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Benefits and implementation of coaching and empowerment



Two words of English origin that easily remind us of great sports moments such as Clint Eastwood, in the movie One Millon Dollar Baby, playing one of the most valuable “coaches” that have ever existed in the world of Hollywood, and that is to train and preparing a woman to compete in a sport, which generally belongs to men, is something incredible, not to mention the awards and recognitions they won for it, and we could continue to remember similar moments, however, it is necessary to understand the real meaning of these words, to be able to apply them properly in the business world.

And it is that having already verified their respective importance in the sports world, why should not the same happen within organizations? We know colloquially that to reach a higher level in whatever we are doing, we need discipline, commitment, effort, as well as surrounding ourselves with the right people, those people who are more experienced than us, in short, we need our respective “coaches ”So that by combining their experience and sagacity, with our determination and talent, even better things can be achieved than had already been achieved.

This article will explain what coaching and empowerment consists of within organizations, as well as how they work.


In his portal (Emprende Pyme, 2010) he indicates that coaching is a coordinated set of actions aimed at improving the development of a person, so that he reaches his full potential or redefines the perspective about his potential.

In the company, coaching is a systematic form of training in all tasks, and is carried out by an external professional, a co-worker or by the employee's supervisor.

Generally, coaching seeks to develop skills such as communication, problem solving, teamwork, or sales. It is also frequently used to enhance personal characteristics such as assertiveness.

In his article (Meza, 2015) he mentions that Coaching is a dialogical methodology, which, through questions in a series of steps, helps the individual to find and clarify answers about their work, business and life performance.

These are responses that at the moment are difficult for you to observe, because you are immersed in the same system with which you work, being the one that executes and defines the steps to follow.

On his website (Coaching Empresarial México, 2017) he tells us that Coaching is a modern process that responds to the characteristics of the contemporary world, through which a Coach accompanies his client (Coacheé) to establish their goals and objectives and a plan of action to achieve them. During this process the Coacheé discovers its potential and unlocks it, empowering itself to overcome self-sabotage and achieve its goals and optimal levels of performance. Additionally, the person assumes her responsibility in the construction of her history, in a free way and with a vision of the future.

Coaching makes the person get out of his comfort zone and overcome the obstacles that come his way and grow. Coaching is for everyone who embraces change and wants a more satisfying life.

Coaching is a process that is derived from the world of sports, specifically from training athletes and, later, it passed to the company. Tim Gallwey, Father of Coaching, was a tennis coach and focused on what he called "The Internal Game", in that battle that every athlete has to fight with his own mental limitations, therefore the athlete has two adversaries: an external and internal opponent, and if you want to win you have to win "The Internal Game" first.

During Coaching, the Coach facilitates the person to overcome their own obstacles, limiting beliefs and self-sabotage, to obtain the desired results.

He also mentions that there are 3 types of Coaching:

1. Executive

2. Team

3. Staff

1 . Executive Coaching

"The return on investment is 6 times the cost of Executive Coaching in the performance, quality and satisfaction of the managers who participate in these programs."

Executive Coaching aims to accelerate the comprehensive development of leaders, impact their performance, unlock their potential and that they in turn do so with their collaborators and / or work teams, and direct their company or area of ​​competence in a manner profitable, competitive, ethical, responsible and sustainable. Additionally, it helps executives align their personal, professional and corporate objectives, in such a way that they achieve a more satisfying life.

The executive's fundamental task is the strategic aspect, which is why an Executive Coaching process must take this factor into account and make the individual leave his comfort zone, leading him to innovation as a flag of his actions within the modern company.

During a true Executive Coaching process, the Coach accompanies, supports, challenges and creates spaces for reflection, through powerful questions, that allow the Coacheé to overcome its limitations to obtain measurable and sustained results.

Just because executives occupy the highest positions does not mean that they have reached their full potential, Executive Coaching enhances the performance of leaders and makes the company achieve the desired results. It also allows executives to have a balance in their lives, which is often affected by their own work.

2. Team Coaching

“The fundamental characteristic of a relatively unaligned team is the waste of energy. On the contrary, when a team achieves greater alignment, a common direction arises and the individual energies are harmonized. ” Peter M. Senge.

Team Coaching seeks to align individuals with a shared Vision, so that they have focus, direction and why. The team becomes aware of their energy leaks and transforms them into motors that drive their performance. It is an accompaniment process for achieving maximum collective performance.

Team Coaching is a powerful tool to break the apparent harmony of the group and bring forth productive dialogue and discussion, it is a walk towards synergy in such a way that the performance is superior to that of the sum of the parts.

In Team Coaching, the Coach causes the members to experience each of the phases that a group goes through in order to come together as a team and face changes from a new perspective that allows the team to grow, innovate and do.

The participation of the team leader in this process is essential for its success and for it to manage the team and achieve optimum levels of performance.

3 . Personal Coaching

Personal Coaching is also known as Life Coaching. It is a type of Coaching in which the Coacheé, accompanied by her Coach, establishes personal objectives, that is, of her own life (change of habits, development of skills, family, interpersonal relationships, career, etc…). It is aimed at anyone who wants to change their life and take charge of it, achieving through the Coaching process to see and recognize themselves under a new identity scheme that allows them to have a better relationship with their environment and with themselves and, therefore, a more satisfying life with possibilities for the future.

In Life Coaching, the person becomes aware of the world they have built and that they can change it to have a fuller life. The Coacheé therefore takes the reins of his life and directs it where he wants with the version of himself that allows him to achieve what he wants.

"We do not see things as they are, we see them as we are." Talmud

In Life Coaching the person grows and breaks down the barriers that have not allowed him to achieve his goals and have a more satisfying life.


In his article (SoyEntrepreneur, 2011) he indicates that empowerment in a company is based on delegating power and authority to subordinates and transmitting the feeling that workers are owners (and responsible) of their own work.

It is a process by means of which the utilization of the diverse capacities, skills, abilities and competences of the company's human capital can be maximized.

Through empowerment, the optimal benefits of technology can be achieved, since the members of the work teams and the organization will have full access and use of critical information; They will have the technology, skills, responsibility and authority to use the information and carry out the organization.

It also alludes to the good management strategy that is this type of technique, since it replaces the old pyramid structure with self-directed teams. Thus, information is shared with everyone and people have the opportunity and the responsibility to give their best by getting more motivated and committed employees. All this is reflected in a more efficient company, with better results and higher quality.

Empowerment is totally recommended to be applied in a business plan, from the beginning if you want to follow a successful path and have an efficient company.

(Manríquez, Ramírez, & Guerra, 2010) point out in their article that the term empowerment means empowering, granting, allowing an initiative to a certain person to act for themselves and promote the initiative in others. It is understood that empowerment is synonymous with a culture of participation that requires everyone's help to achieve quality objectives where organizations break schemes and paradigms in terms of decisions, leadership styles, balance in utility-benefit within the employer-worker axis, life and career planning of staff and, above all, in the communication processes and integration of human work groups around organizational values ​​and culture.Other aspects that are considered in the definitions of this concept include offering greater autonomy to employees by sharing relevant information with them and giving them control over the factors that influence their job performance (Davis and Newstrom, 2000); likewise, establish it as a strategic process that seeks a relationship of partners between the organization and its people, increasing trust, responsibility, authority and commitment to better serve the customer (Jaffe and Scott, 2007).


In his article (Meza, 2015) he mentions 6 benefits that can be achieved through coaching, which will be described below:

  1. Broadening the vision: Being part of the system in which possible actions are carried out and defined, the coachee (individual who benefits from coaching) sometimes cannot appreciate the different factors that may be hindering his path.: As we have often talked about in other articles, it is our beliefs that define our actions, and these, at times, can go against our objectives even without knowing.Generate different strategies: As part of the dialogue process between the coach and By coachee, it is possible to find opportunities and alternative paths to the common or traditional ones, which allows new perspectives when looking for and achieving objectives, even stimulating the individual towards the production of unprecedented results.Reinforce commitment and motivate the individual: In coaching, one of the keys is to reinforce all the key ideas that make an individual do what he needs to do, “not because he has to, but because he wants to, because in the process itself he finds many reasons and emotions that are aligned in favor of achieving his objective, which keeps him motivated and focused to achieve it ”. It also predisposes people to collaboration, generating, together with them, consensus related to the actions to be carried out. Establish follow-ups through clear actions: If the coaching methodology gives us something, it is to underline what we have and do not have to do, and define lines clear and forceful action. Offer accompaniment: There is no doubt that we pedal harder when someone is watching and accompanying us on the road,making us feel more confident that we will reach the goal.


On its official page the (Asociación Mexicana de Coaching, 2017) mentions that:

A Coach is an individual certified in accompaniment methodologies, which enables in a creative and reflective way his client developing skills, learning and new possibilities in him, generating new mental states and behaviors towards the achievement of objectives obtaining favorable results both individually and collectively.

And that his work is focused on helping the client to:

  • Create awareness of your reality and your possibilities Discover your potential, internal and external resources to maximize your performance Work on the resources that are not available and necessary to achieve your goals, developing them Favor the choice in decision making Improve the results in people's performance Get the best version of the person Increase the client's confidence and self-esteem Challenge his own limits Motivate him to discover solutions and strategies to obtain better results in his objectives Empower the person towards actions, changes and beliefs Promote and accelerate the development and obtain more satisfactory results Respect the client's choices Generate learnings recognize and take responsibility for their actions take action

messages; however, style can be influenced by behavior, beliefs, customs, and other aspects used in communication.


(SoyEntrepreneur, 2011) mentions a series of steps necessary to develop an effective and short-term empowerment plan:

  1. Allow teams to freely exchange information. Information is important, since any successful initiative in this regard is based on an improvement in communication. Verify the resources available to the company, and if necessary, get some money as part of the plan. Analyze staff, discover what they can offer, what they like and what they are good at after helping them link their talents with the goals that are set. Be clear about the starting point. It is very difficult to begin to value people unless you know where they come from. The first thing that is observed in the organization is the organizational culture, which means how things are done, if the organization is very hierarchical and resists change, because empowering means allowing people to assume responsibilities,It is necessary to think about the obstacles that are in the way. Brainstorm person Put yourself in the place of others or look for the barrier that each one faces. Gather the group and begin to discover things about them and see what are the Barriers You Think You Face You should not disqualify or eliminate anyone's ideas or try to challenge the barriers you are proposing. Develop a list of barrier removal activities Write down all the barriers you can eliminate immediately, medium and long deadline and then list in order of importance and see if they were successfully attacked. Identify hidden talents The goal is to make the most of the team's skills and experiences and use it more regularly and effectively. Create help and trust mechanisms for all collaborators.Write the objectives These should be specific to the person and the task with which it is related, so that the person knows what is expected of him. They must also be measurable.


I thank God for all his blessings, also for the opportunity to work in the process of improving myself. I thank the Orizaba Technological Institute, the Master of Administrative Engineering, the subject of Fundamentals of Administrative Engineering, for challenging me every day to be better as a professional.

Topic: Coaching and Empowerment as Organizational Development Tools.

Objective: To establish the importance of these tools within the organization through awareness campaigns and staff training.


Mexican Coaching Association. (2017). Who is a Coach? Retrieved on March 8, 2017, from

Business Coaching Mexico. (2017). What is coaching? Retrieved on March 8, 2017, from

Start SME. (2010, March 5). What is Coaching? Recovered from

Manríquez, MR, Ramírez, M. del RT, & Guerra, JF (2010). Empowerment as a predictor of organizational commitment in SMEs. Retrieved on March 8, 2017, from

Meza, A. (2015, December 15). 6 benefits of coaching. Retrieved on March 8, 2017, from https://www.forbes.com.mx/6-beneficios- que-te-brings-el-coaching /

I am Entrepreneur. (2011, March 16). How to empower your company.

Retrieved on March 8, 2017, from

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Benefits and implementation of coaching and empowerment