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Increase your sales without letting yourself be influenced by the crisis

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The economic crisis is a fact, it would not be good for us to deny the evidence, it is there and it is not over yet. But there is life even when there are crises, we cannot stop dreaming or allow the general environment to suffocate our projects and dreams. Our companies need clients and it is our job to ensure that sales are materialized with good marketing without being defeated by defeatism.

Change your mindset about the crisis

I always tell my clients and on some occasions also to you in my articles, that the crisis is terrible for families affected by job loss, the poverty caused by the fact that there are families with several unemployed members is appalling. which leads them to spend only on the very basic.

On the other hand, if there are 26% unemployed in Spain, this means that there is 74% of the active population that does have a job. That is the reason why when some entrepreneurs say to me "there is no money" I answer "that is not so", it is true that due to the crisis families have less money, but the money has not disappeared. For many people much of the fear is due to widespread psychosis rather than something truly real in their case.

Adapt your marketing and sales techniques

The explanation for why many companies have to close because they cannot bear the drop in sales due to the crisis, while others not only survive but even increase their sales, is that the latter know how to adapt to the change that an economic crisis supposes. That does not necessarily mean lowering prices, that is only one of the options and you have to use it carefully because of the 'cheap brand' image that you will transmit to your customers.

The real key is the change in marketing strategies and in the way of selling. For example, many product companies are 'reinventing themselves' and are opening up a market abroad, dedicating themselves more and more to exports, while many service companies are positioning themselves on the internet, allowing them to have clients around the world.

In times of crisis, choose to create Value and Creativity

In reality this is not only for times of crisis, for me it is the path for any time, although in crisis it becomes even more necessary. Instead of competing for prices, do it for the value you provide, so when the crisis is over you will have a well-positioned brand and you will be able to increase your sales thanks to the increased purchasing power of your customers.

In addition to the effort to deliver high value to your clients, it is time to strive to increase your creativity to offer them interesting and attractive packages, innovative or fun marketing campaigns, make them see the benefits they will obtain, in addition to attracting new clients and getting your clients current and previous buy again, etc.

The crisis is a reality and we have to take it into account. Companies and entrepreneurs need to reinvent our marketing competing for the value we provide to increase our sales without letting ourselves be overwhelmed by the prevailing pessimism, because although purchasing power in general has decreased, there are still customers who need our products and services.

“The Chinese use two brush strokes to write the word crisis. One brush stroke means 'danger', the other 'opportunity'. In a crisis you become aware of the danger, but you recognize the opportunity »John F. Kennedy.

Increase your sales without letting yourself be influenced by the crisis