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Methodological bases for the integrated management of construction projects

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On methodological bases for the integrated management of construction projects: a way to achieve a positive impact on quality, costs and construction timeThe theoretical bases for a methodological approach based on the author's practical experience during his application as a Self-Employed Worker (TPCP) are presented, with the license for Real Estate Construction, Repair and Maintenance Services, to approach the execution of a work with the purpose of obtaining a positive impact on quality, costs and execution time, and the need to modify habits, methods and work styles in order to create the conditions that allow understanding the importance of emphasizing the concept. of Project of Execution of Works, which is defined in the work as the basic cell of the management of a contracting and / or construction entity for the achievement of the global objectives of any project of execution of works, given its systemic character,recommending some elements to take into account for the achievement of these objectives.

Consequently, it is proposed to approach the execution of the works under the conceptual approach of Construction Management associated with the techniques and concepts of Integrated Project Management (Project Management) applied to the execution of a Construction Project, with special attention to the proposal of the different phases of it and the tasks to be taken into account in these, as an effective way of organization and integration to achieve a positive impact in the fulfillment of the overall objectives of the Project: Scope / Configuration, quality, cost and execution time. P alabras Keys: Project Management, Construction Management, Construction Project, cost, quality, time.


1. Introduction

The role of quality, costs and the execution time of the works acquires today a relevant connotation and especially in the construction sector, in which it is not possible to speak of management, but takes into account its intimate relationship with the quality, cost and execution time, the three concepts that make up the overall objectives of a Construction Project, derived from the Scope / configuration of the work to be carried out.

Being competitive today, especially in the construction sector and, in particular, the part of it that dedicates its efforts to providing services in the form of a non-state form of management, is synonymous with having a management system, relationships of work and a work culture, capable of guaranteeing the quality demanded by the client with agreed costs and within the required period; This, in addition, is an imperative to achieve economic efficiency and to have access to the competitive markets that surround us (Luis, 1997), a challenge that the Cuban economy is currently facing, which is assuming profound and complex changes and, in

Consequently, a restructuring of its system, such as the approval and implementation of new forms of management, state and non-state, the readjustment of an economic development strategy that, preserving what has been achieved, allows a new insertion of this economy in a new mercantile scene, of culture and labor relations (Martín, 1997). A simplified analysis of change is shown in the figure.

The approach presented takes into account the experience accumulated over several years of work under the scheme of a Self-Employed Worker (TPCP), with the license for Services for the construction, repair and maintenance of buildings, covered by System Law 113 Tax published in the Official Gazette No. 053 Ordinary of November 21, 2012, later modified and updated according to the Official Gazette

No. 35 Extraordinary of July 10, 2018, as of DECREE-LAW No. 354, AMENDING LAW No. 113 "OF THE TAX SYSTEM", OF JULY 23, 2012, DECREE-ACT No. 356 ON THE EXERCISE OF WORK BY YOUR OWN, RESOLUTION No. 12/2018, RESOLUTION No. 11/2018, and the REGULATION OF THE EXERCISE OF WORK BY YOUR OWN ACCOUNT in the Ministry of LABOR AND SOCIAL SECURITY, in an attempt to incorporate into this activity the concepts associated with Integrated Project Management (Project Management, Construction Management) and also consider the execution phase of a work as a Project in itself.

Achieving this objective in the construction sector, under this form of management, involves overcoming truly formidable obstacles: change of mentality, technological limitations, dependence on inputs and resources in general, failures in work processes, insufficient quality culture, Outdated methodological and management approaches based on effective Human Capital management, modifying the current relations and work culture, leadership, achieving a participatory and conscious style of all workers, decentralization of activity and authority, tolerance of new ideas, transparency and opportunity in information and communication, achieving productive linkage with the other forms of management, interrelation and real respect between the different stakeholders, and other reasons of this order.

In this way, the objective of the work has been outlined as the proper use of the Project concept and the techniques and concepts associated with Integrated Project Management, applied during the process of execution of a work, Integrated Management Construction, can cause positive impacts on the quality, costs and execution times of a work, abiding by the systematic, systemic and integrative nature of these three objectives, derived from the scope of the Project.

2. The project approach and its relation to the concept of “project of execution of work”.

In construction, each "product" has its own peculiarities, even those of the same type, that is, it is unique, making it then a Project, defined briefly as "the combination of human and non-human resources gathered in a temporary organization in order to achieve a certain purpose ”(Heredia, 1995). See different definitions cited in the table shown.

Its temporary nature indicates that it will have a beginning and an end, which will be associated with a life cycle that can be summarized, according to Heredia (1997), in the following four phases:

  1. Feasibility Study Phase (Conception) Design Phase (Definition) Execution Phase (Implementation) Abandonment Phase (Deactivation).

The authors consider and prefer to incorporate an additional phase conceived after the execution, consisting of the exploitation phase, with a duration of the guarantee of the works coinciding with the provisions between the parties and agreed in the contract. In several of the projects executed by this work team, the aforementioned situation has been presented, since partial deliveries have been made and they have been put into operation, while other objects of works are being carried out. Such a situation must be properly conceived from the beginning of the execution of the project, be it investment or maintenance and repair, in order to provide comprehensive solutions to the problems that guarantee an adequate subsequent sequence and, at the same time,guarantee the timely and necessary provision of the services required by the population and society in general, thereby contributing to the improvement of people's quality of life.

Obviously, when talking about management in the execution of a Construction Project within the framework of an investment process, it is necessary to take into account its integral, systematic and systemic character, that is, to have a global vision of the problem and not particularized for each phase, and not to forget the logic and natural interrelation between the objectives of each phase: quality, cost and execution time and, of these, with the global objectives. It would not be possible to speak of the proper management of a Project if the interrelation between the different stakeholders, phases and the sequence of subsequent execution is not taken into account, if the fulfillment of the objectives that the they link with the rest of the associated processes, all seen and understood as a system. In the same way,It is not possible to speak of management if the obligations agreed in the framework of the contractual relations regarding quality, costs and the execution time are fulfilled.

Inspection and quality control play a relevant role, and should not have, as almost always happens, the connotation of inspecting or controlling only the quality of the executions and of the materials to be used in the works, but they must go deeper into the management concepts. Thus, both must be carried out under the concept that they constitute elements of quality management in their fair and current definition and scope, according to the standards of the ISO 9000: 2015 family, in order to manage quality and, for Therefore, as a preventive measure, and not concentrating exclusively on "following the technical rules and regulations" as is traditionally done, since although it is true that these must be considered and complied with, it is undeniable that above the rules, once they are complied with,is to meet the most far-reaching objectives, which are the requirements demanded and agreed with the clients (users, consumers) and to create the quality that satisfies them. (See table).

To achieve these objectives linked to the management proposal outlined here in the construction sector, especially in the execution of works, and under the conception of the TPCP mentioned here, it is necessary to mention some premises of interest:

  • Achieve a change of mentality in managers and decision makers who interact as stakeholders; In this interaction, the specific and pertinent qualification of each one must be respected according to their field of action and professional training. Change everything that must be changed and can slow down or block the implementation and putting into practice of the best ideas and performances. Be aware of the need for a new culture and work relationships. Adopt an active, conscious, participative and transparent management philosophy, committed and loyal. Train, educate, train, lead by example. Instill the idea that the result obtained it is a common task of all, for the well-being of all. To achieve motivation and self-responsibility in control and management. To introduce advanced methodologies, to seek advice,listen to those who know. Cultural change that allows a direction based on responsibility and not control. Encourage and recognize self-control as a highly effective way. Need to act in all subsystems and activities that constitute the Project of execution of a work, with defined and precise responsibilities. Need to specify the responsibility and role of each participant in the Project in each phase and process of it. Collective decision-making and individual responsibilities. Maximum attention should be given to separating the responsibility for judging quality from executing quality work. Designing and applying methodological tools that ensure customer and stakeholder feedback.Cultural change that allows management based on responsibility and not control. Encourage and recognize self-control as a highly effective way. Need to act in all subsystems and activities that constitute the Project of execution of a work, with defined and precise responsibilities. Need to specify the responsibility and role of each participant in the Project in each phase and process of it. Collective decision-making and individual responsibilities. Maximum attention should be given to separating the responsibility for judging quality from executing quality work. Designing and applying methodological tools that ensure customer and stakeholder feedback.Cultural change that allows management based on responsibility and not control. Encourage and recognize self-control as a highly effective way. Need to act in all subsystems and activities that constitute the Project of execution of a work, with defined and precise responsibilities. Need to specify the responsibility and role of each participant in the Project in each phase and process of it. Collective decision-making and individual responsibilities. Maximum attention should be given to separating the responsibility for judging quality from executing quality work. Designing and applying methodological tools that ensure customer and stakeholder feedback.Need to act in all the subsystems and activities that constitute the Project of execution of a work, with defined and precise responsibilities. Need to specify the responsibility and the role of each participant in the Project in each phase and process thereof. Collective decision-making and individual responsibilities. Maximum attention should be given to separating the responsibility for judging quality from executing quality work. Designing and applying methodological tools that ensure customer and stakeholder feedback.Need to act in all the subsystems and activities that constitute the Project of execution of a work, with defined and precise responsibilities. Need to specify the responsibility and the role of each participant in the Project in each phase and process thereof. Collective decision-making and individual responsibilities. Maximum attention should be given to separating the responsibility for judging quality from executing quality work. Designing and applying methodological tools that ensure customer and stakeholder feedback.Collective decision-making and individual responsibilities. Maximum attention should be given to separating the responsibility for judging quality from executing quality work. Designing and applying methodological tools that ensure customer and stakeholder feedback.Collective decision-making and individual responsibilities. Maximum attention should be given to separating the responsibility for judging quality from executing quality work. Designing and applying methodological tools that ensure customer and stakeholder feedback.

Undoubtedly, to achieve these objectives it is necessary that all the entities and / or people involved in the construction process have an education in the sense of "Management" and not only focused on technical aspects, considering that this is where their role of the Integrated Construction Management which must have a positive impact on quality given its integrating, systematic and systemic nature.

3. The concept of Construction Management as a way of integration to achieve a positive impact on quality, costs and execution time.

Frequently, we have at our disposal the information of what the client wants or needs, whether through their own requests, knowledge of development plans and programs in certain economic, social, scientific, technological or other spheres, or from explorations and market studies, and we only have to make a small effort to organize it and prepare a strategy in this regard; However, we continue to do what we do best, ignoring the signals our clients give us, we resist change and we do not want to leave our "comfort zone" and therefore do not get the results we want.

Many times (most, you might think), satisfying our clients means changing the way we do things, evolve, keep doing what we know, but in a way that better meets those needs and expectations, for which it is vital to break paradigms and overcome fear of change.

Thus, it becomes a mistake to always do what we consider best, without adequately informing ourselves of what the client wants and needs, directing all our efforts to the wrong place, resulting in a waste of time and resources.

To not hesitate, invest time and resources in knowing what our client wants to be able to design the service to suit them, in any area of ​​services that we perform is a matter of high interest.

The techniques and concepts associated with Integrated Project Management, conveniently used in the execution of a Construction Project, under the concept of the Construction Management concept, allow these errors to be committed to a lesser extent.

In this sense, the proposal, once implemented in practice, has become more than a management methodology in a management system in the sense of Management, which means optimizing or at least achieving the most adequate use of all resources. available.

The projects of execution of works vary considerably in complexity, being necessary to achieve the integration of its different parts in order to ensure that a particular activity, process or system is assembled in such a way that the subsystems, components, parts and organizational units are integrated as a whole that works correctly according to a plan. The figure of the TCPC under analysis, according to the applied scheme, has the direct responsibility for ensuring that this occurs. In this way, their attention should be focused on managing personal, organizational, process, and stakeholder interrelationships and definitely achieve system integration.

It is an administrative axiom that the main job of every executor, including, in our opinion, the case of the figure of the TPCP under the aforementioned license, is to achieve the creation of an environment that facilitates the achievement of the agreed objectives, optimizing material resources and humans through their proper management, as well as their integration in order to obtain benefits. With the application of the proposed approach, shown briefly in the figure, in the execution of the construction project and the activities related to the Commander Maternal and Child Hospital "Manuel Piti Fajardo" and other works carried out in the municipality of Güines, Mayabeque province, vertical and horizontal integration has been achieved for the management of all stakeholders,the processes and available resources avoiding the dysfunction due to the breakdown of the system when the traditional concepts are applied.

It is important to understand that this integration does not occur alone, but it will be necessary to carefully plan and design it as a system, specifying and ordering the critical actions for this integration, trying to ensure that they occupy a place very early in the Project life cycle, defining with the greatest possible precision the different interfaces and the treatment that will be given to them. Also, a committed participation of each of the interested parties is required, under the precept that the whole is more than the sum of the parts. In addition, a teamwork mentality is required that avoids personalisms, leading roles, generators of divisions and antagonisms, the idea that some may be "better" than others must be removed.The concept of the great value of the collective mind in decision making is important.

Starting from the aforementioned Project definition, it is possible to understand that the execution phase of a work, whatever its magnitude and level of complexity, can be defined as a Project in itself and, therefore, apply the concepts related to such definition. In this way, it is also possible to conceive the different stages that will make up the Life Cycle of the one now defined as a Work Execution Project, as well as the tasks that correspond to each of them.

Thus, the organization of the execution of a work will now be carried out on the Project of Execution of Work, which will be basically made up of the same stages defined by Heredia (1995, 1997), when referring to the Life Cycle of a Project in its generic sense.

4. Stages of the life cycle of the project "execution of works" associated tasks

In Table 1, the different stages of the life cycle of the Project “Work Execution” are described, as well as the tasks corresponding to each one of them. It is clarified that, in the Works Execution Projects, as in others, some of these stages or phases may be superimposed, mainly in the definition and execution phases. An example in which this overlap is more marked is in the projects known as "turnkey", in which the implementation practically begins when it is still in the definition phase.

The inclusion in the daily work of certain basic elements is exposed in order to guarantee compliance with the overall objectives of any Project, such as: contracting and purchasing, programming, cost and expense control, but in the well understood sense of control. with a forecast nature in order to ensure that the investment is within what was initially programmed, and not as it is traditionally carried out as an ex-post budgetary control, from the control and verification of the certification of the finished works, although this, in turn, It constitutes a habit practice to check the behavior of the planned, control of the term, quality control, as part of the current concepts of quality management, risk management, human resource management,economic and financial management, with special emphasis on Project financing, constructability and value engineering in order to evaluate and select the best practices for each case and / or construction methods and reduce the cost of construction (Luis, 1998, 1999).

It is possible, although it does not normally occur, that in some Works Execution Projects an additional operation phase is presented, which should be located methodologically before the deactivation phase. This operation phase would be present in those Projects in which partial deliveries of the executed parts of the work are made, these facilities passing to be operated normally, that is, to a productive phase of the installation.

This situation occurs with some frequency in the case of projects for the maintenance and / or repair of certain buildings, which due to their characteristics can and should continue to provide their services. Also, in certain investments in which the resource is not guaranteed at the required time. In all cases, it is advisable to specify the tasks to be taken into account in this phase.

An important comment is associated with the phase of deactivation or abandonment of the Project, since it will always be present and it must be designed from the beginning and, even more, it is advisable to approach it as a separate Project (Luis, 1999).

In most of the current Construction Projects, this phase is not given the required attention despite the fact that its contribution to the potential negative environmental impacts is very high, and it is the right moment to reduce their effect.

The execution phase is truly complex in a practical and operational sense, as it is the one in which the greatest amount of resources are required to achieve the objectives and the implementation of the system. However, its success or failure depends to a great extent on the efficiency with which the conception and definition phases are developed, which, in the authors' opinion, definitely become decisive stages both in achieving the global objectives. of the Project, as well as for the objectives corresponding to the other phases of it.

For this reason, it is advisable to delve into the work of these two phases (conception and definition), since their impact on the rest is highly significant. Thus, it is necessary to eliminate the traditional concept of concentrating maximum efforts in the execution stage, minimizing it in those of conception and definition, which inevitably leads to improvisations and, consequently, to the non-fulfillment of the overall Project objectives: lengthening of deadlines, rising costs and lack of quality.

In reality, the practical experience accumulated so far shows that the time “lost” in the stages of conception and definition becomes time “gained” in that of execution, which should not be overlooked.

5. Conclusions

The proposed approach allows a more efficient, effective and effective direction of the execution of a work, since it methodologically structures the different aspects to be considered in the different stages of a Project of Execution of Works.

The application of the proposed approach in various executed works has allowed for a more effective management, reduced execution times, meeting the expectations of internal and external customers, regarding quality, in its broadest concept, and increasing the quota market.

For the application of the proposed approach, it became evident the need to modify some current concepts associated with the culture and relations of work, and create a culture of work based on the overall objectives of the Project of Execution of Works.

In order to achieve the global objectives in the execution of a work, it is essential to modify the habits, styles and methods of management and work relationships and to fight for a culture that allows us to understand the importance of considering the concept of Project as the basic cell to lead said execution.

Focusing the execution of the works with the Project concepts and, consequently, applying the techniques and concepts associated with the Integrated Project Management, will inevitably cause a positive impact on quality, costs and execution times.

Implement as a style to work in the achievement of the Global Objectives of the Project of Execution of Work, through the achievement of the objectives foreseen for each phase of the same as an effective way to raise quality, decrease costs and lead times.


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Methodological bases for the integrated management of construction projects