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Benefits of prudence from the perspective of some thinkers. test


When we come across the term, prudence, the concept that comes to mind is to be good or perfect people. For most people, these concepts are not very understandable, nor are the benefits of prudence known.

That is why I take care of investigating some authors, who have had the good to find specific concepts, which will be mentioned.

It is important to know the concepts and benefits of prudence, relying on philosophical positions.


Most thinkers agree that a virtue is a human quality, which allows you to make correct decisions in difficult situations, for your benefit, the one who has this quality is wise, because he achieves that many people are in his favor, (2).

Paul Valéry delivered a speech on virtue. "Virtue, gentlemen, the word 'virtue' has died or is about to become extinct." (3).

This is the sad reality of our world. That is why today, countless problems have been seen in our society, due to the lack of virtuous men.

Virtue is one of the branches of philosophy, it is where the human being uses reason, and is not guided by emotion, (2).

The virtue philosophers are classified in this way:

Saint Thomas of Aquino:

Cardinal virtues that is: prudence, justice, strength and temperance.

Supernatural or theological: hope and charity, (1).


Virtues of the soul: The intellectual virtues: science, intelligence, wisdom, art and prudence.

The ethical or moral virtues: courage, temperance and liberality, (2).

Personally for me it is important to know more about this topic, to become virtuous people, being like this makes you a unique, special and wise person. For many people this concept is not very clear, therefore, we do not define what our virtues are.

In this present essay we will analyze one of the virtues that is considered as the mother of all virtues, "prudence", (8).

Main concept:

Virtue: (from the Latin virtus, which corresponds to the Greek areté) good, firm and stable qualities of the person are designated, that by perfecting their intelligence and their will, they make them know the truth better and realize, with more and more freedom and joy, excellent actions, to reach your human and supernatural fullness, (3).

Virtue: from the lat, virtus, útis. Virtuous action or right way of proceeding, (4).

Virtue: austerity, goodness, capacity, charity, decency, efficiency, excellence, honesty, integrity, moderation, morality, modesty, temperance, virtuality, (7).

For a person to be called virtuous, he uses reason, in every moment he decides to act, when making important and difficult decisions; results in happiness.

These people do not get involved in problems, they just focus on their activities, (9).

Each person is different, because the virtues that are acquired personally, is different, depending on the effort of each person to polish their character. Many of the times each one has already developed certain qualities, habits and character depending on the family he has and the people he has, in these situations there is sometimes a deficiency of prudence, so each one shapes his character.

There are two types of virtues already mentioned, but the most outstanding are the human, natural or acquired virtues; this is perfected to the intelligence in the knowledge of the truth, these are the intellectual virtues; and others are those that are done by will or love of neighbor, which are morals (3).

Virtue also has a close relationship with God, the virtues can be perfected with divine power and depending on communion with God and others, (3).

Secondary concept.

Prudence: comes from the Latin word, which means good sense, good judgment, moderation, caution. It also consists in discerning and distinguishing what is good and bad, (6).

Prudence: Among the classical writers, it was customary to present prudence as a charioteer virtutum, as the art of moderating and harmonizing all other virtues, also this concept was used by Plato, (2).

Prudence (phronesis, prudentia): virtue that perfects the intelligence so that it reasons and judges well about the concrete action that must be carried out in order to achieve a good end, and impel its realization, (3).


Wherever we go, if we have this quality it will go well for us. It is only will and create good habits, use intelligence, reason, we all have the ability to be prudent, however many people have used freedom to do bad things that harm people around them.

Aristotle mentions that we all have the capacity to develop virtues, only disposition is needed.

Now that we know that prudence develops, by being close to God, sharing moments and allowing him to transform us. I believe that we cannot change our character and acquire the quality of prudence alone, but the supernatural power of God can be achieved.

Virtue is of great importance to humanity. In the classification of the cardinal virtues, which is in first place is prudence, (8). It is where this reflective essay focuses, highlighting the benefits of prudence and arguments of different thinkers and authors.

How to develop and the benefits of prudence.

Comments from contemporary philosophers and authors. Personal interpretation.
Santo Tomas de Aquino: a Christian is prudent. Christians, try to lead a disciplined life, to achieve eternal life, use reason not to fall into sin. So being a Christian in communion with God, that helps to be
Josef Pieper: Prudence makes visible the mysterious connection between health and holiness, disease and sin. The people who take care of their health, is an intelligent, reasonable person, who directs their diet with caution and moderation. It also gives a reflection of your spiritual life.
White mentions: It is not wise for us to look at ourselves and study our emotions Many times, we are reckless when we criticize people. Prudence makes it easier for us to win friends. Not only that helps us open our eyes, to see the need of the person we criticize.

Prudence helps us to reach the fullness of life, to be successful, to carry out our daily activities without causing problems for ourselves and those around us.

Many of the people, lead in life not taking into account the virtues, for them many of them fail, and do not find the true meaning of life.

But there are also some contrary positions of prudence, in this following analysis, I will link you to Euripides' comment and make a criticism of it.

Contrary positions. Personal comment.
The prudent only seek their personal gain, and it is believed that in doing so they fulfill their duty. When wise decisions are made, of course it is a personal benefit, but remember the good actions benefit those around us.

The benefits of prudence make man happy, satisfied with his mission every day, let us remember that we only need our own will for us to become prudent people. Doing good things, forming good habits, and striving to change our minds, character, and personality. The world needs wise and prudent men, with this quality we can make a great difference between other men and women.

When the prudent man does not go unnoticed. Moreover, it bears good testimony and is an example for others to follow.


Virtue is in great need of men, women and of course the new generations.

I share with you a very true thought, “Cultivate your personality. Personality is to man what perfume to flowers ”, anonymous, the virtuous and prudent man and woman, will always speak well of him / her. So if they are going to talk about us, it is because of this quality that it is highlighted.

This analysis does not cover related subtopics, I invite you dear reader, who can find some important applications, and make people aware of cultivating prudence and recognizing that it has many benefits.

Reference sources:

  1. Echogoyen, J. (1997). Contemporary philosophy. Madrid. Edinumen. Retrieved at http://www.e-torredebabel.com/Historia-de-la philosofia / Filosofiamedievalymoderna / SantoTomas / VirtudesMorales.htm.AA.VV. (2012). Virtues. Madrid. Mc Graw Hill.Trigo, T. (2010). the perfection of the person, "virtues". Valencia Spain. Almundí Lexicoon. Virtue (online). Edition 2016. Retrieved at htt: //lexicoon.org/es/virtud. RAE. (October 2014). Spanish dictionary. Tricentennial edition recovered on September 14, 2016 from: http://dle.rae.es/?id=buFPjrR 9- Baltasar, G. (2007). The Art of Prudence. In G. Baltasar, The Art of Prudence. Santo Domingo: BanReservas.RAE. (October 2014). Spanish dictionary. Tricentennial edition recovered on September 14, 2016 from: http://dle.rae.es/?id=UVD3hKeABC.Dictionary of synonyms and antonyms. Lima Peru. Edition (2008).PIEPER, J. (2010). Fundamental Virtues. Trinidad and Tobago: Fifth Centennial. Madrid. (The Study of the Mind., 1989).
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Benefits of prudence from the perspective of some thinkers. test