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Good work behavior for a good life

We are all born and grow different. As time passes we accumulate the necessary experience to determine the correct behavior that will define the success of our life

The way we behave as human beings is determined by many factors and each of them is totally different from each other. Each person is unique and for this reason they have their own personality, history, search for objectives or goals, etc. The present article, therefore, will try to make an outline of the characteristics that identify a human being and all that they entail.

As a first measure, we can say that man is focused on satisfying his needs and achieving his aspirations. When we feel an empty stomach, we look for something to eat, if it is raining, we look for a shelter and if we want to be someone in life, we try to study a good career and access a good job to achieve our goals.

Within an organization, it will seek to fulfill the tasks that have been assigned in order to achieve the proposed objectives. If it is perceived that the supervisor does not have enough leadership to carry out the goal or the policies are not adequate, the individual may not agree and look for a way out, or settle for what is proposed and quickly become mediocre. sooner or later the company will also be.

If the opposite is the case, that is, the policies and objectives are consistent with his idea of ​​growth, the person will collaborate fully with the achievement of the goals and will strive in the best way, always bearing in mind that their benefit is also that of the entire organization.

As we mentioned in another article, man is himself a social being, he seeks to group himself with other people in order to achieve adequate development and benefit. When we enter university, we look for individuals who hopefully have our same tastes or ideals, if what we want is to form a soccer team, we get together with those who perform best in that sport.

Many times, when being in contact with other people, we perceive some aspects in which we are at a disadvantage, as well as others that make us stand out from others. We seek to compare our performances with those of other individuals and we try to improve if we lack some characteristic, or we keep and improve those points where we are at an advantage over others.

Belonging to a group and feeling that you are not alone is one of the most pressing needs of a human being

In most groups, individuals have similar characteristics, common goals and ideas, similar ways of being and attitudes, and aspects that agree with most of the people belonging to the organization. If we have a group of neighborhood or university friends, for example, we will seek that the members are of similar ages, have common tastes, similar hobbies, objectives consistent with ours, etc.

As a third measure, we can say that man has diverse and changing needs. If today we want to acquire a motorcycle with the latest specifications, tomorrow we may want an ATV. This depends on the needs at the moment and the factors that make it somewhat pressing or something that can be solved later.

Fourth, individuals perceive and evaluate data from the environment in which they are developing. If at a certain moment, we notice that something has not served us or helped us as we expected, for example an appliance, we change it and look for a better one that meets our expectations. With this experience is gained and fewer and fewer mistakes or errors will be made.

Subsequently, it is necessary to clarify that the man thinks and chooses in the best way to achieve his goals. We will always be looking for what meets our expectations in the best way, thinking about our well-being and that of those around us.

Finally, we can highlight that man has a limited response capacity, that is, everything we do is a function of the skills we have and the learning we have obtained. We cannot ask a child to pull the strings of a nation or an arts student to operate on someone else.

As we could see, man has a considerable number of characteristics that make him unique and unrepeatable. The behavior, therefore, will depend on many factors, the important thing is that it is always correct and linked to the idea that we each have of progress and improvement.

Good work behavior for a good life