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Marketing audit as a strategic tool


Lately it has been heard in the market and in the different social media that Spain is in crisis. But aside from speaking with concern on the subject, what do companies do to tackle it?

They say that the solution is to reduce prices, cut costs, build customer loyalty… Undoubtedly, betting on any of these options is very valid, but if there is a strategic tool that can provide us with true solutions, that is, without a doubt, the Marketing Audit..

I have been talking about its benefits for so many years that I can hardly believe that I continue to refer to it as if it were a mirage. But, unfortunately, it is so, and even today the Marketing Audit continues to be one of the pending subjects of Spanish companies. And I am extremely sorry, for the companies themselves, which are in a difficult business situation and what is worse, the crisis has not yet fully reached us.

If for a moment we stopped to know what a Marketing Audit is, what it consists of and what its benefits are, we would realize that, above all, it is a business ally, and what do allies do? The answer seems obvious: collaborate with us in buoyant moments, so that the situation becomes even more profitable and does not catch us off guard; and cooperate in times of skinny cows like the current one, to help us overcome the greatest enemy that any company can have: the crisis.

Faced with this reality, two very clear questions arise. Is a Marketing Audit necessary to do a good strategic planning and thus be able to overcome the crisis? And second, is this tool really capable of offering excellent results?

Let's start with the first question. Is a Marketing Audit necessary to do a good strategic planning and thus be able to successfully overcome the crisis? The answer, if we look around us and observe the nervousness of many Spanish companies that continue to plan without having it, it could be no. But if we look at the results obtained in many cases, and above all, if we are realistic and demanding with our resources, the answer is YES. And it is "YES" if we want to make the most of all our possibilities to continue selling, if we want to discover our areas for improvement so that we avoid a certain crisis, if we want to face a market crisis or if we even want to get out of business. quick and successful in an internal crisis. Put simply, it's YES,both if we want to prevent or if what we want is to cure.

Having seen its benefits, it is time to answer the second question. What does it consist of? The Marketing Audit is neither more nor less than a working tool that allows the company to analyze and evaluate the programs and actions of the Commercial and Marketing area as well as their adaptation to the environment and the current situation. Put more practically, it examines all areas of both the company and the competition and finds out the opportunities and threats, or even more importantly, indicates the areas for improvement on which to act to increase the profitability of the company.

When the auditor goes to the company, the first thing to recognize is the real situation of the company, for this he will have to obtain basic information about the company, the sector, as well as its track record, and above all, extensive information regarding those areas of activity that it considers necessary. In general terms, carrying out a Marketing Audit can be carried out in three phases:

• Analysis of the environment, both external and internal, of the company. It is what constitutes the starting point. Obtaining verified information in this phase is essential since it allows us to have a clear idea of ​​where the company is and what it has in order to take advantage of all the opportunities that are presented to it in the market and overcome the weaknesses of its own structure.

• Analysis of the main commercial activities and marketing variables. The aim is to analyze each variable to see how efficient it is. At this point I want to highlight the in-depth analysis of the client portfolio since it is essential to carry out intelligent business management.

• Analysis of the Planning and Commercial Organization of the company. It consists of analyzing the company policy, the marketing plan regarding the establishment of objectives and, consequently, the allocation of means and resources for the implementation of the appropriate solutions. Likewise, the application of the RMG matrix will inform us of the degree of competitiveness of the company.

But it must be made very clear that for a Marketing Audit to be truly effective it has to fulfill a series of mandatory conditions. It must be, in general lines:

• Periodic: Although the periodicity of the Audit is subject to the size of the company, the truth is that a Marketing Audit can never be an isolated event but must be carried out regularly and, as we have said before, regardless of the economic situation of the market or the company.

• Systematic: You must follow an ordered sequence in each of the phases necessary to make the diagnosis.

• Complete: You must analyze each of the variables that influence the results from the Marketing and Sales point of view.

But in addition, an effective Marketing Audit must be independent, so that it guarantees an objective analysis. And the best way to achieve this objectivity is by entrusting the Audit to specialized professionals outside the company. External, but which in turn must be fully integrated with it. Furthermore, only good communication between company and auditor can bear the desired fruits.

In addition, and in times like these, it is a fundamental strategic tool to solve a possible crisis and successfully exit it. But, why in times of crisis is Marketing Audit an even more powerful strategic tool if possible? We must bear in mind that any crisis brings with it infinity of opportunities that we must know how to take advantage of, among others, competition does not increase but quite the contrary; decreases considerably. Many market segments remain if their needs are met and it is at these times that, if our company has periodically carried out Marketing Audits, it will find itself in a privileged situation, since it will not only remain in the market, but may increase your customer share.

It is true that the performance of a Marketing Audit does not solve all the problems, but it does provide a solid information and action base. Remember that it allows us to be prepared for any unforeseen and thus prevent problems from arising because when they are seen coming in advance, time always works in our favor.

Marketing audit as a strategic tool