service and deliver value to the client.

• It is asking: If we were to recreate the entity, given what we already know and with current technology, what would it be like?

• It involves inventing a new way of doing work.

“It is the fundamental reconceptualization and radical redesign of the entity's processes to obtain dramatic achievements in decisive parameters of contemporary performance such as cost, quality, service and speed.

Reengineering begins without assumptions. You must first determine what to do and then how to do it. Ignore what is and focus on what should be.

It doesn't make marginal and incremental improvements but instead focuses on a true quantum leap in performance.

Reengineering is only applied when a thorough change is needed.

Accordingly, companies must deeply and violently question what to do and how their process is oriented or not to ensure that the client is provided with what he wants, at the cost he is willing to pay, with the desired quality and at the expected speed.

Everything else is science fiction.

The client turns to his company looking for answers, not excuses or justifications. Anyone who cares for him should cultivate that relationship and make him feel good about himself. ”

Cultivate pride in membership in the organization.

One approach to improvement is to constantly ask middle managers and workers how their decisions and actions can improve customer service.

This helps people to better understand their role in forecasting and solving problems and demonstrate to the client that although it is difficult to completely eliminate them, the Company can solve them better than anyone, through a remarkable attitude, follow-up and tenacity.

It is a good idea to keep a record of the good deeds and the special efforts your workers make to solve their needs in the client's mind so that they don't forget how you dealt with their problems when confronting others.

Setting high goals results in high results.

You cannot start from scratch or be concerned without really "dealing".

In order to properly reflect on the extent to which our organization focuses its management towards the client, it is necessary to have convincing answers to a group of questions:

What is the goal that will most influence my Company?

What will bring you the greatest long-term benefits?

How to help structure it to be recognized as a leader in its field and attract customers?

Visible symptoms of a quality of service:

• Constant concern and occupation of customer service.

• The phone is not allowed to ring more than three times

• Creative solutions are sought for each complaint

• Workers demonstrate initiatives and desire to work.

• Management provides autonomy to find creative solutions.

• The organization chart is inverted.

• Control of the service by the personnel: what is offered, its benefits for the client, what sector it is aimed at, with whom it competes, prices and the difference between its services and the competition.

• Customer feedback on discrepancies between expected and achieved performance is constantly monitored. (feed back).

Feed back or feedback is a primary foundation in service organizations. The advantages of its application are:

• Know the future and present plans of the client and adjust the Company's plans to those needs.

• Learn to see the Company from the customer's point of view (secret buyers).

• Adjust your service levels based on providing maximum satisfaction at a minimum cost.

• Know the reality before it is too late.

• Find out about industry trends, personnel changes, new market services, and the image of the competition.

The fact that there are no complaints is not a synonym for everything going well, but rather that the relationship with the customer has deteriorated. No one is totally satisfied, indicating that either the customer is not sincere or no one has contacted him.

It is important to know that when a customer complains there are twenty-five others dissatisfied, so an apparently insignificant complaint reflects a higher percentage of dissatisfaction.

It has been studied that an unsatisfied customer tells his complaint to 11 other people, while the satisfied one communicates his experience to only three people.

And that 70% of dissatisfied customers refrain from complaining because they don't believe it has worked.

Training in caring for problematic clients is essential for all workers. It is important to know then the

Nine ways to proceed before a disgruntled customer.

1. Respond immediately. And ask for a specific deadline to give you a solution.

2. Keep him informed of what you have done, even if the problem has not been solved yet.

The disgusted prefers a negative response to no response.

3. Talk about what you can do for him and not what you can't.

4. If possible, take him to a private place where his conversation does not disturb others.

5. Don't contradict it. Speak in the first person or in a neutral way.

6. Don't try to win the argument. Focus on finding solutions that are acceptable to both parties.

7. Let the client vent his anger and frustration and empathize with him.

8. Find a point on which you can come to an agreement.

9. Justify the rules of the Company making them appear as a benefit for the client.

Last point: do it with style: a flower, a candy, an elegant detail that dissipates the bad mood of the client.

Selection of the ideal personnel for attention and service.

Good customer service can never be provided if you do not have the appropriate human resources. The person may be technically very well prepared, but if he does not possess adequate qualities and personality to serve, he will not be efficient because the behavior can be modified but the personality cannot.

It follows that the psychological measurement prior to the hiring of staff must be incorporated and the manager must personally take charge of the selection process.


What impact will that person have on the client?

What will be the result of your efforts?

Place it in the context of your work team and ask yourself: How will that person fit into a framework of cooperation and mutual respect?

The most important values ​​to consider in these cases are:

1. Loyalty to the Company.

• Commitment

• Work quality

• Willingness to customer service.

• Constant attitude of "yes you can"

2. Initiative with creativity.

• Take risk

• Recognize mistakes

3. Total sincerity.

Professionalism and technical mastery of the activity are not mentioned because they are considered essential as a starting point for the initial evaluation of the candidates.

Qualities for success in service professionals.

1. Empathy and patience

2. Willingness to finish what is started

3. Serenity and security

4. Independent decision and judgment

5. Calm and controlled style

6. Vitality and mental agility

7. How to react to a problem

8. Ability to harmonize with the rest

The awards for the best customer service.

Fundamental to stimulating good customer service is the existence of a reward system.


1. Setting clear goals.

2. Adaptation of the prize to the winner according to their tastes and preferences.

3. Reinforce the effect with a personal touch.

4. Use awards to reinforce business values

5. Include everyone in the program

6. Praise good performance.

7. Build peer pressure.

The prizes should not always be cheap, some others are very stimulating such as:

• Release of working hours. (one hour a day in the week or half a session or an additional day of rest).

• Photo of the worker of the month in the central place.

• Special mention in a meeting.

• Flexible hours, vacation time, gap year.

• Symbolic memories of the center

• Dinners with all the families, cultural activities, joint sports.

Every service worker should feel like a salesperson.

Sources of sensational success for service vendors.

1. Demonstrate a champion by his appearance; projecting an unmistakable image of strong personality for its outfit and arrangement.

2. Develop honest pride in your profession and in yourself as a human being, facing your responsibilities with serenity and responsibility.

3. Radiate confidence through the motivation and conviction with which you display your offerings.

4. Driving people warmly and lovingly

5. Acting safely

6. Demonstrating a burning desire to achieve something.

7. Overcome fear

8. Give enthusiasm showing happiness and that they are illuminated by their own sun and that they are not overshadowed by small things.

9. Identify emotionally with customers

10. Do not take rejections personally

11. Continuously study the techniques and knowledge of the service.

Qualities of the good seller.

0. Presence and culture.

1. High level of dynamism and health.

2. Habit of industry.

3. Perseverance.

4. Tendency to be competitive.

5. Sensitivity to people.

6. Empathy.

7. Drive for achievement.

8. Ability to adapt.

9. Ability to listen and dialogue.

A good salesperson demonstrates this in action, the moment they contact the customer, usually in an interview.

Correct steps in the sales interview.

1. Always smile. (Warm and pleasant smile).

2. Look them in the eye. (Gives confidence).

3. Greet them correctly (Analyze several types according to the interlocutor: formal greeting, friendly greeting and farewell greeting).

4. Leave them alone.

5. Ask any questions that start to interest you.

Customer responses are not always positive. Many object, question, and must be dealt with accordingly.

To master objections.

1. Listen to them.

2. Feed back the objections.

3. Question them (Ask them to put it better or clearer).

4. Answer them.

5. Confirm the answer.

Selling is a technical process in which there are key actions that the service worker must master.

Anatomy of sales

1. Understand what they want and what they need

• Determine needs / ability to pay.

• Understand your reasons.

2. Recognize the signs of purchase.

3. Make the decision and insist.

4. Close the sale with confidence and indifference without showing strong emotion.

• Sell to people who can buy from you.

• Try to win at the exact level that the purchase decides or the intermediary that has enough influence; Attract him and motivate him.

• Do not make logical sales, arouse emotions.

• Capture the change the client experiences when the favorable emotional process occurs. Strengthen your image and your security.

• Be genuinely interested in serving your customer in the best way possible.

• Expect positive customer encouragement. Don't force it.

Positive emotions make sales, and negative emotions destroy them.

Therefore it is very important to train to combat the frustration of failure in sales.

A successful sales presentation should keep in mind:

1. Tell him what he is going to say (Introduction).

2. Tell them you are there to tell them (Presentation).

3. Tell them what you just said (Summary).


• Say it in words they want to hear. (In their language).

• Use fascinating words (that excite visions and captivate clients)

• Use substitute words to avoid boredom.

• Learn typical gibberish of trades, sectors, specialties.

• Keep the client mentally interested.

• Keep him physically active (Put him to do simple things that emotionally bring him closer by contact).

• Manage interruptions calmly (phones, bosses, Cros.).

• Observe the rule of 20. (20 centimeters from the face to transmit messages, 20 seconds to say them, 20 key words to express them).

• Make a plan with the details of the presentation.

Attitudes towards rejection

1. Failure is an experience to learn

2. Failure is a negative response that I need to change the course of the direction I am taking, and to achieve goals.

3. I see failure as an opportunity to practice my techniques and perfect my work.

4. I see failure as a game in which I have to take part in order to win.

Examples of famous people and their reactions to failure are:

People asked Edison:

• How did you feel when you failed more than a thousand times?

And he answered

• I did not fail a million times; I learned a million ways that don't work.


I am not judged by the number of times I fail, but by the number of times I succeed. And this number is in direct proportion to the number of times I can fail making attempts.

The services have their specific characteristics. The sale of something invisible and untouchable must be reinforced by its unique performance.

Ways to succeed in selling services.

1. Send each customer a thank you note

2. Handle problems promptly.

3. Immediately answer calls.

4. Keep all promises.

5. Keep in permanent contact.

Due to its importance, the telephone acquires a special training chapter for any service activity.


• Answer in a timely manner (Professionally 3rd call).

• Always do it with emotion.

• Be aware of the interest of the caller.

• Make them wait the minimum to obtain the information requested by the client (never more than 17 seconds).

• Always find out the name and identity of the caller.

• Answer questions with answers.

• Confirm telephone numbers and address for unforeseen events.

Creation of the sales climate.

A champion only sells benefits that are desired by the customer. So you shouldn't try to sell what you do. wants… but what the customer wants. But never sell profits without knowing before which ones he wants to obtain from the client and for this he must start diagnosing what he wants.

Save time by offering what you know you need.

It would be useless to do customer-oriented management if they are not properly controlled to influence them, according to their importance. It is very useful to establish a:

Customer control

1. They could be classified into:

• Active clients

• Lost clients (reasons)

• Potential

clients • Unknown clients.

2. Make percentage charts of these.

3. Identify the structure of the client portfolio.

In many cases sales are concentrated on a small number of customers.

PARETO - 80% of sales volume is concentrated in 20% of customers.

4. Make a graph of customer ranking by sales volume.

Order No. Client name Sales Volume Cumulative total
one Perez 20500 20500
two Antúnez 16500 37000
3 Fernandez 12300 48800

It indicates to which clients it is necessary to offer sustained attention to achieve a greater number of sales.

It is also interesting to keep in mind that the interest of the clients for the Company must be seen from different angles: the volume of sales and their security (from the point of view of the consequences that their departure may cause)

Accordingly, they can be classified as important customers: they demand all the care and initiatives of the sellers. But they must be balanced, since their excessive weight can jeopardize the stability of the Company.

Medium-sized clients: They deserve great attention as they ensure the solidity of the client portfolio. It is essential to reinforce their number by increasing them.

Small clients: Follow-up without much cost and with spaced visits.

Service business culture.

The Company's culture and not the standards is what determines and maintains the customer service attitude. But it must be instilled in the worker, from before starting work and keep the flame permanently.

The more professional the management's treatment of its workers, the more professional they will be with clients.

Recommendations to try to maintain personal dignity and respect in service.

1. Collectively discuss the wardrobe standards and the necessary footwear according to the image that the Company wishes to project.

2. Provide the right physical environment to encourage good work and attract customers.

3. Give business cards to the staff who serve customers.

4. Personalize customer interaction.

5. Keep everyone informed and convinced of the Company's rules.

6. Create an atmosphere of trust.

Among the SKILLS that a worker of a client-oriented Company must have are:

• Know how to build relationships based on trust.

• Know how to convert an angry customer into a satisfied customer.

• Know how to convert a negative situation into situations that generate more sales.

• Know how to create close personal relationships when there is no personal contact (telephone communication).


• The facilities

• The product / service

• The people

Indicated CRITERIA are valued for these elements:

1. the indicated type

2. in the indicated place

3. at the indicated moment

4. in the indicated quantity

5. at the indicated price

6. in the indicated conditions.

If we analyze these details we can see that the person indicated to work at the cash register, may not be the one in the kitchen, since the work rhythm that it supports is not the same as that of another.

A bald person can be a magnificent person, but he would not be in the right place in a barber shop, as a receptionist or hairdresser, where clients lose confidence due to the lack of credibility of the person who cares for them.

If we try to sell coats in August, the time does not seem to be the most appropriate. If we sold very cheap Mercedes Benz cars, you would doubt its authenticity.

If a great product is offered with the damaged packaging, its conditions will affect the customer's selection. If we sell packages of butter of 1 Kg., Which when received weigh ½ Kg., The missing quantity would make the client distrust the entire entity and not go any further.

The motto in the business world that "The customer is King" has been very widespread. However, it is good to insist that the only way for workers to treat customers like royalty is to receive, in turn, royal treatment; showing them that they are more important as a person to the Company, than anything else including customers. This approach corresponds to the modern trend within "internal customer" marketing, which must be enticed to commit to the quality of its management.

Example: If you have the best customer in the world and the best receptionist in the world and you have no choice but to choose one of the two… which one would you choose?

Most choose the receptionist because it is more difficult to find good receptionists than good clients. If you have an excellent receptionist, your clientele will increase because that queen will serve clients like true kings.

And when you show your worker that she is more important to the organization than any client, you will be increasingly motivated and committed to providing the best service.

Clients are essential to the success of any business, but if management considers the interests of its staff before others and shows them that they are royalty for you, the effect will be multiplying.

It can be analyzed to the point of having to fire a client if it is essential to give credit to employees.

He is the example of a problematic customer, always unsatisfied despite the supreme efforts to please him, who tenses the entire organization "almost for pleasure, for playing", the Company must decide who is more important. And in that case it is preferable to choose to vote it even if it is not the usual thing.

Regardless of whether any organization pursues a harmonious goal within its objectives, profit cannot be the central reason for its existence.

The fundamental objective will be to provide good customer service through effective management that fosters the strategic health of the organization.

The hierarchy criterion to identify the most important person in the organizations should not be associated to the level of the positions; The most important person is the one who maintains the most direct contact with the largest number of clients.

Another element questioned in some current institutions is the mix of personal issues with the interests of the Company.

Forgetting that people do not work for the Company, but in it, would be very dangerous because human beings cannot let go of their feelings, affections and personal relationships at work, and completely forget about this when they return home.

The essence is to combine both things and make men feel the work environment as part of their own affairs, and consider coworkers as family.

Expand business by serving more and more current customers.

When we try to expand our activity, Companies generally tend to look for new clients and it is not always discussed how to expand business with clients that already exist.

One of the most beneficial ways is to serve current customers more, which increases the opportunity to expand and consolidate customer relationships and reduces the probability that they will pass on to the competition.

The relationship with the customer could be identified with a savings account. Every time you call her on the phone, send her a thank you note, or offer her another service, she is making deposits to the account. And you will notice that when something goes wrong, or an error is made if your account is at zero and has no balances, the customer will quickly abandon you.

The relationship with clients has to be frequent, not only when there are problems. This will allow small errors to be supported.

Constant reinforcements to culture.

Organizations do not always do well even if they make great efforts, so it is necessary to constantly strengthen the culture and when things go wrong, encourage people to increase the team spirit.

"When the march is difficult, the difficult march" - Survival is an adhesive and you have to take advantage of bad times so that everyone collaborates.

Quality in customer services.

The services have specific characteristics unlike the products:

• Intangibility

• Heterogeneity

• Simultaneous production - consumption.

• Contact time between the provider and buyer of the service is quite long.

• The human factor has an essential role, especially the personnel in contact.

• Clients participate in the elaboration of the service.

• The best designed service can fail at the last minute.

• In services there is no going back.

• There is a strong emotional charge

The advantages of this simultaneity of services are:

• Generally, they can be modified to infinity.

• They can be customized.

• Good management of emotional charge is an advantage.

The staff in contact.

Contact staff and facilities are the only tangible things about the service. Therefore, the personnel in contact:

• Personifies the Company in the eyes of the client.

• It constitutes an important dimension of the client's image.

Hence the difficult situation of the personnel in contact.

Contact personnel

Functions of the personnel in contact:

There are certain basic functions of contact personnel that, being repetitive, must be highly controlled and encouraged to be carried out with permanent quality by managers.

• The operational function.

Set of operations that must be carried out by contact personnel defined by very precise instructions and must anticipate eventualities that may arise and respond to them.

• The relational function.

The operational will not make sense if the personnel in contact do not carry out their tasks in an efficient and pleasant way for the client, taking advantage of the interaction that is the relational role of these personnel.

The relational function is made up of three sets of elements that require rigorous control by the Company.

• The visible.

What the client sees: cleanliness, order, good condition of the physical support, but also everything that concerns the appearance of the staff: clothing, grooming, appearance that are a reflection of the Company's professionalism.

• The gestural.

Contact staff behavior. Be permanently available from the moment the client appears, leaving everything that is not their attention.

The way the interaction is followed, the precise and harmonious gestures, the respectful smile, not servile; looking directly into the customer's eyes, always giving the impression of welcome and not of annoyance.

• The verbal Verbal

expressions of content and staff form. Use of courtesy and education formulas, welcoming expressions, conciseness and precision of sentences. Timbre sharpness, accuracy and professionalism in respectful tone.

A company is something abstract as well as its services, becoming the only tangible relationship that the client experiences with the personnel in contact.

Quality has its dimensions

• Tangible elements.

• Credibility.

• Reliability.

• Security.

• Answer's capacity.

• Accessibility.

• Professionalism.

• Communication.

• Courtesy.

• Customer understanding.

These dimensions are manifested in penalties from the customer's point of view.

Customer perceptions of quality

• Tangible elements: Appearance of the facilities, equipment, personnel and communication materials.

• Reliability: Ability to perform the promised service reliably and carefully.

• Responsiveness: Willingness to help customers and provide prompt service.

• Professionalism: Possession of required skills and knowledge of service execution.

• Courtesy: Attention, consideration, respect and kindness of the contact personnel.

• Credibility: Truthfulness, belief, honesty, in the service it provides.

• Security: Absence of dangers, risks or doubts.

• Accessibility: Management and personnel accessible and easy to contact.

• Communication: Keep customers informed using understandable language. Listen carefully.

• Understanding of the client: Make the effort to know the clients, their particularities and needs.

A continuous process must be implemented to:

1. Control and verify customer perception of quality.

2. Identify the causes of deficiencies.

3. Take steps to improve quality.

The causal factors of quality deficiencies are:

1. Lack of a marketing-oriented culture.

• Insufficient investigation of customer opinion.

• Inappropriate use of research results.

• Lack of interaction between managers and clients.

2. Inadequate communication (clients and contact personnel).

3. Excessive hierarchical levels of command.


• Continuously research customer expectations.

• Increase the interaction between managers and clients.

• Develop upward communications from staff in contact with managers.

• Reduce the number of hierarchical levels.

• Effectively use the results of marketing research.

• Commit the entire organization to quality.

• Refine work procedures.

• Convert tasks into standard activities.

• Introduce technology and make it a quality server.



Automatic car washers.

X-ray equipment in airports

Computer databases

Different delivery systems (home delivery pizzas).

• Provide clear job descriptions.

• Provide technical training on interpersonal relationships.

• Eliminate functional conflicts.

• Be sure to provide consistent services.

• Carry out communication activities on the quality of service.

Leadership and managerial commitment.

A strong commitment from managers to service quality invigorates and encourages the organization to refine its level of service.

True leadership creates a tonic of excellence that prevails in the face of operational complexities, market pressures and any barriers, being the key in transmitting the direction and inspiration necessary to maintain and enhance commitment to customers.

Service leaders have distinctive characteristics:

1. Vision of the service.

• They see quality as the key to success.

• They see service as an integral part of the future.

• They conceive of quality as a competitive base.

• They never compromise on their commitment.

• They dedicate permanent vigilance to this.

2. High quality standards.

• They aspire to legendary service.

• They are interested in details and nuances.

• They see opportunities in small actions.

• They establish little added things for the benefit of the client that make a difference.

3. Leadership on the ground.

• Direct operations to where the action is

• Always visible to everyone.

• Always training, praising, observing and listening.

• Emphasis on communication and credibility.

• Permanent focus on motivation and teamwork.

4. Integrity.

• They value the right thing even if it is very expensive.

• They assign extra value to what is fair and reliable.

• They gain the trust of their followers.

• Its workers relate quality service with pride for a fair direction.

Quality is measured through customer perceptions.

Factors influencing customer expectations include:

• Mouth-to-ear communication. (personal recommendations).

• Personal needings.

• Experiences in the use of the service.

• External communication from service providers (direct and indirect messages, announcements, receptionists, brochures, prices).

The client's evaluation of quality / service manifests itself in a complex way.

Research carried out in this regard has shown that:

• When customers experience a problem with the service, their perception of its quality is noticeably affected, although if it is satisfactorily solved, “not everything is lost”.

• The most important dimension for the client is the reliability of the service: that they trust him and receive quality from the first time.

• The key to facilitating quality service is to match and balance customer expectations and perceptions.

The quality of the service is the fundamental thing of this one, because what is commercialized is the performance and the level of risk on the client is high when not being able to touch, smell or test the service before buying it.

A sustainable advantage in the service depends on selected human skills, logistical capacities, knowledge bases and other strengths that competitors cannot reproduce, which increases their value to the customer.

The value of the service increases when value is added to the service by differentiating it.

An example of this is: A flight agency in addition to selling your ticket, adds a transportation service to the Airport, a hotel reservation service and car rental in the destination city, a tourism bureau for excursion reservations, etc.

The customer-oriented organization has WAYS TO CHECK THE QUALITY:

• Systematic re-evaluations.

• Employing "mystery shoppers": researchers who pretend to be customers.

• Customer surveys.

• Surveys of employees who “provide the service”

• Systematic and “in-depth” analysis of customer complaints.

A study carried out on numerous clients reflected the existence of:

10 attributes of the most important services for customers.

1. Get your call back when promised.

2. Receive an explanation of “the problem”

3. Report the number they can call.

4. Immediately notify that the problem is resolved.

5. Make it easier for you to speak to someone in authority.

6. Tell them how long it will take for the problem to resolve.

7. That they offer alternatives if the problem cannot be solved.

8. That they treat you as a person and not as an account number.

9. Tell them how to prevent future problems.

10. Let them know what is being done, if the problem cannot be solved immediately. When there is a complaint, the most important thing is to rectify on time.

Guidelines for excellent rectification.

• Try to discover all the dislikes of the clients, however small they may be.

• Study complaints.

• Investigate the “clientele” (complement to spontaneous complaints).

• Train workers to observe and recognize problems and propose solutions.

• Control the service process.

• Cultivate the human factor.

Some suggestions to encourage rectification behavior in workers.

1. Prepare them for rectification.

• Communication skills.

• Negotiation skills.

• Creativity to act in exceptional situations.

• Competition

• Understand customer expectations.

2. Empower them.

• Authority to please a client.

3. Facilitate tasks.

4. Reward them for putting their full potential into play.

5. Compensate the nuisance factor so that the client feels that he has won with the rectification.

6. Modify the service process control if necessary.

7. Install a system to track problems.

One of the most beneficial ways is to serve current customers more, which increases the opportunity to expand and consolidate customer relationships and reduces the probability that they will pass on to the competition.

"The moments of truth"

A very famous book by the author Jan Carlzon, President of the Scandinavian Airline (SAS) reflects the experiences of Companies that under his leadership became successful.

"Moments of truth" refer to the change in philosophy to set a company's focal point toward the market, rather than the old production orientation.

"Moments of truth" occur whenever a member of the organization must provide customer service and must respond immediately to their needs and requirements. They begin in every interaction with the client.

A study of these moments of truth has established a

Quality service code 10 rules for service.

1. Attend to your customer immediately.

2. Give your customer your full attention.

3. Make the first 30 seconds count.

4. Be natural, not fake or mechanical.

5. Show energy and friendliness.

6. Be your client's agent

7. Think, use your common sense.

8. Sometimes, change the rules if necessary.

9. Make your last 30 seconds count.

10. Stay fit, take good care of yourself.

To better apply these rules, we will analyze concrete actions:

1. Attitude:

Express the feeling that you. He is there to serve you and he enjoys serving people.

Don't seem disinterested or upset. Answer questions, provide information; add value to your service by enriching personal interaction.

2. Attention:

Make eye contact immediately. Leave everything you are doing and serve your client with pleasure, smile, show that he is important to you. and welcome. Keep him informed, ask what you can do for him, assure him that his problem is for you. the first priority.

3. That the first 30 seconds count:

Earn the trust of the customer, showing enthusiasm, joy to achieve their satisfaction. Be friendly and assure them that they will meet your needs and problems.

Turn each situation into a unique thing. Invite him to communicate.

4. Naturalness:

Don't be a mechanic. Try to entertain the customer by encouraging him. Adapt your treatment to each person.

5. Energy and friendliness:

Maintain energy and vitality at all times of interaction. Modulate your voice and never put yourself above the customer as if you were doing them a favor. Solve problems quickly and turn them into customer service opportunities.

Always answer the phone with energy and courtesy, attention and without boredom.

6. Agent of your client:

Work for him. Make your problems your own and manage you. himself the solution he needs. Use your imagination and flexibility. Know who to contact to solve each problem. Listen to him and always put yourself in the client's position and make sure what he wants and how he expects to be served.

7. Think: Use your common sense.

Ask yourself what is the most logical solution to each problem even if it is in the rules. Look beyond established habits and routines and take yourself. the decision, without delaying the client with bureaucratic transfers to other levels. Don't do the job mechanically. Find new ways to do things.

8. Change the rules if necessary:

Question them, if they affect the client. Employee reaction is a critical factor. Address complaints to your satisfaction and relax the rule if necessary at a precise time.

9. Last 30 seconds:

End the interaction in an original and creative way to stimulate the customer to return.

10. Last 30 seconds:

To treat customers well, you must start by treating yourself well. same. If you don't relax, play sports, stimulate yourself, you won't be able to convey a good impression. Manage the interesting experiences that each different contact fosters.

So far we have tried to show a tight synthesis of the most modern approaches in relation to customer service based on total quality, but the theoretical approach is not enough.

The essence of success will be associated with a true managerial commitment and all the human elements that make up the service chain through the systematic and efficient practice of a service cult that the client expects and needs, turning daily management into “know-how ”That almost as a venerated ritual we practice day by day.

We invite you to join our brotherhood for services.

Attention, product and customer service