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Attitudes in relation to work

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As attitudes and behavior are an integral part of the life of the subject, but how are these two dimensions related? How do attitudes influence our face to work perspective? E à vida em general?

Next, a reflection elaborated on a condensed theoretical form of synthesis is explained where these directly related councils and others are explained.

Attitude definition

As attitudes are available or unfavorable in relation to objects, people and events, or in relation to any two of their respective attributes. "Eu gosto de maçãs" expressa uma atitude; such as "expense of negotiating with yourself", "os jantares de turma são divertidos" and "fazer a contabilidade é abhordo".


Tripartite component of attitudes

A way of conceptualizing a attitude and through the triple composition of attitudes. These attitudes are composed of roots, feelings (or affections) and tendencies of action. The following figure shows the relationship between these factors; they are more than identical.

Crenças ou Cognitive Aspect

As components of attitudes, as crenças são de dois types:

  • Crenças informacionais - or that pessoa accredits the facts of a situation; e Credits avaliativas - that consist naquilo that pessoa attests on the merits, demerits, bem, bad, just, unjust, benefits or tastes of different situations.

For example, the Manager can provide an informational credential that only two members of his department can provide the necessary requirements (in terms of training) to use efficiently or a computer to ensure that it is important for the efficiency of the department that all I have six members who have training in computing. A combination of these creations should influence Attitude of Manager A on the best way of managing or the formation of the department.

O Manager B can have a different attitude from Manager A, in consequence of:

  • A different informational crença, as for example, all the members of the department have enough training in informatics, a different evaluative training, as for example, with the exception of some specialists, two members of the department have no accretive value to their efficiency..

Affections or feelings

Or thermo affect refers to the general sentiments of an individual or to the assessment of a situation. The opposite is the cognitive component (as crenças), which is normally multidimensional because it relates to all the different aspects of the situation that an individual perceives, to an affective component, and one-dimensional: it relates to how it is or an individual states or experiences a situation. like um everything.

For example, either Manager A can feel that a situation is “unsatisfactory” or Manager B says that it is “oil”. Or main element that distinguishes an attitude from a growth or opinion, assim, or positive or negative affection that weighs on a certain situation.

Some attitudes consist quase internally of its affective element. Simple statements such as: "Eu gosto de maçãs" generally express attitudes that are only composed of affection. Contudo as crenças ou opiniões fazem part of quase all attitudes. Fortunately, that is the second or point of view of someone who is tempting to change the attitudes of other people, because research has shown that it is an element of growth that is easier to change than an affective element .

Tendência para a acção ou Comportamento

The last component you give attitudes, second to the theory of the triple component, is the tendency to agitate consistently with attitude. Continuing as an example, we hope that Manager A, comparatively as Manager B, will, in effect, spend a large part of the training for the department as individuals who he considers to be reduced in computing skills.


A human being's behavior is motivated by intentions and respective degree of motivation.

Definition of intention

As intenções, são planes de acção.

When they can be measured as a result, these tend to predict with a high degree of precision or behavior of the person (or that some will do better than the attitudes), moreover, there have always been many opportunities that impede people from continuing to do so. your intentions.

For example, a person can try to remain calm during a meeting, which he anticipates as being more difficult, during this meeting he can be provoked in such a way that he ends up losing calm and serenity and reacting in reverse. Another example, despite the fact that it may be a sincere intention to pay hours to a meeting, but may be late due to problems such as transportation (eg, power failure, accident, loss or autocarro…).

An individual conscience of intent is high in comparison, for example, with a conscience of two motives or the same attitudes.

Teoria da Acção Reflectida

Or the most common oil model of the relationship attitude / behavior established by Theory of Reflected Action and developed in 1967, by Fishbein and Ajzen.

A main difference, in comparison with other models, is that it compares with attitudes not in relation to people, objects and institutions, but it is presented with actions, unlike its prediction about its behavior is more effective compared to other previous models.

This theory, instead of trying to foresee how individuals will vote from their attitudes in relation to political parties, politicians and political personalities, attempts to foresee or vote two individuals from their attitude relatively to that month. sense of vote.

A theory of reflected action sofreu a great development in 1991, going on to be designated by The Theory of Planned Behavior and to include a set of new nodes (see figure 2).

In its initial form, the theory postulates that or behavior is determined directly by the intention of or to carry out, being this, in turn, influenced by attitude (istoe, by positive or negative evaluation that or individual performs on or behavior to perform) and It is based on the subjective norm (ou seja, a perceived social pressure to perform or not perform). A subjective rule is formed based on the perception that each individual fears about the behaviors that are "lawful" or "illegal" according to the reference social groups.

And finally, the anticipated consequences of the performance or the performance of the behavior affect both attitude and the subjective norm. For attitude, the growth in the performance of a certain behavior will produce specific results related directly to the assessment of those results. For the subjective norms, as we believe that we have or that specific individuals expect that it behaves or is not related directly to our motivation to act according to the opinion of specific individuals.

In this way, I suggested to the theory that Manuela was not a smoker, because she had no intention of smoking and that her intentions were influenced by her positive attitudes towards a Saudi life (or negative attitudes towards smoking) and her conscience. gives social pressure to not smoke.

On the other hand, their attitudes are only influenced by their rise in the results of not smoking - for example, a rise in smoke or fazer mal à saúde - and it pertains to their assessment of strength - it enhances very gently. Manuela's susceptibility to social pressure is also influenced by her roots - she will persist as her behavior as a non-smoker will be proven that the people she wants to oil expect her to smoke.

A theory of reflected action is extremely intuitive and intimate, with great explanatory value, and it was applied with great success in the forecasting of consumer, health, voting, recreational and organizational behaviors. Contudo, as soon as it applies to or behavior "voluntário", onde to pessoa possui total control over or its behavior. Unfortunately, as a maioria esmagadora two nossos behaviors encaixam-se noutra categoria, pois as soon as we had partial control over or that we faze: a nossa intentção é apanharmos or comboio, but a composition and canceled; We have the intention of appearing at a marked meeting, more schematic.

Theory of Planned Behavior

Fishbein and Ajzen will elaborate, later, new verses of the theory of the reflected action, including the behaviors that are not completely under the control of the volunteer - where the actions are subject to interference by external and internal forces. This new version will be designated as the Theory of Planned Behavior.

A evolution relatively prior to the theory is the addition of a variable, or perceived behavioral control, which is a consequence of the fact that it is possible to facilitate or make it difficult to perform or behave.

Or perceived behavioral control influences intention such as attitude and subjective norm, but it can also directly influence or behave (when or individual perceives that it has real control over or performance of behavior - rare case, second investigative muitos).

In this way, I suggested to the theory that Manuela was not a smoker, because she had no intention of smoking and that her intentions were influenced by her positive attitudes towards a Saudi life (or negative attitudes towards smoking) and her conscience. gives social pressure to not smoke. On the other hand, as your attitudes are influenced by your growth on the results of not smoking, it pertains to your assessment of your growth, but also to your estimate that, for example, smoking will enter the conflict with your desire to stop smoking and your emotional reaction. de nojo, which in turn will agitate directly over its intentions related to or smoke.Manuela's susceptibility to social pressure is also influenced by her roots - she will persist as her behavior as a non-smoker will be proven that the people she wants to oil expect her to smoke.

Attitudes in Relação ao Trabalho

Attitudes represent an important part in life of people, particularly not work. So those attitudes face to work or to organization with deep effects are not only the way we carry out or work and produce, but also the quality of life we ​​experience not work.

In spite of the current language, we frequently use the word atitude, this use has failed to capture the wealth of the council as it has been applied by researchers in psychossociology.

As attitudes are relatively unstable, because they are easily altered.

As we have seen, the attitudes are composed by three components:

  • Cognição (to Crença) AffectoComportamento (to Tendência to to Acção)

To the evaluative or affective component we refer to the evaluative judgments (favoráveis ​​or desfavoráveis) relatively to objects, people or events that, generically, are designated as “attitudinal objects”. Elas reflectem o to pessoa sit on something. When, for example, you say “gosto do meu trabalho! ”, Is to express your attitude face to work.

But as attitudes involve more than sentiment, it also involves conformance - this is, here in which he accredits a certain "attitudinal object". For example, you may be convinced that, or your work colleague, Ganha very much more than he should have when he compares his rewards as well as his. These crenças, quer sejam, totally grounded or totally false, comprise a cognitive component of attitudes.

Aquilo em that accredits about something and aquilo that can feel about isso (for example, “é insuportável trabalhar neste ambiente!”) Podem ter algum effeito in the way it is predisposed to behave (for example, “Vou procurar outro emprego”). For other words, attitudes have a behavioral component, this is a predisposition to act in a certain way.

It is important to note that this predisposition can not serve as a prediction of behavior. For example, despite being able to be interested in a new business, being able to or oiling, there will be no available position, or there will be other aspects of work that you spend enough to compensate for your negative feelings. For other words, to your intention to behave in a certain way you can tell how it will go.

These three components of attitude are closely related. A crença that, for example, a non-local sexual discrimination of work is wrong, and an assessment, which spells the cognitive component of attitude. This, for its time, establishes or box for a more critical part gives attitude - to its affective component. The affection or the emotional segment or the feeling of an attitude is reflected in the affirmations of the genre: "Francisco Gosto because he is perfectly impartial and is not treated and managed by two male and female collaborators". Finally, or affection may lead to behavioral results. A behavioral component gives attitude reference to an intention for or individual to give in a certain way face to "attitudinal objects". For example, posso escolher approached me Manuel for two reasons my feelings for him.

Combining these three components we can define or conceito.

Attitude: a relatively stable set of sentiments and predispositions / intentions that behave face a specific "attitudinal object".

When failing attitudes in relation to work, we refer to those feelings, growths and behavioral tendencies, relatively long-lasting, face to several aspects of their own work, the place where they have carried out their weight. The attitudes in relation to work are linked to many aspects of organizational behavior, including or performance, or absenteeism and voluntary rotation.

The most studied attitudes in Psychossociology are:

  • Satisfação no trabalho; Envolvimento no trabalho; e - Organizational commitment.

No Trabalho wrapping

Either the non-labor involvement measures or the degree to which a person identifies psychologically as their work and considers their perceived level of performance important to their own appreciation.

The workers with a high level of non-labor involvement identify themselves strongly with, and are interested in, the type of work they carry out.

High levels of non-labor involvement are related to low levels of absenteeism and voluntary rotation.

Organizational commitment

If or non-work involvement can be related to a specific work carried out by an individual, or an organizational commitment related to the identification of the individual with an entrepreneurial organization.

O organizational commitment is o grau em that o collaborator identifies himself with a certain organization as his objectives and wishes to remain in the organization.

We can therefore affirm that the organizational commitment is a matter of two workers working in an organization, relating to various characteristics of the work, with the nature of the rewards received, as acolhimento e outras variáveis. High levels of commitment are associated with low levels of absenteeism and voluntary rotation, high levels of vontade for partilhar and fazer sacrifices and various positive consequences pessoais.

Or organizational commitment included three factors:

  1. uma crença forte our objectives and values ​​of the organization; Availability to exert effort considered in the benefit of the organization; a strong desire to continue as an organizational member.

This mode, or organizational commitment, is simply not loyal to the organization. It was before a continuous process through which the organizations expressly express their concern with the organization of their succession and be continuous.

Moving of Attitudes

Has there ever been a time when people like this change what they say so that they don't contradict what they do?

Suppose that by the end of this course you have presented two business proposals. You must think a lot, I finally escorted you um. Like most of the people, it was formed as their attitudes in relation to their organizations will be radically modified. To your attitude face to work that you oiled to become more positive and to your attitude face to work which you rejeitou will be more negative. Isto means that we try to reconcile divergent attitudes and align attitudes and behaviors so that our behavior does not seem rational and consistent. This is due to a process designated by cognitive dissonance.

Cognitive dissonance

A cognitive theory of Dissonance, proposed by Festinger, aims to explain the link between attitude and behavior.

In a general way, people are not aware of inconsistencies and tolerate ambiguity badly. When there is inconsistency, you are forced to return the individual to a state of equilibrium with consistent attitudes and behavior.

Whenever we say a thing and do it outra ou when we discover that a attitude that we fear and is inconsistent as outra, we are in cognitive dissonance.

Cognitive dissonance refers to any incompatibility that despite being able to perceive between two or more of their attitudes, or between their behavior and their attitudes. Or I wish to reduce to dissonance a particular issue of importance by two elements that create dissonance, which is very influential and which attests that it fears the elements and the rewards that may be involved in discrepancy.

There are several ways to reduce dissonance: change or behavior; conclude that dissonant behavior is not important; move from atitude ou, ainda, procure more consonant elements to weigh against dissonance

To justify a decision and avoid cognitive dissonance, we can change the way we feel, aligning our attitudes with our feelings.

As suggested, you weigh at times a lot of attitudes to be consistent with others. There may be an interest in melting out attitudes related to work because negative attitudes can be associated with undesirable behaviors (for example, high absenteeism and voluntary rotation). Of course, we may also be interested in changing semi-attitudes, this is to create more positive attitudes in the face of work, due to the positive feelings resulting from, in turn, helping you feel a higher quality of non-working life.

What is the organizational implication of cognitive dissonance?

I could help to foresee a propensity to change attitude and behavior. For that matter, any major for a dissonance - although this has been moderated by importance, it is limited by the rewarding factors - both major issues will be reduced.

Suppose that your hierarchical superior was able to work at a later time to finish a report. Relatório esse que é necessary for a meeting that will take place on the next day, logo pela manhã. Now, imagine that you are watching a TV advertisement about Saudi Arabia for little-boy. Despite the fact that it seems that these two situations are not at all common, they are a fundamental element: both are aimed at moving to their attitudes - ter mais vontade de trabalhar late, not the first case, and interested in cereais, not second.

Despite the fact that two cases are not conscious, it is highly likely that they are constantly being bombarded by attempts to change their attitudes - a process carried out by persuasion.

This process, a heavy person (or individual to whom we want to move to atitude) is given a message in which the information presented is designed to change their attitudes. This process involves two basic elements - or sender and communication (or specific content of its own message).

There are several factors that make communication more persuasive. For example, we persuade as easily as possible that you are attentive to us and are very easily persuaded by eloquent speakers who failed to hesitate. More or more powerful determinant in persuasion and in credibility of the source, or seja or grau em that or individual and deserving of trust (trustworthy). How much more is it credited that an individual is credible, so much more effective in the change of attitudes. Factors such as experience, reasons and reasons for issuing fazem increase credibility of the source. Relatively to mensagem, factors such as clarity and intelligibility or dimension of discrepancy of attitude (this is,Grau de diferença entre attitudes expressas na comunicação e as da pessoa alvo) contribuem para su sua efàficàcia persuasiva.


Fishbein, M. & Ajzen, (1974). Attitudes toward objects as predictors of a single and multiplibehavioral criteria. Psychological Review, 81 59-74.

Fishbein, M. & Ajzen, (1975). Belief, attitude, intention and behavior: An introduction to theory research. Reading MA: Addison-Wesley.

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Attitudes in relation to work