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Benefits of neurolinguistic programming in the organization


The following research brings together various meanings on Neuro Linguistic Programming with the specific focus on decision-making, NLP is a highly effective tool for managing human or organizational resources, because although there are business benefits, all part of the improvement of the workers' perception of themselves.

The importance of the present lies in the advantages offered by implementing this type of techniques in the company, that is, the long-term impact. NLP is vital in an organization if it seeks to have a better objective capacity of the entire corporate.


NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) has its indications arising from the last third of the last century in the United States, psychology (the discipline from which it originates) was focused on social and personal anomalies. Richard Blander, mathematician and student of Psychology and John Grinder, assistant professor of Linguistics were the creators of Neurolinguistic Programming; Its objective was to investigate the characteristics or indicators that structured the profile of brilliant human beings who reached their goals and successfully projected themselves in their process of communication and interaction with others. As Sambrano, J. (1997: 9) refers, "Blander and Grinder devoted themselves to studying some excellent therapists who made dramatic changes in their patients, specifically Virginia Satir, Milton Erickson, and Fritz Perls."Finishing their study, they concluded that all human action implicitly brings with it the execution of a strategy, which can be adjusted according to each person and specific situation.

"This is how at the end of the study they synthesized what they called Neuro-linguistic Programming, which in a few words can be defined as the study of excellence, although in the early period it was defined as the study of the subjective structure of human experience" Puche, J. (2002: 25). The birth of this new discipline brought with it its application to different areas and innovations based on the contributions of the aforementioned author, such as; Human Design engineering, the new NLP code, c) Somatic Syntax, generative NLP and unified field theory, neuroassociative conditioning, among others. Over time, approaches have become more specialized in ways of thinking, learning, communicating, and patterns to excel in diverse fields such as education, sales,neurobiology and management. During the development of this research, it will be covered from the basic and understandable concepts, finally its relationship with decision-making and benefits of its implementation will be addressed.


As the individual develops, his mind becomes contaminated with negative prejudices about life, family and society can instill in him mental models such as conformity or pessimism, and with these he can guide even his whole life.

However, not everything is lost, since a person's mind can be decontaminated if it is influenced by positive and useful information, and this is what neurolinguistic programming is responsible for.

Neuro-linguistic programming is a set of tools and techniques to generate changes in people, it seeks to understand the mechanics of thought of each person individually as a diagnosis to identify their strengths and weaknesses and in any case add to their mental models certain Neural programming that helps you clarify how you perceive yourself and how you perceive your environment in order to help you overcome difficulties and achieve your goals.

Neurolinguistic programming can also be understood as the engineering of thought; This branch of knowledge is focused on the study of automatic responses of the person resulting from the creation of neural networks generated by constant repetition, that is, programming.

On the other hand, there is the work related to the construction of neural networks (neuro) that are ultimately responsible for the control, change and execution of what has been programmed; this is part of neurology.

And finally there is linguistics that deals with how a person learns and communicates, which can be both verbal and non-verbal.

Unlike psychoanalysis, the results of neurolinguistic programming are very fast and very evident; This tool can be used to motivate, overcome fears, generate harmonious interpersonal relationships and even cure illnesses.

For some specialized authors in the area, NLP is conceptualized in the following ways; Sambrano, J. (1997 "a contemporary approach to excellence", whose objective is to offer tools aimed at all audiences that can be practiced competitively without the help of a professional. According to Berrios; E. (2000), member of The Latin American Association for the Education of Alternative Models, for its part, considers that NLP has a representation or therapeutic approach by virtue of the multiple benefits and achievements registered in the field of health, as a basis for the application of this tool. N. (1997), presents the strategy in support of the different dimensions of individuals and organizations to achieve Excellence; while Batista, J. (2001) presents 8 key aspects of NLP:The leader and the Communication Process, Communication Barriers; Perceptual positions of communication; Organizational climate; Neuro-Linguistic Programming; Organizational Leadership; Leader-Supervised Communication; and


On the other hand, Puche, J. (2002), suggests a new dimension for the application of NLP: the spiritual dimension, in combination the integral transpersonal approach; For this author, the main objective is to make the cultivation of spiritual intelligence available to anyone with the practical tools of NLP; being necessary to fully explore and develop the different dimensions of the human being: body, mind, emotions and spirit.

Stages of development and their relationship with NLP

Programming starts from before birth. Experts in the sciences of biological development of human beings assure that the brain begins to be programmed from the third week of gestation and the treatment that parents have towards the baby is crucial for the latter to have a good physical and mental development.

Instrumental music, caresses on the mother's womb and positive conversations can help to program a human brain healthy before it is born.

Programming in children.

In childhood, it is very important to focus on working on self-esteem because they are the foundations that will sustain a healthy psychological and emotional development in the following stages of life.

One programming technique is to talk to the infant while he is asleep or while he is focused on an activity that has his full attention; Talking to him right now allows him to communicate more effectively with the child's unconscious mind.

If you choose to program a child while he is asleep, the Pope must ensure that he takes at least 2 hours of sleep since it is approximately the time in which a person enters the REM sleep phase, which is the most appropriate for communication at the unconscious level.

Youth programming.

Programming in adolescents and young people is more effective making conscious use of the visualization of success in the activity that is planned to be carried out.

There is several research that supports visualization can be even more effective than iterative physical action; since when viewing an activity the same muscles are activated as when the activity is carried out physically.

In the adolescent stage, the programming method during sleep is often not used because this is a stage of rebellion and the adolescent refuses to obey instructions from his parents, however, experts suggest that if this is to be used Technically the best people to communicate are their friends since there is a stronger bond of trust.

Neuro-linguistic programming at the intrapersonal level.

For a neurolinguistic programming to exist, the presence of a therapist is not necessary, but can be done at an intrapersonal level, that is, the same person programs himself even without even being aware of it.

Low self-esteem is a clear example of intrapersonal neurolinguistic programming. It can be conceived as a result of poor programming and at the same time as programming itself since low self-esteem generates negative thoughts which, when done repeatedly, generate changes in the person. psychically and physically.

NLP and money.

Good programming can also help in the financial field; People often sabotage themselves with feelings of fear or guilt, feelings that are the results of low self-esteem and do not allow them to capitalize on their strengths but instead focus on their weaknesses.

Phrases such as "I don't deserve to be rich" or "I don't deserve this" are everyday examples of how people program themselves to live in need; Neuro-linguistic programming experts recommend changing this type of mindset and focus more on capitalizing on both physical and mental strengths and putting them at the service of our financial well-being.

A very simple exercise to change a negative or conformist way of thinking is to set higher standards of objectives, by doing this the person's body prepares and increases its energy level according to the effort it is intended to make; This means that when a person plans to do something, he must pose it to himself with perfectionist ambitions, for example, if a person wants to make a YouTube channel, he must have the intention of not simply making a channel but making the best YouTube channel on the subject. The one that he plans to develop, or if a person wants to write a book must think about what he is going to write and that he has to write the best book on a certain subject, this unconsciously makes the person's body predispose itself to have a higher performance.

So if the person is programmed to do an excellent job, it is very likely that he will do it and this in turn affects his financial situation.


According to Dobrinsky (2012), Neuro Linguistic Programming is erected by certain general characteristics;

Holistic approach; NLP considers that all parts of a person are related to each other and that all the changes of one part are reflected in all the others. This view assumes that the full consequences of any process of change are taken into account.

Work with microdetails; In contrast to her holistic point of view, NLP often deals with small details. An example of this is the way in which he works with specific elements of the ideative processes, such as the way in which people visualize and use the “internal dialogue”. The PNL allows analyzing these processes in order to make them more effective. Working with the details often helps to understand and assimilate and allows you to work with one item at a time rather than being overwhelmed with multiple activities simultaneously.

Based on competition and model training; NLP deals with individual skills and abilities. In this sense, it complements well with the current training and development methods. The basis of NLP is the "modeling" specifically the "modeling" of people who are effective; it is about discovering precisely what elements of your actions contribute to success, and then teaching others to act in a similar way. It focuses on mental processes; Although much of NLP is about behavior, it is also largely concerned with how thoughts influence people's performance. NLP offers ways to modify mental patterns (or strategies) and helps to modify them so that it is possible to improve people's lives.

Use specific language patterns; using language patterns provides sound techniques for relating to other people and producing change.

Work with the conscious and unconscious mind; the state of consciousness is generally recognizable as a knowledge of oneself or of elements of one's environment (or beyond it). The term "unconscious" is normally applied to states such as sleep, anesthesia, or fainting, but it can also be used to describe mental processes that are "out of consciousness." Such processes can include a wide variety of stuff; for example, having a habit of which one is not aware, becoming familiar with a language by listening to it without consciously knowing the words or grammar, or reacting to something automatically without being aware of the reason why it happens (for example, consider a person attractive because the pupils of his eyes are dilated without being aware that this detail influences the reaction).

They attach great importance to language; Contrary to other therapeutic currents that consider that what is important and truly transcendent to work on is the "content" and not the language chosen to express those contents, the NLP gives a predominant role to language because, among other things, it considers that it is a faithful reflection of the feelings, thoughts and beliefs that are found within individuals.

Attaches great importance to nonverbal language; again, contrary to other therapeutic currents that give importance to discourse - that is, to what the client says - but not to body signals, NLP also takes these as valuable data to take into account. Gestures (without being abrupt or slow, for example), gaze (presence of fast or slow movements of the eyes), sitting posture, etc. They become important sources of information for the discipline that concerns us.

Experience has a structure; There are patterns, molds, structures to organize our experience and, as a consequence, if we change these patterns, our experience also changes. One of the main reasons why all capture and experimentation of stimuli from reality is not free but subordinate to certain filters that condition it is the difference between the concept of map and that of territory, which is explained in more detail in point following.

Quick results; One of the main characteristics of NLP is its speed to produce positive changes in the individuals who resort to it. That trait basically generates two types of reactions in those who know this fact. The brain works and learns very fast, and this makes it possible for some changes to be made, in fact, quickly and lastingly. You just have to know the proper methodology to achieve such modifications.

NLP in decision making

NLP represents for the business sector a powerful tool that, put at the service of business, can yield significant benefits that have already been applied by different specialists. Caaunt, J. et al. (2001: 234) presents four aspects to consider in this regard:

  1. It establishes effective goals that lead to the development of more focused activities. It makes it possible to build quality relationships with colleagues and partners, exchanging conflict for cooperation. It makes reactions to the environment more flexible, leading us to an action that is adapted to the key factors of business competitiveness. Directs mental activity, in order to promote greater self-control and more effective self-direction.

The collaborators of the organization and especially the executives, have a responsibility of direction and management before the organizations, since the knowledge and application of the Programming

Neurolinguistics allows them to be more prepared, making them more competitive in the labor market. A leader who projects himself under the NLP strategy serves as a model for his internal audiences, since he constitutes the standard-bearer of values ​​and reinforces the identity of the Organizations with effective internal communication, enabling the flow of information to all organizational levels and ensuring the assembly of systematic or network communication, where the information system and intra-organizational relationships are optimized, projects the organizational image towards the public external, making themselves accessible to their current and potential clients, and integrating with their competitors; and linking their decision making to the company's social responsibility,which allows it to respond to the obligations and reactions of the organization towards its environment, at the same time it generates sensitivity to the community and the different political, governmental, cultural and social strata. The above is ratified by Torres cited by Batista, J. (2001), who affirms: “… a construction leader is needed to promote the development of social capital. In other words, it promotes the strengthening of formal and informal institutions, contributing to the well-being of society, promoting trust, solidarity, understanding among citizens, respect, norms, and above all, promoting in a very important way, the sense of responsibility. individual". A Leader with NLP management generates an organizational environment conducive to ethics, influences others as a consequence of his authority,convinces instead of imposing, arouses admiration and creativity instead of fear, its power is derived from the power it grants to others, inspiring loyalty and commitment in its followers and derived from it, decision making is aimed at clear objectives for the organization and the direction, the internal reactions of the fluctuating market are taken in a centered way and with greater certainty. NLP has a high influence on decision-making as it generates a fully focused organizational climate.the internal reactions of the fluctuating market are taken in a focused way and with greater certainty. NLP has a high influence on decision-making as it generates a fully focused organizational climate.the internal reactions of the fluctuating market are taken in a focused way and with greater certainty. NLP has a high influence on decision-making as it generates a fully focused organizational climate.

Benefits of NLP for the organization

Analysis of the non-verbal language of our colleagues / clients, a fact that enables an improvement in the responses.

  • Increase of the motivation and persuasion of the collaborators. It improves the communication process through the body language to express our ideas or intentions in a more effective way. It favors a better work relation, considerably increasing the work efficiency. Resolution of terminal conflicts and Personality Business or policy concertation aimed at influencing programs or decisions Detailed interview preparation Changing insensitivity attitudes Converts unconscious processes into conscious ones, redirecting our energy into a specific objective.


NLP has become an attractive tool in recent decades since its impact on the organization has been reflected in results through the experience of those who have applied it, as it was emphasized, there are benefits when applying this technique that range from an improvement in the perception of themselves in the company, up to the development of a sense of belonging to the organization, however this discipline is criticized since it is suggested that it is not carried out in a more scientific way, however when comparing the results obtained, has been considered as something that should not be missing in the company. If the organization wants to manage a better leadership and work environment, it can certainly implement these types of tools and decrease their ambivalence regarding more decisions, improve response times,channel the contracted staff and know how their situation is through this type of language analysis.


The Orizaba Technological Institute is thanked for providing the necessary resources for the development of this article, Dr. Fernando Aguirre y Hernández for the assignment of the topic and the Engineer Monserrat Jiménez Hernández for their valuable contributions.

Thesis topic proposal.

Enhance the development of MyPyMe's using NLP techniques on the owners.

General objective.

Influence the personality of the owner of the MiPyMe with own attitudes owners of leading companies in the world.


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Benefits of neurolinguistic programming in the organization