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Advances in administration and administrative theory

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Talking about management requires a little credibility in third-party efforts. This clarifies the effectiveness of the improvement of personnel, equipment, supplies, the economy and above all the relationships that we create between us. Staying ahead of changing scenarios and providing fancy and creativity. Improvement is one of the goals, but, above all, an always fixed objective within this branch.

There are no companies that do not require an administrative process, each and every one of them carry out activities in order, however, the key will always be improvement, how to carry out these procedures, but in order to improve them.

That is why the application of the administration is constantly changing, throughout the ages many new strategies, techniques, data, and especially processes that have been obtained through different means have been created.

Evolution is necessary for everyone and everything, it is synonymous with progress, innovation, whether for better or for worse,

It is important for the administration not only to have settled accounts and maintain a clean, tidy place to work. This is in charge of studying and understanding companies to potentiate the resources that you have.

What is evolution?

The scientific theory of evolution explains how the species of living organisms diversify and change through descendant generations and in a considerably long period of time, there is something that must be clear within this concept, and that is that this theory does not explain neither the origin of the universe nor the origin of life, but it does explain how new varieties of living organisms emerged from other living organisms. The main point about this concept refers to the fact that evolution is a gradual change or transformation of something specific, such as a stage, an occurrence, an environment, ideas, events, among others.

What is a theory?

This is linked to norms, principles and knowledge about a erudition, a doctrine or an activity, relegating from practical applications.

What is administration?

The administration is the social science that is empowered of the planning, organization, direction and the control of the different resources and / or services depending on the turn of the company, to reach the objectives and goals proposed by said business.

Talking about this social organism is easy to comment on and difficult to apply, since it is a social science where the goal is the success of a company. There are two types of administration, technical and scientific, and both are essential in any industry, since their proper use brings maximum productivity, which is an important element, but above all worrying in the socioeconomic field.

(Galindo, 1990) Process whose object is the effective and efficient coordination of the resources of a social group to achieve its objectives with maximum productivity.

(José A. Fernández Arena, 2001) He comments that it is a social science that (Cárdenas, 2015) pursues the satisfaction of institutional objects through a structure and through coordinated human effort.

Administrative evolution

Talking about the administrative background leads to knowing the slow transformation in terms of evolution, however, an exact date is not known where the origin of this topic occurred. But according to historians, research and experiences from the origins of humanity, administrative evolution was presented in the following way.

  • Primitive period: when man began to work in groups, the administration arose in an incipient way as an association of efforts to achieve a certain end, which required the participation of several people, the main activities were: hunting, fishing and gathering. This period is characterized by the primitive division of labor, the authority in decision making that was exercised by the head of the family and by group work as a form of teamwork. Agricultural period: this period was characterized by the appearance of agriculture and sedentary life, the division of labor by age and sex prevailed, and patriarchal social organization predominated. Demographic growth forced men to better coordinate their efforts in the social group and to improve the administration's application.The state that marks the beginning of civilization appears, with the emergence of science, literature, religion, political organization, writing and urban planning.

In Mesopotamia and Egypt, social classes emerge. Control of collective work and payment of taxes in kind were the bases on which these civilizations leaned. The forerunners of the modern administration were the officials in charge of applying the state's tax policies and managing numerous human groups in the construction of great architectural works.

  • Greco-Roman Antiquity: In this period slavery appeared, the advances of this time were based on social, political, military and economic organization. The administration was exercised through supervision of work and physical punishment. There was a low productive performance caused by discontent over the inhuman treatment suffered by slaves due to these administrative measures. The administration was characterized by its orientation towards strict supervision of work and corporal punishment as a disciplinary form. The slave lacked rights and was engaged in any production work.

This form of organization, was largely the cause of the fall of the Roman Empire, the development of large-scale commerce, caused the family economy to become a city economy.

  • Feudal epoch: During feudalism, social relations were characterized by a regime of servitude. The administration of the fief was subject to the criteria of the feudal lord who controlled production. Workshops, guilds and more complex forms of organization and administration appear. With the development of trade, small workshops proliferated and merchants acted as intermediaries as the producer and the consumer. The corporations or unions that regulate schedules, wages and other working conditions arise. Modern age: With the rise of commercial capitalism and wage labor, unions were strengthened and workshops continued to function as start-ups for business. Industrial revolution: Various inventions appear such as the steam engine,that fostered industrial development and major changes in production processes, artisan workshops disappear and focus on production giving rise to the factory system. The entrepreneur was the owner of the means of production and the worker sold his labor power.

Specialization and serial production emerge. The complexity of the work required the appearance of specialists who were the incipient administrators who attended to the problems of the factory. It is also characterized by the inhumane exploitation of the worker, such as excessive hours, an unhealthy work environment, and dangerous work.

  • 20th century: It is characterized by technological and industrial development, consolidating itself in the administration as an essential science for industrial and economic development. Scientific administration emerges, being the creator Federick Winslow Tylor, who makes great contributions to the scientific administration and industrial engineering, improving thus to said discipline and to the production of goods and services. Tylor is considered the father of scientific administration and industrial engineering, henceforth various authors dedicated themselves to the study of this discipline, emerging various approaches and theories known as management schools.

Henry Ford Fayol, systematized the production through assembly lines and the classification of acceptable and unacceptable products that originated the factories quality control department, with the introduction and inspection work and control graphics is no longer just about Inspect already manufactured products, but avoid manufacturing defective items.

  • 21st century: It begins with great technological and scientific advances, it is characterized by the globalization of the economy, the existence and proliferation of all kinds of companies, multiple management styles and administrative advances due to robotic plants.

Administrative theory

Different pioneers started what is known as the Modern Administration, but to understand the structure that was founded during this time it is necessary to know that they were now based on theories with very explicit foundations, it is necessary to expose the importance, but above all the characteristics of said theories.

The advantage is that they have evolved, but above all it is that each time one comes out, it brings with it modifications that rendered the previous one inefficient, and thus being able to launch a new postulate with improved proof ending with a new theory.

It encompasses Administrative Theories

Theory Characteristics

Original text

Scientific theory
• The objectives and policies that the company has defined in its application of the z theory must be totally consistent.
It is a theory that emerged in the early sixties, by Robert Blake and Herbert Shepard, better known by its initials "DO", dealing with the operation, development and effectiveness of organizations, seeking continuous improvement within a highly competitive globalized environment, And as you verified in evolution, in this way organizations are forced to overcome the challenge of resistance to change and the search for balance between organizational and personal objectives. Its main objectives are:

• Develop collaboration.

• Potentialize the spirit.

• Integration.

• Perfect information and communication systems.

• Development of a sense of belonging.

• Trust.

People must have a new social conscience.

Douglas Mc. Grego r, creator of this theory with a mechanistic touch, since the essence corresponds to innovation and creativity.

Theory "X": It assumes that the worker is static, pessimistic, insecure and even runs away from work.

Theory “Y”: It supposes that the worker enjoys what he does, self-directs, they are safe, they are creative, they are perfectionists, for each achievement they receive an incentive.


Talking about administrative evolution and theories is a great strategic advance, but at the same time it is something that makes it increasingly difficult in the economic, technological, social, and political spheres, since all this is the product of the progress of an official. Nowadays, being a bureaucrat involves studies, experience, time, strategy, among other terms, to empower your work.

When talking about the evolution and theories of the administration, one understands the importance that needs to be established when talking about business, companies, personnel, strategies, and that each time over time, scholars have dedicated themselves to emphasize the degree to which it should be treated. The really interesting thing is that these theories are based on human behavior, and based on what benefits and what does not, explains how it always evolves, creates new conflicts to study.

It is substantial to locate how an organization is waiting for the changes it challenges and how it prepares to confront them and achieve conciliation in each situation and, in turn, the effectiveness and success it takes to excel.


Bello, M. (November 21, 2012). Administration concept, importance and characteristics. Obtained from


Cárdenas, V. (February 12, 2015). Administration definitions. Obtained from

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LosRecursosHumanos.com. (2016). Main administrative theories: approaches and representatives. Obtained from

Palacios, JA (January 20, 2016). Historical evolution of business. The universal. Obtained from


Rojas, J. (February 21, 2014). Importance of administrative theories. Obtained from

Advances in administration and administrative theory