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Low productivity. A symptom?

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Most of the time, low productivity is like a headache, in some it is chronic and in others it appears suddenly in an acute form. In both cases and as in medicine, it is a symptom that "something" is not right. Although unfortunately, as most humans do, we believe that it is enough for us to take a couple of aspirins, in this case, "squeeze" the team a little or "the best" to raise the indicator and thus "take off" that headache.

In this way, we “mask”, “hide” the true cause of this low productivity, which, instead of improving, is very likely to worsen.

It is that its causes can be varied, but among them there are several that are, unfortunately, repetitive and sometimes ignored, such as:

Causes of Low Productivity

  • People who did not possess the necessary skills or abilities to deal with sales as a profession were recruited. Most of the time, recruiting is done in a rush and against time. (Can recruitment be planned? - Yes, of course.) There was not adequate training in the field. It was considered that a short workshop was enough and then… "manage them as you can". (The much-mentioned "quick start" is not applied… due to lack of time). On other occasions, the compensation system is so complicated… that nobody understands it and therefore is not a "driver" but rather a "retarder". (A clear system, easy to understand and apply, leads to its “use” as a “catalyst.”) A direction that is not always constant and reliable. A misunderstood or poorly focused leadership, which rather resembles that of a "traditional boss".(Confidence, belief in the leader's ability, who is capable of organizing and joining efforts, as well as his ability to help and support, rather than "command" and "justify").Forcing the sale's goals to be those determined almost dictatorially, without considering their own, personal ones. (The real reason why this salesperson works as such is not developed: generating the necessary personal income, squandering the personal “push”). The lack of analysis and evaluation of the daily or weekly work of the producers. (More often than not, when it is done it is already too late and it is almost impossible to recover and obtain the expected results.) Retention of the successful ones. Working environment. Successful people need to be surrounded by people of equal success status. Otherwise, it is very possible that they “catch” and acquire the bad habits of others.

It is very possible that the previous ones coexist at the same time with other symptoms, and it is not just a "simple headache".

So if your productivity is low, watch out! It is very possible that there is more than one problem causing it. Stop and analyze the possible causes before the evil spreads.

"We can't solve problems by thinking the same way as when we created them."

Albert Einstein (1879-1955).


Low productivity. A symptom?