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Blended learning. combination of e-learning and classroom training


This reflection arises with regard to this new trend in learning models for both formal education and training processes in organizations.

Below I allow myself to transcribe the definition of this model:

“B-Learning (blended learning combined training) consists of a blended teaching process; This means that a course taught in this format will include both face-to-face classes and e-learning activities.

This training model makes use of the advantages of 100% online training and face-to-face training, combining them in a single type of training that streamlines the work of both the trainer and the student. The instructional design of the academic program for which it has been decided to adopt a b-Learning modality must include both on-line and face-to-face activities, pedagogically structured, in order to facilitate the achievement of the desired learning.

The advantages that are usually attributed to this learning modality are the union of the two modalities that it combines:

those attributed to e-learning: the reduction of costs, usually caused by travel, accommodation, etc., the elimination of spatial barriers and temporal flexibility, since to carry out a large part of the course activities it is not It is necessary that all the participants coincide in the same place and time.

And those of face-to-face training: physical interaction, which has a notable impact on the motivation of the participants, facilitates the establishment of links, and offers the possibility of carrying out somewhat more complicated activities than those carried out in a purely virtual way.

It is the combination of multiple approaches to learning. B-Learning can be achieved through the use of virtual and physical resources, "mixed". An example of this could be the combination of technology-based materials and face-to-face sessions, together to achieve effective teaching.

In the strict sense, b-Learning can be any time an instructor combines two methods of giving directions. However, the deepest sense tries to reach the students of the present generation in the most appropriate way. Thus, a better example could be using active learning techniques in the physical classroom, adding a virtual presence on a social web. Blended Learning is a term that represents a huge change in teaching strategy. ”

One of the initial questions, when these new trends appear, has to do with their permanence and contribution not only in the pedagogical and training processes, but also (and especially), in their impact on the increase in performance and productivity in the organization.

There are some experiences in Colombia that document this learning model, especially from the university level * (1), however at the business level the use of this model has not been popularized since there are few documented experiences * (2).

One of the risks that runs from the areas of education and training has to do with an aspect that we recognize from experience can be counterproductive when implementing these learning models and is precisely the development of experiences that do not integrate all the components of the model. proposed. In this way, this scheme should, in my opinion, be taken as complementary in the design of the organization's training plan, in such a way that it offers added value to the education and training process by integrating with other teaching models and techniques such as: face-to-face training, e-learning, coach, mentoring, outdoor, indoor, etc.

As we know, two of the major concerns within organizations interested in offering training spaces and events to their collaborators, have to do with the TIME and MONEY that must be invested, therefore an alternative such as b-learning can It is interesting because, in many cases, the implementation of e-learning schemes only, have not yielded the expected result, and in this sense, the investment associated with this learning model does not seem to have delivered the expected return in terms of performance improvements..

On the other hand, the face-to-face courses and seminars also imply a higher cost and more time since, in addition to the duration of the event, the travel times and costs of the participants must be added, with doubts about the effectiveness in improving management in the job.

Organizational training is characterized, among other things, by the combination of learning models that allow identifying the most appropriate process for each selected topic.

A question, applicable to both e-learning and b-learning, has to do with its effectiveness in the process of training and developing the competencies required by company officials, since an individual commitment is undoubtedly required in the learning process and the question is oriented to evidence of performance once the different training programs and courses offered with this methodology are completed.

On the other hand, the trend that includes the inclusion of technological components and advantages (connectivity and communication) in training and education processes grows daily.

B-learning will then have to pass the fashion test (which has not yet reached many companies) and demonstrate that it can become a formative experience and not only informative.

I therefore invite you to consider this trend that will surely take hold in organizations in the coming years and will become a required training alternative when designing and scheduling company training.

* 1.Pe: (BLearning for Teacher Training in Digital Literacy: A Strategy for the Improvement of Social Inclusion in the Guambía Indigenous Reserve. 2007) (experience of implementation of the b-learning modality in the specialization in regional management of the development, UNIVERSIDAD DE LOS ANDES) (incorporation experience under the blended-learning modality, Universidad Javeriana 2007).

*two. Eg: Homecenter. Comprehensive Training in Competencies.

Blended learning. combination of e-learning and classroom training