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Atividade of public relations in Italy


Atividade de Relações Públicas na Itália emerged in 1944 on account of the V American Navy, at the end of the Nazi invasion, being its precursor, or Italian officer Guido de Rossi Del Lion Nero. At the end of the battle, some pioneers will initiate profissão de Relações Públicas in an organic way I tied or finished two years 40 and started two years 50. Contudo, I submitted from two years 50 and that a process of culture began, até então, nonexistent. This group was composed by Piero Arnaldi, Alvise Majello, Giuseppe Roggero, Guglielmo Trillo, followed, later, by Lino Cardarelli, Atílio Consonni, Gherarda Guastalla Lucchini, Roberto Marziantonio, Marianghela Moneta, Toni Muzi Falconi, Frederico Spantigati among others.

A progressive evolution of Public Relationships is not linear and faces a series of obstacles that will try to disfigure its end. Chronologically, the first appearance of the Public Relations activity emerged as a press and lobby desk that catered to a small number of companies, most of them foreign, prevailing in American and English. As a result of the assessment of the printing press, it was consolidated and many organizations used these services. Or the lobby was also exercised and was not representative of the bride. Or innovative character foi terminology "public relation", depois, modified for "pubbliche relazionie" - PR, later, by "relazioni pubbliche" RP - endé até hoje.

The second phase (1955-1970), was the phase in which the activity began to be carried out together with the external public and, when it was institutionalized with the acronym PR, hoje, RP. Obviously, this is the spirit or spirit of no profusion and favors its small structure image dedicated to beneficiary activities defined as “mondane”. This is the period when the institutional projects planned in the medium of the auspices of Public Relations will emerge - indicating, therefore, the public external to the nature of the activities of profane profitability.

The first Italian Public Relations Agency was founded in 1961 by Aldo Chiappe, quoted as an example by the American world leader Hill & Khowlton. Quase contemporaneously, and in parallel, Faccioli (2000) cites an other phenomenon: to the placement of activity as a marketing and communication instrument, as a function of supporting propaganda, promotions and merchandising. After two years from the 70th, submit to the Public Relations activity, it will acquire disciplinary status, endowed with defined characteristics, proper instruments and precise regulations. You were wrong to start only on the basis of delay, and it is probably correct to say that an Italian society, in its complex,Through not having spent years, a deep and positive crisis of transformation and growth - from agricultural country to industrialized country - no course of events to communication was considered secondary.

Attividade Relações Públicas gained fertile ground in an industrialized society and developed socially, evolving along with the democratic discourses of the country. By reason of the existence of activities in Italy, it summarizes some pressures: a society that is free and pluralistic; A free press and a growing awareness of the interlocutor that oscillates along with the themes: business democracy, consumerism, environment, and the multiplication of two direct and indirect "controls" of business activities.

In the 90s, the profession passed in a remarkable way compared to the first years and acquired an institutionalized cultural and professional profile. Many companies - not so big - have departments of Public Relations that vary in their names: public relations, public relations, communication and image, etc. Isso ocorre in all or national territory, I tend to maximum concentration in Milão, followed by Roma e Torino. You are profissionais de Relações Públicas - we are consultants, freelancers, from the agency or functionaries of one organization - mostly from Federação de Relações Públicas Italiana - FERPI, which contributed to the dissemination of the culture of the activity of Relações Públicas together with Associação das Agências de Relações Públicas da Itália - Assorel.

So that a melhor compreensão da la activity de Relações Públicas, second Roggero e Pecchenino (1995), is pertinent to the definition of other areas that compõem o mix da comunicação na Itália:

- to pubblicità - your objective is to create a predisposition for the acquisition of a certain bem ou serviço. Communicate using messages with emotional appeal, with modalities of psychological pressure, in an attempt to reach a defined audience. To publicize a strictly commercial phenomenon that proposes an organizational image and, it tries through the disclosure of the product or service, to communicate a positive image that always coincides with reality;

- promotion - all complex of activities and initiatives collateral to publicity that the organization does not carry out in no way to affirm to the consumer or own product or service: contests, special offers, prizes, etc.;

- propaganda - its real meaning refers to the dissemination of an idea or council as, for example, to political propaganda, to religious propaganda, to philosophical propaganda and to economic propaganda (when it discloses the principles and economic theories of some level);

- to the public institution - it can be considered an instrument of Public Relations when or objective or to disclose a number of people with a brand and corporate identity, in the disclosure of social campaigns, political or religious campaigns and in the appropriation of a festive date for their realization. of an event;

- The lobbying - it is an activity that fears origin from the Anglo-Saxon world and that is institutionalized in the United States. Originally, it consisted of an activity carried out by economic groups on the basis of a common interest, together with the members of the English Government. The United States will regulate this activity and, hoje, there is a real mailing of lobbyists who officially represent the interests of certain economic categories together with the legislative and executive branches and, together with the general public administration. Also, in Italy - it is not officially regulated - it exists as a lobby, in a sit down, or lobby can be defined as an activity to represent the private interests (of a group and a category) together with the legislative and public administration;

- The press-agency - is about an exclusive activity of the show world (cinema, theater, show, television, etc.) in which it was made to disclose these events.

In order to provide a synthetic definition, moreover, incisive of Public Relations, at the beginning, it has been described in the Webster's New International Dictionary that it claims to be at the service of Public Relations: “at the benefit of an industry, of a professional association of a public entity interested in raising and maintaining a relationship with the general public and with the target public, so that it does not deepen its own social field and proposes a correct image for public opinion ”.

A magazine "Pubbliche Relations News" - organization of publicity of the Public Relation Society of America, defines as "an organization and a function that aims to serve the general public, identifying the interests of the organization, proceeding through techniques that we positively mobilize public opinion ”. A definition that, currently, is endorsed by the Confédération Européenne dês Relations Publiques - CERP é: “a practice that consists of reconciling and assisting an organism or pessoa in defining a global policy as a goal of raising, maintaining and developing reciprocal understanding. and connection with various audiences that constitute or environment ”. A definition is official and, as such, it must be oil, but it is largely unsatisfactory second Roggero e Setaro (1994, p.25).

A definição that melhor expresses the activity of Public Relations in Italy, hoje, second you profissionais of the area, and has been endorsed by the FERPI: public and public opinion in a favorável way, determined through reciprocity and in the understanding of their policies. ”

Or council formulated in the 50s by Cutlip (1989) - considered two ex-American representatives in Public Relations as Italian:

As Relações Públicas são a business policy instrument that communicates to the external world a correct image of the organization or an individual, an image that should correspond to an effective and efficient reality in terms of general management, production, marketing, finance, administration and policy pessoal.

Considered as pillars of the Public Relations policy: o behavior / organization and communication of double via (internal / external). A definition of Cutlip we see or found the adhered slogan by FERPI, not year of its foundation, in 1970: "Far bene e farlo sapere", where "far bene" corresponds to a clear, honest and effective behavior and "farlo sapere" é a propria comunicação (versão da americana "have a sound story to tell and tell it"). Roggero e Setaro summarizes what he considers essential in the Public Relations activity, characterizing it as:

- As Relações Públicas does not deal, only occasionally, with communication of products. Pois, é uma a different activity gives publicity of I have its own technique and instruments;

- As Public Relations, we must obey the basic rules of communication: where a communication is not based on clarity, honesty and responsibility from person to reality, it is automatically translated, in misinformation and misinformation, if it is not correct behavior - it is not adequately communicated - reflect an external judgment that is susceptible to a quarantine corporate image.

It is very wrong that the information is written about idéias novas, when, in reality, most of the information and news are not included, there are fewer novas. Or fato é that, interpreting correctly or meaning of the Public Relations, it understands an other characteristic of the activity: each news, each veiculated information, must become an idéia ou um “germe” dessa idéia, quando não, a propria prática da idéia. Princípio muito important, more than hardly é placed in practice. In fact, in most cases there are two cases, when an organization enters the field of Public Relations, with the purpose of inciting some immediate action (to buy, test, vote), or otherwise to propose advertising, to mass communication is prevailing.McQuail (1985) affirms that an effective communication is one that obeys a "Taylor-made" communication program composed by: organization (issuing source), or public to whom it refers (recipient) of all other fathers who intervened process (time, place, channel, instrument).

Sellitto (2000) cites that the organizational area or organizational chart of the company includes all the functions (production, marketing, logistics, commercial) being the function of Public Relations, defined together with the general manager. A correct placement in charge of Public Relations with the staff of the address indicates a coordinated position and not subordinate. It is along with the general direction that will be proposed and developed by the strategic policies of the organization. A function of profissional of Public Relations, it was also a voice-over with internal and external publics, participating in the communications and decisions taken. The author reports that the Public Relations department comprises a number of people that vary according to the size of the company. Em general,o department and composed by a person in charge (or director) who coordinates the activities responding to the objectives and results obtained and, by a number of assistants who deal with particular activities (related to the company, organization of events, etc.), além daqueles in charge of defining and implementing the projects.

The department of Public Relations of a company can visit an external agency for or complement their activities. O profissional de Relações Públicas responsável pelos projetos são os (senior executive, account executive ou project leader) I have as assistants in the realization dessas ações os (account e Junior account ou project assistant).

O profissional de Relações Públicas - as a consultant - in relation to all our communication professions compared to a teacher who coordinates several sectors for the performance of a single score that is organized by the protagonist. Or in charge of Public Relations in an organization that is recent, and in need of references that will value profissão and its real importance. Certainly, or profissional, it will have to help the other sectors of the organization to understand its function and value its activity, procuring the understanding of the top management support (CAVALLO, 1993), ou seja, do alto escala, raising interest in relation to its own activity and not Planejamento that is developing. In our words,The professional of Public Relations must influence and convince or top management of its validity and importance of its communication plan obtaining, assim, a perfect definition of its own position within the organization. It must be worth your profession by giving respect and dignity and crediting your true value.

Or, a consultant can work individually or be part of a consulting agency - usually composed by two or four people - that present characteristics similar to individual training. A medical agency in Italy does not have large consultancies, second given by FERPI, theoretically divides or its staff into specialized consultants: in events, internal public, planning and implementation, research, advertising and market assessment, and other categories that Two clients need to attend to them. Cavallo (1993) cites the services that, generally, understand Rotina from a consultant:

Corporate imagine, positioning or repositioning of the organizational image and your corporate identity “corporate identity”;

Marketing communications, communication of a service / product, through promotions and events;

Internal relations, study, analysis and solutions; no scope of the organizations with their civil servants and the raising or modification of an organizational culture;

Community relations, study, analysis and solution for the problems of the organization with the community where it is inserted in topics such as: safe work, environment and ecology, help to local authorities, cultural and recreational interventions;

Economic-financial communication together with the support of analysts and journalists of the setor, such as, or support along with the published research by official organizations, as the purpose of publishing documents of the organization (balance, reports, semesters, letters for shareholders);

Rapporti le le institutió e public affairs, legislative-normative monitoring related to governamentais norms, lobbying activities, information about the organizations for parliamentarians and ministries;

I almost gave emergence, analysis of crises, planning and development of years.

As a professional of Public Relations, it is not a public function and a delicate function at the same time as children. Pois, or public setor, does not count as many financial and operational resources as a private company. No field of ideas, a communication that is more focused and dogmatic, will not allow any intervention. Being, to the primary function of Public Relations in this set, to foresee and solve possible conflicts originating from unwise policies together with the community.

This is how the company operates together with the environment in which it is inserted, or must run in a communication channel of duplex via. A typical economic system of the first phase of industrial development (used in some decades ago) could be defined as a "simple system". Or simple system means an internal system with a precise and coded number of relationships. Or the economic system of those days or "complex system", which is not synonymous with complicated. It is a less predictable system and, consequently, more difficult to manage. It can be said that coisa determines the existence of a new relationship and of potential relationships within a system through the nature of the modern economic system. After two years 90, there will be new and multiple protagonists in an economic system, which will be complex and, in large part,o definem eo designam. An example of this is consumers (currently there are approximately 25 consumer associations in Italy) and the unions as protagonists of a new social cycle (or incentive to cooperation and a shock of ideas). The companies included in a complex economic system have public relations as a catalyst for the relations that you promote and have various protagonists (actors) that necessarily interact with the internal system. Being assim, it is said that the main objective gives Public Relations activities - to the philosophical matrix of referral - and, therefore, to consider activities as an instrument of positive development of the economic system and promoter of the development.An example of this is consumers (currently there are approximately 25 consumer associations in Italy) and the unions as protagonists of a new social cycle (or incentive to cooperation and a shock of ideas). The companies included in a complex economic system have public relations as a catalyst for the relations that you promote and have various protagonists (actors) that necessarily interact with the internal system. Being assim, it is said that the main objective gives Public Relations activities - to the philosophical matrix of referral - and, therefore, to consider activities as an instrument of positive development of the economic system and promoter of the development.An example of this is consumers (currently there are approximately 25 consumer associations in Italy) and the unions as protagonists of a new social cycle (or incentive to cooperation and a shock of ideas). The companies included in a complex economic system have public relations as a catalyst for the relations that you promote and have various protagonists (actors) that necessarily interact with the internal system. Being assim, it is said that the main objective gives Public Relations activities - to the philosophical matrix of referral - and, therefore, to consider activities as an instrument of positive development of the economic system and promoter of the development.The companies included in a complex economic system have public relations as a catalyst for the relations that you promote and have various protagonists (actors) that necessarily interact with the internal system. Being assim, it is said that the main objective gives Public Relations activities - to the philosophical matrix of referral - and, therefore, to consider activities as an instrument of positive development of the economic system and promoter of the development.The companies included in a complex economic system have public relations as a catalyst for the relations that you promote and have various protagonists (actors) that necessarily interact with the internal system. Being assim, it is said that the main objective gives Public Relations activities - to the philosophical matrix of referral - and, therefore, to consider activities as an instrument of positive development of the economic system and promoter of the development.consider activity as an instrument of positive development of the economic system and promoter of its development.consider activity as an instrument of positive development of the economic system and promoter of its development.

The organization can be isolated from its social environment. Their policies have to be in agreement with the local community - this being the public or second in order of priority - therefore, you know that you are the first functionaries. Atividade de Relações Públicas começa em casa e, as relações na local community "vicini di casa".

The system of relations with public opinion is one of two main points of reference in the area of ​​public relations, due to its capacity to analyze or public. Qualify and enhance the image of an organization, a product, a service or the base objective of Public Relations. In all of Europe, not a professional world, this mission of Public Relations was long defended, confirmed by research carried out by CERP, which operates in permanent contact with various institutions of the European economic community. This research, dated 1990, interviewed 300 professionals from Public Relations who come from various European countries, who will respond to your activities in your area of ​​education, as well as to put trends at a higher European level and country of origin. As evidenced areas pela investigation são: public affairs, relazioni com i consummatori,internal communication, environmental relationships (very differentiated by your problems in various countries and regions) and financial relationships.

Of all these responses emerged as a primary function for business communication or planning process and decision-making. In all of Europe, it is affirmed to the needs of companies to plan and decide by contacting or external public, independent of the fact that the public consumes or uses the products of the company.

The profile that identifies a professional of Public Relations in Italy consists of:

Completed a course in Laurea in the economic or humanistic area;

Ter was deepened in the activity through non-foreign studies - in Europe or the United States - one time that the Italian university system propitiates through programs (Socrates / Erasmus and Leonardo da Vinci) opportunities to spread in other countries;

Search for experiences or stages in organizations during academic life; to express correctly, to escrever with clarity and to faul hair less two foreign languages;

Ter experiência em redação;

Knowing how to fake the public and not be intimidated as a man from a stage;

Ter feito extension courses in the areas of history, psychology and sociology;

You have traveled and continue to travel a lot so that you can get more knowledge and expand your vision of the world;

To know how to value your own personalities, profissão and idéias;

Know how to criticize and take advantage of them for their own professional growth;

Very soon, hair less than four days a day, two magazines per week, a couple of specialized publications from your area a year or more (preferably some foreign publication) and three books for more;

Always be involved as a social medium: books, cinemas, sports and art. conhecer vinhos e ter noções basic de gastronomia e no treatment à mesa (não é indispensável, mal mal não faz);

Dress in a classical manner, with a minimum of expense (not necessary, but easier to communicate with or as an interlocutor).

The 80's, or journalist in advertising, were seen as responsible for the communication of companies. In relation to Public Relations, it was seen as a technique, not a time when, in the public opinion, it had to be the sole representative of the company donation - always in the shadow of the client. In theory, really, this practice is emphasized, but when necessary, or professional, of Public Relations, it will be important to communicate and communicate the company in the primeira pessoa.

It is urgent to develop the Public Relations activity, various instruments that have been created for or contact between the organization and its public. You students have a critical vision brought about by principles and techniques that we can, later on, transform into political and operational instruments. Invernizzi quotes a quoted velho applied to student years: "classe directonti di domani". It happens that, before being released or committed to managing an organization, an activity or its own function must conjugate or verb "power" - originating from the Know-how that you get not to decorate your academic life. For this reason, as far as fazer-lhes are concerned, reflect on the social structures and the centers in which the organizations are inserted so that they can work. Pois, of nothing adiantam paradigms and techniques sem to a critical vision and wisdom in applying them.


CAVALLO, Antonio. Pubbliche Relazioni e Comportamento in Servizio. Bari: Levante, 1993.

FACCIOLI,, Franca. Pubbliche communication: theory and practice of a contemporary seduction. Milano: Etas Kompass, 1969

INVERNIZZI, Emanuele. Le relazioni pubbliche nelle organizzazioni complesse: ricerca sull'evoluzione della professione in Lombardia e sulla collocazione organizzativa nelle grandi imprese. Milano: Angeli, 1981.

MCQUAIL, Denis. Le Comunicazioni di Massa. Bologna: Il Mulino, 1985.

ROGGERO, Giuseppe e SETARO, Mariateresa. Teoria e tecnica delle relazioni pubbliche. Milano: Lupetti, 1994.

_________________e PECCHENINO, Mauro. Le relazioni pubbliche nel mondo che changes: chi, cosa, dove, quando, perche ?. Milano: Lupetti, 1995.

SELLITTO, Miguel. Principi di Economia e Marketing I. Expert in Business Creation.v.12. Porto Alegre: ACIRS, 2000.

SUMMARY: This work represents or meaning that, at the expense of Public Relations, it is possible, hoje, na Itália eo expected profile desse profissional. By means of a historical achievement of the beginning of the non-country activity, it contextualizes the evolution of profission and the most defined definitions for designation. For more information about the Public Relations activity, it is explained in the Italian communication mix. A professional association of Public Relations with the public and private sector is treated through relations with public opinion as a way to enhance the image of the organization. In a second moment, they are related to the main functions of this non-country activity, highlighting “consultant” and all those that involved, such as,The most evident areas in Europe - identified through research carried out by the Confederação Européia de Relações Públicas - CERP.

PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Public Relations, activity, Brazil, Itália.

ABSTRACT: The author discusses the meaning of the practice of Public Relations in Italy today, as well as the expected profile of the PR Professional. By means of historical research on the beginning of the practice in this country, she puts into context the profession's evolution and the definitions most widely adopted to describe it. For the better understanding of the Public Relations practice, the profession is viewed as a part of the Italian communications mix. The work of the PR professional in the private and public sectors is approved as the relationship with public opinion, aiming to form a better image of the organization. In a second analysis, the main functions of this activity in Italy are described: special attention is given to the consultant and the actions that are involved in this activity,as well as to the most relevant regions of Europe (identified in research conducted by the Public Relations European Confederation).

KEY WORDS: Public Relations, practice, Brazil, Italy.

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Atividade of public relations in Italy