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Branding and customer contact search


We live in a world where competitiveness has become a constant, and the business environment is no stranger to this trend. Companies concerned with staying or wanting to enter the market should seek to differentiate themselves, and today where products are comparable, the focus of differentiation should not be the product itself, but the experience around the use of the product.

In this context, it is where handling Branding correctly becomes important today. Branding, which is simply the process of creating and building a brand, or in other words; It is the strategy that a company uses to create the concept that its customers and society in general have of it, branding allows a company to achieve a level of commitment to its community that is perceived as authentic, returning to the relevant brand.

According to figures from the Lima Chamber of Commerce, every week 100 micro and small companies are created in Lima, nationwide there are 200 per week. Entrepreneurship and the desire to create a company in Peru must be supported by knowledge of the market and the public it wants to reach, thus reducing the figure of 60% of these ventures that close before the first year. With proper branding management, brands would have a better perception and more reception in the public.

And how are companies perceived in Peru? In the study of Brands in Peru 2013, carried out by Ipsos at the end of October 2013, we can see that there is still a long stretch that companies must go through.

What is the most important brand for Peruvians? What is the most committed to the well-being of the community? What brand would matter if it disappeared from the market?

  • For 30% of Peruvians, Gloria is the most important brand. 65% of Peruvians consider that no brand is committed to improving the quality of life in their community. Almost 40% would not mind if any brand disappeared from the market.

The figures provided by the study allow us to see the opportunities that companies have to exploit. Advertising media can and should be seen as an ally for this task, since it is they who help to install the image of a brand in the consumer's mind.

The image of a company is not something static, it is dynamic just like the market. The brands that have best engaged with their target audience are those that take a clear and coherent position with the message they sell, for example companies whose main asset is the family, if they want to continue in force, cannot maintain the traditional family concept that is Adjusted until a couple of decades ago but has diversified over time.

Branding should then be understood as how a company gets to connect with its target audience.

Branding and customer contact search